
[ US /ˈɑdɫi/ ]
[ UK /ˈɒdli/ ]
  1. in a strange manner
    a queerly inscribed sheet of paper
  2. in a manner differing from the usual or expected
    he's behaving rather peculiarly
    had a curiously husky voice
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How To Use oddly In A Sentence

  • IHSB: The way to describe the first pro season for the most oddly named man alive (Allen Lorenz Pollock = A.J. Pollock?) is solid but unspectacular, which is disappointing given that the organization expected him to rip through Mid-A South Bend given that Midwest League Competition wasn't foreign to Pollock, given that Notre Dame plays an exhibition game against the SilverHawks at the beginning of each season. AZ Snakepit
  • Oddly, these TV wreck detectives are always trying to find out something which the experienced real divers nannying them around the wreck discovered when they first dived the ship 20 years ago.
  • Oddly, for the first time all year, the meeting had a public audience.
  • `You've been an angel," said DeDe, sounding oddly like a clubwoman from the peninsula. FURTHER TALES OF THE CITY
  • It was an oddly sly glance, as though suddenly he were a different person -- or rather I was seeing the obverse of his personality. HIGH STAND
  • In much recent art, the object itself is secondary to the dialogue which surrounds it, which makes it inaccessible to those who don't follow theoretical discussions and oddly irrelevant for itself.
  • Stunted, twisted growth and oddly distorted flowers are the symptoms of aster yellows, a disease which often shows up in midsummer.
  • Oddly enough morning stars have other names as well, being called “holy water sprinklers” due to the fact that they somewhat resemble the aspergillum used by the church to sprinkle parishioners with holy water, and “goedendag” or “good day”. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1043
  • Without benefit of notes, visual aids, gestures or humor she spoke for ninety oddly mesmerizing minutes.
  • The oddly jointed pectoral fin armor is a memorable feature of the placoderms, especially Antiarchs.
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