
How To Use Offender In A Sentence

  • Offenders may be liable to a heavy fine.
  • We take a hard line with soft drinks - and cola is the worst offender.
  • I went into the office to find the offender, and saw a worried woman crumpled in a chair in the corner, wearing a look of weariness and doubt.
  • The author thought that the joint negligence principal offender theory can be established, and the negligence abettor or the negligence assist offender is untenable.
  • Tahoma has a work-release program for non-violent offenders and routinely has inmates doing some of their time providing labor at the cemetery. Reggie Buddle
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  • Three times a week he holds a "durbar," for the trial of offenders and transaction of general regimental business. Afghanistan and the Anglo-Russian Dispute
  • We clip newspaper articles showing lengthy sentences for repeat offenders.
  • The offender was dealt with leniently as he had confessed his crime.
  • We want a minimum one-year custodial sentence-longer for repeat offenders and organised gangs.
  • However, he conceded that the Government was yet to get a handle on the situation, as younger offenders were getting their hands on illegal guns.
  • The first year will be spent in a young offenders' institute. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only solution most agencies saw was building more places to incarcerate offenders. INSIDERS
  • A country discovering a successfull assassination, supporting rebels or desecration of holy site now gets a casus belli against the offender.
  • Yet offenders are expected to meet education and training targets that will affect their chances of parole. Times, Sunday Times
  • They will deduce that there are fewer officers on the lookout for proper offenders, such as drunken drivers or those without insurance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not only are offenders presented with indisputable evidence of culpability, but also unconnected suspects rely on the technique to prove their innocence. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the United Kingdom and Australia, the term nonce sometimes spelled "nonse" is a slang word used to refer to a sex offender and/or child sexual abuser. On a child's view of English
  • But what we know is these women often tend to be what we call interpersonal offenders, where they exploit children emotionally, if not sexually. CNN Transcript Oct 25, 2007
  • We got a juvenile offender, family of devout Jehovah's Witnesses. We gotta be real careful here.
  • They left the _furca_ and the _patibulum_, the axe and the rods, to great offenders: for these minor and (if I may so term them) extra-moral offences _the bent thumb_ was considered as a sufficient sign of disapprobation, -- _vertere pollicem_; as _the pressed thumb, premere pollicem_, was a mark of approving. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 11, No. 67, May, 1863
  • The paper gives a detailed discussion on the determination of surplus behavior from the classification of organized offender, executor, accessory and abettor.
  • Since the reinstatement of capital punishment in 1976, seven states have executed a combined twenty-two juvenile offenders nationwide.
  • Changes that define whether piracy is for profit or not have set a threshold that will allow not-for-profit offenders to get off scot-free, Lee said.
  • The fact that an offender may remain oblivious to that forgiveness is absolutely beside the point. Scott Cairns: The Christian and the Community: A Relationship in God's Image
  • Personal Dangerousness identification of recidivism can be divided into two categories of possible and probably a first-time offender.
  • Limits court authority to incarcerate offenders who commit certain drug crimes, break drug treatment rules or violate parole.
  • Bloggers have resorted to public shaming, posting photos of manspreading offenders caught in the act of indiscreet sitting.
  • The prison service pursues the twin goals of the punishment and rehabilitation of offenders.
  • The offender withheld the truth from the policemen.
  • He was sentenced to 18 months in a young offenders' institution disqualified from driving for two years.
  • The shootings we are speaking of happened in WI and the offender did not receive the death penalty. Tagging yourself?
  • The biggest offenders are security vans, council vehicles and shops loading and unloading goods.
  • HARRIMAN (WATE) -- An Indiana man was arrested in Harriman for sexual solicitation of a minor after he failed to register as a sex offender in Tennessee. Undefined
  • In each case the offender rode up on a mountain bike and sped off after committing an indecent assault or exposing himself.
  • Each carried a whip and flaming torch with which to chivy both mortal offenders and recalcitrant gods.
  • Community punishment is used for less serious offenders.
  • The offender is extruded as unworthy of an honorable calling.
  • Without their intelligence, the enforcement people end up investigating small time drug offenders on tips from the police, or hanging out at the local jailhouse looking for aliens to deport.
  • Almost invariably, for some reason, the overweight person is a huge offender, even though dressed in the muumuu or bowling shirt and sweatpants, they still manage to make up for looking bad by trying to smell good and are therefore a huge nuisance. Roseanne Archy
  • A serial offender who stole to feed a drug habit and then handed himself in has been sentenced to four months in prison.
  • Mentally disordered offenders: practical steps to diversion from custody.
  • The offenders' liberty, in the absence of sentence remission, would actually be restricted for a longer period than if incarcerated.
  • The wardens of some of the police court prisons say they have more public spitters in their custody than any other class of offender.
  • The new law will ensure that habitual criminals receive tougher punishments than first-time offenders.
  • The offender, the Xinjiang Daily net will investigate its corresponding legal liability.
  • What evidence does he have that new sentencing laws are providing greater protection to the community from serious and recidivist offenders?
  • Anybody with a Todd Palin goatee is a facial offender. Mike Gellman: Hair of the Mug
  • We find that the violent offenders as a group do differ to normals, but it doesn't mean to say that every murderer does have an abnormal profile.
  • Sentence: three years' detention in a young offender institution.
  • An offender who takes part in a large-scale public disturbance cannot expect to be sentenced as if his actions had been committed in isolation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The document highlighted failings in a government pledge to deport dangerous offenders once they have served their sentence. The Sun
  • Although these factors are never an excuse for criminal activity, a judge can take them into consideration in exhibiting some leniency, especially if it is a first time offence or the offender has demonstrated rehabilitation. Don’t Do Mandatory Drug Sentences : Law is Cool
  • The offenders then tried to leave the scene in the victim's car, which luckily didn't start.
  • They unanimously supported calls for action to prevent bail hostels being used by potentially dangerous offenders.
  • The contraceptive pill is the worst offender, but it is not the only drug to deplete the body's vitamin levels.
  • Unlike most offenders, they will not be paying a visit to their probation officer once every three weeks.
  • Persistent young offenders in York and North Yorkshire could be electronically tagged in a scheme to cut youth crime.
  • We were intervening in assaults and disorder as it happened and taking the offender away. Stuck In My Head Since I Was Twelve « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The wardens of some of the police court prisons say they have more public spitters in their custody than any other class of offender.
  • The focus has instead switched to juveniles and the lack of secure places for hardcore young offenders.
  • The offender may then be justly punished by opinion, though not by law. Sources of the West: Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1: From the Beginning to 1715
  • Offenders of intellectual property violations will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
  • When it comes time for these dangerous offenders to be released, civil confinement thus becomes an appealing option.
  • Even quite venial offenders were sentenced to death.
  • They will deduce that there are fewer officers on the lookout for proper offenders, such as drunken drivers or those without insurance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Repeat offenders will be clobbered with unlimited crown court fines. The Sun
  • Offenders should be taught self-discipline, personal responsibility and how to act like ‘a decent human being’.
  • Security is actually more intense in a young offender institute. The Sun
  • Turning the young offenders of today into the hardened criminals of tomorrow is not the answer. Times, Sunday Times
  • We know that most crime is committed by a hard-core group of repeat offenders.
  • Offenders will be named and shamed over public address systems. Times, Sunday Times
  • Second, the judge must have already decided to sentence the offender to a prison term of less than two years duration.
  • The execution of juvenile offenders is extremely rare and at least 72 countries set 18 as the minimum age for the death penalty.
  • While clamping will end, persistent offenders will have cars towed away with a release fee of £105, against the £55 charged for a clamp.
  • Research has documented that as offenders mature, they are less likely to continue using drugs and less likely to recidivate than are younger offenders.
  • They commit themselves to inquire into all alleged cases of torture and to prosecute offenders.
  • However, in so far as it purports to strengthen that belief, the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act is to be welcomed.
  • The offender is said to be in his early 20s, six feet tall and slim with a pale complexion and dark mousy hair.
  • Most homicides were unplanned, and few brought any benefit to the offender even if he avoided punishment.
  • Each offender was aware she was importing cocaine into Canada and, given the notorious dangerousness of the drug, each must have been aware of the serious wrong committed.
  • He also visits local schools and young offenders institutes to give advice. The Sun
  • However, the exasperation over repeat offenders is completely reasonable.
  • The young offender had to be remanded in custody for ten days.
  • Rather, we differ from other nations only in our high propensity to imprison nonviolent offenders and to incarcerate them for long periods.
  • It will make it an offence to light up in a pub, bar, club or restaurant and offenders could be fined.
  • The American Law Institute recently revised the Model Penal Code's sentencing provisions, calling for a renewed commitment to proportionality based on the gravity of offenses, the "blameworthiness" of offenders, and the "harms done to crime victims. Walker on Herbert Wechsler, the Model Penal Code, and the Uses of Revenge
  • Even apart from the problems above, retributivists have yet to construct a nonarbitrary way of deciding what sentence the guilty offender deserves as punishment. Punishment
  • Journalists don't have the monopoly on plagiarism, nor are they the worst offenders.
  • Instead of simply punishing them, the system encourages offenders to modify their behaviour.
  • Not only does pushing and shoving seem undignified, but such behaviour immediately marks the offender as a greedy glutton who has not been able to enjoy the best.
  • In speaking of criminal justice it states that the punishment should be ‘proportionate to the gravity of the offense’ and that it may avail to expiate the guilt of the offender.
  • However, in so far as it purports to strengthen that belief, the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act is to be welcomed.
  • If the circumstances are relatively minor, the offender shall be given a disciplinary sanction according to the circumstances by his unit or competent authorities at higher level.
  • Hereby the community or whole body of the faithful, even to the meanest member, are vested from Christ with full power and authority actually to discharge and execute all acts of order and jurisdiction without exception: e.g. To preach the word authoritatively, dispense the sacraments, ordain their officers, admonish offenders, excommunicate the obstinate and incorrigible, and absolve the penitent. The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
  • The blackmailer is the sex offender …. ooops, I mean a professional researcher. Live Blog from the Anchor Desk 10/02/09
  • Hayman, a first offender, was sent to a young offenders institution for three years.
  • Labor will also make it more difficult for repeat offenders to get bail, no matter how minor the offence, by overturning the presumption in favour of bail.
  • There were no significant differences between child molesters and incest offenders.
  • His reading is not known but offenders get jail if they are around twice the UK alcohol limit or more. The Sun
  • Offenders will be liable to a heavy fine .
  • The probation service and voluntary agencies were to be funded to provide an alternative form of punishment for the less serious offender.
  • Parliament has not expressly enacted what standard of proof shall be applied on an application for a sex offender order.
  • The two greatest offenders come back-to-back in the middle of the album.
  • The punishments for which may be confiscation of the fish, imprisonment, the pillory, and the offender giving up his occupation for a year and a day.
  • We see the logic behind withholding the names of very young offenders guilty of lesser crimes. The Sun
  • Judges to put the offender upon his second trial by the visne, which now forms the distinguishing characteristic of the English law, and he was at once considered as condemned. Anne of Geierstein
  • Fear of discovery or identification causes some offenders to settle only for passive validation. Christianity Today
  • While both groups showed brain differences compared with non-criminals in the study, Pardini and his colleagues uncovered few brain differences between chronic offenders and so-called remitting offenders. Top headlines
  • The female offender is characteristically older than her male counterpart.
  • A substantial amount of research examines the prevalence of drug use among offenders and contributes to our knowledge on drugs and crime.
  • The offender made proper restitution to the victim's kindred.
  • The pillory was a set of stocks that imprisoned head and arms and was used to humiliate petty offenders, who would be insulted and perhaps pelted with mud by passers-by.
  • We need to think that situational offenders are sick; sometimes, of course, it may be demonstrable that they really are sick, but even then this demonstrability may not be the reason for our thinking them so. Behavior in Public Places
  • The conservatives and their newspapers took this occasion to denounce Arista for the summary execution of a political offender.
  • It aims to provide effective rehabilitation for offenders who are not in jail long enough to complete treatment programmes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Taxes are unpopular, so easier all round to peddle the myth that “too many people are in gaol” than to address the problem of persistent offenders. on October 8, 2009 at 6: 57 pm Wig and Gown Take A Deep Breath….. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • In the part, the author introduces the judgment of personal dangerousness and expands the criterion of judging the recidivist and first offender.
  • Whether an offender deserves to be convicted of murder or manslaughter is for the jury to determine.
  • In this second type no explicit expression of forgiveness to the offender is required.
  • Although for some offenders the notification requirements might be a modest interference with those rights, for others it would be more substantial. Times, Sunday Times
  • The biological positivists could only propose indeterminate detention or extinction for such categories of offender.
  • There is abundant evidence that we need more offender checks not less. The Sun
  • Sex offenders would face open-ended prison sentences, known as "indeterminate," if members of a jury found them to be predatory. rss feed
  • Mr McGrath also feels the system is groaning under the massive demand for sex offender treatment programmes.
  • Then there are confidence skills workshops, and projects focusing on knife crime involving prisoners and offenders. Times, Sunday Times
  • With full employment we have a great opportunity to get offenders into jobs now. Times, Sunday Times
  • Paul also rejected the rationale of both the offender and the offended.
  • She didn't look up, but saw it was a guy wearing a hockey jersey and tracksuit pants was the offender.
  • While adult offenders would face prison terms of up to 14 years, young firebugs would be made to confront burns victims and families who lost homes.
  • There are at present opportunities to undertake agricultural and horticultural work in the open air at 23 young offender institutions.
  • Upon this occasion the "chaw" created such a disturbance that (on audacious demand) leave was granted to the Duffer and John to capture the offender. The Hill A Romance of Friendship
  • Supervisees' skill development was measured by their ability to conform to the prescribed format, including evidence that they identified all of the relevant criminogenic needs and offenders' motivation to change.
  • The first year will be spent in a young offenders' institute. Times, Sunday Times
  • But Ms Allison will spend the rest of her life publicly branded as a sex offender.
  • Several of the repeat offenders say they ‘couldn't cope’ on the outside, while one says she'll only reoffend if she doesn't like it back in society.
  • The Jooks and the Kelly – Cooks have been milking turnkeys and sucking the blood out of the marshalsea since the act of First Offenders. Finnegans Wake
  • Purposeful work is an important part of the regime for young offenders.
  • And that's the area that I'm working with now, with the offenders I'm in contact with, giving them a motive that will last, as to why they should to ahead and stay in what we call relapse prevention. CNN Transcript Sep 4, 2009
  • He is one of the country's leading experts on sex offenders, a man who has spent the past two decades delving into the warped minds of killers such as Robert Black and Fred West.
  • He will promise a new crusade to help thousands of offenders turn their back on crime. The Sun
  • Stephen defined crime as a legal wrong the remedy for which is punishment of the offender at the instance of the society.
  • But to reduce reoffending we need far more attention paid to what happens when offenders leave prison. Times, Sunday Times
  • Judges are advised to show greater leniency towards first - time offenders.
  • That would put a lighter burden on the prosecution, and improve the chances of convicting an offender.
  • The intensity of treatment was determined by sentence length, not the offenders' criminogenic needs.
  • A misdemeanour has been committed but the offender has not been caught.
  • Some comrades are soft and hesitate to take action against offenders.
  • And the Bomb Squaders would leave their sixth-grade seats and trash the offenders.
  • He added: 'I am dismayed to see a hard core of repeat offenders back in the system. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the arrival of a high-risk offender warrants door-to-door notification of the entire neighborhood.
  • This included reviewing the penalisation factors which determine when the Parole Board can consider an offender for parole, the rehabilitation and re-opening of prisons that were closed due to having fallen into a dilapidated state, enhancing the functioning of community corrections and improving rehabilitation programmes. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Reducing the income will further impoverish these families and could tempt an offender into further crime.
  • Some violent offenders are not sociopathic or psychopathic, yet probably about 20 percent of the prison population is diagnosable as being psychopathic.
  • The internet has made available all types of sick and demented images that feed certain desires that would otherwise lay dormant in a person who is prone to becoming a sex offender. Minimal Human Decency Abridged
  • In 1971 this offender had been given a ten-year sentence for attempting to rape a 69-year-old woman.
  • And stewards were given hand-held video cameras to help identify any offenders. The Sun
  • Diet often plays a role, with wheat and dairy being the most common food offenders.
  • Once convicted of either of these offenses, a defendant is subject to any number of sentences including having his name registered in a sex offender hotline; having his name registered with the local authorities and published to the community; or serving the sentence in a center for the treatment of sex offenders. Raw Law
  • In the past, the family has opposed granting amnesty, demanding that offenders be prosecuted instead.
  • Those offenders will be offered conditional cautions in future, meaning they will escape prosecution but must agree to co-operate with rehabilitation projects.
  • The successful prolific offender programme is currently focused on just one tenth of them. Times, Sunday Times
  • And avoid sending dangerous offenders to our already overcrowded jails. The Sun
  • Two security guards were trying to restrain her - one tall guy and one wee blonde sylph one-eighth the size of the offender.
  • Norfolk is an especially bad offender. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was sentenced to periods of detention in a Young Offenders' Institution.
  • Surely something as simple as an electronic speed indicator, coupled with a 30 mph zone sign, would have effectively targeted the worst offenders.
  • France, Savoy, Switzerland; now it is a fundamental law in that signiory, to give free access to all offenders, yet so as to punish their offence according to the custom of that place wherein the fault was committed. Good Thoughts in Bad Times and Other Papers.
  • The new law will ensure that habitual criminals receive tougher punishments than first-time offenders.
  • Persistent offenders face a prison sentence.
  • There are clearly ways in which the law could be tightened to prevent offenders, at least within Australia, from making a joke of the criminal justice system by faking or exaggerating illness.
  • The offender is considered to be dead, and Hindu Law directs the performance of exequial ceremonies for him, as if he were naturally so.
  • Putting young offenders into a prison or other custodial establishment does not deter them from offending.
  • If you consider that the defender has committed an act of unsporting behaviour, caution the offender and restart play with a retaken penalty.
  • The police arrested the offender who was tried and convicted of assault.
  • The execution of juvenile offenders is extremely rare and at least 72 countries set 18 as the minimum age for the death penalty.
  • Despite some uninformed portrayals of them, most offenders are anything but naïve, and can quickly sense any attempt to dissimulate.
  • Though the various parts of rare animals have been used around the world in folk medicine traditions to boost male potency, the Chinese seem to be the worst offenders in this regard.
  • The offender withheld the truth from the policemen.
  • Fear of discovery or identification causes some offenders to settle only for passive validation. Christianity Today
  • This Government has given about $500 million to look after the criminogenic needs of offenders.
  • The fact that this offender was to outward appearances, a devoted minister to his adult parishioners is admirable.
  • And, far from being teenage tearaways, the typical offender is a middle-aged white-collar worker who probably drinks lager.
  • They chased a now fully-clothed offender, nabbed him and marched him back over the fence and paraded him past the crowd in the Merv Cowan stand.
  • Precisely because prison is an instrument of punishment in the retributivist view, and retributive punishment must be proportionate in some reprobative way to the degree of harm which the offender caused, a retributive sentence of imprisonment must not be excessive, must have definite limits. Prisons & Punishment
  • Others want only minor offenders serving a year or less to qualify. Times, Sunday Times
  • DATELINE: MINNEAPOLIS In response to the surprising rise in juvenile delinquency among young girls, first offenders in one small, unnamed suburb of Minneapolis are being held for 4 hours every day, after school, in the empty monkey house of the local zoo. September 2009
  • Offenders who were required to spend time in a halfway house or in a treatment facility at the start of their probationary term were also excluded.
  • the offenders deserved the harsh discipline they received
  • Similarly, Harris County is the only big county in the state where, for first time drug possession offenders caught with less than a gram of a controlled substance - cases in which courts are mandated to give probation on the first offense - prosecutors routinely seek and get jail time in the county hoosgow as a condition of probation. Grits for Breakfast
  • The young offender had to be remanded in custody for ten days.
  • The numbers are then passed on to transport officials who haul the offenders in for ‘consultation’.
  • She worked as a social worker at a school for young offenders. Times, Sunday Times
  • The judgment could lead to the release of dozens of mentally disturbed offenders from high-security hospitals.
  • The judge will delay his verdict until he receives medical reports on the offender.
  • The conservatives and their newspapers took this occasion to denounce Arista for the summary execution of a political offender.
  • The only solution most agencies saw was building more places to incarcerate offenders. INSIDERS
  • He talked movingly of the futility of offenders going in and out of prison through a revolving door. The Sun
  • A further 270 offenders currently serving time in prison for sex crimes will also have their names added to the register when they complete their sentences.
  • The effect of the unpaid work requirement is that the offender puts something back into society. Times, Sunday Times
  • A recent safety blitz by health and safety inspectors showed scaffold and roof workers were the worst offenders.

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