How To Use Officially In A Sentence

  • Officially, Carter resigned, but everyone knows he was fired.
  • The Twelfth" officially commemorates the July 12, 1690, triumph of Protestant King William of Orange versus the Catholic he deposed from the English throne, James II, at the Battle of the Boyne south of Belfast. Latest Headlines - ABC 7 News
  • Newspapers have, however, reported that prosecutors are convinced the investigating magistrate in charge of a corruption and fraud inquiry involving the regional governments of the Balearic Islands and Valencia will soon officially name him as a suspect in the case. Spain's king blocks scandal-hit son-in-law from royal duties
  • A monument to mark Ingleton's coal mining heritage was officially unveiled this week.
  • Examination papers will be handed back after the marks have been officially recorded.
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  • President George H.W. Bush was the first to officially pardon a turkey.
  • She weighed in on the issue more than a year ago, officially requesting that the Minister's office do something to stop the apparent rot at the company.
  • The case remains officially unsolved by Scotland Yard. Times, Sunday Times
  • The countries laying claim to this bounty have all been building up their navies, notably China which this week officially confirmed long-known plans to deploy its first aircraft-carrier.
  • ITV would not comment on the line-up before it was officially unveiled. The Sun
  • Apparently the movie has to be officially called off in some way and that takes time.
  • Once we do this tomorrow, the movers will bring everything we own (save for about 6 suitcases' worth) to our home, and we'll be officially moved in.
  • The neighbours in unofficial whispers talk about his activities but officially they know nothing.
  • A five-day week has found an immediate welcome and much popularity since it was officially adopted across the country.
  • The dollar was officially devalued, and the Japanese yen and German mark were raised in value.
  • Once a catwalk trend, brows are now officially mainstream. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the Christmas meeting of the court, in 1085, it was decided, apparently after much debate and probably with special reference to the general land-tax, called the Danegeld, to form by means of inquiries, officially made in each locality, a complete register of the occupied lands of the kingdom, of their holders, and of their values. The History of England from the Norman Conquest to the Death of John (1066-1216)
  • Although we were officially the London helpline, we got calls from all over Britain and from all over the world.
  • By then he was unofficially resident and working abroad, and in uneasy relations with the Soviet authorities.
  • Their trials, officially called adjudicatory hearings, will begin Nov. 15 for Rangel and Nov. 29 for Waters. Rangel, Waters ethics trials to take place after elections
  • The initials AIG may stand officially for American Insurance Group, butthey would better represent: Ain't I Greedy! Stop the Bonuses at AIG
  • Now, the idea was officially kaput, finito, dead, dead, dead, killed, even before it could engage in combat.
  • Although caste officially does not exist, everyone knows not only their own caste, but that of everyone else.
  • Banc of America Securities reportedly is advising nonemployee members of the Busch family; the bank says it hasn't been officially retained. How Bankers
  • Hiccups, more officially referred to as singultus, from Latin - to catch your breath while sobbing are repeated, spasmodic contractions of the diaphragm causing a quick inhalation, which is then cut short by an involuntary closing of the glottis. NYT > Home Page
  • He is due to be officially elected at the formal mayor making ceremony on May 10.
  • Although Armenian authorities said that they will apply to Guinness World Records to officially confirm that the tramway is the world's longest, they say it was primarily built for practical use. The Seattle Times
  • As early as next year, the Canadian share of the quota could be officially divvied up for the first time.
  • Britain's Prince William, right, shares a traditional "hongi" greeting with Maori elder Sam Jackson upon his arrival to officially open New Zealand's Supreme Court, in Wellington, New Zealand, Monday, Jan. 18, 2010. Fore, right!
  • The books of the Bible officially accepted as Holy Scripture.
  • And the international community would be empowered to at least officially recognize that something wicked is astir in Syria. Michael Hughes: UN Fiddles While Syria Burns
  • Now the moa is officially extinct, being gone since the 12th century, with some lingering possibly into the 1500's. Archive 2007-02-01
  • Slavery was not officially outlawed in Australia until 1859.
  • It has been officially sanctioned as the Beale Street Historic District.
  • From soon after his death posthumous miracles had begun to be attributed to him, and he was officially canonised by Pope John XXII in 1320.
  • During this time Kissinger needlessly prolonged U.S. war-making in which 20,853 Americans were killed and an officially U. S.-estimated 7,860,013 Indochinese were murdered, maimed or made homeless. Fred Branfman: Hillary Clinton's Promoting Kissinger: An Insult to History
  • She is officially registered disabled.
  • Quebec is officially French and all other provinces and territories in Canada are unilingually English.
  • Although she left the church officially, she still tithes
  • They were officially internees, rather than prisoners, and life, although monotonous and full of deprivation, was not brutal.
  • Parliamentary elections are scheduled for March 3 -- more than a year before the Socialists' term officially ends.
  • And once their fairytale officially ended, relations between them became the stuff of Shakespearean drama, with intrigues, infidelities and fights for centre-stage.
  • The area of the Lower Main, for eight decades synonymous with mobsters, hookers, dive bars and steamies, can now be officially known as The Target.
  • But it is good to hear officially that the threat has diminished. The Sun
  • Currently, the narrow isthmus of southern Armenia, which is squeezed from both sides by Azerbaijan has been officially considered a ‘borderline territory.’
  • Political scientists use the term corporatism to describe a practice whereby a state, through the process of licensing and regulating officially-incorporated social, religious, economic, or popular organizations, effectively co-opts their leadership or circumscribes their ability to challenge state authority by establishing the state as the source of their legitimacy, as well as sometimes running them, either directly or indirectly through corporations. Libertarian Blog Place
  • It's important for a pest controller to inspect the affected room after treatment, and to declare it officially clear of bugs. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are now officially the most listened to BBC radio station in our broadcast area.
  • She has been officially declared as'the next big thing '. Times, Sunday Times
  • In other news: after five years in the South I am officially a wuss about the cold.
  • Su's accusation was refuted by city government officials, who said the construction completion date had been officially postponed to the end of August next year.
  • Officially, the contest was open to anyone with the requisite nomination from a trade union or local party branch. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even the untrained eye can easily spot that Greig has officially achieved that fabled goal of ‘making it’ in London.
  • It's officially autumn today, but it still feels like summer here in balmy southern Ontario. Happy autumn
  • Jockey Frank Amonte has perched expertly in the irons upon countless thoroughbreds since he officially began his race riding career in 1951.
  • The scheme was officially launched in May.
  • Unless it makes interest payments to so-called vulture funds holding its bonds by tomorrow, the country will be officially declared in default. Times, Sunday Times
  • The details of the reforms are to be released officially next month.
  • On Monday, election results from 52 of Swaziland's 55 districts were officially released at the election commission in Lobamba, on the outskirts of the capital. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • I'm not sure if she was officially beachmaster, or just being bossy.
  • I see people in libraries and archives and Family History Centres, obsessed with finding traces of family in microform, in scraps of paper, officially, and sometimes arbitrarily, preserved for posterity.
  • In the United States, the Coinage Act of 1873 officially demonetized silver, legally confirming a gold-based currency that - because of silver's relatively high price - was already the de facto standard.
  • With his victory in Florida officially certified, Bush announced new moves to lay claim to the White House.
  • After all, according to comedy e-card site JibJab, Tuesday is unofficially "May the 4th Be with You" day. 'Star Wars' comes to JibJab
  • Israel and the U.S. already have officially rejected this crackpot theory.
  • Historically, English and American common law has prohibited champerty - and officially, that is still the American rule.
  • French Creoles dominated Louisiana, even after Spain officially took over the colony in the mid-eighteenth century and some Spanish settled there.
  • England shifted officially from a Catholic to a Protestant faith in the 16th century.
  • The new machines are officially released today and further models will be unveiled on 1 February.
  • The criminal charge arose out of the fact that Vioxx had also been promoted as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis before being officially approved.
  • Failing health bodies will be named and shamed when the cancer data is officially released this month. The Sun
  • Depleted uranium is officially considered to be more of a toxic than a radiological hazard.
  • Incidentally, the German Wehrmacht never officially used the word blitzkrieg -- literally, "lightning war" -- though it did appear in several prewar German military publications. Wired Top Stories
  • Although she's not officially our boss, she's in effective control of the office.
  • Montana officials have officially closed all public land in the entire western half of the state.
  • Figures to be officially released this week reveal that long - term unemployment is still rising.
  • The honour for Fletcher officially came just hours after the consul's office in the city was closed down.
  • It is not officially a branch, but rather an extension of the main line first named the Oshawa Subdivision and re-named the Belleville Subdivision.
  • Actually he'd just passed his finals but hadn't received his degree so couldn't officially call himself doctor yet.
  • A new dock built to refit Britain's Trident submarines has been officially opened at Devonport.
  • Bahrain officially declared its independence on 14 August of that year.
  • The person in charge of ensuring the security of the computer network that Bradley Manning worked on in Iraq was officially admonished earlier this year for failing to accredit and certify the system. Bradley Manning hearing told of security failings at Iraq base
  • Now that the solstice has passed, winter is officially upon us.
  • Even if this statistic isn´t accurate, the major dangers of smoking tobacco cigarettes is commonly known, so when a product is launched that claims to be much safer and when common sense would say that if all these dangerous toxins have been removed, even if the electronic cigarette cannot be proved officially ´safe´, surely it does actually have to be ´safer´? American Chronicle
  • Limp bizkit have officially set "Gold Cobra" as the title of thier new studio album due out sometime in the fall of Metal
  • The present display tries to give this unfathomable infantilism an adult twist by labelling it officially as kawaii — cute. Times, Sunday Times
  • To coincide with the event, the new Killarney Athletic clubhouse and dressing rooms were officially opened by Minister for Sport and Tourism John O'Donoghue on Monday night.
  • The Los Alamos area was officially declared a disaster area after the forest fires there in May.
  • The site will be officially opened to the public in spring, when a kissing gate is installed at the roadside.
  • officially, he is in charge
  • The Board results are normally made public officially in January once approved by the Chief of the Military Intelligence Corps and the Corps has completed notification of the selectees.
  • Or again, you may urge that to re-edify our Cathedral is none of your business -- as officially indeed it is none of mine, but concerns the Dean and Chapter. Brother Copas
  • And we already have a couple of the suspects already named officially.
  • The Darkspear tribe, too, was cannibalistic until it joined the Horde, at which point the Darkspears officially gave up cannibalism.
  • GCHQ's cover was blown by Time Out in 1976, but it was only officially "avowed" in 1982 when Geoffrey Prime, a former linguist at GCHQ, was jailed for 38 years for passing secrets to the Russians over a 14-year period. Not so secret: deal at the heart of UK-US intelligence
  • Beijing officially "discourages" investment in certain industries including mining of rare-earth minerals. BHP Rebuff Is Latest in Protectionist Wave
  • The traditional smoky Irish pub was officially consigned to the past today as a blanket ban on smoking in the workplace came into force.
  • Officially we are always neutral, serving whichever government is democratically elected. THE ENDLESS GAME
  • Local author and health activist Protasia Torkington officially opened the play area today.
  • Officially, the guard was to protect us. In fact(Sentencedict), they were there to report on our movements.
  • On Tuesday, the police officially filed charges against Jeffers.
  • Now, Hawaiian surf officially is measured by estimating the actual height between the crest and the trough of the breaking waves.
  • The Bill will get Royal Assent later this year when it will officially go on to the statute books.
  • The whole team is super excited to officially be launching the a.d. schwarz line for the first time in New York with some limited quantities of handwrought sustainably-harvested wood jewelry and Sofala plates. Summer Rayne Oakes: High-End African Design Debuts in New York, NY
  • Beer consumption has gone down by 20 per cent over 20 years, even if lager is counted as beer - which, officially, it is.
  • And the diversity among China's Christian population has an added dimension because of a divide between officially sponsored and nonofficial versions of some varieties of Christianity.
  • It's not officially called a tax and some creative bookkeeping is done because it violates the terms of most government contracts. Where Does the Money Go?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • He has often been accused of collaboration, though he was investigated and officially cleared after the war.
  • A five-day week has found an immediate welcome and much popularity since it was officially adopted across the country.
  • The buildings are a disgrace, a shanty town slum, officially not fit for purpose. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although officially a dependent territory the island is effectively autonomous.
  • Our young women are now officially the most blootered in Europe, and some surveys show a terrifying, tenfold increase in the incidence of cirrhosis in people aged 25-40 over the past three decades.
  • When his absence stretched from one year to two, the Ellel clan had met to declare him officially dead and redistribute the Family offices. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • The Princess Royal told the couple to ‘carry on building their lovely safe boats’ and officially named one of the couple's Devon luggers, which will be used by disabled sailing group, Queen Mary Sailability.
  • They suggest that the disease is likely to be far more widespread than is officially recognised.
  • In the many letters the SPLC found, Tanton wrote friendly correspondences to prominent white supremacists, mused whether Latinos were 'educable' and even officially queried the state of Michigan about the legality of forced sterilisation. Global Issues News Headlines
  • The right for their tenants' association to be officially recognised.
  • Thrfeed also claims Lipstick Jungle is officially kaput, which is news to us, but Jossip
  • Not all of them are officially "canonized" - they don't have to be. Alancreech
  • We already know who's got the job but we haven't yet been informed officially.
  • Yes, Tomaig, you missed all that stuff, and the fact that being part of the Directorate of Operations means your status with the CIA is classified … until that information is officially declassified, or some traitor declassifies it. Think Progress » Woodward Reveals Important Clues About White House Smear Campaign
  • Tanay himself was officially dismissed as Defence Minister on March 6 and was replaced by Maj.-Gen.
  • Shortly after bidding ended, spokesmen for the two groups announced that the house ownership was officially transferred to the National Trust.
  • The news of his appointment filtered out before it was officially advertised.
  • Yoo and Bybee aren't responsible for the government committing the crimes that these two goons were hired to so-called legalise, for the Presidential administration, the Congress, the DoJ, ... always know very well that there was NO way to officially legalise these crimes without usurping (or hijacking) the U.S. Bill of Rights Defense Committee - Headlines
  • So far, although Pottz was now officially numero uno, he still hadn't actually won in Hawaii.
  • Four hours after the fair had officially closed, there were still six women waiting to have their palms read.
  • The score's facsimile will be officially presented and played by clavichordist Florian Birsak on Friday, it said. Mozart piano score discovered in Salzburg
  • Just the other day I bought what is officially recognized by the Association of Standard Weights and Measures as a "buttload" of tuna. Musings of a Drunken Monk: May 2003 Archives
  • Smith's report was not officially okayed by the War Department for Release until July 9.
  • The war may remain officially undeclared. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though officially retired, she remains the creative force behind the design business.
  • Jong-un's status as heir was never officially confirmed, however, and it could be years before the regime comments on the most recent reports of his anointment.
  • Clinton and Vice President Al Gore have yet to officially announce their candidacy.
  • Companies that have officially raised concerns include the vacuum cleaner giant Dyson. Times, Sunday Times
  • According to the Labor Department, 8,594,000 workers are officially jobless.
  • Although she was officially silenced, her presence there would have had an impact on local politics and would have provided opportunities to visit and socialize, if not organize and conscientize. 'I Saw a Nightmare …' Doing Violence to Memory: The Soweto Uprising, June 16, 1976
  • Friday was officially the last day of the wet season and, as if to commemorate its passing, the evening was warm, still and balmy.
  • If affordable, car owners should have their own officially licensed emission test devices to ensure against possible police accusations of unsatisfactory results.
  • The Pap smear is officially called the Papanicolaou Test, after the doctor who invented it.
  • Though a privateer racing effort, Krohn-Barbour Racing will be officially affiliated with the Lamborghini factory.
  • An elderly man from Hull has confounded doctors by recovering after he was officially declared dead.
  • Very little was officially known about any of them.
  • The ribbon was cut and the new station was officially open.
  • A few months later, when the research project was completed, Women Without Borders was officially launched to provide a platform where voices of women could be heard.
  • Two professional fields exist now, even though they are not yet ratified officially: cybrarians, who deal, to various extents with digital libraries, and librarians, who work in traditional libraries.
  • In my opinion, the Imperial Government was wrong in not accepting the withdrawal of the candidateship of the Prince of Hohenzollern; a withdrawal announced by the Prince himself, accepted by the King of Prussia, and accepted and officially communicated to France by the Spanish Government. Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Henry Reeve, C.B., D.C.L. In Two Volumes. Volume II.
  • Missing airliner MH370 will be officially declared lost at the end of this year. The Sun
  • Lincoln cathedral is one of the most perfect Gothic cathedrals in Europe, dating back officially to the eleventh century and like as not a fair way before that.
  • The controversial legislation has not yet been officially approved by Parliament.
  • A wave of consolidation in China's domestic handset industry will reduce the number of mainland makers from the current 37 officially licensed vendors, he said.
  • And this subprogram, which was never officially ratified or published, just rephrased the 1979 document. Strategic Management in Developing Countries Case Studies
  • Formed officially in 1775, the American Field Artillery has been the kingpin in the decisiveness of every key battle in which our country has participated.
  • It wasn't a big secret at the time, it was just not officially admitted until recently.
  • On his death certificate it was officially recorded that the cause of death was hitziges Frieselfieber, or "heated miliary fever," referring to a rash that looks like millet seeds.
  • Officially, Robert's in charge, but in practice Hannah runs the office.
  • It has received western and Jordanian backing and has officially committed itself to democracy and religious tolerance. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was greeted at the door by Sean, officially the hottest guy on earth.
  • Under his draft guidelines, schemes would be officially sanctioned.
  • A five-day week has found an immediate welcome and much popularity since it was officially adopted across the country.
  • As a result of new experiments, the manufacturers of timber preservatives have developed alternative products some of which are also suspected to be harmful and the use of a series of preservative substances (such as aldrin, chlordane, dieldrin and some arsenic compounds, to name a few) is officially prohibited in several countries. 3. Innovative technologies related to the increased utilization of low-energy building materials
  • Although officially a dependent territory the island is effectively autonomous.
  • Figures to be officially released this week reveal that long - term unemployment is still rising.
  • I just have the epilogue to write and then the story will have officially have come to an end.
  • Khrushchev officially revealed the cruelties of Stalin's regime.
  • Officially, turnout was 61 %; local journalists say it was under 10 %.
  • If affordable, car owners should have their own officially licensed emission test devices to ensure against possible police accusations of unsatisfactory results.
  • Now we had to get the document that would officially make us husband and wife.
  • At that stage, Britain and Germany were still not officially at war.
  • He then officially opened a new Parish Office, which is located in the former mortuary of the Church.
  • Maybe we should officially recognise pain as the national pastime. Times, Sunday Times
  • HUSSEIN HARIDY, EGYPTIAN AMBASSADOR TO PAKISTAN (through translator): I got in touch with the Pakistani government late last night, and I informed them officially that Cairo, the Egyptian government, denies the involvement of any Pakistani citizen in the Sharm el-Sheikh explosions. CNN Transcript Jul 26, 2005
  • Rebell and several other plaintiff lawyers became de facto chancellors of a separate education system - some observers even unofficially called them the Board of Special Ed.
  • Todd_Zwillich: Sen Dem aides clarify: tomorrow's White House mtg is not officially on debt, though it will "surely come up. HUFFPOST HILL - Joe Lieberman Pushes Grandma Off A Cliff
  • From time to time we've noticed on a few blogs that people are using builds that we have not officially released and complained of "instabilities" after upgrade. Headlines
  • Why on earth would they allow one of them to spend his whole time building models and yet never officially acknowledge the practice?
  • They extracted the document recording the bet and officially ‘signed’ his admission of defeat with a thumbprint before returning the paper to the files for Thorne to discover later.
  • The United Nations has officially declared several regions in south-central Somalia famine zones.
  • Industry has quit our city centres, the air in them is cleaner and high-density urban living is officially good again.
  • They must have allowed him one final visit now his fate had been officially decided.
  • She's now officially in remission and extremely grateful to the doctors who've helped her.
  • I was officially hooked, and began to publicly proclaim my support.
  • The Somerset town of Wincanton was officially 'twinned' with the Discworld city of Ankh-Morpork in 2002. The Discworld Comes to...Somerset?
  • For years, the discovery was kept a strict secret until the amateur sleuths who uncovered the bodies officially announced their grisly find in 1991.
  • and it was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi.
  • The toll was never officially recorded.
  • Its magnitude is officially given as below 9, so that it should be invisible with binoculars.
  • The library will be officially opened by the local MP.
  • Two days later, war was officially declared.
  • Taylor was to address a joint session of Congress yesterday to officially declare his intention to resign and announce a successor.
  • Is he sound on state education ? ie Are his views well founded , officially acceptable, etc?
  • The claim surfaced two days before the Lib Dems officially unveil their poll manifesto. The Sun
  • The library will be officially opened by the local MP.
  • Twenty-five miles of beaches were officially closed to the public.
  • Anna who had renal cancer, died just hours after she learned officially that she had graduated from Northumbria University.
  • Officially, Ben Malcom was not 125 miles behind enemy lines.
  • The administration has officially asked transportation workers to call off their strike.
  • No fewer than four NNSA office directors last June and July raised concerns about risks the move could introduce for pending warhead life-extension efforts, with one agency executive officially "nonconcurring" with Smolen's decision, GSN has learned. Defense and the National Interest
  • The topic of blogtards and their exploits is officially over. You’re so vain | Her Bad Mother
  • Experts in Roman religion believe that the Yorkshire cleric belonged to the officially sanctioned and important religious cult of a mother goddess called Cybele, who originated in Anatolia, present-day Turkey. Blast from the Past: Priest of Cybele Gravesite Found

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