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How To Use Odor In A Sentence

  • At atmospheric temperatures, ozone is a colorless gas with an odor similar to chlorine that can usually be detected at a level of about 0.01 parts per million.
  • Stink gases in sewage farm of oil refinery pollute environment and influence scent of people. Adsorbents can be used to deodorize the stink gases.
  • Church of Constantinople was still strong, as is shown by the great work of S. Theodore of the S.udium, famous as a hymn-writer, a liturgiologist, and a defender of the faith. The Church and the Barbarians Being an Outline of the History of the Church from A.D. 461 to A.D. 1003
  • So asking them to use mild soaps and weaning them away from perfumes and deodorants is our primary task,’ he said.
  • Airwing flight handlers prepare to launch a Navy F / 18 fighter aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt on Monday.
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  • Theodoric, and the professions of his successor, in Procopius, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • I am not sure if all dumps are this smelly - I know that all dumps are odorous - but it was stinky.
  • The instructor passes a question about Maydays onto the commodore, as she has more experience of them than him.
  • Grandmother displayed all the warmth, enthusiasm, and flamboyance that she had loved so dearly in her brother Theodore.
  • The plane in which the Europeans arrive in San Theodoros is shown flying over an impoverished shanty town.
  • Let the columns be so placed as to leave a space, the width of an intercolumniation, all round between the walls and the rows of columns on the outside, thus forming a walk round the cella of the temple, as in the cases of the temple of Jupiter Stator by Hermodorus in the The Ten Books on Architecture
  • They are dubbed 'odorous' and 'coconut' due to the coconut - or rum-like smell they release when crushed.
  • The general odor of the man she loves, one woman states, is highly, sometimes even overwhelmingly, attractive to her; but the specific odor of the male sexual organs which she describes as fishy has no attraction. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 Sexual Selection In Man
  • But in 2002, researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle conducted a study to address this rumor—and found no link between deodorant or antiperspirant and breast cancer.
  • Bob was a good cook, sang bass in the local choir, and was commodore of the Avon Sailing Club.
  • We had attended Morning Chant and were now seated for breakfast, disheartened but not surprised that the early Greys had already taken the bacon, and it remained only in exquisite odor. Excerpt: Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde
  • Yet, it is its foul odor, often described as the reek of rotten eggs or hydrogen sulfide, that puts the "skunk" into the creature's name. Valdosta Daily Times Homepage
  • Use a thirty-gallon garbage bin as a laundry hamper… it's waterproof, and hides those unsightly stains and odors.
  • It can be sprayed directly onto a surface for extreme malodors, or diluted with water and sprayed.
  • Should the turkey spray you with an odorous substance after you kill it, you didn't kill a turkey.
  • Both Isidore and Feodor were clad in simple chitons that showed off their large, muscular arms.
  • That's partly because the odoriferous component is so small.
  • To create those noxious odors would mean it would be too intense at the source and permeate the whole valley, company project manager Mark Patton says. Calif. town battles overpowering odors
  • You can deodorise your refrigerator, garbage bin and compost bucket by washing them out with a litre of water, to which has been added one teaspoon of lemon juice.
  • Among those attending were several former commodores and captains of the ship.
  • Oh, and let me tell you… I already did my hair, brushed my teeth, shaved, plucked, primped, deodorized, sprayed myself with cologne and got dressed before he even picked out the underwear he was going to wear.
  • In mammals, neurons located in the nose detect scents using special odor receptors, and shuttle the information to the olfactory bulb, which is the integration center for smell.
  • He sighed, noting then the odors wafting in from the kitchen.
  • My point simply was that these researchers had found that the deodorization process had produced trans fatty acids in canola oil. I’ll have mine with fat, please. | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • You can also toss nonanimal food waste on the pile, but you will need to turn it more frequently with a shovel, pitchfork, or specialized tool to prevent odors that will attract vermin—and annoy you and the neighbors. Tip of the day: Compost your leaves this fall
  • And wastewater left over after the methane is extracted, greatly deodorized, is used for fertilizing the farm's fields.
  • In general, if the ash is soft and the odor is of burning hair or paper, the fabric is a natural fiber.
  • Roll - on deodorant uses the alike technology as the ballpoint pen.
  • The extracellular signaling of hormones, light, and odorants is facilitated by a large family of G-protein-coupled receptors.
  • If your breath odor is persistently odiferous, you may have ‘halitosis.’
  • Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas.
  • DETAINING the next president of the United States for three hours in what an eyewitness called a "malodorous" small room at an airport in the provincial Russian city of Perm looks, in retrospect, to have been a pretty bad idea. Robert Amsterdam
  • The guide showed us the old home of former President Theodore Roosevelt.
  • This isn't my usual brand of deodorant.
  • Basically, low concentration of alkane background gas has no effect on the removal efficiency of malodorous gas. ?
  • a foul odor
  • Fill your empty backpack with a freshly baked baguette, a fine, odoriferous fromage, a bottle of red, some fruit and you're good to go.
  • Thoroughly disinfect and deodorize the soiled area.
  • The unforgivable crime is soft hitting. Do not hit at all if it can be avoided; but never hit softly. Theodore Roosevelt 
  • He said he'd bring a pouch of placer gold, copies of old letters from Theodore Mott to his lawyer up in Denver. THE WAILING WIND
  • The floor of the cage was slippery with a kind of odorous slime. Starchild Omnibus
  • “Si seulement on avait une autre botte de paille,” sighed Father Théodore, and with another critical glance at Holland, “une plus grande.” The Mistaken Wife
  • Alex was putting deodorant on his underarms when he heard a familiar song playing somewhere.
  • Hydrogen bromide is a colorless, corrosive, nonflammable gas with a sharp, unpleasant, pungent odor. Those computer models…
  • The Professor was going to pelt Hugh Mackay with a great, malodorous barrage of bunyip droppings, but then realised there wouldn't be any point.
  • The e-nose predicted whether twelve odorant receptors from Drosophila would respond to 21 new odorants with roughly 75 percent accuracy. "MAIN" via Steve in Google Reader
  • You can also toss nonanimal food waste on the pile, but you will need to turn it more frequently with a shovel, pitchfork, or specialized tool to prevent odors that will attract vermin — and annoy you and the neighbors. Tip of the day: Compost your leaves this fall
  • Gas stoves, water heaters, furnaces and fireplaces can all release this odorless gas if they aren't properly maintained.
  • Exhaust fans installed in the composting chamber ensure an odorless system.
  • They smell inodorously -- they do not wash -- they dare not risk cholera. The Innocents Abroad
  • anosmia, which is the lack of perception of an odor for a specific compound, when the smell is otherwise intact. Top headlines
  • I wander around the house thinking of what I can organize, clean, utilize, materialize, deodorize and then wander back to the computer. Lee Block: When the Kids are Away, Does the Single Parent Play?
  • Many fatty foods are susceptible to autoxidation, involving the oxidation of lipid molecules to produce malodorous ketones, alcohols and acids that adversely affect the texture, flavour and taste of food.
  • After he turned to painting that same year, he exhibited widely in Germany under the name Theodore Lux before emigrating to the United States in 1936. NYT > Home Page
  • Theodora Richards has posed nude, and Jade Jagger loves nothing more than an Ibizan frolic in what English schhoolgirls used to call "the noddy. Andy Pemberton: Keith Richards' Daughter Alexandra Embarrasses Dad by Posing Nude for French Playboy
  • The odor of the fumes is so strong that I start a couple of oscillating fans to clear the fumes out of the house, that doesn't seem to affect the effectiveness of it. Now it's Dengue/Breakbone Fever
  • ‘I know sailors all over the country and I believe they can be mobilized as a constituency for change in ocean policy,’ says Rockefeller, himself a former yacht club commodore.
  • This one carton of refills is all you need to control malodors and fragrance a room with clean fresh scents.
  • The crowd of periwigged heads at the windows — the swearing chairmen round the steps (the blazoned and coronalled panels of whose vehicles denote the lofty rank of their owners), — the throng of embroidered beaux entering or departing, and rendering the air fragrant with the odors of pulvillio and pomander, proclaim the celebrated resort of Burlesques
  • Polygonatum odoratum was added in soap which is particularly used by the aged people. Chapter 8
  • We sometimes encounter people, even perfect strangers, who begin to interest us at first sight, somehow suddenly, all at once, before a word has been spoken. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
  • People speak sometimes about the "bestial" cruelty of man, but that is terribly unjust and offensive to beasts, no animal could ever be so cruel as a man, so artfully, so artistically cruel. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
  • What is the best deodorant / antiperspirant for sensitive skin?
  • It is odorless, colorless, tasteless, does not cause cancer, does not cause asthma. Victor Stenger: Global Warming and Religion
  • In many ways it besot him like orphic sound to a musician, or the tenebrisms of artists (Carvaggios like himself); but nonetheless he continued to project blame at the bearded anathema beneath him, and he still glanced down periodically at the floor hoping to find the putative agents of the odor, evidence to bolster his bilious conclusions, being in full denial of himself. An Apostate: Nawin of Thais
  • Behind him stood the many admirals and commodores under his command, all of them dedicated to the task at hand.
  • Well it was a quote from Theodore Roosevelt, which I put into my wallet very early on in my career after a particularly bad trot.
  • The salute at the parade was taken by the Naval Base Commander, Commodore Steve Graham.
  • September, 1855, he had been promoted to the rank of captain, which, prior to the Civil War, was the highest grade in the United States Navy; the title commodore, then so frequently applied to the older officers of the service, being simply one of courtesy given to a captain who had commanded a squadron of several vessels, but who did not thereby cease to be borne as a captain upon the Navy Register. Admiral Farragut
  • Two studies of underarm antiperspirants and deodorants and breast cancer have provided conflicting results.
  • This work due to its setting to music by Mikis Theodorakis as an oratorio, is a revered anthem whose verse is sung by all Greeks for all injustice, resistance and for its sheer beauty and musicality of form. Odysseas elytis | calendar of an invisible april « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • She washed, moisturised, shaved, cleansed, toned, scrubbed and deodorised her skin, before putting on a deep-sea facemask, accompanied by the traditional cucumbers.
  • Odors from your garbage disposal can be eliminated by grinding up orange, grapefruit or lemon peels while running hot water.
  • A strong shade of degeneracy is visible between John Vataces and his son Theodore; between the founder who sustained the weight, and the heir who enjoyed the splendor, of the Imperial crown. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • For sheer degree of fetidness, his untreated morning breath matched any odor rising from the surrounding bog. Into the Thinking Kingdoms
  • Theodore had moved all his utensils and books, plopping himself besides me.
  • That turned out to be fanciful thinking as instead I found myself in a warm and cheerful place with assistants hard at work and a kettle on the boil, and if there was a funny smell it was, Polly assured me, just her lamb stew at lunch, not the waft of an odorous beast she'd flayed. Kisa Lala: Sculpting Corpses: A Conversation With Taxidermy Artist Polly Morgan
  • I do not suppose you will have any occasion to renovate the turf in any part of your park; but, if you should, the best way is to get a mixture of the seeds of several sorts of grasses, such as the fox-tail meadow grass (Alopecùrus praténsis), the sweet-scented vernal grass (Anthoxánthum odoràtum), the crested dog's-tail grass (Cynosùrus cristàtus), and other valuable kinds. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • Still, the frequent advertisements of mints, gum, pastes and mouthwashes to combat mouth odor have convinced a significant number of patients that they have bad breath when they really don't, said Dr. Bashar Bakdash, professor of periodontology at the University of rss feed
  • His experiences have formed the basis of a worldwide advertising campaign for Sure deodorant.
  • Made dogma in the Christian doctrine of the ‘odor of sanctity,’ that moral interpretation of corrupt and incorruptible flesh permeated secular culture as well.
  • These cells pick up odor molecules high in the nose and transmit scent messages to the brain's olfactory bulb, he explained.
  • But the abbreviation for Commander is actualy Cdr, while the abbreviation for Commodore is Cmdre - Cmdr is a completely fabricated short form. Archive 2007-06-01
  • a moldy (or musty) odor
  • McSweeny's Books Theodore Pull In his shows, Theodore Pull feigned a trance and foamed at the mouth to add drama. Conjurers, Con Men & Other Strange Celebrities
  • Because carbon monoxide is colorless, tasteless, odorless and nonirritating, it can overcome the exposed person without warning.
  • Communist Party and communist youth have won big political and organizational successes in the establishment of their policy, because the recent feat of the rescue of Comrades Pompeyo, Guillermo, and Teodoro has filled with enthusiasm and renewed energy all the communist militants of the country, and because, finally, the anarchist, adventurous policy of the antiparty group has demonstrated its inevitable failure and has enormously helped in the clarification of problems under discussion. LASO CLOSING SESSION
  • A bacteriostat is a substance that inhibits the growth of bacteria in inanimate environments, preventing, say, rotting or odor of textiles or deterioration of paint. HOME COMFORTS
  • Flowers are hexamerous, tubular, whitish and odoriferous, pollinated by relatively specialized vectors as large bees and hawkmoths.
  • During the deodorization process a portion of the canola oil undergoes partial hydrogenation, a fact published in a couple of technical oil processing papers. Blink | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • I wash with five kinds of soap, so I am as clean, moisturized, sanitized, freshened and deodorized as a person can be.
  • I peer suspiciously at my co-workers lunches to see what they’re shoveling in there that comes out so malodorously. The Bog Report « XUP
  • There's no shower at work, but Mac keeps deodorant, talcum powder and other toiletries in his locker so he can clean up a little, using the men's-room sink.
  • The sniff begins with muscles in the nostrils straining to draw a current of air into them—this allows a large amount of any air-based odorant to enter the nose. INSIDE OF A DOG
  • Boris Fyodorov survived the attack and returned to accuse senior Kremlin aides of siphoning cash out of the fund.
  • As the youth is guided to his bed, he is assaulted by ‘unspeakable odors’ that seem to be ‘the fumes from a thousand bygone debauches’.
  • For a dirty punk rock boy covered in tatts who didn't like deodorant and who could smell either surprisingly sexy or really really bad when sweaty, Punkboy's house was extremely well-maintained. What have you been doing with your life?
  • It was a warm night, so he didn't need his cloak or Sprout's odorous saddle blanket. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • No one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care. Theodore Roosevelt 
  • Dipterocarps are a major component of the forest structure and form emergent tree canopies with such species as Dipterocarpus alatus, D. costatus, Hopea odorata, Shorea guiso, S. hypochra, and Anisoptera costata. Southeastern Indochina dry evergreen forests
  • Nippostrongylus kendo kyu nisei kesa-gatame kyudo No keyaki linked verse nogaku kiaki mai noh kibei maiko nori kiku makimono norimon Kikuchi mama-san norito kikumon mamushi noshi kikyo mana notan ki-mon matsu nunchakus kimono matsuri oban kimono sleeve matsuyama, adj. obang kin mebos obe kiri medaka obi kirigami Meiji odori kirimon menuki ofuro kirin metake o-goshi koan miai oiran mikado ojime sub mikan Okayama, adj. kobang Mikimoto Okazaki kobe, adj. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 1
  • With my first step, I sank up to my waist and got a good whiff of the gym-bag-from-hell odor that any marsh emits in summertime when disturbed. A Sportman's Life: A Sinking Feeling
  • Like Sholom Aleichem, who made his way from Russia to Switzerland and then emigrated to America during World War I, Theodore Bikel amassed his own share of frequent flyer Diaspora miles -- starting out in Vienna, escaping the Holocaust by traveling to Israel (then Palestine), then on to London and finally settling in the United States. Thane Rosenbaum: Tevye From Fiddler Back With Bikel
  • First, we assessed whether N. cucumeris avoided odors of Orius that had been feeding on different diets, by means of an olfactometer.
  • Parallel multielectrode single-unit recording studies in rats have revealed that neurons in the hippocampal formation code for diverse features of the rat's experience: past and present spatial locations in the environment, intended future destination of travel, running speed, head direction, landmarks, visual and geometric features of the environment, goal locations, odors, conditioned stimuli, and sequences of events PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The only odor is a little bit "corny" - as it's made from corn! Apartment Therapy Main
  • Let me just point out that even addlebrained as he is, Theodore is still a gentleman.
  • This tiny insect causes major problems in granaries worldwide, reducing the grain's nutritional value and ability to germinate and exposing it to odor, mold, and heat damage.
  • Pack yourself a change of shirt, some fresh socks, deodorant, and a showerless shower kit. Crafty Commute: DIY Projects For Your Bike
  • It is better to be unhappy and know the worst, than to be happy in a fool's paradise. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
  • Now I'm worried it might make the house seem in some way malodorous.
  • We'll be back in half an hour," called the commodore, as they rowed away from the schooner. Captain Scraggs or, The Green-Pea Pirates
  • Radon is a colorless, odorless, radioactive gas.
  • She no longer beheld Theodore as one respited from death, but took leave of him with a mournful pre-sentiment that she should see him no more. The Romance of the Forest
  • Topo, Alejandro Jodorowsky putting his son Brontis on screen in his birthday suit. helpfully titled Aime Ton Père. Culture |
  • 3 Grapefruit Seed Extract is odorless, which is a nice alternative to the strong scents of tea tree oil and vinegar. Sloan Barnett: Put a Hold on Mold
  • By 1860, it had long served as a waste collector for the tanneries, dyers, and other factories in the area, and it had a notorious reputation for its brown color and putrid odors.
  • As I dropped off my laundry I could smell the sweet skunky odor rising out of my pants pocket, yikes!
  • Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra; tempus putationis advenit: vox turturis audita est in terra nostra; ficus protulit grossos suos; vineæ florentes dederunt odorem suum. RORATE CÆLI
  • Because such an event could be life threatening, inserting an odorant into these gases is crucial to provide a warning of exposure.
  • By the third day the acetous fermentation had begun in all of them, and in a few more days each emitted an offensive odor.
  • With the loan, she will buy perfumes, deodorants, talcs, and jewelry in bulk and at discount which will allow her to save so she may pursue her education and finish university. Kiva Loans
  • Composting toilets are a world away from the odoriferous outhouses of yesteryear.
  • It is better to be unhappy and know the worst, than to be happy in a fool's paradise. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
  • The black shafts were right in front of her nose and she noticed a foul odor coming from them.
  • camphoraceous odor
  • Collocabatur in medio domûs emaculatæ odoribus Arabicis undique, lance rotunda pure superposita, ex diversis metallicis materiis fabrefacta; cujus in ambitu rotunditatis extremo elementorum viginti quatuor scriptiles formæ incisæ perite, dijungebantur spatiis examinate dimensis. Notes and Queries, Number 227, March 4, 1854 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • Boethius became magister officiorum under Theodoric in about 520.
  • He had napped, he had showered, he had deodorized, he had prayed—or had he? hard to remember—he had refreshed with several Dexedrine and felt ready as a tiger. Dead Zero
  • STCD-Dry Plus: Is a Natural Biological Septic Tank, Cesspool and Grease Trap Cleaner Digester and Deodorizer, using a safe and effective beneficial micro-organism enzyme catalyst blend.
  • Research indicates that the transport of odors is also associated with dust particles or aerosols.
  • Pappus tells us, therefore, that Theaetetus was inspired by the work of Theodorus to work on incommensurables and that he made major contributions to the theory.
  • The raw nuts are then cooked, giving off a horrible odor and cracked open to reveal what we know as the pale tan cashew nut. Archive 2005-09-01
  • Ovid and Apollodorus agree that Æsacus was the son of Priam, and that he was changed into a didapper, or diver, but they differ in the other circumstances of his life. The Metamorphoses of Ovid Literally Translated into English Prose, with Copious Notes and Explanations
  • Decomposition of urine containing cystine or pus will have the odor of rotten eggs.
  • On the other hand, if your armpits get sweaty and damp when it's hot, try using a better deodorant or antiperspirant, and also remember to keep your arms nice and low.
  • The place still had an aura, and an odor, of corrupt bureaucrats and their intellectual lackeys about it.
  • The older ones had shampoo, deodorant or soap smells.
  • Olympiodorus, in Photius's extracts, tells us of one Libanius, who practised this kind of military magic, and having promised [Greek: choris opliton kata barbaron energein] to perform great things against the Barbarians without soldiers, was, at the instances of the empress Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else. Theodore Roosevelt 
  • They're called odorous because they have a coconut - or rum-like smell when crushed. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Mercury can evaporate and become a colorless, odorless vapor.
  • BERLIN - The seven nations that have ordered the Airbus A400M military transporter would be willing to contribute a maximum of euro2 billion ($2.81 billion) in extra Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg increased the pressure on aerospace firm EADS going into crucial negotiations Thursday in Berlin about the company's Markets give Greece a breather on EU rescue hopes * EU countries, led by - Articles related to EU to sue France over Sarkozy telecoms tax
  • Avoid aerosol cans, and stick to roll-on deodorants and pump hair sprays or styling gels.
  • The grocery store always had a heavy odor of cheese and sour milk, and the dark linoleum floor near the dairy case was always wet and slippery.
  • I swear to you gentlemen, that to be overly conscious is a sickness, a real, thorough sickness. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
  • From the house came an odor of rot, floating atop a sour wave of hurdy-gurdy music. LOST BOY LOST GIRL
  • I'd nearly given up on trying to hatch duck eggs in an incubator - the hatch rote was typically small, and the incubator developed a putrid odor midway through the incubation in spite of following the directions.
  • Strong odors and chemical irritants may also trigger the sensitive airways of the asthmatic patient.
  • But he was prepared to act as Guntram's agent in his dealings with bishop Theodore of Marseilles.
  • Primarily referring back to the 7/20/05 column which indicated that the deodorization process for canola oil creates trans fats, does cold pressed canola oil go through the same deodorization process? I’ll have mine with fat, please. | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • You can only imagine how the heat intensified the odors of garbage, compost, and manure.
  • Most deodorants are odor maskers that cover the unpleasant odor with a more appealing one.
  • ‘Could be better,’ the commodore commanding the 1st Task Force admitted.
  • Pain & suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart. The really great men must, I think, have great sadness on earth. Fyodor Dostoyevsky 
  • The only new plants I found were Styrax floribus odoris, ligno albo close grained, arbor mediocris, a Baeobotrys, two Goodyerae, a Laurinea, Sparganium! Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • More rhodora blooming in the wetlands, Canada mayflower actually flowering in May, even if not in Canada, some trout lily and trilliums. Tuesday roadkill report
  • I was already beginning to reek and smell, and they were odors other than the normal scents that the body gave off.
  • Before drifting off, I detected an odor emanating from the vestibule of Ido's tent.
  • But cancer experts say that the study does not prove cause and effect and that based on these very preliminary results, it's too soon to recommend paraben-free deodorants and other cosmetics.
  • Addie sets his bowl on the table then moves about the apartment, his arms and legs and odors wafting like ribbons in the air, dancing cavatina to our choir bites of frosted oats and yellow moons, orange stars, green clovers. Chinchillas in the Air
  • Gently dry-brushing your skin just before every shower exfoliates the dead skin that traps those odor-causing wastes.
  • The balsamic odors (chiefly aldehydes, Rimmel's jasmin, violet, and balsamic series, with the chemical types: terpineol, ionone, vanillin). Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 Sexual Selection In Man
  • The zookeepers surprised the cheetahs with different odors to see which ones they enjoyed.
  • Plain borax dissolved in warm water does wonders for removing stains and odors (including pet smells!) from carpet and upholstery. Home Scents
  • The spreading of manure on cropland or pasture can be a source of odors.
  • There is certainly something in this account of Theodoric's death which suggests the idea of arsenical poisoning. Theodoric the Goth Barbarian Champion of Civilisation
  • Characteristic species are those that grow in the surrounding forest, including L. macrocarpa, Vitex peduncularis, Bauhinia acuminata and Albizia odoratissima. Thung Yai Naresuan Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand
  • The discovery that Diodorvs V contained a paraphrase of the same basic text gave an altogether different dimension to Posidonius' work.
  • Activated charcoal, spread on a pan like baking soda, also alleviates an odor problem.
  • It came not long after Daniel Sedin jammed in a loose puck just as Theodore was covering it with his glove. - Hockey - Colorado vs. Vancouver
  • The elements, viz. Fire, Air, Earth, Water, are inodorous, because both the dry and the moist among them are without sapidity, unless some added ingredient produces it. On Sense and the Sensible
  • Within the indoor environment, the perceived odor will often result from exposures to a mixture of several odorants.
  • He felt wind in his face, sharp and cold; the chemosensor antennae flanking his mouth quivered as they drank organic odors blown off the plains. Three Worlds to Conquer
  • I recently became commodore of a large boat club.
  • Like its General Motors rival, the Commodore, the 4.0 L Falcon retains rear wheel drive.
  • Greater numbers of bacteria can break down organic matter more quickly, improving water quality and clarity while reducing sludge and odors in record time.
  • If the tide was out, I could smell the tang of seaweed and the musky odor of the mud flats, and hear the clicking sounds as the barnacles and mussels closed up their shells.
  • Her character portraits are cold and bloodless, the larger vision is prosy and constipated, and her self-conscious literary tone has the musty odor of a vanity-press poetry journal.
  • During menstruation, hyperidrosis of the axillæ diffuses an aromatic odor similar to that of acids or chloroform, and in suppression of menses, according to the Ephemerides, the odor is as of hops. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • If you're planning on a few intimate moments then why not try new Santes anti-perspirant deodorants.
  • Namque stultorum aliqui Paganorum huiusmodi adorant animalia propter colorum, odorumque virtutem. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Io ho optato per funghi passati in padella con un paio di pomodori, ma si puo fare anche solo un po di burro e pepe o qualche alice sott'olio. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Whether these odoriferous particles attend the perspirable matter in consequence of the increased action of the capillary glands, and can properly be called excrementitous; that is, whether any thing is eliminated, which could be hurtful if retained; or whether they may only contain some of the essential oil of the animal; like the smell, which adheres to one's hand on stroking the hides of some dogs; or like the effluvia, which is left upon the ground, from the feet of men and other creatures; and is perceptible by the nicer organs of the dogs, which hunt them, may admit of doubt. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • On day 3, there was a small mutiny by the Commodore, who positively refused to go any further and demanded a morning of slummocking in Guildford.
  • Among the stones that I work with: Tigers Eye, labrodorite, opal, sodalite, obsidian. The one, the only, Sabine Stonebender
  • To what end would election officials risk so malodorous an action?
  • Church & Dwight Co. highlights its use of baking soda in Arm & Hammer toothpaste as a natural way to clean and whiten teeth and deodorize breath. Whitens, Brightens and Confuses
  • Incredible at a style, more explicit instrumentalities and intellectual charge, as an odoriferous chrisom, she anoints by the singular attars to the wisdom and the creative beauty. Nina Mindova author of poetry book"Secret feelings"
  • Afterwards, lying in bed with the hot-water bottle cold at my feet, the weak odor of wetted leaves wafts under the door, the bathroom too far away from the safety of the bedroom. Bolt the door
  • Under the sheltering eaves, led up to the odorous cornloft. Elson Grammar School Literature v4
  • He began also the Translation of _Heliodorus_ his _Æthiopick_ History, in the same kind of Verse, of which, to give the Reader the better divertisement, we shall present you with a tast. The Lives of the Most Famous English Poets (1687)
  • He used a hemostat to gather up the bloodied finger and dropped it into an evidence bag, which he quickly closed, but isolating the finger did little to diminish the odor. Fatal Error
  • These odors of the hinano and tiare were philters worthy of the beautiful Tahitian girls, with their sinuous, golden bodies so sensualized, so passionate, and so free. Mystic Isles of the South Seas.
  • Also, some species can emit a strong, foul odor if handled - we found this out firsthand.

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