How To Use Officeholder In A Sentence
‘Government is frequently disparaged as an inefficient bureaucratic maze serving the interests of officeholders and time-servers rather than of the public,’ he wrote.
This was natural in the initial stage of the Revolution, when class lines had not had time to reveal themselves, when the aspirations of the so-called united revolutionary front found expression in the diffuse program of a party that was ready to welcome equally the workingman who feared to break away from the peasant; the peasant who was seeking land and liberty; the intellectual attempting to guide both of them; the chinovnik (officeholder) endeavoring to adjust himself to the new regime.
From October to Brest-Litovsk
While recognizing these disparities, the commission - largely made up of former officeholders and political appointees - backed away from offending the states' rights crowd.
The idea is to prevent the mayor, the council and other officeholders from owing legislative favors to paid lobbyists who went to bat for them at election time.
In 1996, the party had forty elected officeholders and ten organized state parties, only five of those recognized with a ballot line.

Other officeholders came to the defense of depositors who lost money in the failed bank.
Officeholders were found to be significantly more accurate than informal leaders and followers as judges of fact and opinion, but they were not superior judges of nonrelevant facts and opinion.
The Bass Handbook of Leadership
He probably helps Republicans as a group but it's not necessarily in the interest of individual Republican officeholders to come under his scrutiny.
Almost half of GOP officeholders - including the governor, the attorney general, the chief justice and several justices on the Texas Supreme Court - were also clients.
While he succeeded in registering millions of black voters - an effort that helped elect scores of black and white Democratic officeholders - it put the White House in GOP hands.
Prior to 1972, presidential nominations were awarded by the politicians in both parties - officeholders, state and local organization leaders.
More than a few seem glad to imitate the officeholders who want to decide what the public shouldn't know.
‘Government is frequently disparaged as an inefficient bureaucratic maze serving the interests of officeholders and time-servers rather than of the public,’ he wrote.
Political parties have operated infrequently in the past, and public officeholders tend to be independents.
A magistrate is as much a judicial officeholder as a salaried judge.
Times, Sunday Times
New London may have proceeded in a bullheaded fashion, and ideally voters can evict officeholders who behave that way.
Nevertheless, incumbent officeholders, candidates, and aspirants are pragmatic to a fault, and their main concern is with winning elections.
Our first president, George Washington, preferred jumbal cookies, while the current officeholder, Barack Obama, favors the shortbread variety.
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Unlike officeholders, staffers do not vote on public policy.
Equally irrelevant questions might have been devised for male candidates, but since the male officeholder was "normal," such questions were not only un-askable, but unthinkable.
Robin Lakoff: Election 2010: Man Pants and the Girlie-Man
I'm envisioning a big mass wedding of gay and lesbian couples, with announcements sent to every Republican officeholder, every anti-gay propagandist, every church that unlawfully electioneered on behalf of Proposition 2.
Michael Schaub: Project Texile: Bringing Gay Marriage Back to Texas
They also passed a law that public officeholders possess the moral characteristics of ‘piety, justice, moderation, temperance, industry, and frugality.’
He challenged the media to put similar public pressure on those officeholders.
He voiced fear that the only officeholders left would be those ‘who have done nothing in their life except walk the straight and narrow, who have no creative thoughts.’
In 1996, the Green Party was organized in 10 states, guaranteed a ballot line in just five and had elected 40 officeholders.
They removed all restrictions from the _Lehrfreiheit_, or professional freedom of instruction, while at the same time they preserved the right of the state to control indirectly the quality of university instruction by means of state-examinations for pastors, teachers, lawyers, physicians and officeholders.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 098, February, 1876
Cast enough doubt on enough results and the legitimacy of every elected officeholder dissolves like the calcareous shells of so much phytoplankton doused in nitric and sulfuric acid.
His passivity was sadly typical of Democratic officeholders, who, confronted with obvious union corruption, too often refuse to act for fear of alienating organized labor.
The fact is the teachers don't know, the administrators don't know, and, too often, the politicians and the officeholders have no clue.
Any further indictments, particularly of key officeholders, on the eve of the session or while lawmakers are in Austin could turn the session on its ear.
One can perceive corruption in the act of an officeholder only against a background of a "correct" pattern of behavior, a background which must exist in the beliefs of the perceiver.
The Cause of Corruption, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty