How To Use Offhanded In A Sentence
There is a certain irritating sort of journalist - perhaps unfairly, Zoe Williams of the Guardian is the first name that springs to mind - who affects an adolescent offhandedness in his of her writing.
Simon Titley: Against jargon
she threw him over offhandedly without even a Dear-John letter
I offhandedly expostulated whilst continuing to read her two page monologue.
trying to sound offhanded and reassuring
Everyone in these offhanded portraits looked fabulous, in a debauched and groovy way, and even the characters who weren't familiar looked as they though should be, somewhere under the smeared mascara and opiated grins.
The Club Everyone Wanted to Be In

He examines my belay and says offhandedly, ‘Guess I won't fall.’
When close to the whale, in the very death-lock of the fight, he handled his unpitying lance coolly and offhandedly as a whistling tinker his hammer.
she had made these remarks offhandedly
Consider for a moment that we may be watching for the wrong thing; it's not at all about the political issues, cameos or adlibs, but a dramatic story that unfolds so offhandedly it catches us unaware.
‘If nothing else you have gall,’ he nodded and she gave a Cheshire smile to the offhanded compliment as he lit his cigar, the smell of it immediately coming to her attention.
However, while the ideas expressed in these interviews may lack the benefits of hindsight, they do not come across as offhanded or unstudied.