How To Use Oestrone In A Sentence

  • In 1932, Butenandt was able, from observations made in spectral analysis, and especially on the basis of the then established correct formula of cholesterol to draw up the formulae of the chemical structure of oestrone and oestriol. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1939 - Presentation Speech
  • Zhang, F, et al. Synthesis and reactivity of the catechol metabolites from the equine estrogen, 8, 9-dehydroestrone. T.S. Wiley: Estrogen Dilemma: There Is No Dilemma When You Know the Details
  • The two chemical hormones commonly measured to provide information on the pregnancy status of miniature mares are pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG), which is frequently now called chorionic gonadotrophin (eCG), and oestrone sulphate (see main story for more information). Headlines
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