
How To Use Offended In A Sentence

  • I'm personally offended both by the error on the Times website and by your association of me with what you call the intentional slander of US marines. Rightwing Spin That Haditha Massacre Never Occurred
  • Then, when cashiered out of the navy after refusing to follow orders which offended his conscience, he is visited by the mysterious benefactor who has shadowed him his entire life, who invites him to join a highly exclusive gentlemen's club, Redking's. REVIEW: Not Less Than Gods and The Women of Nell Gwynne's by Kage Baker
  • Who would be held responsible if this man offended again?
  • Though he has been on scholarship for the past two seasons, Mr. Merriewether, who wasn't recruited, says he's offended by the term walk-on and has done everything he can to welcome the nonscholarship players into the team's rituals. Who Invited All the Walk-Ons?
  • The inobedience of Adam caused the first war, of that he had offended God, whereof followed the two other wars. The Golden Legend, vol. 7
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  • He thought every thing was to be feared from the present state of the affair, and proposed revealing at once all he knew of it to Mr. Tyrold: but Camilla desired him to take no step till she had again expostulated with her sister, who might else be seriously hurt or offended. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • Here's my answer, and please don't be offended if I read some kind of prurient interest into your query. Um...
  • The shirts that I am offended by are usually not the type that would be offensive to a nonhunter, but because of crude or sexual humor. Sharp-Dressed Man?
  • In another setting, a firehouse was ordered to take down its largely secular holiday decorations, because neighbors were offended by it.
  • The cop carried a stick, ready to thwack anybody who offended his ear or eye.
  • I'm sorry I offended you; it wasn't my intention.
  • The apology must be delayed long enough to recognise the hurt felt by the offended victim - but proffered before there is lasting harm.
  • When at Mr. Gedge's I wished much to apprize you of the public opinion as to our Boy Giles, [6] but I dare not then, I shall you may be sure Sir, after such a letter as this, be anxious for your opinion, and I will not damp my spirits with the idea of your being offended. Letter 63
  • Miss Margland, extremely piqued, vented her spleen in oblique sarcasms, and sought to heal her offended pride by appeals for justice to her sagacity and foresight in the whole business. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • Syph'lis" -- at which he corrects them with offended majesty The Enormous Room
  • So, uh, he was offended by that.
  • He perceived that the Liberal ministry had offended certain influential sections by appearing too demiss or too unenterprising in foreign affairs. Archaism.
  • He arrived with attitude as well as ambition, but those who were offended at the time concede now that he has the game to go with it.
  • Similarly, although nobody wants to be called a prude, one could hardly deny that being offended by non-abstinence sex education, pre-marital sex, and homosexuality is objectively anti-sex (that is to say: unmarried, non-heterosexual, and/or kinky sex). Matthew Yglesias » Also: The Sky Is Blue
  • It was a cruel drawback to her hopes to see him first thus in public: but the manner of Mrs. Arlbery at the hotel, he had thought repulsive; he had observed that she seemed offended with him since the rencounter at the breakfast given for Miss Dennel; and he now wished for some encouragement for renewing his rights to the acquaintance. Camilla
  • Whatever the justice of the situation-and I had to admit that at least some of it lay on his side-my sense of amour-propre was deeply offended at the thought of being beaten, by whomever and for whatever reason. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • I'm far more offended by minstrelizing robots with no plausible connection to hip hop by any imaginative stretch and the use of mudflap a derogatory term involving the assumption of a dirty and uncivilized penis than a series of black monsters set in Africa of all places. Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen
  • Aren't you a snowflake for being offended?
  • Then he responded by, apparently, unfiring them and saying he's offended but he'll unfire them, which makes him look at best like an equivocator and at worst like he doesn't have any scruples. Edwards On The Bloggers: "Personally Offended," But Believes In "Giving Everyone A Fair Shake"
  • The others laughed, and Chelsea was surprised to find Calvin unoffended by the comment on his girlfriend's school.
  • This has to be the stupidest blog-slap fight i've ever seen. how can someone reall be THAT offended that they were taken off a blog aggrigator? Saddam
  • Those of a delicate conscience may be offended by the movie, but the images it conjures in the mind are more disturbing than those depicted on screen.
  • Duke Senior, unoffended, invited Orlando to sit down and join them.
  • She was just a little offended by the implications in his words and was suddenly bored with his arrogance and decided to get rid all the noble-sounding, diplomatic and politic speeches.
  • “Gharíb:” the porter is offended because the word implies “poor devil;” esp. one out of his own country. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • So he offended both sides of the town and gown divide. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nöel-Picq clearly gets a kick out of pushing his story to the limits of what is socially acceptable, testing his audience, daring them to be offended.
  • So: no reply to question = sender offended. Blaikie's Guide to Modern Manners
  • But this didn't stop her from being snobbish to me, and continuing to use the word "goy" - a pejorative term meaning "gentiles" - around me, which she knew offended me, since it disrespected a lot of people I loved. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • Sleep, however, at length got the better of all resistance; and now as if he had already been a deity, as the antients imagined, and an offended one too, he seemed to enjoy his dear-bought conquest. — The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
  • The offended blacks had discovered the guilty pair on the outskirts of Breeza Downs, and Oola's husband, with a company of braves, had attacked their gunya. Lady Bridget in the Never-Never Land
  • I was offended and so was he
  • I could not but smile, at the same time that I was offended, to observe Sheridan in The Life of Swift [3], which he afterwards published, attempting, in the writhings of his resentment, to depreciate Johnson, by characterising him as 'A writer of gigantick fame in these days of little men; 'that very Johnson whom he once so highly admired and venerated. Life Of Johnson
  • No slug has ever harmed, offended, or otherwise done ill to me and it's in their nature to eat plants.
  • I am deeply offended by her conduct.
  • As a syndicated cartoonist, I've seen my published ideas later appear in eerily similar reiterations in other comics and spoken near-verbatim by nationally recognized humorists (to the point where scores of readers and viewers alerted me, offended and outraged on my behalf). The Riff: From 'SOUTH PARK' to 'POOCH CAFE': When a sense of plagiarism plagues comedy
  • We might express a just surprise that Catholics should be offended at the doctrine that the righteousness of Christ is imputed, that is, reckoned or counted, to the sinner as his own. Luther Examined and Reexamined A Review of Catholic Criticism and a Plea for Revaluation
  • she looked offended
  • At home, not at work, and not with your parents or children nearby, or even your spouse if he or she is easily offended by certain langauge, you should really take a moment to listen to some tracks from mc chris. August 2004
  • It had taken the people of Chaldis the whole of three months to build new homes, remove a square mile of forest, plant some unnecessary crops of exotic and luxurious fruits, re-lay a river, and demolish a hill which offended their aesthetic sensibilities. Tales of Ten Worlds
  • Yet however, from time to time, he felt alarmed or offended, he never ceased to experience the fondest interest in her happiness, nor the most tender compassion for the dangers with which he saw her environed. Camilla
  • The lady was grievously offended, and changed her whole behaviour in regard to me.
  • And has anyone meet a person who admits to being offended and hurt by being called a shiksa? Sha With The Shiksa! | Jewschool
  • I get offended, and upset, by children running around, out of control, by their mothers shouting at them, smacking them or swearing at them, should I call for a ban on that too?
  • Not all critics felt the same as Walker or Ebert - Bret Easton Ellis praised Fight Club as ‘a wild, orgiastic pop masterpiece’ - but if audiences were offended, maybe they were supposed to be.
  • We laughed, but Chris was straight-faced and seemed a little offended by the joke.
  • Below, she talks about getting her confidence back, how Kara DioGuardi offended her, Nick's lechery and why she thinks the warzone vibe of the show is counterproductive. Platinum Hit's Amber Ojeda: I Have a Personality, I Swear to God
  • If the actress is merely a doppelgänger, you have not offended your cousin with the idea that you thought such a thing was possible.
  • I wouldn't be offended by dubbing, since the words are nothing but a nod to convention.
  • ‘I sent it Special Delivery on Tuesday,’ said the slightly shocked and offended voice on the other end of the phone at the fashion boutique.
  • They had for a long series of years been debarred from the privilege of religious worship, and as there was reason to fear that a continued neglect of divine ordinances would draw down upon them the judgments of offended heaven, they begged permission to go three days 'journey into the desert -- a place of seclusion -- where their sacrificial observances would neither suffer interruption nor give umbrage to the Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • As he sat twiddling his – um – stick, he uttered up a mouthful of locker room skat, that offended a righteous few. Sean Avery…sloppy seconds jibe gets hockey jock canned! « Julian Ayrs & Pop Culture
  • As at-will employees, adjunct faculty members can face dismissal or nonrenewal when students, parents, community members, administrators, or politicians are offended at what they say. Archive 2010-07-01
  • Have you been misreading the signs all along or unwittingly offended her in some way that meant you didn't make the cut? Times, Sunday Times
  • One thousand of those had reoffended, he said, some committing violent and sex crimes.
  • he behaved rather bumptiously and offended the hostess
  • He was equally offended by people's use of cutlery. Times, Sunday Times
  • My first thought was he was an Arab/Muslim and despised women and wanted me put in my place, and I am ashamed I have thought that the reason rather he was just a power hungry misogynistic egomaniac… so the question is do some cultures and religions today still bread those attitudes and are we being racist or antireligion when we are offended by their attitudes and sexism against us? Identity insults and democracy
  • In showing contempt for the heavyweight championship Douglas offended a stern code.
  • So Labour inherited that situation, but we asked what would happen in a case of someone who has offended against a victim, but who has been rightly punished by society.
  • Sir Ronald had promised to be content without love; but he was not, and was huffish and offended, and savagely jealous of Reginald Stanford and all the hated past. Kate Danton, or, Captain Danton's Daughters A Novel
  • According to rock writer Michael Azerrad's 1993 Nirvana bio, "Come as You Are: The Story of Nirvana," the label prepped an alternate cover without Elden's penis showing, but shelved it when Cobain said the only compromise he would make to the nudity was to cover it with a sticker that read, "If you're offended by this, you must be a closet pedophile. Boing Boing
  • The question mark at the end requires a response, helping the offended party to fulfil their scriptural obligation to forgive.
  • When challenged, he appears offended and clearly has difficulty masking his indignation. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • Paul also rejected the rationale of both the offender and the offended.
  • Sure is on the right -- Obama is apparently supposed to apologize for anything any black person ever said that offended a CorpMedia mouthbreather. Obama Campaign Mapping Out Aggressive Counter-Attack Against Swift-Boating
  • What amazes me about this piece is not only MacLean's defense of the term, but also the comments on the article, most of which attempt to communicate the idea that using the word "pansification" is neither homophobic nor harmful, this despite the fact that Egale Canada received numerous emails and phone calls by people who were offended by the remark. Ron MacLean, Mike Milbury, "Pansification"
  • One who is not the source of annoyance to the world, one who never feels offended with the world, one who is free from both delight and anger, perturbation and fear, ‘that devotee is dear to Me’.
  • The morrow following, some of the poor in hope of spoil, and some of Dundee to consider what was done, passed up to the said Abbey of Scone; whereat the Bishop's servants offended began to threaten and speak proudly, and as it was constantly affirmed one of the Bishop's sons stogged through with a rapier one of Dundee because he was looking in at the girnel door. Royal Edinburgh Her Saints, Kings, Prophets and Poets
  • Lastly, over and above all, might they not plead themselves extremely scandalized, grieved, and offended at the disusage of circumcision, which they were sure was at first instituted by God, and never since Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VII.
  • She did not speak this thought aloud; but it haunted her; and, as the evening wore eventlessly away, the question escaped her in spite of herself: “Can you have offended them? Ultima Thule
  • And another thing alphacrucis, between you and me, what sort of Israeli are you that you feel so offended by the term "Mongoloid" - you said Israelis welcome people from ALL parts of the world to join their sick and iniquitous den? - Comments
  • He was offended to receive a clump of pasta with a token dollop of tomato sauce on it.
  • Whenever anyone has offended me, I try to raise my soul so high that the offense cannot reach it. Rene Descartes 
  • Never mind that your average youth will hit you in the head or laugh at you out loud when you are wearing a mankini, the one thing he won't be is scared or offended by it.
  • Gerald Warner says in the Daily Telegraph blog: Solzhenitsyn offended unforgivably against the politically correct liberal consensus, especially in deploring Western man's loss of awareness of the divine and cultivation of an 'anthropocentricity' dating from the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. Archive 2008-08-01
  • Whenever anyone has offended me, I try to raise my soul so high that the offense cannot reach it. Rene Descartes 
  • So we now gonna beat back to whoever offended us in this event.
  • Such a total denial offended justice and propriety. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like the daimon of Socrates who indicates only what not to do, we too know instinctively, aesthetically, when a fish stinks, when the sense of beauty is offended.
  • If you're squeamish or easily offended, this one is a lock to knock you off the deep end, as Daughters of Darkness is bathed in depraved moments. GreenCine Daily: DVDs, 11/1.
  • People were more offended by discriminatory language, the watchdog claimed. The Sun
  • The Earl is no doubt offended for by law, I am betrothed to his daughter.
  • I was pleased with my new view, but my friends were naturally offended at a novel line of argument which substituted a sort of methodistic self-contemplation for the plain and honest tokens of a divine mission in the Anglican Church. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 13 — Religion and Philosophy
  • This is a ridiculous and reactionary practice that has morphed true humility into a bludgeon for the easily offended who are envious because of their own lack of skills and abilities.
  • I admit, I was really offended by that last remark.
  • They were offended by his refusal to attend the party.
  • From my impartial position, I understand why Christians are offended by Dawkins, but I don't see anything he does as impinging academic freedom or being uncivil. Bradley Monton's Paper criticizing Dover Decision
  • Will you not be offended if you see a crapload of animated breasts? [REVIEW] The Haunted World of El Superbeasto « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
  • However, at his execution, he dramatically stuck his right hand in the fire, the hand with which he had falsely signed his renouncement of his beliefs, crying, ‘This hath offended!’
  • It was impossible to tell from his mien whether he was offended.
  • It's really annoying when you get so sensitively offended.
  • I found the photo here when I was uploading mine about a week ago which Fiend and scums deleted because its showed Jesus Christ as a compassionate and merciful soul and "God forbid" that "christian hunter" will get offended because they need their killing Jesus. Anti-Deer-Hunting Billboard Goes Up in Kansas City
  • Mrs. Rachel got up with an air of offended dignity. Anne of Green Gables
  • There's not much to differentiate the two these days. But I apologize if I have offended you with my tone. FLOATING CITY
  • He is easily offended.
  • I appreciate that this is a very emotive and difficult subject to discuss openly, and I therefore apologise unreservedly if any part of my opinion has upset or offended you.
  • ‘The anchorite is not offended primarily by the world,’ Ramfos insists; ‘he is offended by futility.’
  • I rocked back on my heels and pretended to be offended, though the effect was probably ruined by the badly suppressed grin on my face.
  • The pope and the sacred college had never been dazzled by his specious professions; they were justly offended by the insolence of his conduct; a cardinal legate was sent to Italy, and after some fruitless treaty, and two personal interviews, he fulminated a bull of excommunication, in which the tribune is degraded from his office, and branded with the guilt of rebellion, sacrilege, and heresy. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • She may be offended if you don't reply to her invitation.
  • In any event, Miss Y was offended by the suggestion that she was cohabiting with Mr X, and the newspaper had to pay up.
  • The picture, he said, offended his “pudeur” his modesty. FORGE OF EMPIRES 1861-1871
  • Hotline is an adult novelty, aka repackaged children's toy that didn't sell well and / or offended the public. Gizmodo
  • It is probably a bit too harsh to call those upset by The Baltimore Sun's recent use of the word limn in a headline word-haters, but I assume they'd be even more offended by the fancy word misologists. Boston Globe -- Ideas section
  • He was a masterful but a pleasant man, very civil to customers and to his friends generally while they took him the right way; but one who could be a Tartar if he were offended, holding an opinion that his position as landlord of an inn was one requiring masterdom. The American Senator
  • Though the animals could not understand his words, they heard the derision in his tone and responded with offended noises of their own.
  • It was probably in the main a fairly adequate digest of the evangelical narratives, for otherwise it would not have maintained its grounds; but passages which offended Tatian's Encratic and Gnostic views, such as the genealogies, were excised; and this might easily be done without attracting notice under cover of his general plan. Essays on the work entitled "Supernatural Religion"
  • I was mortally offended by what you wrote about him in your last article.
  • The old Toffifay candy commercial jingle is something that really offended me as a kid. All Singing, All Snacking :
  • If any man be conuict of adulterie he forfeicteth the fourtieth parte of his goodes, but thadulteresse is punished at home, accordyng to the discretion of the partie offended. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • I can't imagine anyone, of any political or religious persuasion, who would not be offended.
  • I was offended by his discourteous reply.
  • His tales of corrupt politicians, red-light madams and greedy businessmen may have offended civic leaders in 1951, but the book became an instant classic and is still in print today.
  • At Northampton I often offended people I liked by what they called my obstinacy when a principle was at stake. Our Friend the Charlatan
  • The smell of burning flesh still offended his nostrils, but he ignored it.
  • ‘As I ask pardon of those whom I have offended, I freely forgive whatever has seemed to be unfair to me,’ he said.
  • The challenge offended their sensibilities.
  • Even the unshockable viewers of BBC's Room 101 this summer were offended by Milligan's wish that he suffer ‘an early death’ or leprosy.
  • If he spits in the face of deeply held Labour beliefs, he must not be surprised if offended party members retaliate.
  • Ivy glanced sulkily at the two males, obviously somewhat offended by her summary dismissal. THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • We want a two-fisted God who comes up like thunder, and we are offended by one who puts himself/herself at our mercy and who now and then looks a lot like our Uncle Fred.
  • The Home Office is evaluating its effectiveness in the Thames Valley where, out of 48 registered serious sex offenders, none reoffended in the year from April 2003.
  • When alive ,we may probably offend some people.However, we must think about whether they are deserved offended.
  • What do you mean?" I asked,(Sentence dictionary) offended on Liddie's behalf.
  • “You are not offended, Frank, are you, with me, for making you meet two caryatides of the Parisian temple of pleasure?” Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions
  • But now there is a widely perceived right not to be offended. Times, Sunday Times
  • She had been out-manoeuvred and out-run, to say nothing of her having been unceremoniously tumbled in the gravel, and her arrival was like that of a tornado — made up of offended dignity, justifiable wrath, and instinctive hatred for this marauder from the Wild. The Southland
  • His conduct offended against the rules of decent behaviour.
  • I don't know what you call dull," replied the old man, as if half offended at the suggestion. The Portent & Other Stories
  • My account was suspended because some snowflake got offended by me on Twitter.
  • We'll give you some first impressions later today, and after that - and if we haven't offended the sensitive vendors too much - full reviews should follow in the next couple of weeks.
  • Yes | No | Report from J4huntfish wrote 2 weeks 5 days ago sorry feer slayer i should have used better word choice besides you are probly an awesome dude so is every one else that offended. truly im sorry Im 14 and i seen alot of people say some stuff like baiting for squirrels.
  • She told me so, and she made it clear to me that my comments upset and offended her.
  • August at the convention of treason he took the material where and as he found we see him trying hard to bring the money power of the union into his service, we find him extorting large sums for his political campaigns from the so-called despisable trusts, since then we became accustomed to look upon every man of wealth and the great industrials corporations who have been and are today of incalculable value and benefit to our national welfare, as nothing more or less than contemptible criminals, whom he offended in the most profane language during his crusade against them, if they refused to become a part of his machine. The Attempted Assassination of ex-President Theodore Roosevelt
  • Stella was beginning to feel a little offended.
  • We too have strong convictions, we too can be offended, insulted and annoyed, and we have to say we're not going to put up with it.
  • I knew that Piers would be deeply offended .
  • The reactive response is when my ego is offended.
  • It was the word calumny that offended him most, that, and the idea that he, the Marquis of Trowbridge, should be called upon to promise not to commit an offence! The Vicar of Bullhampton
  • He struck an attitude of offended dignity and marched out of the room.
  • He is just offended by an incongruous adaptation, which, in his opinion, undermines his own concept by degrading his heroine.
  • Lorelei considered for a couple of seconds, uttered a simple `No", and Felicity retired, dismissed but not apparently offended. DEATH IN PURPLE PROSE
  • The smell from the farm offended some people.
  • `I'm not selling anything,' I yelped, offended by her assumption. KICK BACK
  • The appalled actor instantly apologised and was clearly distraught to have offended. The Sun
  • She didn't even hear Jackson call something out to her, or see him shrug his shoulders in unoffended complacency to her non-response.
  • Then, perhaps feeling that she may have offended me, she quickly added: "Not of course that I doubt that there are maidenlike ladies in America. Walking-Stick Papers
  • So if our actions and qualities compel the highest respect from other people, and they have no option but to give this respect, — as soon as anyone, no matter how wicked or foolish he may be, utters something depreciatory of us, our honor is offended, nay, gone for ever, unless we can manage to restore it. The Wisdom of Life
  • At that point, the offended party tries to become the "definer" of what is a true Republican or a true Democrat. RNC members draft new 'socialist' resolution
  • I'm not offended, just a little surprised that anyone could seriously think there was a connection based on seeing some people at a show.
  • One does have to have a certain mindset, though, one that isn't offended by vicious killings committed by actors with spicy hunks of Greek gyro hanging off their cheeks.
  • His excessive familiarity offended her.
  • He laughed and I pretended to be offended, but ended up cracking a smile anyway.
  • It doesn't hurt to be offended now and then. Times, Sunday Times
  • There hanging on the wall is the declaration that you are a sophisticate, incapable of being shocked, and far removed from the booboisie who are offended.
  • It can't happen: something always goes wrong - and it's all the more likely if you have mortally offended one of your guests by snubbing his hairdressing skills.
  • Treo is a project that works with young people who have offended.
  • I hadn't realized I'd upset him but apparently he was mortally offended.
  • Then he admitted he may have said what he said unartfully and now he's deeply apologized if he's offended anyone. CNN Transcript Apr 13, 2008
  • He offended sensitive members of the staff and press with arrogant quips about artists and audiences, but he revitalised an elderly board and ran a tight set of budgets.
  • I feel rather offended by the suggestion, in fact.
  • A man given a ‘last chance’ at Kirkwall Sheriff Court and who reoffended within a week, has been jailed for three months.
  • Yet, this man was still offended that I used the word gladiator in my sermon. The God of Yes
  • Rather than being offended, Luke was absolutely thrilled by her strange and peculiar reaction.
  • Chuck Grassley has been one of the most ill-informed and eager fulminators of misinformation throughout this healthcare debate and, frankly, on healthcare in general for many years .... so, if anyone has the right to be offended ... its the American people. Grassley: 'I kinda resent' White House over health care reform
  • And she wasn't offended, so … whatevs, right?
  • Why watch a programme, broadcast well after the watershed, if you know you are going to be offended by it?
  • Here he paused, astonished at his own trepidity, and also in fear lest his aristocratic customers should be offended. Heiress of Haddon
  • When Starbucks opened in the Forbidden City, the nation was not offended; it applauded a savvy integration of East and West -- until, that is, the nationalistic blososphere fringe started making noises. Tom Doctoroff: The China Code: From Robotic Depersonalization to Epic Ambition
  • I tried to pretend I wasn't offended by his remark.
  • Any readers who are easily offended or who simply dislike explicit descriptions of sex should avoid this novel.
  • Other causes may be the evil eye, witchcraft, possession by an evil spirit, or a curse by a sorcerer or an offended neighbour.
  • This Remclid or Remeline did afterwards resigne that bishoprike to the king, bicause he was pursuaded he had greatlie offended in receiuing the same at a temporall mans hands. Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (3 of 12) Henrie I.
  • Yet it is deeply worrying that some of those whom he has offended appear to have taken the law into their own hands.
  • The remarks deeply offended many in the African-American community.
  • One newspaper diary seemed to become mildly obsessed - and rather offended - by my weight loss, suggesting its readers send me ‘gifts of stollen and mince pies’ for Christmas.
  • Her tactless remark offended me
  • Voltaire, despite gaining renown as the greatest living French playwright while still in his twenties, endured a long stay in the Bastille, a thorough beating by an offended nobleman's lackeys, and several periods of exile.
  • First-time Hakari eaters are normally advised to hold their nose when chewing so only the taste buds in the tongue and not the more sensitive tastebuds in the nose are offended.
  • It was clear that, wittingly or unwittingly, he had offended her.
  • He said it pleased him, and he was flattered not offended
  • They were offended at these remarks.
  • He explained to the company that the butler was not well and hoped they would not be offended by the parlormaid serving luncheon with the assistance of young Burgess Noakes. The Master
  • Not sure who should be more offended here (is that a joke about their age or their politics?); the magazine cites it as an example of how he is "less predictable" than most pols, "unable to resist the force of his own funniness. Quoted: Mike Huckabee's joke about Nancy Pelosi and Helen Thomas
  • Her unfortunate choice of phrase offended most of the audience.
  • I had to apologise profusely to an offended American after she called him a "seppo" to his face.
  • I hope you were not offended by my mistakenly calling you Sir, maam. [Guest Post] Part 1: A Manifesto of Imaginative Literature by Justin Allen
  • He has offended the party's traditional base by pandering to the rich and the middle classes.
  • The film is currently banned by the sort of pinheads who think Huck Finn is a racist book and who get offended when people say ‘niggardly’.
  • She is terribly offended, angered and hurt by this.
  • In Danish we call a beard a _fugle_" (pronounced _fool_.) "Then," I said, pretending to be offended, "I sing like a fool? The Sunny Side of Diplomatic Life, 1875-1912
  • Frankly that is a total of right, freedom of speech objects, but most likely because of inadvertence and offended the other side.
  • Admittedly they were a bit manky, but I still felt offended.
  • If it wasn't for them, I think I'd have reoffended.

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