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How To Use Oftener In A Sentence

  • Unless contraindicated, prophylaxis with a gastrointestinal motility stimulant laxative and a stool softener is appropriate in terminally ill patients who are being given opioids.
  • Rainwater typically has very low hardness levels, which reduces the use of soaps and detergents, and eliminates the need for a water softener.
  • The most common way to soften household water is to use a water softener.
  • Every sin, the oftener it is committed, the more it acquireth in the quality of evil; as it succeeds in time, so it proceeds in degrees of badness; for as they proceed they ever multiply, and, like figures in arithmetick, the last stands for more than all that went before it. Religio Medici
  • From the way they are built, but oftener from the way they are kept, and from no intelligent inspection whatever being exercised over them, they are almost invariably dens of foul air, and the "servants 'health" suffers in an "unaccountable" (?) way, even in the country. Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not
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  • Die Ziet ist unendlich lang is an admonition that can be profitably invoked upon human enterprise in general far oftener than it is, but the time for this particular enterprise is very closely limited by circumstances. The Jewish Problem in America
  • Before you put your clothes away for the winter, insert a fabric softener sheet or lavender sachet to keep them smelling fresh for next season.
  • After fluttering thus from branch to branch, like the poor birdling that cannot take its flight, discouraged by his wretched attempts at life, he plunged straight before him, hoping for nothing but a turn of luck, driving over the roads and fields, lending a hand to the farmers, sleeping in stables and garrets, or oftener in the open air; sometimes charitably sheltered in a kind man's barn, and perhaps -- oh bliss! Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 29, August, 1873
  • They smell of fabric softener but have perfect little Goth get-ups - angry black t-shirts, leather collars, safety pins & black lips.
  • Observations have shown increased copper levels in water softened with ion exchange water softeners.
  • For plastic children's playthings, manufacturers often add a chemical as a softener.
  • Measure 1/4 cup rince to add to the laundry's final rince in place of fabric softener. Home Scents
  • Softeners are automatic, semi-automatic, or manual.
  • To perfume your sheets and make them a fragrant delight to slide between, just add 5 drops of lavender oil to the softener compartment of your washing machine.
  • Jenny could smell the lemon detergent and fabric softener, along with that warm and comforting smell of freshly ironed clothes. AFTERMATH
  • But oftener was his magisterial function employed in sentencing the mutinous "darkie" to his due the sheriff -- sterling men, who were lovers of the law and lovers of fair play as well -- and those, armed to the teeth, would have laid down their lives on the spot in defence of the sheriff and his demand. The Quadroon Adventures in the Far West
  • The second is to install a water softener into the cold water supply.
  • The red rope felt a little stiff, so I'm rinsing it with a big dose of softener. THIS TIME LOVE
  • Triflic anhydride, and its hydrolysis product, the viciously strong triflic acid, are notorious plastic-eaters and cap-softeners.
  • Irritation can be caused by douches, vaginal sprays, contraceptives, tampons and pads, soap, or detergent and fabric softeners.
  • Avoid detergents, fabric softeners, and soaps that increase skin irritation - look for fragrance-free and enzyme-free products.
  • It is more difficult to say which extreme is worst, among _an equal number of individuals_; but probably the city; for in the country, vice is oftener solitary, and less frequently social; while in the city it is not only _social_ but also _solitary_. The Young Man's Guide
  • On the 1st of March he complained of frequent vertigoes, which made him feel as though he were intoxicated; but no effectual means were taken to remove these portentous symptoms; and he regularly enjoyed his daily exercise, sometimes in boats, but oftener on horseback. The Life of Lord Byron
  • It is possible to buy proper water softeners that use salts to remove limescale. Times, Sunday Times
  • (with the blood-poisoning and delirium above-mentioned), sometimes after an overdose, but oftener seeming to occur spontaneously, or in the midst of physical or mental agony as great and irrelievable as men suffer in hopeful abandonment of the drug, and with a colliquative diarrhea, by which -- in a continual fiery, acrid discharge -- the system relieves itself during a final fortnight of the effete matters which have been accumulating for years. The Opium Habit
  • Commonly, water softeners are used to pretreat the feed water to remove the minerals that cause scale.
  • Instead of using fabric softener and to deter clothes moths, rinse your clothes with a solution made from 2 litres of white vinegar and 50 ml of eucalyptus oil, shaken.
  • Precipitating water softeners increase alkalinity of the cleaning solution and this may damage skin and other materials being cleaned.
  • Use natural, unscented laundry soap and add borax, washing soda or baking soda as a water softener.
  • These jersey knit sheets feature organic cotton and are not treated with chlorine bleach, chemical softeners, or synthetic dyes that can irritate skin.
  • The hat is enzyme bio-washed chino twill with silicone softeners, low profile, six panels with sewn eyelets on each panel, and has a self-fabric strap with antique brass slide buckle closure and tuck-in grommet.
  • Water softeners provide a convenient environment for these bacteria to grow.
  • Shakespeare's genius would manifest itself in the superior effect with which he used knowledge acquired in this manner; but his _genius_ would not have led him to choose the dry and affected phraseology of the law as the vehicle of his flowing thought, and to use it so much oftener than any other of the numerous dramatists of his time, to all of whom the courts were as open as to him. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 21, July, 1859
  • Coz I still don't know what chemical substances are both present in papain and fabric softener which is responsible in softening the cloths. Archive 2006-10-01
  • That's not part of the image, but it is the reality for the 99.8 percent of Americans who use common commercial detergents, fabric softeners, bleaches, and stain removers.
  • I use liquid fabric softener, added to the cycle at just the right time, yes with bluing for extra whiteness.
  • Paint and tattoos adorned bodies sometimes naked, oftener wrapped in a dyed woolen kilt-a sort of primitive himation-or attired in breeches and perhaps a tunic of gaudy hues. The Boat of a Million Years
  • Pantagruel had read it over and over again, the oftener he perused it being the better pleased therewith, he said, in addressing his speech to Panurge, I have not as yet seen any answer framed to your demand which affordeth me more contentment. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • In a kind of heedlessness, for which I cannot blame myself enough, I have, I have no doubt, mentioned Mr Carker the Junior much oftener than was necessary; and have allowed his name sometimes to slip through my lips, when it was against your expressed wish. Dombey and Son
  • And in every part of the British Empire there are soldier lads who look upon this ex-sergeant-major of the Army Service Corps as their spiritual father, and there is no name oftener on their lips in South Africa than his. From Aldershot to Pretoria A Story of Christian Work among Our Troops in South Africa
  • Oftener deceived by distrusting than by being overcredulous Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • The invention discloses a washing and softening laundry detergent composition, which comprises cationic softener, nonionic surfactant, thickener, opacifier and deionized water.
  • I wish it were the fashion to call oftener on outbreaking sinners to pray in church. A Circuit Rider's Wife
  • Modern household softeners have an automatic backwash or regeneration cycle to clean off the salt and allow it to resume its task.
  • Bubble gums are made of sugar, corn syrup, flavours, softeners and latex or plastic.
  • Defect of substantial reasons must be compensated somehow; and no compensation for it is more obvious, or is oftener called into play, than an air of impatient contempt towards those who disrelish ipsedixitism. 2010 August « Motivated Grammar
  • _ Sir, I will serve him; for I do find your hangman is a more penitent trade than your bawd; he doth 45 oftener ask forgiveness. Measure for Measure The Works of William Shakespeare [Cambridge Edition] [9 vols.]
  • How much oftener is one pricked by a rose than burned by a nettle! The Miracles of Antichrist: A Novel
  • They rarely eat meat once a week, and never oftener, and then only the hard dry charqui. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • If your water softener adds excessive sodium, you might want to consider switching to a different water-purification system or buying demineralized water for drinking and cooking.
  • Purex 3-in-1 laundry sheets combine a load's worth of detergent, softener, and antistatic in one sheet. Making laundry detergents—or at least the containers—good to the last drop
  • For a natural fabric softener, soak garments overnight in a solution of one part vinegar to three parts water, then rinse well in clear water before washing.
  • So much was Mary kicked and cut to pieces, that she was oftener called "pecked" than by her name. Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American slave,
  • I will call it, which has, on all proper occasions, exerted itself in its full lustre, unmingled with that charming obligingness and condescending sweetness, which is evermore the softener of that dignity, when your mind is free and unapprehen-sive! Clarissa Harlowe
  • In addition, stool softener, more expansive agent widely used in pregnant women.
  • He gave as his excuse for not calling oftener the enormous pressure of work which the crisis of the invasion of Pennsylvania had brought to his office. The Victim A romance of the Real Jefferson Davis
  • The British, with an astuteness which is oftener the character credited to their opponents, managed to get earliest word of the Declaration sent to their own forts on the An Account of the Battle of Chateauguay Being a Lecture Delivered at Ormstown, March 8th, 1889
  • You can install PP filter core, carbon filter core, softener filter core, UF filter core, etc.
  • Grubb built a prototype cell, using a sulphonated polystyrene resin similar to that used in water softeners, and patented the idea in 1955.
  • I do but just mention it here to show you that the Court was jealous of me, when I never thought myself capable of giving them the least occasion, which made me reflect that a man is oftener deceived by distrusting than by being overcredulous. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • The former is steady and unshaken, where the 'nodus' is 'dignus vindice'; the latter is oftener improperly than properly exerted, but always brutally. Complete Project Gutenberg Earl of Chesterfield Works
  • Kayami nuzzled Alex's neck and inhaled his scent of cologne and fabric softener.
  • Ask your doctor or nurse about the use of stool softeners or laxatives.
  • On the other hand, the hereditary dogmatism of their Southern kinsmen, is manifested in the summary disposition these make of all vagabond Yankees -- tinkers and peddlers -- found strolling about without any "local habitation," whenever they suspect them of being abolition emmissaries: for they incontinently ride the poor fellows on rails, and ornament their backs with a coat of tar and feathers, and sometimes administer to them hydropathically, giving them a succession of gentle douses in the nearest mill-pond, or oftener perhaps, in the pond attached to the nearest farmer's goosery. Social relations in our Southern States,
  • Commercial fabric softeners are heavily scented with artificial fragrances that leave irritating residues on fabrics.
  • Every sin, the oftener it is committed, the more it acquireth in the quality of evil; as it succeeds in time, so it proceeds in degrees of badness; for as they proceed they ever multiply, and, like figures in arithmetick, the last stands for more than all that went before it. Religio Medici
  • Fabric softener sheets are claimed to clean baked on foods from cooking pots and pans.
  • Rolling bath of softening agent on fabric wrinkle angle, length of slightly more than other softener.
  • The original Rubaiyat (as, missing an Arabic guttural, these tetrastichs are more musically called) are independent stanzas, consisting each of four lines of equal, though varied, prosody; sometimes all rhyming, but oftener (as here imitated) the third line a blank.
  • It's not true that colouring causes loss of hair and leaves the hair dry - with use of correct shampoos and softeners, you can keep your hair healthy.
  • He cast better, he hanked oftener, and he disentangled more easily than he had done at an earlier period of the day. Freaks on the Fells Three Months' Rustication
  • -- It is the pocket-knife, not the lancet, that is oftener called into requisition. Hints for Lovers
  • This is a good fabric softener for woolens.
  • Use natural, unscented laundry soap and add borax, washing soda or baking soda as a water softener.
  • This was known as the anchovy, but oftener as the candle-fish; it is so fat that it may be burned like a torch, or candle. First Across the Continent; The Story of The Exploring Expedition of Lewis and Clark in 1804-5-6
  • As a matter of fact, I feel sure, judging by the volume of business which accrued from the four-month period immediately before our last meeting, in February, that it will always be necessary to meet oftener that three times a year. Trustees of One Hundred Million Dollars
  • If visible objects are thought necessary to suggest the mention of his name oftener that it would otherwise occur to the mind, they should be such as to improve the taste, as well as awaken the patriotism of the beholder. The Attaché; or, Sam Slick in England — Volume 01
  • The oftener -- the more we read the "Winter" -- especially the last two or three hundred lines -- the angrier is our wonder with Wordsworth for asserting that Thomson owed the national popularity that his "Winter" immediately won, to his "commonplace sentimentalities, and his vicious style! Recreations of Christopher North, Volume 2
  • It is more difficult to say which extreme is worst, among _an equal number of individuals_; but probably the city; for in the country, vice is oftener solitary, and less frequently social; while in the city it is not only _social_ but also _solitary_. The Young Man's Guide
  • This would be treason to the Master, and be hearkening to the teachings of man rather than of God! Yet how many are there from whose lips the phrase confessional fidelity (Bekenntnisstreue,) is heard far oftener than fidelity to God's word (Bibeltreue)! American Lutheranism Vindicated; or, Examination of the Lutheran Symbols, on Certain Disputed Topics Including a Reply to the Plea of Rev. W. J. Mann
  • Residues from fabric softeners, as well as the fragrances commonly used in them, can be irritating to susceptible people.
  • And always Gertie Cowles, gently hesitant toward Ben Rusk's affection, kept asking Carl why he didn't come to see her oftener, and play tiddledywinks. The Trail of the Hawk A Comedy of the Seriousness of Life
  • It is said they wish you would call oftener, Monsieur Caird. The Golden Silence
  • This reference helped differentiate (Gain's) liquid detergent from the liquid softener. Super Bowl commercials will still go for laughs in 2009
  • Water softeners and conditioners work in different ways, but neither will have much effect on removing scale from a central heating system.
  • Even after the principles of liberty were become more prevalent, and began to be well underftood, the late king had, oftener than once, and without giving much um - brage, exerted this dangerous power: He had, in The history of England : from the invasion iof Julius Cæsar to the revolution in 1688 ...
  • Grubb built a prototype cell, using a sulphonated polystyrene resin similar to that used in water softeners, and patented the idea in 1955.
  • These toss-in sheets that combine detergent, softener, and antistatic agent all in one powerful sheet went 1-for-4 in our tests. What's new in Consumer Reports: Home content from the January 2010 issue
  • He is oftener in his study than at his book, and you cannot pleasure him better than to deprehend him: yet he hears you not till the third knock, and then comes out very angry as interrupted. Microcosmography or, a Piece of the World Discovered; in Essays and Characters
  • Non-precipitating water softeners use complex phosphates to sequester calcium and magnesium ions.
  • Since water softeners may be a hidden source of sodium, use unsoftened water for drinking and cooking.
  • He dried off, put on clean pyjamas that smelled of fabric softener, turned out the lights, and climbed into bed. DOLL'S EYES
  • If constipation persists despite dietary modification and increased physical activity, a stool softener given with meals can be helpful.
  • For a natural fabric softener, soak garments overnight in a solution of one part vinegar to three parts water, then rinse well in clear water before washing.
  • The light or figure is then softened by drawing the end of a flat hog-hair fitch, or a small thin mottler, across each figure, and slightly softening with the badger-hair softener. Scientific American, Volume XXIV., No. 12, March 18, 1871 A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Art, Science, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Manufactures.
  • I think I heard his name oftener mentioned at home than any one's. Three Dramas
  • Bubble gums are made of sugar, corn syrup, flavours, softeners and latex or plastic.
  • Water softeners are sometimes a hidden source of sodium in your water at home - although cold water often isn't softened.
  • There are leather softeners that can be used to soften the cords if you plan to throw this bola.
  • She used a term oftener heard in the purlieus of criminal courts. The Freebooters of the Wilderness
  • Fabric softener sheets are claimed to clean baked on foods from cooking pots and pans.

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