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How To Use Ode In A Sentence

  • The unit can connect to any video source that has composite video and stereo audio RCA jacks, though the encoded audio is limited to mono.
  • So it's a little more than passing strange that Mr. Brooks clucks about Mr. Obama's "über-partisan budget" when, given the last few weeks of shrieking and wailing from the Republicans about socialism and communism, he's been the voice of moderation in the room. Moderately Shocked
  • So, did it take a row over a ban on journalists to enable him to penetrate the secret that the regime is not a model of benignity?
  • Regardless of the outcome of the trial, the whole episode has been a huge embarrassment to English football.
  • For instance, a few weeks ago in my sports statistics class, I envisioned a type of graph that’s a combination boxplot and lineplot — instead of turning towards Excel, I coded a Mathematica module to create this type of graph and then automate the creation of many of these. Wolfram Blog : Get Your Game On for Mathematics Awareness Month!
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  • There are a lot of so-called "Mathematical Economic Models" in today's market, but none of them presents an inclusive and deterministic system.
  • The model nature of Windsor involved imitation, as of the Tudor style, to make a statement with a lot of leisure about it.
  • We drove a mile or so to Shipley Glen, a wooded hillside where a bit of family fairground fun awaited.
  • Receiving the round initial in the third quarter, the Rams would put together the 10-play, 61-yard expostulate immoderate 5 mins as great as finishing it off with the 6-yard TD pass from Stefkovich to So, TE, Joe Migliarese (Blue Bell, Pa.) to tighten the measure to twenty-nine twenty-eight TU. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Spanish-American War of 1898 Edison suggested to the Navy Department the adoption of a compound of calcium carbide and calcium phosphite, which when placed in a shell and fired from a gun would explode as soon as it struck water and ignite, producing a blaze that would continue several minutes and make the ships of the enemy visible for four or five miles at sea. Edison, His Life and Inventions
  • The software is also a great customization solution for those who would like to alter the look and feel of the Finder, Dock and login window, making it easy to prebind and re-prebind their entire system or selected folders, run cron scripts, change startup mode and language, force empty trash, update "whatis," locate databases, and so on. Softpedia News - Global
  • Some groups consistently face discrimination: age is one mode of socially structured disadvantage.
  • The League Against Cruel Sports issued a statement Wednesday calling on Ottawa to "take steps to end the immense cruelty to animals in events such as calf-roping, which is practised at rodeos including the Calgary Stampede. CTV BritishColumbiaHome
  • It continues as an usual inland resort set in woodland of silver birches, rhododendrons and conifers.
  • These planes are made with two separate stocks held together with either metal or turned wooden screws.
  • Architecturally they incorporate the low roofs, polygonal towers and shallow, semicircular domes of the Byzantine mode.
  • The 27 models on display in Washington, supplemented by paintings, drawings, sculpture and medallions, show the products of a rising social structure and new technique.
  • This textbook provides a modern and accessible introduction to magnetohydrodynamics.
  • Roderick Little, a University of Michigan biostatistician, will become associate director for statistical methodology and standards at the Census Bureau beginning in September. Robert Groves Names Roderick Little, U Of Mich. Statistician, To New Census Post
  • A statistical model for decay and formation of heavy hadronic resonances is formulated.
  • Fortunately, seven unaired episodes will give fans something to really dive into.
  • Modern scientific capability has profoundly altered the course of human life. Times, Sunday Times
  • An established order of seeing, of understanding, of ruling, is simply exploded - the Modernist spirit asserts itself.
  • The chapel or church claims greater antiquity than any other in that part of the kingdom; but there is no appearance of this in the external aspect of the present edifice, unless it be in the two eastern windows, which remain unmodernized, and in the lower part of the steeple. The Life of Charlotte Bronte
  • She decided she would try to forget the episode by the lake.
  • The argument behind x is not quantitative, and we do not have an expression for its expected value under a null isolation model.
  • These constricted unmyelinated regions are called nodes of Ran-vier (rahn-vee-ay), after the French histologist Louis Antoine The Human Brain
  • The chops should be cooked over moderate heat to prevent excessive charring.
  • The clinico-pathological features of this model resemble human peritoneal carcinomatosis. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Simply inserting the word "conservation" in the pesticide label and slightly watering down the percentage of the active ingredient, brodifacoum, does not make this rodenticide safe for wildlife, nor will it make it any less persistent. Maggie Sergio: The Proposal to Poison a Wildlife Refuge
  • Homeobox genes encode transcription factors involved in many aspects of developmental processes.
  • But Arthur's do-gooder streak didn't particularly please other Republicans, and he became one of the few Presidents to fail to win his own party's nomination for re-election.
  • The Liberal Democrats are also being coy and modest. Times, Sunday Times
  • We've seen how things turned out for Scotland's national football manager; matters are organised no differently in the more modest context that is Scottish shinty.
  • To wake up with her belly-up and demanding affection is to have your heart explode with the kind of joy that compels some people into a life of large-scale oil painting.
  • An attempt will be made to identify best practice, to help bridge the gap between theoretical prescriptions and practical modelling procedures.
  • I passed plunging gorges, streams in spate, riverbanks ripped open, fields flooded, a brown soup drowning the track.
  • Virtually any UNIX or Linux system will compile SISAL code in single processor mode.
  • In Chinas modernization drive, the misunderstanding on "Middlebrow" is not beneficial to the understanding and the promotion of the core ideology of Chinas traditional culture.
  • It was here that the Gaelic tongue first arrived in the fourth century - and with it came that form of the stick game which has evolved into the modern sport of shinty.
  • I became a house model for the great designer Jean Muir and it was a wonderful foundation because she was meticulous.
  • Among these are the best specimen of the dome-skulled chalicothere Tylocephalonyx skinneri, and type specimens of several other mammals, including rodents, oreodonts and carnivores.
  • Not so with this trivial, lawless country club set of the 1920's, drunk part of the time and reckless all of it, codeless, dutiless, restless. Definitions: Essays in Contemporary Criticism
  • Within the context of modernity, the autonomous artist, as a creative being, explores varying moods, passion, sentiments and emotions.
  • Our marketing people have come up with a great idea for the launch of the new model.
  • Our nearest relatives, the chimps tend towards matrilinear, while patrilinear seems more prevalent in a majority of the different aboriginity groups in more modern times. Discovered: the basis of human civilization.
  • (Applause) Without boasting, without any kind of immodesty, that is how we Cuban revolutionaries understand our internationalist duty. TRICONTINENTAL CONFERENCE
  • As soon as this began to thicken, Neb carefully removed it with a wooden spatula; this accelerated the evaporation, and at the same time prevented it from contracting an empyreumatic flavor. The Mysterious Island
  • Eventually almost all postwar writers whose work departs significantly from convention have come to be labeled "postmodernist," a term that has definable meaning but that also has been used as an aid in this lashing-out, a way to further disparage such writers both by lumping them together indiscriminately and by identifying their work as just another participant in literary fashion. Postmodernism
  • Wet meadows between rock outcrops include grasses, sedges, mosses, pitcher plant Saracenia purpurea, sundew Drosera sp. and purple fringed orchid Habenaria psycodes. Gros Morne National Park, Canada
  • Vatican a magnificent porphyry labrum found in one of the imperial baths; and Baccius, a great modern authority on baths, speaks of labra made of glass. Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
  • Pick one meal a day from each colour-coded section. The Sun
  • And then it is all locked down in a code of omertà: Enron is a strong buy!
  • If you have bought modern 'remontant' varieties that flower again, give them a good feed now to encourage them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The application allows users to geocode images, or link digital images to the location where they were taken.
  • I boxed, swam, sailed, rode horses, lived in the open an arrantly healthful life, and passed life insurance examinations with flying colours. Chapter 29
  • 1980 - The Republic of Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) comes into being, with Canaan Banana as the country's first President.
  • Those who have it make the best friends, the best leaders, the best models to follow.
  • The truth is, there is a certain diet which emaciates men more than any possible degree of abstinence; though I do not remember to have seen any caution against it, either in Cheney, Arbuthnot, or in any other modern writer or regimen. The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon
  • To believe that Obama is a socialist merely assumes his continued commitment to a world he has long described as his lodestar. Radical-In-Chief
  • One suggested the dolls could be used as models for identifying American spies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even the shoes, booties with vertiginous heels, were covered in grasping little coral-like tentacles that shook as the models -- their faces abloom with gold and colorful stripes -- stomped down the catwalk. Balmain, Zac Posen, Rick Owens & Manish Arora Out Of This World In Paris (PHOTOS, POLL)
  • He was one of the first 19th century sailors who tamed the seas through science, inventing systems for transporting cannon over marshy ground, ciphers for code and a system of hydrographical surveys.
  • Americans are looking into alternative modes of transportation such as trolleys, trains, subways, and buses, which all showed a ridership increase, with the largest growth in major cities. As gas prices increase, consumption decreases
  • What if a hijacked plane hit a nuclear power plant, what if bioterrorists infected burger bars, what if we were flooded with smallpox?
  • The fact that I first met it as part of a pavlova didn't help: the deep clouds of snow-white sugar-cake need a fruit with a sting in its tail (the Antipodeans are bang on with their inclusion of passion fruit) if the dessert isn't to cloy. Tender delights
  • Modern processors have a special hardware facility, the Performance Monitor Unit (PMU), to collect the events related with the operations in the processor.
  • The schematic for the DTMF decoder in the figure below. Again you can use a combination of wire wrapping and soldering. Part placement is not critical.
  • A separable reinforced concrete numerical model and fluid-solid interconnection method were used to predict the development of surface bulge in LS-DYNA.
  • After all, at conception, the fertilized egg has all the information necessary to code for your physical potential.
  • Surrounded by cottonwoods and aspens and featuring a wooden footbridge and an abundance of regional flora and foliage, it's a place to meditate, contemplate, and relax.
  • But the two teaching modes have changed from opposition to complementation instead of a simple conversion.
  • The pageant promises to be a curious mixture of the ancient and modern.
  • The name Breizoz reflects the Celtic origin of the galette and crêpe, as well as the modern setting for this crêperie.
  • Of course people have noticed before that Matisse posed his models in flimsy, filmy harem pants on divans and cushions covered with flowered or striped stuffs against fabric screens and curtains.
  • One of the stars of the collection is the Diana and Minerva commode of 1773, so called for the inlaid roundels representing the goddesses of the hunt and the arts, respectively.
  • Also, we wanted to determine whether modest practice would modify performance of either group.
  • Goodness of fit was assessed by diagnostic plots and the statistical significance of the Pearson chi-square of the fitted model.
  • Most fault conditions will set a ABS fault code in the CAB (controller anti-lock brake), which can be retrieved to aid in fault diagnosis.
  • In this way, the Academy's representation of modernist pieces was only part of the battle.
  • These studies rely on the model that the likelihood of two sequences recombining with each other depends on the average amount of space separating them.
  • About 7 o'clock tonight, we had a whopping great thunderstorm with accompanying light show, and the flipping garage got flooded again!
  • A conical rhyton from the cemetery at Kameiros on Rhodes is even less easily understood.
  • Cereal song earth: Fictitious tellurion software, be together satellitic picture, map, encyclopedia and flight simulator conformity, decorate in an earth on three-dimensional model.
  • When flammable powders are dispersed in the air, they can explode.
  • The reports of thefe pra&itioners are certainly favourable, in fome degree, to the idea of diluting the variolous contagion; however, many more fa&s are wanting deci - sively to edablifh the fuperiour advantage of this mode of inoculation.. The Analytical Review, Or History of Literature, Domestic and Foreign, on an Enlarged Plan
  • The Orangery restaurant is not as gorgeous as the rest of the house, partly because it is in a modern extension, but mainly because it is unattractively lit.
  • All birds were hatched in incubators and kept in brooders until approximately 7 weeks of age, at which time they were moved to 5 x 7 x 4 m outdoor flight pens.
  • In neopaganism, the spring and autumn equinoxes are called Ostara and Mabon, respectively, although these names are modern in origin and don't correspond to any ancient festivals. CBC | Top Stories News
  • For the kids the knee-jerk tourist products are wooden toys, but they are lumpish, boring objects, unlikely to appeal to any but the most simple-minded of toddlers.
  • I currently am in doubtful mode, but I am willing to see what comes of this mixture. PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 2 Gets Ready To SAW Audiences In October –
  • Zack and I spent last evening making modelling clay figures at the kitchen table.
  • An orbiting satellite picked up a distress signal from the ship's emergency beacon, standard equipment on all modern boats.
  • Inside, Ms. Savage accented the home's 16-foot coved ceilings—original from 1926—and espresso-colored floors with earth-toned couches and classic pieces, using a long wooden bench as a living room coffee table. A Gossip Girl's Main Stage
  • A half-timbered family hotel with rooms off a creaky wooden balcony running round two sides of a courtyard.
  • Although the strategy was flawed by its excessive voluntarism, it did force the party to modernize itself.
  • Why all this dither about what's modern and what's not?
  • Once the victim's mind had "snapped" into cult mode, the unsnapping requires a massive assault on the victim's mind to untangle the coded messages injected into it by the sinister forces of the cult leader. Warren Adler: Martha Marcy May Marlene: A Brave Movie
  • The suspended flotilla includes modern powerboats, yachts and coracles.
  • The court sought to stretch modest finite resources so far as possible to meet the parties' needs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Among the first generation, family relations adhered rather closely to the traditional Bulgarian model.
  • The optimized compiler has a blended mode option for applications that will run on 80486 and Pentium boxes as well as a Pentium-only mode.
  • “For instance, you could tell it to record all episodes of a particular series, rather than your preprogramming it.” Friday Link Dump
  • Holography not only maps the intensities of the light, as do normal diffraction patterns, it also encodes information about the phases of the light that is otherwise intrinsically lost.
  • At a time when they were still singing soupy Victorian hymns in churches, this choir performed relatively modem music.
  • I was standing in some kind of wooded area and looking around Probably trying to find any distraction to keep me from going for my lecture and I did eventually find that tap-dancing squirrel but that's a story for another post and then somehow bits and pieces began to hit me. Archive 2005-02-01
  • The sight of the fireball was followed by a sonic boom as the meteorite exploded into thousands of pieces over Barwell near Leicester. Times, Sunday Times
  • To determine the extent of gastric metaplasia, multiple biopsy specimens were collected from standardised sites of the duodenal bulb.
  • Its political culture, once fiercely democratic, is being eroded by a manipulated, bureaucratic legalism that identifies dissent as disloyalty.
  • Finally, one general feature of the framework of this subsection is worthy of note, in order to facilitate comparisons between models.
  • Rosie decides that a maternity fashion show highlighting her latest collection would be the perfect shower event because that is in no way a conflict of interest, and we soon learn the real motivation behind this choice -- a model casting montage in which LT wears a sequined capelet the color of Grimace from McDonaldland and tells the models to "serve and deliver. Una LaMarche: Pregnant in Heels Ep. 5: Serve and Deliver
  • It was not a spine-tingling speech, the delivery was rather wooden. Times, Sunday Times
  • All moderating influences within the party have been weeded out.
  • Such techniques are not available to middle-class families with modest savings, or to small business owners holding long-term capital gains.
  • The fable is plainly implex, formed rather from the "Odyssey" than the "Iliad;" and many artifices of diversification are employed, with the skill of a man acquainted with the beet models. Lives of the English Poets : Waller, Milton, Cowley
  • The wooden matches were glued to the dial of the manual kitchen timer.
  • Some rooms were once first-floor barns and feature original timber and stone in very modern but understated designs.
  • And there was no response in effect to nutrient content grads of internode length and ramets amount.
  • With the Shared Model architecture, changes made in one process element are (depending on access privileges) immediately visible and accessible to other process elements.
  • Whoever seeks to export such a system has to be aware of the unforeseeable consequences this model can have in an unknown environment.
  • They proposed a modest change to the presentation of the accounts to improve transparency but not disclosing the exact payment to Dr Saunders. Times, Sunday Times
  • On top of this, contracted moderators check marked student work in every subject from every school, every year.
  • Of course, daylight savings time will never go away, because modern environmentalism has become more a matter of making empty feel-good gestures than performing rational acts that actually improve something. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » It Seems I Was Right About Daylight Savings Time
  • So they came on a day, and found this dead man at the sacring of his mass, and they abode him till he had said mass. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • She got married when she was twenty and had two children but was increasingly unhappy about the political situation in Southern Rhodesia, particularly the racism of the white ruling class.
  • He went on to scarify the same companies for being only interested in putting on the tried and the tested to the exclusion of modern works by Irish writers and composers.
  • We have virtually no fossils of tropical fleshy algae, especially the small soft epilithic species that characterize primary productivity on modern reefs.
  • Strange emotions welled up inside her until she felt like she was going to explode from the pressure C7: Chapter Five – Lost on Earth « Write Anything
  • From blenders and toasters to refrigerators and professional-style oven ranges, stainless steel products are easy to coordinate with each other and lend a modern edge to a kitchen.
  • Just as the new convert to Islam sees the work of God in all things, the Marxist neophyte is tempted to understand all human activity through the lens of the base/superstructure model.
  • Several of these rhododendrons will flower this year for the first time.
  • The Socialist Republic of Vietnam came into existence in July 1976 as a communist country modelling its political system after those of the Soviet Union and China.
  • This printer is a top of the range model .
  • Today, the Prime Minister released his two options for Senate reform describing them as moderate and reasonable.
  • These electrical signals send electrical impulses across the skin to an implanted receiver/stimulator in the shoulder to the electrode leads in the arm and hand.
  • Mr Fothergill's 1991 seed catalogue includes a fully functional model which has a traditional iron wheel and is priced at £179.
  • By switching the anti-aliasing mode on and off, I found different and useful timbres, because even aliasing creates an interesting digital jitter.
  • models displayed clothes on a catwalk at the fashion show
  • This does not bode well for global stability. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because it improves digestion but does not heat the body, Amla-Berry is ideal for calming mild to moderate hyperacidity.
  • The Russian Revolution itself was but one episode in the transition from capitalism to socialism.
  • Modern soldiers are far less responsive to shouting than their predecessors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Signum magnum apparuit in coelo: mulier amicta sole, et luna sub pedibus ejus, et in capite ejus corona stellarum duodecim. Archive 2008-08-01
  • Unless otherwise stated, all code is untested slanter - lol, I didn't think of doing it that way. great idea. AutoHotkey Community
  • Wooden houses look out to a turquoise sea. Times, Sunday Times
  • The creak of the wooden pontoon was such a sad, lonely sound.
  • They also investigate the origins of various heraldic monsters, such as the basilisk (based on the hooded cobra).
  • There is a modeling clay that is nearly all silver once it is baked in your oven.
  • More than one modern historian has enjoyed wrestling with the question: was Charles the Bald really bald?
  • An objective analogue prediction model of tropical cyclone track is brought forward that considers the synthetical evaluation environment.
  • Rounds are no longer written in modern musical styles, and remain untouched by developments in chromatic harmony, atonality, jazz idioms, serial structures and folk modes.
  • Probably the most studied biolayer is where an enzyme layer is used over an electrochemical transducer, producing an enzyme electrode.
  • The overriding principle is not to offend the sensitive by immoderate cachinnation at an inappropriate joke. Times, Sunday Times
  • Object Relational Mapping was created to abstract details of the underlying database from the Java object model.
  • Newspaper editors have agreed a new code of practice on the invasion of privacy.
  • The cestodes, or tapeworms, differ in a number of ways from other flatworms.
  • Designed with grace and precision by Portuguese architect Bak Gordon, this modern home located in the heart of Pousos, is all about smooth and simple design that draws from the modern architecture principles of using simple cubical structures. How To Create a Minimalist Home
  • We are trying to have a code in school where we maintain good order and discipline.
  • A picket was organised last week after receivers Robson Rhodes refused to withdraw redundancy notices issued to 67 staff.
  • Very slowly or moderately it was rising, and I thought I was at the estate of a wealthy person for the architecture was very expensive looking.
  • By the close their ranks have doubled into a colourful army stamping out percussive rhythms in wooden sandals. Times, Sunday Times
  • While deposits continue to disappoint, more such episodes are as inevitable as the ebb and flow of the tide. Times, Sunday Times
  • When we checked with the building department, the local inspector told us that the water heater is correctly installed and that the overflow pipe complies with the intent of the building code.
  • Tell the operator that Karl Lagerfeld thinks you're 'demode'. I want a t-shirt that says...
  • The outcome of the analysis phase is a metaclass model that describes candidate services, their role stereotypes, and their operations.
  • Due to the very long stroke and alloy conrods, the motor is redlined at 7,000 and will definitely explode if persistently over-revved.
  • The model involved in particle charging equation, electric field and charge conservation equation, gas conservation equations of mass and momentum, particle mass and momentum equation.
  • He said that whatever electricity lines came from the sub-station would be carried on wooden poles.
  • The animal model used in this study is the naturally occurring canine mammary tumor.
  • It packs motorized faders, multifunction rotary encoders and a host of keys.
  • As the days and games tick by, perhaps they will implode under the pressure of expectation. Times, Sunday Times
  • To take the chain of speculation one step further, this suggests that the maxilla itself was originally a flat dermal plate of some kind, possibly homologous to the superognathal of placoderms.
  • Maxwell's theoretical unification of electricity and magnetism was engineered into the modern human power to communicate across space at the speed of light.
  • Just as trumpeters wore distinctive uniforms, so too they rode distinctive horses, usually greys, to aid recognition.
  • The latter, after his defeat by Bayezid, sought refuge at Rhodes under a safe-conduct from the Grand Master and the General Convent of the Order.
  • These details are important for geodynamical modeling, which may one day predict complex geological processes such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The factory must aim at developing new models of machines.
  • The best makeup is Smile. The best jewelry is Modesty. The best clothing is Confidence.
  • Father exploded a bombshell when he forbade us to go to the prom
  • As a developer, you will recognize these steps as the normal procedure to configure, compile, and install most applications from source code.
  • This means that the model can predict the surmountable obstacle height of an off-road vehicle and its-key influencing parameters can be obtained.
  • You can browse and view images individually or in thumbnail mode.
  • Kind and tempting was the invitation to prolong my stay at the See House; enticing was the prospect offered me of a visit to a seigneurie on the Ottawa; and it was with very great reluctance that, after a sojourn of only one day, I left this abode of refinement and hospitality, and the valued friends who had received me with so much kindness, for a tedious journey to New The Englishwoman in America
  • It bodes well for their relationship. The Sun
  • The final episode of this hard-hitting series delves into little-known horrors behind history. The Sun
  • Throughout the day, Grant rode through his command rallying the force in spite of the lateness of reinforcements.
  • With names such as Codex Sinaiticus, the Macregol Gospels and the Valenciennes Apocalypse, they evoke lost empires and ancient monasteries as surely as archaeopteryx and ceratosaurus conjure up primeval swamps and forests. GetReligion
  • A shoutout to his home state: Good Things by The BoDeans Caroline Matthews: Paul Ryan's Playlist
  • The term proteome “proteins that are encoded and expressed by a genome” was coined in 1994 by Marc Wilkins, then a graduate student at Macquarrie University in Sydney, Australia. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • Another modern attempt to make a classic 1930s screwball comedy. Times, Sunday Times
  • In what follows I shall claim that postmodern cultural forms do indeed signify, only that they signify differently.
  • The modern historian sees greater variety than the thesis's defenders wished to concede.
  • This product series adopts bridge commutation mode with rectiformer attached , featuring energy saving And efficency.
  • Or, conversely, isn't the character of modern American life strangely illuminated by -- and compatible with -- that entity that is so often described as antithetical to it, the mafia? Critical Mass
  • Whatever the fate of sense-datum theories might be as general theories of exteroception, their appeal as a model for understanding pains and other intransitive bodily sensations is very strong. Pain
  • At a period when all political ideology was imbued with religion, apostasy in any premodern state was a political crime. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus, we can use measures of skewness for distributions of expression differences for classified genes to discriminate between models.
  • ‘Welcome,’ the empress said to them, her voice holding false modesty.
  • The bomb exploded and blew them all to kingdom come.
  • The cannon was placed in a large waterproof crate of fresh water to leach out the salts, which, if untreated, would have eventually corroded the metal.

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