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How To Use Odist In A Sentence

  • No entiendo por que le dicen arrogante a un periodista que dice la verdad a los oyentes, al pan pan y al vino vino eso es malo? Global Voices in English » Ecuador: The Departure of a Television Anchor
  • It was built as a Methodist chapel in 1910, became a convalescence hospital during the First World War, and was later partly used as a billiard hall.
  • For Modistae such as Boethius of Dacia and Thomas of Erfurt, the proper subject of grammar is well-formed, significant speech (sermo congrue significativus), the principles of which are expressed in the modi significandi. Thomas of Erfurt
  • Jim Koch loves to talk about little companies that take on the Big Guys: artisanal-cheese makers who battle importers, the microdistillers who taunt liquor giants — and, most of all, the tiny microbrewer who elbows aside industry behemoths with a full-flavored beer and a well-crafted marketing pitch. Beer Baron
  • She says they know about this and would like H to see a chiropodist. Henry’s Demons
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  • Many of our educated girls, when they can work on people's heads and feet, and present a card with some big word on it, as "chiropodist," which means foot-cleaner, are perfectly satisfied. Twentieth Century Negro Literature Or, A Cyclopedia of Thought on the Vital Topics Relating to the American Negro
  • Methodist minister the Rev Ruth Parry said church members were elated that the planning wrangle, which had been rumbling on for many years, was finally over.
  • The rodeo stopped in places where there was always a Baptist or a Methodist church, and both of their Sunday schools satisfied Luther. DANSVILLE
  • Not even works of Methodism's co-founder and greatest hymnodist, Charles Wesley, were spared.
  • When Wesley died in 1791 over 50% of Methodist members, chapels and preachers were located in the north of England.
  • I begin by analyzing the key role played by Red fronter turned Red hunter J.B. Matthews, himself an ordained Methodist, in calling attention to Soviet-lining clergy in a highly controversial 1953 American Mercury article. Jim Tuck's homepage, biography and published works
  • The rodeo stopped in places where there was always a Baptist or a Methodist church, and both of their Sunday schools satisfied Luther. DANSVILLE
  • He then went to Milton Keynes to watch his team being led to an undistinguished draw by a 63-year-old straight-talking former part-time chiropodist from Sheffield. Tiki-taka: Manchester United's Paul Scholes is a blast from the past
  • interdenominational cooperation between Methodists and Presbyterians
  • A quick splash at the water's edge might seem like the best way to cool your tired feet when the sun's out – but chiropodist Fred Beaumont warns that if you go barefoot, it's something you could live to regret. The inside track ... on paddling
  • This unlikely looking quartet includes a property developer, pest controller, full time musician and a chiropodist.
  • They have neither the epileptical rant nor goatish impulses of the Methodists, nor the drowsy uniformity from which not all the solemn beauty of the service can redeem the Liturgy of the Church of England. Valentine M'Clutchy, The Irish Agent The Works of William Carleton, Volume Two
  • Claris had taken Petra down to the shops and Mrs Painter was at the chiropodist 's -- so it was just Bridget and Frances. INSTANCES OF THE NUMBER 3
  • The minister said her funeral would be held at the Methodist Church, on Friday, at 11 am, before a committal ceremony at York Crematorium.
  • Corgan is a skillful melodist in everything from pseudocountry to metal, but he'll repeat a catchy phrase to death, as if congratulating himself for thinking of it. Under The Grunge
  • A failed school teacher who became Minister of Education; a one-time Methodist minister turned avowed atheist.
  • There was a Baptist, a Meth - odist and a Presbyte rian church, 2 * 2 the latter with a large building and society. De la philosophie de la nature
  • This year is a special year for Methodists as it is the tercentenary of John Wesley's birth.
  • At Oxford, Carroll made a name for himself as a freelance humorist, parodist, and versifier.
  • Number seventeen is a chiropodist and once did Fergie's feet. RESCUING ROSE
  • Joe Buglewicz for The Wall Street Journal Guests assembled at a recent dinner included vegans, vegetarians, a "raw foodist" and a man who drove from Pennsylvania just to sample the fare. Bugs for Dinner
  • Some women are supposed to possess the power of the angakok -- a combination of the gifts of the fortune teller, the mental healer, and the psalmodist, one might say. The North Pole Its Discovery in 1909 under the auspices of the Peary Arctic Club
  • It always was and is today, with the exception of a 15-year period from 1969 to 1984 when Sumner Center and Stewartville United Methodist Churches were "yoked" and served by the same pastor. Local News
  • The examinations, for which we learned set pieces, were held in Manchester at the Methodist Central Hall. LEARNING TO TALK: SHORT STORIES
  • My church denomination, The United Methodist Church, met in its quadrennial General Conference in May of 2004.
  • She thinks like a Methodist, talks like a Methodist and wants to reform society just like a well-Sunday-schooled Methodist churchwoman should. Soulful Matters
  • Mr. LANSING: He is normally a very good melodist and normally really writes a good tune, but that song is meandering. Holiday Songs You Love... and Loathe
  • As the years passed, Quakers, Baptists, Methodists, and an interdenominational Protestant group called the New York Missionary Society joined the effort of proselytizing the Iroquois.
  • Quid bifera Alcinoi laudem pomaria uosque, qui numquam uacui prodistis in aethera, rami? cedant Telegoni, cedant Laurentia Turni iugera Lucrinaeque domus litusque cruenti85 A Villa at Tibur
  • Edwards is a Methodist lay preacher and social worker.
  • Paul claimed he only joined the Normanby Road Methodist Church for the youth club where he began his entertainment career.
  • Gleason is less successful as a melodist than as a harmonist. Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and
  • In a way, it has been Puccini's misfortune to be remembered primarily as a melodist. Puccini Was Not Just a Melodist
  • Hence the Prosodists distinguish between Ajzá aslíyah or primary feet (from Asl, root), in which this precedence is observed, and Ájzá far’íyah or secondary feet (from The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The plans were lodged by Braintree Methodist Church on the open land, which is enclosed by fencing and advertisement hoardings.
  • Hamlet, like Richard II, meant to be by temperament a lyrical poet, a splendid commentator and rhapsodist, is forced to plunge into a series of frenetic occasions.
  • Fruit punch and mince pies will be served in the interval of the Methodist Church performance.
  • The Methodist Church has supported ecumenical efforts from its earliest beginnings.
  • Mr Murray was not an exclusive psalmodist but he didn't sing uninspired songs. Heidelblog
  • In England, for example, Primitive Methodists were mainly working class, Congregationalists were a cut above Baptists, while Unitarians and Quakers were predominantly the families of professional men and businessmen.
  • Edwards is a Methodist lay preacher and social worker.
  • The preacher of the day on Tuesday was a prominent Methodist clergywoman.
  • A leading Methodist from Filey town, who owed the doctor half a guinea, came one summer and set up his staff in the hollow of a limekiln, where he lived upon fish for change of diet, and because he could get it for nothing. Mary Anerley
  • Methodist theology
  • Here were no cackling old women, or groaning Methodists, such as infest our English churches, and scare one's ears with hoarse coughs accompanied by the naso obligato. Dreams Waking Thoughts and Incidents
  • The primary objectives of this position are to design experiments to accurately measure the release of nanoparticles from these materials in-vitro and in-vivo in order to inform our understanding of the long-term biocompatibility and associated nanofiller biodistribution. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Episcopalians and Methodists, and fools and fiddlers, and Papists and pie-bakers, and doctors and drugsters; by the shop-folk, that sell trash and trumpery at three prices — and so up got the bonny new Well, and down fell the honest auld town of Saint Ronan’s, where blithe decent folk had been heartsome eneugh for mony a day before ony o’ them were born, or ony sic vapouring fancies kittled in their cracked brains.” Saint Ronan's Well
  • At this time she decided to become a deaconess in the Methodist Church and worked towards that end.
  • On one occasion she held a mission at the Methodist chapel in Baldersdale which went on every night for two weeks.
  • You can feel the heat coming off such writing, confirmation that at her best Michele Leggott is arguably our finest living female rhapsodist.
  • A devout Calvinist Methodist and strict advocate of temperance, Davies became a patron of Nonconformist and other charitable and educational causes.
  • For music written at that time, it is very old-fashioned, but there's no denying that an expert melodist and orchestrator are at work here.
  • There were three or four others, Methodistic in doctrine and discipline, who were recognized as eligible for the Ecumenical Methodist Conference.
  • It may well be that the Methodist connections were the reason why this village has no pub.
  • I was pleased with my new view, but my friends were naturally offended at a novel line of argument which substituted a sort of methodistic self-contemplation for the plain and honest tokens of a divine mission in the Anglican Church. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 13 — Religion and Philosophy
  • Few diocesan bishops can have met local Methodist leaders so often. Times, Sunday Times
  • The group originally met to practise in the Methodist Church.
  • A typical maize leaf can be divided along three axes, the proximodistal, mediolateral, and dorsiventral or ad/abaxial.
  • Dorothea Dix was born in Hampden, Maine, the daughter of an alcoholic Methodist preacher who was the black sheep of a wealthy merchant family.
  • Authority in the church became more centralized, though the power of the laity at local level was greater than in other Methodist connexions.
  • In the case of referral to a dietitian or chiropodist the database dispatches brief details to the relevant department.
  • Five members of Billericay Methodist Church had an unforgettable experience and a taste of African hospitality when they visited Mombasa in Kenya.
  • What the rationalist calls nonentity is the substrate and locus of all ideas, having the obstinate reality of matter, the crushing irrationality of existence itself; and one who attempts to override it becomes to that extent an irrelevant rhapsodist, dealing with thin after-images of being. The Life of Reason
  • Most of the people are Roman Catholics, Anglican, Methodists, Baptists, or Mennonites.
  • The Methodist chapel is also in a vulnerable spot, standing as it does at the crossroads.
  • Next the captain, on the opposite side, was an elderly widow lady, with weak eyes and rather methodistical appearance; and on her left a fussy, brisk-looking little woman, of about thirty-five. Bluebell A Novel
  • Eric Lindsay, head of economics at Methodist College, has been central in organising the fair.
  • George and Joyce were married at the Methodist Church, on July 17, 1943.
  • In the morning I had to take my son to the chiropodist. ME Again « Tales from the Reading Room
  • ‘If one song can be said to have ‘made’ Rodgers and Hart,’ wrote the melodist, ‘it was ‘Manhattan.’
  • She got posted to Geylang Methodist Primary School for her month-long practicum, which is great for her because it is within strolling distance. Jaimewolf Diary Entry
  • I entered the United Methodist Church on the far east side of Alexandria.
  • Today in the mail I got a parcel from Historika, the modiste who has been making my Regency ensemble in the U.K. The importance of underpinnings in creating a period silhouette
  • The first mixed glyceride to be discovered was oleodistearin, The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
  • Then find me a competent man of affairs along with a modiste and a personal maid from one of the agencies.
  • Eusebio Lillo: Guillermo Blest Gana; Eduardo de la Barra, both poet and prosodist; etc. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • A former Methodist pastor and holiness preacher had established a bible school.
  • The temperance advocates got strong support from the Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist and Anglican churches.
  • Well, a month afterwards, Mrs. Jessup and I were married in a Methodist Church.
  • Father John went on to become one of the two best hymnodists among the Greek Fathers.
  • The polity is likewise that of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the chief difference being the provision for a general convention as a constitutional lawmaking body, to be called only when there is under consideration a change in polity or name. Religious Bodies: 1906
  • i was number 496 at 7: 50am in candler park at epworth united methodist. aint no turnout like a wealthy white turnout, because (apparently) the wealthy white turnout dont stop! Election open thread (Blog for Democracy)
  • The Regent Singers will be in concert at Stricklandgate Methodist Church on Friday.
  • They demonstrate most admirably Barber's gift as a distinguished melodist.
  • The issue has divided elements of the United Methodist Church, which sponsors more Scout troops than any other organization.
  • Fred Beaumont is a chiropodist based in Whitley Bay, and a spokesman for the Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists: The inside track ... on paddling
  • This summer, Episcopalians, United Methodists and Presbyterians will take up the issue at their individual conventions.
  • Fiji’s Methodists gather each August at a different location to take part in choral competitions, collect money for the church’s work and discuss social and political issues. Global Voices in English » Fiji: ‘A Christian state’?
  • The Methodist Chapel has recently been converted in a contemporary style that highlights its original features. Times, Sunday Times
  • He arrived in Whitby at a time when rural Methodist chapels were closing one by one and believers were few and far between.
  • Can you find anything in these three theories or combinations thereof that can account for the decline of the Methodists and the increase of the Baptists? Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • A Methodist minister serving as an Air Force chaplain bragged about the support his wife gives him while he is recalled to active duty. Gulf War II
  • Watts (1674 - 1748) was a great hymn writer/psalmodist whose work includes "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" .... - Articles related to Lindsay Lohan's mother says actress will move East
  • The Mission was started as an independent non-sectarian project by two members of the Centenary Methodist Chapel.
  • Worshippers at a Methodist chapel said their final goodbyes to the building at a packed closing service.
  • Such arrangements have continued to be put into place throughout the history of this church, and many of their pastors have served as interim pastors in Baptist, Congregationalist, and Methodist churches.
  • He carried his "ritualism" among the Methodists and sought to make them conform until they "waxed fat and kicked. History of the Afro-American Group of the Episcopal Church
  • And earlier this month New Road Methodist Chapel in Heys Lane, Blackburn, fell victim to vandals who smashed stained glass windows.
  • The great hymnodist alludes to the transferral of the bones in his Carmina Nisibena.
  • To punish someone for breaking a law that's in the United Methodist Church's Book of Discipline, a case must be argued before a ‘trial court’ of 13 jurors and two alternates.
  • Exactly 100 years ago this week, Wales was in the midst of a fervent religious revival led by a young Methodist, stoking fanatical excitement and emotional excesses.
  • Unless you are a raw foodist, you may need quantity as well to get enough vitamins, minerals, calories, etc, but for everyone else I think a super healthy, well balanced diet is key. Robyn N. Cohen: Quality vs. Quantity
  • In recognition of his dedicated service to the church, Rex was awarded a certificate during a celebration service at St John's Methodist Church, in Settle.
  • Chiropody also derived from the medical field, and licensed chiropodists were trained not only in massage, but in the anatomy of the foot. On How to Be Lovely | Edwardian Promenade
  • The moment poets began to count syllables, their difficulties began too – or the difficulties of the prosodist who tried to explain what the poet was doing. Dipodic Verse : A.E. Stallings : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • She established the Methodist mission hospital at Ikkadu near Madras, where she also served as a district magistrate.
  • Most divided are the moderate Protestant denominations, such as the Presbyterians, Episcopalians and Methodists.
  • The United Church of Canada was created in 1925 by the Methodists, the Congregationalists, and about 60 percent of the Presbyterians in Canada.
  • It is one thing, we have learned, to describe something as being ‘beyond parody’, but another, as would-be parodists, to experience the consequences of this phenomenon.
  • I flew from here to Indianapolis to address a conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.
  • As a verbal melodist, especially a melodist of sweetness and of stately grace, and as a harmonist of prolonged and complex cadences, he is unsurpassable. A History of English Literature
  • Trim toenails if this is easy, but always leave some one who is diabetic to be cared for by a chiropodist.
  • Sam bungled over the word chiropodist, but was put right by the doctor. The Young Outlaw or, Adrift in the Streets
  • Edwards is a Methodist lay preacher and social worker.
  • Any smugness on my part, though, must be tempered by the admission that if it were the Bible that you were talking about, then we'd be in there swinging to get hold of Ezekiel before the Methodists or the born-agains.
  • But his faults don't count for much in the face of his considerable virtues: a melodist with a terrific sense of poetry and harmony.
  • Many famous raw foodists don't have any qualms about eating lots of foods that are grown on the other side of our planet (one famous raw foodist calls himself the Durian King, though he lives in New York and durians are grown in Malaysia).
  • The rodeo stopped in places where there was always a Baptist or a Methodist church, and both of their Sunday schools satisfied Luther. DANSVILLE
  • The Methodist bishops refused to tolerate grass-roots revivalism within the ranks and ejected the most active proponents of Holiness just as the Wesley brothers had been ejected by the Anglican establishment a century before.
  • While most Primitive Methodists were more favourable, their Conference likewise took no notice.
  • Although your chiropodist left you some peppermint foot lotion. LOOKING FOR ANDREW MCCARTHY
  • There are other churches on the Methodist circuit in Accrington so there might be other people in other churches prepared to help.
  • The examinations, for which we learned set pieces, were held in Manchester at the Methodist Central Hall. LEARNING TO TALK: SHORT STORIES
  • Earlier this year, Eva Oberdoerster, an environmental toxicologist with Southern Methodist University, found brain damage in fish exposed to the fullerene molecules.
  • With the passage of time attitudes changed and support grew, mainly from Baptists, non-Wesleyan Methodists and smaller Congregational chapels.
  • The Uniting Church, which represents former Methodist, Presbyterian and Congregational denominations in Australia, has apologised unreservedly to children who suffered neglect and abuse in its institutions over the past century.
  • If you just find a way to rev up those contractile fibers for the muscle, then everything else from human biology and gait would allow us to be that fast," said physiologist Peter Weyand of Southern Methodist University, lead author of a study published Jan. 21 in the Wired Top Stories
  • Jeffery soloed with the Plano Symphony Orchestra and the Southern Methodist University Meadows Symphony Orchestra.
  • Before retiring in 1999, the clergywoman served for five years as the top staff executive for the Methodists' communications agency.
  • Well, for example: the Methodist bishops have given a kind of statement against going to war pre-emptively.
  • An avid footballer and ballet fan, she has also inherited her mother's strong Methodist beliefs, and is known at university as a key happy-clappy player in God's earthly squad.
  • The examinations, for which we learned set pieces, were held in Manchester at the Methodist Central Hall. LEARNING TO TALK: SHORT STORIES
  • It wasn't much of a concession, since my church and the Methodist church Hillary attended were both within a mile of the mansion, but I really looked forward to my Sunday freedom ride.
  • It's the sort of city where a burglar, a banker, a taxi-driver, an academician, a modiste, and a pushcart vendor might all fetch up together in a corner banquette at the end of the night.
  • It is like the secret of the rhythms of Verlaine, and no prosodist will ever tell us why a line like: Plays, Acting and Music A Book Of Theory
  • He travelled with a relative, an 80-year-old German-speaking Methodist minister whose own antecedents had come from the house which Mr Bovenizer still occupies.
  • The New Eltham Methodist Church Players take to the boards for their 33rd pantomime in January with some cast members appearing for the 33rd time.
  • Sedulum esse, nihil temere loqui, assuescere labori, et imagine prudentiae et modistiae tegere angustiores partes captus, dum exercitationem ac usum, quo isti in civilibus rebus pollent, pro natura et magnitudine ingenii plerique accipiunt. Biographia Literaria
  • And the century-old Rodbourne Methodist Church is also unlisted and is currently facing demolition to make way for a car park.
  • Dissenters who eventually joined Methodist society meetings heard many familiar echoes. Christianity Today
  • But Steiner was a far better melodist; his tunes like the themes from Now, Voyager or A Summer Place just have a distinctiveness that Newman's themes don't. Archive 2007-04-01
  • The most that is now known of Edward Harwood, the composer of the anthem, is that he was an English musician and psalmodist, born near The Story of the Hymns and Tunes
  • Isaac Watts (1674 - 1748) was a great hymn writer/psalmodist whose work includes "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" .... - Articles related to Lindsay Lohan's mother says actress will move East
  • Specialists take one organ and ig nore everything else," says Jeffrey Beckwith, 26, an intern at Bronson Meth odist Hospital in Kalamazoo, Mich. Top Stories
  • Some women are supposed to possess the power of the angakok -- a combination of the gifts of the fortune teller, the mental healer, and the psalmodist, one might say. The North Pole Its Discovery in 1909 under the auspices of the Peary Arctic Club
  • At the moment, few topics polarize local Methodist conferences more than the question of same-sex marriages.
  • As most of you know, I am extremely squeamish, so I spent the appointment trying to read my book (naturally) while the chiropodist was working. ME Again « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Among the melodists Mr. Isacoff places Schubert, Mendelssohn and Chopin, as well as nonclassical 20th-century performers like Teddy Wilson and Bud Powell, whom he describes with wonderful sympathy. From Honkytonk To High Art
  • But his civilian job as clinical manager at the prosthetics and orthotics clinic at Mississippi Methodist Rehabilitation Center was never far from his mind.
  • There is a touch of pathos in the picture of the prim, methodistical English lady, who hated the dirt and slovenliness of her husband's people, was shocked at their jovial ways and free talk, looked upon all Papists as connections of Antichrist, and hoped for the salvation of mankind through the form of religion patronised by Little Memoirs of the Nineteenth Century
  • Of course, I've been with my modiste - this year's hats are so bewitching!
  • Florence Margaret Rose, Aug. 11, 1917; specialist in diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat; Philippine health service 1912-14; research Gulion leper colony 1915; British govt. service, Sandakau and Jesselton, B.N. Borneo, 1916-21; travel and study in Europe, 1921-23; Methodist Episcopal. Alumni History of the University of North Carolina
  • They recently studied the biodistribution of tetra (m-hydroxyphenyl) chlorin and benzoporphyrin derivative monoacid ring A in the hamster model.
  • Some 42 years later, Ralph Wilson blesses the day he decided to ante in with Lamar Hunt, the sports-loving geology major from Southern Methodist University with the dark glasses and big dreams.
  • Coltrane was also a sublime melodist, who in later life became obsessed with the untapped possibilities of rhythm.
  • And also that the foodist preachings about spiritual transcendence while taking a life and partaking of its meat is just BS. The Meat Not Eaten
  • In central Johannesburg the Methodist church has become a refuge for about 1,000 people, most of them Zimbabweans.
  • Her title-page identifies her as ‘formerly a slave, but more recently modiste, and friend to Mrs. Abraham Lincoln,’ thus indicating a certain progression - from chattel, to employee, to friend.
  • The church of Ireland still has one all-island synod, the presbyterians a single general assembly, the methodists one conference.
  • One of the first, Songs of Zion was published by the United Methodist Church and contains a history of black music in addition to hymns, spirituals and gospel songs.
  • The simple gravestone at Yeadon Methodist Cemetery could easily go unnoticed.
  • Lou Harrison called Hovhaness a melodist that comes along once in a hundred years.
  • The Protestant denominations include the Methodists, the Presbyterians and the Baptists.
  • HAMPTON - St. James United Methodist Church located at 1533 W. Queen Street in Hampton will be giving away school supplies to children Saturday from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. - Breaking news
  • She also included characters to lecture on the Presbyterian and Methodist arguments for the practice as well as a ‘Campbellite’ to testify to baptism for the remission of sins.
  • One year later, the Church of All Nations, a Methodist missionary organization in the district, counted forty-two nationalities in its vicinity. A Renegade History of the United States
  • Bassorah, to send him Ibrahim bin Siyyár the prosodist, who was the first man of his day in argument and eloquence and poetry and logic, and bade him bring with him readers of the Koran and learned doctors of the law and physicians and astrologers and scientists and mathematicians and philosophers; and Ibrahim was more learned than all. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Methodists do not believe in the ministerial priesthood; Stanley does.
  • The Baptists, Episcopalians, Methodists, and Presbyterians have each a seamen's Bethel,
  • I think that Calliope has lived in Friendship since the beginning, when she and Liddy Ember were partners in their little "modiste" shop. Friendship Village
  • Let us apply these facts to some of the more simple of the vexed questions of prosody, No one disputes the universality of the rhythmizing impulse; the quarrel begins as soon as any prosodist attempts to dogmatize about the nature and measurement of those flowing time-intervals whose arrangement we call rhythm. A Study of Poetry
  • A Roman Catholic chapel adjoins the house, and the village has a Methodist chapel.
  • He uses standard English word-formation devices in order to create new words with broad sensory connotations, such as foodist, bellyologist, and groggist to refer to people with uncontrolled appetites, dedicated drinkers of alcohol, and eaters. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 3
  • Charles West, Grace and Skandia United odist Churches 9/11
  • The first was held at the weekly coffee morning in the Methodist Church and he followed that with an evening surgery on Monday night.
  • There, the great rhapsodist of liberty certainly owned, and probably bought and sold, domestic slaves.
  • Over her 20-year career she has been visually original, a provocative stylist, an intelligent lyricist and a sublime melodist, but she has never been a ground-breaking musician.
  • A chiropodist has been struck off after treating hundreds of patients in North Yorkshire with unsterilised instruments.
  • We hustled some grants out of a Methodist church.
  • The Methodists love your big sinners, as proper subjects to work upon ” and indeed they have a plentiful harvest ” I think what you call flagrancy was never more in fashion. Letters of Horace Walpole 01
  • This is what transformed Cornwall and peppered it with Methodist chapels during the Evangelical Revival and in the first half of the 19th century.
  • The Methodist-owned Association is not a municipality, but a part of Neptune Township, and the tax assessor there says that a portion of a lot (the boardwalk is all in one real estate lot) cannot be separated out for special tax treatment. Archive 2007-09-01
  • Romanus, St. Romanos the Melodist the great ecclesiastical lyrist of the Greek Church, composed for it a hymn The Birth of the Virgin
  • This united body was still far behind other major Protestant groups such as Presbyterians, Methodists, Congregationalists, and Episcopals.
  • Gracias a amig@s periodistas y ciberactivistas, también hemos logrado espacios en la radio; primero en Onda Puerto Ordaz, en el programa Nadie tiene la culpa de Alfredo Calzadilla y luego en Radio Fe y Alegría en el programa A fondo con Luis Carlos Díaz y Naky Soto. Global Voices in English » Venezuela: Keeping the Internet as a Priority
  • The house burned because the cook tumped over a pan of hot lard, which exploded; or a vengeful ex-slave lit a piece of fat wood under the house and fed the fire with the last bottle of old Madeira that George Washington Gilbert, a drinking Methodist, had brought from Carolina; or Sister Mary, who was always cold-natured, stood too close to the parlor hearth at her wedding and set her veil on fire. Dream State
  • The reasons which induced him to alter his mind were, in the first place, the piety, methodistic most of it, which was then mixed up with politics; and secondly, a growing fierceness of temper, which made the cause of the people a religion. The Revolution in Tanner's Lane
  • A mission project of the Methodist Church is building a technology center so local businesses can travel the information superhighway.
  • The rodeo stopped in places where there was always a Baptist or a Methodist church, and both of their Sunday schools satisfied Luther. DANSVILLE
  • Lutherans, Calvinists, Methodists, Baptists and even agnostics have found him deserving.
  • Tito es un periodista y consultor especializado en relaciones internacionales, nació en Argentina y reside en España desde 1977. Crossover Dreams: The economic rain in Spain falls heavily on immigrants
  • In the West, Presbyterians, Methodists, and Baptists employed revival meetings to evangelize unchurched frontier families.
  • Some raw foodists I met at a raw food boutique in San Diego including a young man who was eating only raw cacao nibs and feeling “totally epic” snickered that they had recently busted their fruitarian colleague eating avocados. The Fruit Hunters
  • It triggered a veritable tidal wave of imitators, parodists, and artists wishing to capitalize on its success.
  • The familiar adaptation used here is the work of Thomas Helmore, a nineteenth-century hymnodist.

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