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Oedipal complex

  1. a complex of males; desire to possess the mother sexually and to exclude the father; said to be a source of personality disorders if unresolved

How To Use Oedipal complex In A Sentence

  • Bush, George W., as heeder of invisible bugles, 64; Oedipal complexity of, 64-66; goading laughter of, 66; as frustrated dilettante, 66; as lover of backfiring cars, 66; blessedness of, 66; foreordination of, 128 Who's Who
  • Being the one bona fide casualty of reverse oedipal complex, the same complexion inflicted on all of Herbert's casualties, but Dumbo could never reckon it that way; indeed, in that sociopathology, forward and reverse are the same thing, unreckoned either way, unknown another way. High Doses of Gravel, Richardson, Obama and Edwards at TBA
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