How To Use Officialdom In A Sentence

  • Officialdom tends to scoff at these claims.
  • All thoroughly unlawful but there is a limit to public patience when the law- abiding feel they are not protected by officialdom.
  • Those who have accused Hair of petty officialdom also miss the point. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is the place where I take up arms on behalf of the common man - or at least the common motorist - against the grim phalanx of officialdom which seeks to strangle our freedoms.
  • Their only flaw is adherence to officialdom.
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  • Those who have accused Hair of petty officialdom also miss the point. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nobody in global officialdom seems willing to do anything about it.
  • All thoroughly unlawful but there is a limit to public patience when the law- abiding feel they are not protected by officialdom.
  • Officialdom in any form, government or anywhere else, seems not to be prepared to help until a definite clearance programme is planned and assessed.
  • Italian officialdom incorporated the celebration of mass in public ceremonies.
  • There is nothing so satisfying, however, as a victory on behalf of the common man against the inexorable march of officialdom.
  • The report is critical of attempts by officialdom to deal with the problem of homelessness.
  • The Minister's action is an act of humanity and pragmatisation in a sea of cold bureaucracy and in-depth officialdom. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • And out of this bruising encounter with petty officialdom he's crafted a beguiling hour of Fringe comedy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Proud men demeaned themselves and their families to accept official charity from a contemptuous officialdom.
  • It seems that every layer of government above the level of municipal officialdom made no preparations for this at all.
  • But woe betide Town Council officialdom if there is another broken promise in respect of putting this bandstand into a decent and acceptable state of repair.
  • The hierarchy of religious officialdom has its pinnacle in the Vatican and the office of Pope.
  • You get on with your job, just as you always have, sheltered from politics by many layers of secrecy and officialdom. Times, Sunday Times
  • The retail liquor trade in New York state in those days was burdened by antiquated laws and corrupt officialdom.
  • The overall effect is spare, spacious, uncluttered corners and a dim airiness suggesting not a vacuum but the unchallenged resilience of colonial attitudes, the finality of officialdom.
  • Officialdom will no doubt decide our future.
  • It was reminiscent of British historian can not help Parkinson's Connaught 's " officialdom's disease - Parkinson's Law.
  • And out of this bruising encounter with petty officialdom he's crafted a beguiling hour of Fringe comedy. Times, Sunday Times
  • None the less, despite stigmatization in school, neglect by officialdom, and marginalization in the media, people of all backgrounds have since the 16c insisted on regarding the guid Scots tongue as their national language.
  • We suffer from too much officialdom.
  • It takes a long time for officialdom to realise that the supply needs to be improved.
  • Still, officialdom can get overly cautious when something majorly bad happens.
  • Eventually Russian officialdom accepted that, in terms of healthy eating, impure US chicken legs were better than no meat at all.
  • His clashes with officialdom have led to three touchline bans and he has annoyed a wide cross-section of an entire football culture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shelves of paper pressed in on them: charge-sheets, witness reports, pamphlets: they were surrounded by officialdom. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • His main subject matter is the life of Muscovite and provincial merchants and lower officialdom.
  • Russian investigators in pursuit of illicit transfers were not always helped by foreign officialdom.
  • A family without a representative in officialdom lacked protection for its wealth and privileges.
  • ISLAMABAD: The United States appears to be 'forewarning' Pakistan, about continuing with the billion dollar gas pipeline from Iran into Pakistan, but officialdom here, is relaxed, saying that China and Russia were bound to veto any further stringent measures against Iran in the United Nations Security Council, which would want to see this ambitious project wrapped up.
  • The passing of the competitive examinations was the prerequisite to an illustrious career in officialdom.
  • Prevailing relations between the Americans and Chinese officialdom, including the generalissimo, were strained when I arrived.
  • These provided a forum and focus for public criticism of officialdom.
  • The United States appears to be 'forewarning' Pakistan, about continuing with the billion dollar gas pipeline from Iran into Pakistan, but officialdom here, is relaxed, saying that China and Russia were bound to veto any further stringent measures against Iran in the United Nations Security Council, which would want to see this ambitious project wrapped up. Signs of the Times
  • Chinese philosophers believe in the mutual convertibility of blessings and misfortunes and nowhere is this dramatized so vividly as in Chinese officialdom.
  • There were many cases of theft, misappropriation, and favouritism which tended to destroy confidence in officialdom in general.
  • All thoroughly unlawful but there is a limit to public patience when the law- abiding feel they are not protected by officialdom.
  • Officialdom must not stifle all creativity.
  • If you've lived under the Communist regime, you would have some anxiety around officialdom, and perhaps my call, and my use of the term authorities, had touched a nerve. The Magyar Venus
  • In any unwieldy bureaucratic system there will be some in need who will be let down by officialdom. The Sun
  • Economists sometimes contend that it makes no difference whether officialdom is decently paid or underpaid and makes it up by taking bribes.
  • Having taken prize money from the officialdom he execrated, Bernhard delights, retrospectively, in the consequences. Enfant Not So Terrible
  • My flip, polite persona masks a smouldering and wrathy incredulity as I learn that another revivalist is stepping up to accept officialdom's accolade.
  • While a strong currency has some virtues, officialdom is probably a little too complacent.
  • A brown-suited instructor with ramrod posture and an air of self-important officialdom points at a blackboard covered with indecipherable scrawls.
  • You'll crawl onto that plane only if officialdom is feeling magnanimous and you're a good camper who jumps the hoops. Times, Sunday Times
  • Neighbours arrive to talk to officialdom; they voice strong opposition but are careful not to provoke trouble.
  • Initially, officialdom was concerned with military requirements.
  • You'll crawl onto that plane only if officialdom is feeling magnanimous and you're a good camper who jumps the hoops. Times, Sunday Times
  • You'll crawl onto that plane only if officialdom is feeling magnanimous and you're a good camper who jumps the hoops. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were sure that officialdom would now take notice of their concerns.
  • petty officialdom
  • The call for more of these every time there is a serious accident seems to be the gut response from citizenry and officialdom alike.
  • David Hockney is outspoken, privileged by his irremovable status, in his distaste for an officialdom of art.
  • Instead, another layer of inaccuracy via inference: Since Hu's family has caused all this trouble by raising a fuss, peeved officialdom is going to make sure that the old girl is out of here chop-chop.
  • Wherever you stand on the Premier League's role in the endtimes, though, you have to concede Mark's emergence as a spokesmodel crosses a rubicon for sporting officialdom. Mark Clattenburg: The bald truth about the referee's hair-loss deal | Marina Hyde
  • Entrepreneurs who make sure they cultivate links with officialdom have been welcomed.
  • After eight - part essay examination of persons chosen is anachronism, and to enter officialdom are even scarcer.
  • Officialdom will no doubt decide our future.
  • And out of this bruising encounter with petty officialdom he's crafted a beguiling hour of Fringe comedy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those who have accused Hair of petty officialdom also miss the point. Times, Sunday Times
  • unsympathetic officialdom
  • The search for art created beyond the reach of academic officialdom began with the discovery of Henri Rousseau by Picasso's circle in early twentieth century France.
  • In any unwieldy bureaucratic system there will be some in need who will be let down by officialdom. The Sun
  • People like me, who grew up in the '70s and embraced modernity, cannot complain about the end of deference - and women are often right not to accept the evasions of officialdom.
  • The difference between Rome and Persia (and later between Byzantium and Persia) was the difference between semi-Western imperial officialdoms that were nonhereditary, and thus early prototypes of modern states, and a Persian society underpinned by tribal and clan relations. Where Europe Vanishes
  • But the imaginative manner in which our wealth is frittered away in daft schemes displays a special dedication for which British officialdom is renowned. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bureaucratic spirit pertains rather to stuffy Confucians, who foolishly imagine that the way to fulfill human potential is through service in officialdom.
  • Officialdom decides to employ their minions to deride the credibility of all who oppose them.
  • You get on with your job, just as you always have, sheltered from politics by many layers of secrecy and officialdom. Times, Sunday Times
  • People have been duped for long enough by a pompous officialdom and an over reverent Press full of its own conceit and self-importance.
  • He also thinks the country's officialdom is masterful at manipulation.

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