How To Use Of course In A Sentence

  • I add a little extra for being all spaced-out, of course. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Larger butter pieces (not huge, of course, but quite a bit larger than “wet sand”) result in a flakier biscuit. 2009 March | Baking Bites
  • Of course, if you fail, and you have been put on that pedestal, it is a lot harder because you have further to fall,’ he said.
  • Of course, it was snuffed out because Mars is tectonically dead, so the recycling of chemicals that you get on Earth which keeps things going and supplies the surface biosphere would have actually ceased on Mars a lot earlier.
  • Of course, Whitty himself ain’t exactly a peach; he loves him some torture, and buries knives in bellies with minimal provocation; when it comes to witch-hunting, he’s of the “burn her alive now, ask questions … well, don’t really bother asking questions, it’s just so damn fun to burn people, let’s do it some more!” school. Cry of the Banshee « Skid Roche
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  • Of course there's nothing wrong with necking a few beers and getting caught up in the buzz of the World Cup.
  • He is still very much alive and he looks just like his pictures, only considerably older of course.
  • Of course, professional framing costs a bit more than buying a frame at Wal-mart and doing it yourself, but with something that really matters to you, its generally a good idea anyway.
  • I do not of course mean, Heaven forbid! that people should try to converse seriously; that results in the worst kind of dreariness, in feeling, as Stevenson said, that one has the brain of a sheep and the eyes of a boiled codfish. From a College Window
  • Of course, this kid dreams of a place like this island, where nobody works except to keep house and pick wild blueberries and beachcomb. Diary
  • This concept of embodiment doesn't apply just to times of exertion, of course.
  • Of course when we found the mines on board, that vindicated our concerns.
  • Alex's is predestined, of course, and lucky for him he's able to stand up to it. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • I intend to take it, subject of course to your approval and, as the prime minister designate, with your permission. TANK OF SERPENTS
  • Of course, you would expect it to be damp in those parts of the Highlands which the Camanachd Association holds as its fiefdom and indeed shinty has suffered in recent weeks with matches being cancelled due to unplayable pitches.
  • Yet marital relations were a constant theme of controversy, discussion, humour and, of course, song.
  • Of course the appendix has always been subject to inflammation, just as it is now, but in former years the disease we call appendicitis bore various names, depending upon the diagnostic skill of the attending physician. Appendicitis
  • Matters went on pretty well with us until my master was seized with a severe fit of illness, in consequence of which his literary scheme was completely defeated, and his condition in life materially injured; of course, the glad tones of encouragement which I had been accustomed to hear were changed into expressions of condolence, and sometimes assurances of unabated friendship; but then it must be remembered that I, the handsomest blue coat, was _still in good condition_, and it will perhaps appear, that if I were not my master's The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 262, July 7, 1827
  • Of course people have noticed before that Matisse posed his models in flimsy, filmy harem pants on divans and cushions covered with flowered or striped stuffs against fabric screens and curtains.
  • Certainly observant Jews remember the crusaders as evil butchers, who on their way to Jerusalem, slaughtered and massacred many thousands of Jews and decimated entire Jewish communities such as Speyer, Worms and Mayencea and of course, when they arrived in Jerusalem, put the holy Jews of the city to the sword. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Of course, the kobold’s nonexistence is no reason to stop playing the game … Matthew Yglesias » The New Atheism
  • By this time, Dad and I had replaced the old dipole with a short Yagi array, horizontally polarized of course, and screwed to one of the crossbeams in the attic, so now we had three channels with excellent reception.
  • Of course the bulk of those opulent knick-knacks manufactured for the Carolingian and Ottonian Emperors, and now to be seen at Aachen, are as beastly as anything else that is made simply to be precious. Art
  • And of course the guests and limpets also had to be depilated, washed, and have their hair dressed in an order dictated by protocol. Wildfire
  • Of course what is small will inevitably vary greatly according to the circumstances and to say that a curtilage is a small area is obviously not to provide any precise test of identification.
  • But of course Buchco is hideous and wrong, we need to raise taxes and let's throw in free college tuition too tsk stk btw, neither of you seemned to be aware the mayor of Pittsburgh just announced a similar "homestead" program where Pittsburgh residents will get their tution paid in an effort to get people to move to Pittsburgh. Radio alert.
  • It was more than that, of course, but she liked the careless sound of the alliteration. FLIGHT LESSONS
  • Of course, daylight savings time will never go away, because modern environmentalism has become more a matter of making empty feel-good gestures than performing rational acts that actually improve something. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » It Seems I Was Right About Daylight Savings Time
  • Of course, the trouble with fiscal stimulus is that it is a blunt instrument. Times, Sunday Times
  • I loved her so much but I always felt it was a one-way relationship so I proposed, she of course said yes.
  • Kirkland is a lovely city nestled on Lake Washington, with views of the water, the Seattle skyline, and of course Mount Rainier, which is by far the area's most impressive and hopefully most dormant volcano. Archive 2007-10-01
  • So of course city-dwellers voted for someone who promised more government welfare.
  • He had to wait for the first-class passengers to deplane, of course, since even flag officers fly coach. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER
  • Of course, all returning players are comped for their loyalty in the rewards program where they earn 1 point for every $10 wagered.
  • Of course, a sense of catharsis is central to a book of this nature.
  • Of course they spoke of their brew as if it were a medicinal cure-all when in reality they produced highly refined and greatly prized moonshine.
  • Which of course explains why Bush is afraid to drive by motorcade through Washington DC but does it in Bagdad … oh wait … Think Progress » Rep. King: My Wife ‘Is At Far Greater Risk Being a Civilian In D.C. Than An Average Civilian In Iraq’
  • “Yes, of course, the whole idea is utterly inane, but to let its predictable inanities blind you to its truly fabulous and breathtaking aspects is to do both oneself and the genre a disservice.” — The Codex Continual. Official Website of Steven E. Schend
  • Thou shalt not deliver unto his master," &c., sets the servant free from his _authority_ and of course, from all those liabilities of injury, to which _as his servant_, he was subjected, but not from the obligation of legal contracts. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 1 of 4
  • The jolliest person present, as well as the most important, was of course old Santa Claus; so he was given the seat of honor at one end of the table while at the other end sat Princess Ozma, the hostess. Love Letters
  • Of course, he does this not through imagery alone but through turning the paint itself into a kind of turbulent human clay.
  • If someone is suffering from yaws or trachoma, of course in your own small way you will try to help.
  • She's wearing a print dress, low-cut of course, frilly sleeves, a quarter-inch of makeup, and her hair is dyed midnight black.
  • So he had got experience, at least you could say that for him, and of course it would be in a French-speaking area. THE GWEN JOHN SCULPTURE
  • And of course, as humans we could experience the same torment, because of our own patterns of greed and miserliness.
  • The red notebook, of course, is only half the story, as any sensitive reader will understand.
  • It is de rigueur to ridicule them - of course they are laughable loons!
  • Of course, getting all this infrastructure right is a mammoth undertaking in debt-ridden times. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, her boyfriend is indie royalty, but her sheer ubiquity denies her indie status. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think that has contributed to the growth of courses of low quality.
  • Of course, she stepped on it, it made the dreaded 'crinkly' noise and she jerked-- her head catching in the loop of the bag. Poursuivre - French Word-A-Day
  • Of course, it never hurts if a biographer's subject boozes and ... whatever the non-gender-specific equivalent of "wenches" is. ON PARNASSUS FOR 15 MINUTES
  • Quite different from its crisp Scottish cousin, the Staffordshire oatcake is more like a dense pancake made from batter containing three types of flour and, of course, oats. Insider's guide to the best British food, and where to find it
  • Of course the 'nester' or 'punkin roller,' as we contemptuously called the small farmer, began sifting in here and there in spite of our guns, but he was only a mosquito bite in comparison with the trouble which our cow-punchers stirred up. Cavanaugh: Forest Ranger A Romance of the Mountain West
  • Of course everyone knew the reason for all the strangers - those faked tickets someone had distributed. DEATH IN FASHION
  • Assuming of course (4) that Germany, which wants to revise the Lisbon Treaty to apply the new rules EU-wide, and France, which wants nothing to do with a re-opening of the Treaty and therefore wants the fines to apply only in euroland, can resolve their differences. Euroland Should Prepare for More Ups and Downs in Its Yo-Yo Economy
  • Eventually, of course, the cheetah wins, sinking its teeth into the jugular of the prey and ending its life.
  • She was, of course, my sister, and I loved her, but I had never mothered her the way I had doted on Henry or - most of all - Maggie.
  • Of course, it's quite impossible to live without roast rib of beef (of which more on Friday) and braised oxtail.
  • Of course buildings must be designed with consideration of how they will fit in.
  • Of course, meanness is not toughness, and the right are anything but tough. Think Progress » VIDEO: The Extreme, Violent Rhetoric Of GOP Lawmakers
  • You may, of course, disregard the whole thing without fear of violent reprisals: anapestic little bouffe Toast:
  • The giving of money is, of course, only one kind of benefaction, and not the highest kind, which is the giving of self; but the good which these gifts have rendered possible is beyond calculation. American Men of Mind
  • Of course, it's not all about the image and the looks (except that, in the case of this particular preening bunch of fops in their heyday, it was almost entirely about the image and the looks).
  • The one quote that strikes me as quite unsound is the one at the very end, though of course it's always impossible to tell if some relevant context might have been inadvertently cut in the editing.
  • For the Schlachtfest, Stralsunders gathered in hundreds, the women in their dirndls and men in old-fashioned suits, gobbling pig knuckle, leberwurst, knockwurst, dozens of waxy, greasy boiled potatoes, and of course, blutwurst. Blood Lite II: Overbite
  • Of course, the failed indicator light was frustrating our efforts to read the indication.
  • Vocab from The Varieties of Religious Experience aseity the property by which a being exists of and from itself; usually used in connection to God apodictic Necessarily or demonstrably true; incontrovertible.concatenated To connect or link in a series or chain.decide Of course, I already knew the definition; it's hardly an unusual word. Archive 2005-08-01
  • Of course I was wrong; it would be hypocritical to pretend otherwise.
  • Of course, the imperative to lend interest-free isn't unique to Jews. When Religion Restricts Lending
  • It was of course the law of the place that they were never to take no notice, as Mr. Buckton said, whom they served; but this also never prevented, certainly on the same gentleman's own part, what he was fond of describing as the underhand game. In the Cage
  • Anarchist, of course, has become a media code word for punk-and-hippie anti-capitalist rowdies.
  • I’ve also read mesopotamian myths that have survived including the Avesta from the Zoroastrians which serves as a foundation of Judaism combined of course with the cult of Amun (the egyptian cult of the one god). Think Progress » As New Orleans Drowned, Chertoff Was Focused On Avian Flu and Immigration
  • Critical criminology was, of course, morally committed to social justice. The Politics of Redress - crime, punishment and penal abolition
  • The sphere s should be small and of uniform thickness; any dissymmetry of course has the effect to diminish the sensitiveness. Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency
  • Of course, the media is always trying to pre-empt events, but where there is smoke there is fire.
  • Of course, Americansmight very well be the last to know (surprise) andcould be hurt the most (in more ways than one). SO SAY THE BANKERS: Learn to Love the 'AMERO'
  • Victor's authority is appealed to by those who deem the last twelve verses of S. Mark's Gospel spurious, it would of course be inferred that his evidence is hostile to the verses in question; whereas his evidence to their genuineness is the most emphatic and extraordinary on record. The Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel According to S. Mark Vindicated Against Recent Critical Objectors and Established
  • Of course, retreating from the trials of the twentieth century existence does not mean one wants to abandon its many creature comforts.
  • Of course it's vital that lessons are learnt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pinocchio is hell on vampires (and crickets, of course) Pinocchio is hell on vampires (and crickets, of course) | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • The 15 spaces have only their fierce commitment to individuality (and, of course, their amenities) in common, ranging in style from slick minimalism to full-on kitsch.
  • Of course, he has to comport himself differently than the rest of us do when somebody makes an allegation against him.
  • Of course we accept his apologies with every grace.
  • The answer, of course, lies in a word unfamiliar to as many fitness enthusiasts as it is to the bacchanalian hedonist - moderation.
  • There was, of course, a vast amount of music in the U.S. in this period besides symphonic music, Lutheran hymnody, and Wagnerian opera.
  • This was sufficient to prove that he was a non-praedial, and of course entitled to liberty two years sooner than he would have been as a praedial. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • Of course, the most peculiar thing is that she was semi-transparent, glowing in a soft yellow hue - that, and her eyes seemed to be empty, two black ovals floating in the middle of the light.
  • Of course, " said Trifaldin; "they don't bury living people in Kandy, only the dead.
  • Of course, not all of these changes apply to all persons and groups in all societies. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • Of course it is circular in the sense that, based on my proffered definition, since intelligence ultimately permeates all aspects of being, what we call sentient beings (life forms) are simply different manifestations of intelligence playing with itself, or as one old text puts it in the title: 'You are the Eyes of the Universe.' Telic Thoughts
  • One fragment of her mind reeled in shock but a rational response formed even as the connection spun its thread: Of course.
  • He does not accept homosexuality as a legitimate lifestyle, and of course he believes in evangelizing among nonbelievers. November 2004
  • Why, the tesseract, of course. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, in some sense, this is a regressive tax as poorer laborers are probably the least likely to have flexibility in setting their work schedules for the sake of avoiding the higher taxes.
  • The question, of course, is whether this quality can be imbued by training. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, the hard but essential task now will be to maintain the sense of priority and importance about indigenous issues once the front page splashes die away again.
  • Katrina, of course, drove like a madwoman again.
  • Of course, a student has to be taught from a somewhat early age how to be discerning about the sources of education, but this is true for one who goes to a college as well as for one who is self-educated. When Children Are Grown
  • Of course, keeping beautiful amid the heat and humidity is no easy task, so the Shanghai Star brings you some new and effective ways to help you look your best in the hot weather.
  • Of course, his most effective weapons are his boomerangs, which he can use to take out distant enemies, break items, or glide from heights.
  • And will he make clear, by his word and deed, that his goal in this conflict is Palestinian statehood, which is American policy and American's goal, and not the destruction of Israel, which, of course, America could never accept. CNN Transcript Apr 28, 2002
  • Rebecca "brings the vitality of herself -- her offhand sense of her own consequence"; Mizzy "feels like a fantasy he's having, his own dream of self, made manifest to others"; Peter exhibits an artist whose video installations show ordinary citizens in repeated commonplace actions, but these figures "do, of course, each of them, carry within them a jewel of self, not just the wounds and the hopes but an innerness. Alan Hollinghurst On Michael Cunningham
  • And of course we will conveniently forget that we forced him to hurry his conclusions and abandon the meticulousness with which it is necessary to proceed when searching for the truth.
  • Locale: Staging and dressing together constitute locale and their absence will render it "vague" or "vapid" -- though a writer might, of course, pare away the requisite details deliberately, in the same way they might pare away features distinguishing voice. Archive 2009-12-01
  • I managed to turn up a copy in both Nagari and Nastaliq of another of his stories, "Khol Do" here or here for Nastaliq; furthermore, the fact that the Devanagari version was copied from a source text gives me hope of finding such an edition for myself... or, of course, I could just finally learn how to read the script... SAADAT HASAN MANTO.
  • Of course, psychological constructs and theories are not always independent of their social, cultural, and historical contexts.
  • In the greater monetary scheme of things, of course, the dollar is still what investor Doug Casey calls ‘the unbacked liability of a bankrupt government.’
  • This, of course, does not stop her noseying around, interfering and gossiping to her heart's content, especially to her completely hen-pecked hubby Norman.
  • Testing the Woonerf against alternatives Remodelling of residential areas into Woonerven is, of course, expensive.
  • The guileless McKenzie is of course immune, as he blunders through a palsied old world.
  • This symbolic geography, of course, typifies the upper division course in any discipline, where the field of study is the central topic.
  • But this can not, of course, explain the greater similarity in the striping of the rest of the body.
  • The bunk should not be too wide: one rolls so in rough weather; of course it should not be athwartships, if avoidable. A First Year in Canterbury Settlement
  • Paul came home this evening and said "You're horny ... and mardy ... you must be due on," which of course is absolutely right. March 28th, 2008
  • For the rest of us, it has been six months of adjustment to a new family situation, tough occasionally but generally an improvement: far fewer messes to clear up, no constant vigilance on the bathroom and kitchen, much greater freedom for us to go on family outings (most often, of course, to see B up in Limburg). Six months on
  • She suggested he should see a dentist, of course, as well as remembering to brush his tongue when he brushes his teeth.
  • And of course the whole history of the Caribbean is really marked by the slave experience.
  • My friends being lushes, they also drink when anyone makes jazz hands or says something particularly stupid, which of course necessitates frequent refills.
  • Yet of course it is they who practiced linguistic apartheid, and the system we propose which could bring this to an end.
  • Behind the question of course lies a deep ignorance of the reality of life in working class communities.
  • The original, of course, was not written in English, and the spelling used ( "instil") is not uncommon. Slate Magazine
  • They are asking for election monitors and observers to be sent to Gamelonia, of course all expenses to be borne by us.
  • None of this applies, of course, to anyone VandeHei deems "crushworthy," of course. Politico's VandeHei: Unattractive Members of Congress Should Not Have Affairs (VIDEO)
  • The irony, of course, is that the English, thoroughly mongrelized as they are, have not a clue what their own national identity might be. Blue, White, Red
  • Buddleia is tall of course — but there are also bushier varieties that you could certainly grow in a tub. Times, Sunday Times
  • I also loved the sophistication and harmony of jazz, the melody and, of course, the great solos that jazz cats played.
  • And of course, a truckload of educational toys, books, puzzles, games and music.
  • Of course, we also might never know whether any company chooses to leave Scotland because of high rates.
  • There may be a shuffle of preselected leaders, a review of the news footage, and, of course, the rebels may be rounded up to face a fate unknown. Zondra Hughes: Egypt Revolt: This Is Biblical
  • Ostentatious expenditure focused the attention of the poor on the wealth of the wealthy, for this of course was its purpose.
  • Ranging from antiquities and ethnographia through medieval manuscripts and quattrocento panel paintings to Bacon and Polke, it is of course the European Fine Art Fair at Maastricht.
  • Of course I don't know her," Roger snapped.
  • The web sites devoted to Brigitte are of course legion.
  • The ability to be there ahead of everybody else and capture market share makes a big difference, of course.
  • In the bigger waters, maskalonge and, of course, any amount of pike and pickerel. The Man from Glengarry; a tale of the Ottawa
  • The dilemma, of course, is that you can't say 'she' until someone self-identifies.
  • Of course, I flew from London to Istanbul, so it was a sudden jump from one culture to another, rather than a gradual shift.
  • This of course was Bush's ideology, but the 'agressive' mannar in which he carried this out caused this superpower credibility to falter. D-Day in West Virginia
  • I'll certainly join the girls in toasting that - as long, of course, as they're paying.
  • `The bright sparks latched on to that possibility yonks ago, of course. DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • The ability of predictors of survival to prognosticate in individual patients is, of course, limited.
  • And another big one, of course, is the growing number of people who have no family doctor and no hope of getting one, either, because years ago the government (composed of people who NEVER make any mistakes) decided there were too many doctors and limited enrollment in med schools across the country. ProWomanProLife » Abortion politics in the USA
  • Of course I know who he is,’ I responded snappishly also.
  • Of course, a healthy dose of petulance is is one of the hallmarks of polemics (to say nothing of talk show hosts), right? "That's one of the things that really bugs me about religion."
  • Unless one of the prospects you're suggesting is genocide of the unevolved which is, of course, a possibility. More Aesthetics
  • The wiretap warrant, of course, did not extend to McCabe, so his incriminating comments were deemed inadmissible in court. THE KILL CLAUSE
  • Of course, it would be uncool to be excited about being so cool.
  • Of course it’s romanticized from the point of view of a southerner, but that’s nowhere near any “propaganda for the slave system”. Matthew Yglesias » Rep Trent Franks: Blacks Were Better Off Under Slavery
  • I could look it up in the almanac, of course, but that's not the point - I should jolly well know.
  • This option is of course not available if you have chosen not to join the new London General Pension Fund.
  • Quantitative growth ring analysis of fossil woods may be used only in well-constrained paleoecological studies where taxonomic and climatic sources of variability can be controlled, and additionally, of course, as a qualitative tool in paleoclimatic and paleoecological analyses. Supplementary Comments to NAS Panel « Climate Audit
  • Same with lignivorous/xylophagous, herbivorous/phytophagous, and of course carnivorous/sarcophagous. VEGAN.
  • No drama of course except for the popping of the exhaust and the head-turning styling of the car.
  • Of course, the possibility for error forever looms, never to be completely staunched. Four Lost Measures Found
  • Of course, new shows in developement are still going forward. Tube Bits for 01/21/2008
  • The “right to privacy” meme, of course, is a strawman – by attaching some invented notion of “privacy” to the surgical process of electively vacuuming out a developing human life in pieces from the womb, the left thinks they make abortion a “right” – wholly and completely ridiculous. Think Progress » Samuel Alito’s America
  • It wasn't the faux avuncularity we've come to expect from Stewart on "The Daily Show" but there, of course, he's playing a role. October 2004
  • Of course, my hypothetical is theoretical, as I am not talking about a real thing that has attributes A, B, and C. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Further Left You Are the Less You Know About Economics:
  • Of course, Toby, my dear fellow, of course.
  • Sooner or later,the time comes when we all must become responsible adults,and learn to give up what we want,so we can choose to do what is right.Of course,a life time of responsibility isn'e always easy,and as the years go on,it's a burden that can become too heavy for some to bear.But still we try to do what is best,what is good.Not only for ourselves,but for those we love.Yes,sooner or later we must all become responsible adults.No one knows this better than the young.
  • Of course, this is followed by walkouts from the Assembly, dharnas, gheraos, bandhs and other forms of agitation.
  • Of course this seriously comic or comically serious Opera is drawing -- [ "_Music_," observes Mr. WAGG, parenthetically, "cannot be _drawing_"] -- and will continue to do so for some little time, long enough at all events to reimburse Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 103, October 15, 1892
  • The greatest of these solemnities is, of course, the Nativity of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • Each of the seven-bone USDA prime standing ribs is aged for a minimum of 28 days before being roasted in the old English way, on top of a bed of course rock salt. Jay Weston: Lawry's the Prime Rib -- Donating, Doing, Delicious!
  • Of course these photos are going to be denounced as fakes.
  • A celebrity, the Zu-Zu, the last coryphee whom Bertie had translated from a sphere of garret bread-and-cheese to a sphere of villa champagne and chicken (and who, of course, in proportion to the previous scarcity of her bread-and-cheese, grew immediately intolerant of any wine less than 90s the dozen), said the Cecil cared for nothing longer than a fortnight, unless it was his horse, Forest King. Under Two Flags
  • Of course it would be common courtesy for a transexual to make it known they are a pre-op transexual.
  • Or Eliot, who wrote on the Metaphysicals, Marvell, Dryden, Blake, Wordsworth, Baudelaire and, of course, Dante, as well as many other writers.
  • Of course all references to groups are ultimately references to distinct individuals.
  • Of course the images were still there, and several people on the Internet gave the photographer the information he needed to retrieve them.
  • It'll be all-natural and organic, of course; still, he's entering a market in which it is axiomatic that you either grow or die.
  • Of course, a basic corollary of the theory is that deep drilling should uncover a portion of these massive methane resources.
  • Of course, once they tried to get things out, the roof had collapsed in, covering everything in sooty ashes.
  • Some of these have images etched onto them - the background to the window shows some of God's creations which my father thought were especially lovely - tormentils, oystercatchers, skylarks and of course St. Margaret's Church.
  • This of course applies only to the ‘pre-vocalic’ R which is normally realized as a ‘frictionless continuant’ by such speakers. The Oxford BBC Guide to Pronunciation | Linguism | Language Blog
  • What cheeses me off, of course, is that these offers are available only to those who can be provided with a service at minimum cost and thus maximum profit to the service provider.
  • By 1905, of course, astronomical observations had greatly improved due to photography.
  • Of course, it would be open to ultra-picky fault-finding customers or even malicious postings. Times, Sunday Times
  • Exchanging dark-squared bishops is of course a useful positional objective but will White have enough compensation?
  • Of course, these are minor quibbles with a book that provides such a wealth of content.
  • forfeited" -- which of course meant that they should be set free. Abraham Lincoln and the Union; a chronicle of the embattled North
  • You can pay by cheque, assuming of course you have a valid cheque card.
  • People are worried, rightly of course, about economics but in the end those who do not share end up not actually enriched. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have recommitted myself to discovering a slower lifestyle -- I do, of course, fully believe in the power of poetry and play -- but the siren song of a highly productive life still calls compellingly to me. Christine Carter, PhD: Borrowing Time for Bliss
  • It's possible, of course, to jump ‘blind’ as long as your astrogation computer doesn't have the safety controls engaged, but the practice has little to recommend it.
  • Artists have, of course, been sticky-fingered for ages, long before the term "appropriation art" was ushered into the lexicon to describe the Pictures Generation. The New Yorker
  • Of course, the moment I got there it was clear that all my concerns were completely groundless.
  • Of course, an important difference is that to my knowledge the candlelight vigils did not engage in trespass, which the SEIU apparently did. The Volokh Conspiracy » Another Item on the SEIU Protest
  • Born in 1930, Pinter was old enough to see and remember fascist actions in the East End and, of course, to be around when fascism stopped marching and started dropping bombs and launching doodlebugs.
  • Kate, of course, was in her element, making all the arrangements.
  • Of course, there are certain minimum standards to which companies must adhere but it is the culture within a company that defines it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Boxing champion Mike Tyson was, of course, convicted in the 1992 rape of a beauty pageant contestant.
  • A less rigid membership and more open selections will, of course, loosen party affiliation as well as broaden it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, the Prince continued to wonder with more than a little trepi - dation how his brother would receive these tidings, but it was a fear he easily suppressed. Mortalis
  • Italy was a country of inexhaustible charm, sybaritic pleasure, and cultural wealth, of course, but it was not to be taken quite seriously in an economic or political sense.
  • Of course, unexpected upsets happen in elections. Times, Sunday Times
  • (Original lineation is evident, of course, in the facsimile images.) Annotated Text
  • Of course, what all of this means is that the thieves cased the joint during the day and came back that night to make their heist.
  • Of course, that all begs the question as to whether the athematic nom. sg. ending *-s and athematic pronominal nom./acc. (better "abs." for absolutive) sg. ending *-d are indeed from postclitic demonstratives/articles, as opposed to coming from some other source(s). Precising on a new rule to explain Pre-IE word-final voicing

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