How To Use Odd In A Sentence
Gone was the prim nodus; instead her long hair was parted in the center and allowed to fall loose under a veil, in a deliberate echo of the statuary poses of classical goddesses.
Caesars’ Wives
I walked out of the theatre feeling a little odd, as I often do when I have been deeply immersed in a film.
He did stand a long way off the odd ditch but once there was a little less gas in the tank he was really good.
Times, Sunday Times
With a little coo of happiness he began to toddle forwards into the darkness, still clutching his bottle.
For a few odd and unsettling moments, the song hovers on its own, left virtually untouched except for the subtle fuzz of static in the background.

His mother and father thought Jim was a bit of an oddball too.
I befriended a couple of the kids, and together we built a raft that we would row down the Dodder as far as the great waterfall in Donnybrook.
Nakamura even gives them a bit of an Odd Couple twist: Buddha is frugal and kind of uptight; Jesus goes with the flow.
License request day: Saint Young Men
I thought he was a bit of a fruitcake or an odd fish.
Written with charm and humour, this is a touching, absorbing oddity of a book about love, grief, avarice and generosity.
Golub was an odd man out, one of those who kept alive certain ambitions scuttled by the artists who followed Abstract Expressionism.
The rally has defied all odds and logic with only two, short interruptions since it began its climb in August 1982.
I claim it is helping save the planet, being heated by the odd feline and my doona.
The post in which I whine about the weather
Rihanna is real clingy, a bit two clingy saying he cant talk to other women, even though there just friends! but he is also in the wrong for doing it!!!!! like ye dnt go round beatin up women no matter how bad they are! gooddd like … buh i LOVE chris brown so im natt sayn nethn!
Chris Brown Rihanna Break-Up Following Alleged Assault
With a lot of prodding and poking and pushing and cajoling, it set off with a spasmodic jerk.
In her current incarnation she is a demigoddess, the daughter of Zeus and Queen Hippolyta.
I'm currently enjoying the odd effect of chancing across spoken word excerpts in the original Italian.
She had wiggled through a tot-sized aperture in the alcove, and toddled over to a display of butterfly nets four feet away.
Her expression masked, she nodded toward the remaining stragglers veering toward their cars.
Captured by Moonlight
Oddly, these TV wreck detectives are always trying to find out something which the experienced real divers nannying them around the wreck discovered when they first dived the ship 20 years ago.
In a 1983 ad, the Gillette man was depicted as the tiny weakling on a basketball court full of giants; his shaver, he said, helped him even the odds.
An odd hairy quadruped is upsetting residents of Scott Town, Jamaica, again.
Archive 2008-06-01
It is patent that dusk found them weary and worn, plodding and wading silently "homewards," shovel on shoulder, across four or five kilos of desolate mud; falling and tripping over stagnant bodies, masses of tangled wire, bricks and jagged wood-work everywhere impeding progress.
Norman Ten Hundred A Record of the 1st (Service) Bn. Royal Guernsey Light Infantry
Bed doth a goddess inarm; smooth ivory glossy from Indies,
Poems and Fragments
His behavior is odd.
The excruciating embarrassment of finding one's personal peccadillos exposed to public scrutiny makes kiss-and-tell the perfect vengeance-fodder.
So in offering prayers for downtrodden races, I would advise you not to overlook the downtrodden tourist.
One of the stars of the collection is the Diana and Minerva commode of 1773, so called for the inlaid roundels representing the goddesses of the hunt and the arts, respectively.
That's the forecast for the forecastable future -- showers and thundershowers as the warm and sun suck moisture out of our sodden lebensraum and turn it back into clouds.
His songs had gone from sublime to bizarre, compounded by his friendship with oddball lyricist Van Dyke Parks.
For the kids the knee-jerk tourist products are wooden toys, but they are lumpish, boring objects, unlikely to appeal to any but the most simple-minded of toddlers.
Mark and Rick were the odd ones out in claiming to like this cherry beer.
Her words came so fast that I cannot attempt their semblance here, and her voice rose and fell in a kind of querulous chant to which sometimes she nodded her head, as if she was beating the time.
The Fool Errant
She nodded, leading the septuplets inside.
They have to put up with some shoddy sequels to groundbreaking originals.
His formal clothes made him the odd one out in the club.
J.C. nodded and I followed him down into the dark dankness of Zacharis' unfinished basement.
The Dog Catcher
And so, against all the odds, and all the elements, Powell got to make his wistful and impassioned film.
Oddly, for the first time all year, the meeting had a public audience.
Zach nodded his head as wiped the snot away from his nose with his hand.
Welcome the hopeless odds of meeting highly trained soldiers face-to-face.
Ky nodded, and pulled out a beaten coin - a copper coin, not wood, I think.
Against all odds, he succeeded in carving out a career in the media.
One of my dazed wits tried to tell me the odds against this actually happening.
Due to his great success against criminals, he has become the target of a supervillain called Boddicker.
However long the odds, he couldn't bring himself to turn away all those labors of hope and industry and self-promotion.
As you might have guessed we are not talking about an all-too-human Dana Plato, Todd Bridges or Corey-of-your-choice, but a fellow member of our family Hominidae who diverged from our species 6 million years ago.
Warren Holstein: Monkey Business: Travis the Celebrity Chimpanzee Attacks!!!
At least Steven Pinker can tell us why we curse and why cursing is so goddamn hard to give up:
All Be Galdangit
Yet the confusing thing about her mania, says Todd, is her ability to remain articulate, clever and funny.
They were defeated by the odd goal in five in the U16 league semi final by Yeats United.
Modder River, when all day long most of our men were quite unable to discover on which side of the stream the Boer entrenchments were, and in what they called clever trickery, but we called treachery, they are absolutely unsurpassable.
With the Guards' Brigade from Bloemfontein to Koomati Poort and Back
For decades, such films were low-grade romances with weak plots interfused with 20-odd musical outbursts.
The goddess Anahita, first mentioned in an inscription of Artaxerxes II, and described only in the late Fifth Yasht, appears to have been originally
Introduction to the History of Religions Handbooks on the History of Religions, Volume IV
The odds are, shall we say, somewhat large, and the car was still there by the end of the evening.
At first, she did odd things like rearranging her shoes and alphabetizing the books on the bookshelf in her office.
The dodder is what is called a parasitical plant; that is, a plant that lives entirely on another.
Woodside or, Look, Listen, and Learn.
Use your noddle - clear the shelves before you paint the cupboard!
To answer the 300-odd posers on the questionnaire without then being persuaded to sign up for the religion was an essential rite-of-passage for any spotty adolescent struggling to find their own voice.
The driver nodded in acknowledgement and a further 20 seconds of silence passed before he spoke again.
Raquel Welch was at the height of her popularity as a sex goddess.
The tusky but soft-hearted little brute kept nodding his round, sparsely covered head while he listened, exuding a smell of lavender-water, cigars, and gutta-percha.
The Freelands
The deputy mayor, Louise Schroeder, foolishly and without our knowledge, took forty-odd plainclothesmen from Western sectors over to keep order.
Daring Young Men
Now go and Google "Durga" - a primarily Hindu "great goddess" figure - and maybe you will learn something about the intercultural aspects of Islam while you are at it.
Propeller Most Popular Stories
I watched her plodding her way across the field.
The old lady sat nodding by the fire.
`You've been an angel," said DeDe, sounding oddly like a clubwoman from the peninsula.
Nicola nodded and slunk quietly over to the sleeping bags, trying not to attract the attention of whatever Landon had heard.
Her formative years were decidedly odd.
Times, Sunday Times
- Are you codding me, I says, and the neck of the army Johnny Jameson half way already into his glass.
With this odd schedule during orientation at the new job, he won't be spending the days with me that he normally would.
Botte bynde 'hem prysonners on the bloddie playne.
The Rowley Poems
It takes 40 minutes to drive to the beach or 35 minutes to get to Kyogle's green, shady, treed public pool that caters for toddlers.
Room is left for the ‘higgling of the market’, but, for Proudhon, this is no metaphor; he really means the higgling of the market, the chaffering in the village square between the man selling a cow and the man selling fodder.
Yet afterwards, when accustomedness had brought its reward of speed, there was still for Billy no time; for increased knowledge had only opened the way to other paths, untrodden and alluring.
Miss Billy -- Married
She nodded snuggling deeper into the blankets and stealing their warmth.
It is carefully calibrated to maximize milk production while minimizing cost and might consist of haylage or silage—chopped, preserved fodder—ground with protein boosters like soy or the malted grain left over from brewing.
The Dirty Life
Data collection and analysis Positive and negative likelihood ratios (LR) and diagnostic odds ratios (DOR) were calculated.
Obviously, not all spam filters work that well, but this seems like a really odd choice as a way to block spam.
It is important that they do not associate classical music with a bunch of doddery old men.
Aycock; Odd Fellow; Royal Arcanum; Junior; Baptist.
Alumni History of the University of North Carolina
The awards are given to children who achieved something against the odds.
(He pointed at the bundle she held, while she nodded proudly, beaming on me with good-nature and consciousness of success and prosperity.) "This overcoat is as good as a blanket," he went on, advancing the skirt of it that I might feel its thickness.
We know of young people who have been uprooted from their homes and placed in provincial centres where they are used as fodder in the great experiment.
Times, Sunday Times
Therefore is it that Pallas, the goddess of wisdom, tutoress and guardianess of such as are diligently studious and painfully industrious, is, and hath been still accounted a virgin.
Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
A rather odd thing has just just occurred in the life of nerdy high school student Peter Parker; after being bitten by a radioactive spider, his body chemistry is mutagenically altered in that he can scale walls and ceilings, and he develops a "spider-sense" that warns him of approaching danger.
Listal promoted
Scholars have suggested that the purpose of statues such as the Peplos Kore and other korai (the plural form of the word) was to serve as votive offerings, perhaps in this case to the goddess Athena.
He doesn't say a word, merely nodding in acknowledgement of Stephen's greeting.
His safety-conscious friend, still on the pavement, nodded, clearly agreeing.
Times, Sunday Times
With inebriated puppets and an eerie soundtrack, consider it a shoddier predecessor to Thunderbirds.
2009 June :
Rob Dailey and Todd Fiscus have natural gifts for Design - good taste and a refined eye - that most of us long for.
He is funding the trip through odd Jobs and offering rides in the rickshaw.
Times, Sunday Times
If you want good rental fodder, you have to imagine people wanting to live there.
Times, Sunday Times
Rome and her iniquities; the streets, deserted by the people, were trodden by French patrols; all was silent as the grave itself; and not a friend was there to bid them adieu; not a relative to speak a consoling word to the departing; and none to acquaint the unfortunates who remained behind with their terrible calamity!
Pilgrimage from the Alps to the Tiber Or The Influence of Romanism on Trade, Justice, and Knowledge
The odds against bringing it back upstream, through the tangle of brambles and nettles and against such a flow, were minuscule.
Times, Sunday Times
It was an oddly sly glance, as though suddenly he were a different person -- or rather I was seeing the obverse of his personality.
Even so, there's something odd about finding the everyman denim dungaree for sale at the store that once offered the promise of making every man a gentleman.
'Fake Authenticity' for Sale
Merchants that accept debit cards "are substantially harmed" by the Fed's "misconstruction" of the Dodd-Frank law's provision limiting debit card fees, the plaintiffs said in the lawsuit.
Retailers Sue Fed Over Debit-Card Fee Rule
There was no sign of the Moon but the odd star managed to look down through gaps in the belts of cloud.
She was always strutting around like she was a goddess or something, on more then one occasion she swatted me on the bottom with her staff.
With anyone else, you'd say the inclusion of the word 'lasting' there would have been a get-out clause to allow the odd one-night bunk-up.
No Rock And Roll Fun
In all such eases, odd as it may sound, our judgment may actually be said to retroact and to enrich the past.
Meaning of Truth
We must fix the ex - convict up with at least an odd job.
It's odd how there's no mention at all of how the terra cotta warriors, the namesakes of the show, came about.
Anecdotal evidence has long pointed to crofters being a hale and hearty breed - albeit prone to bad backs and the odd grumble.
Ask me if I looked like an asshole in my beige pants suit in the middle of all these practically teenagers in Bunting goddam Hall.
Asimov's Science Fiction
What you get are basically four fun, simple little games, that are great to come back to for the odd five minutes of playing.
There was a brief flare of white light, and the Goddess vanished, leaving only a smattering of loose tinsel behind.
But ideological arguments, navel-gazing and the odd bout of nat-bashing aside, how will Labour members actually vote?
Archive 2009-09-01
Youngsters toddled in aid of Children in Need with a walk from their nursery to Menston Park.
Unfortunately the problem of shoddy workmanship continues even today.
The goddesse of warre, called Bellona, had these thre handmaids ever attendynge on her: BLOOD, FIRE, and FAMINE, which thre damosels be of that force and strength that every one of them alone is able and sufficient to torment and afflict a proud prince; and they all joyned together are of puissance to destroy the most populous country and most richest region of the world.
Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol. 1 A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook
I feel their eyeballs gawking/ I look better with my high heels on", sings Danny Todd, perhaps referring to a working girl or a crossdresser.
F&M playlist
The odds were stacked against her making it in the cut-throat music industry after a tough upbringing.
The Sun
I spend most Saturdays doing odd jobs around the house.
I knew that Alan liked the odd drink.
It nodded to itself, a mannerism cultivated during its contacts with humans.
For three years or so the squares lay open, and their sacred turf was trodden by the feet of working-class children, a sight to make dividend-drawers gnash their false teeth.
The toddler waddles freely into a neighbourhood yard.
Though Cook was a seasoned campaigner known for beating the odds, he could not overcome a severe loss in public confidence at the end of a quarrelsome and often hostile primary campaign.
Jack threw in the odd encouraging comment.
On current form most bookmakers will surely be offering short odds on them managing even the one point this time around.
A was first synthesized in 1891, the first evidence of its estrogenicity came from experiments in the 1930's feeding BPA to ovariectomised rats (Dodds and Lawson 1936, 1938).
Consumer Reports Concerned about The Chemical Bisphenol A
In one study, led by Dr. Alejandro Hoberman of the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, nearly 300 infected toddlers were given ten days of treatment with either dummy pills or an antibiotic called amoxicillin-clavulanate.
Reuters: Top News
The cow's stomach was bloated from eating the wet fodder.
They're easy to use, make cross-platform file swapping a doddle, and they're incredibly convenient.
Mike Battaglia, oddsmaker at Churchill Downs since 1975 and one of horse racing's most respected handicappers, will be an analyst for NBC at the Belmont Stakes.
Holly looked up at her boyfriend, nodding at his silent agreement to her unspoken request.
Have you got an odd 20p?
The houses on this side of the street have all got odd numbers.
Elsewhere, though, there has been the odd hiccup.
Times, Sunday Times
The odd question took Rezo by surprise, but he put a hand under his chin and glanced toward the ceiling as he searched his memory.
Star Trek didn't just offer the illimitable joys of William Shatner tumbling out of his chair every time the camera shook, or yet another sermon from the pen of Gene Roddenberry about how organized religion is a childish superstition.
Like Los Alamos, it was cradled by mountains and hastily built in order to win a war from an odd angle.
The old woman doddered from the bed to the table.
He said the worries of the farmers facing the shortage of green fodder for their cattle may soon be over.
Despite noticeable speckles, nicks and the odd scratch, the first reel of the film looks quite good with excellent contrast and sharp images.
In the early days, during the service, the congregants had the odd practice of auctioning the aliyoth or ‘privileges’ given to certain congregants, the money being used to maintain the synagogue.
-- A tree, with leaves bunched at the extremities of the branches, oblong, oval, acuminate, odd-pinnate, 3-4 pairs of opposite leaflets.
The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
In much recent art, the object itself is secondary to the dialogue which surrounds it, which makes it inaccessible to those who don't follow theoretical discussions and oddly irrelevant for itself.
Wanting to see the law respected is not the same as wanting to "coddle" our enemies.
Borger: CIA flap a huge headache for Obama
As the characters struggle to be human against all the odds the play reflects the struggle that all humans face in life.
Several people nodded in approval.
What were the odds against?
An odd perfect number is defined to be an odd integer that is equal to the sum of its proper divisors.
Her new companion took her to the bowling green in the middle, nodded her towards the clubhouse and disappeared.
I will be courageous and undismayed in the face of odds.
The horse plodded up the hill.
Stunted, twisted growth and oddly distorted flowers are the symptoms of aster yellows, a disease which often shows up in midsummer.
It sounds an odd pairing but used sparingly, the earthy, pungent and aromatic flavour of sage adds rich warmth to simply cooked white fish.
Times, Sunday Times
She went a bit odd and had to be put away.
And thrice in the time that I did go, there did be a running of feet amid the darkness; and odd whiles strange and horrid cryings in the night; so that I put a force upon my despair, and hid me; for, indeed, I had no right to lose care of my life, if there did be any chance yet that I find the Maid.
The Night Land
He's been modifying consoles for a year and says he's adapted, otherwise known as 'modded'
BBC News - Home
On the odd occasion I spent an extra hour on the training ground, but my legs were like lead the following day during the match.
You name your favorite contemporary artist and odds are they are involved.
As I kept pointing out on CH4 course bookmakers just kept shortening up odds without lengthening others.
The Sun
Here the goddess wears her high-crested helmet, and a himation replaces her aegis over the peplos.
Simultaneously, his urge to challenge the limits prodded him to attempt breaking world records.
There's something odd about that man.
Oddly enough morning stars have other names as well, being called “holy water sprinklers” due to the fact that they somewhat resemble the aspergillum used by the church to sprinkle parishioners with holy water, and “goedendag” or “good day”.
SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1043
There was an element of ill luck, but every so often, as gamblers would tell us, long odds do come off.
He found some disagreeable remnants — a watery stew, cold and sodden; a basin half-full of some kind of tinned soup; a chill suet pudding put away on a shelf.
The Unpleasantness At The Belladonna Club
I'd held all the top civil service jobs, but here was an opportunity to play a political role, and there was an odd chance that we would make a success of it, in which case I would have a footnote in India's history.
The story goes that downtrodden Sophie works in a hat shop and one day meets the glamorous wizard Howl, a charming ladykiller who has garnered the reputation of eating girls' hearts, despite looking more like a ladyboy.
How to hold your squirming toddler still while attempting a diaper change or tushy wipe?
Archive 2007-10-01
I was aware of the odd skirmish with dogs growling at each other and even a very occasional bark.
Odds ratios were calculated for the risk of fracture in the arthritic women.
With Todd Kabel in the irons, Bachelor Blues set a pressured pace early, then opened a two-length lead through a half-mile in: 46.26.
And then some unscheduled odd event - a thrilling novel, an unexpected phone call, a bout of debauch - will push the envelope, and the gears will start to spin.
Against overwhelming odds, I surrendered myself and watched a glut of documentaries about the military hardware.
It may derive, distantly, from8 the ancient Greek practice of offering to Artemis, goddess of the hunt and of the moon, a round honey cake into which a candle was stuck.
My … brother had quite a hand in brokering the accords, she said nodding across the room to a skinny bloke in a well-fitted tuxedo who was making his way onto the verandah Rose had disappeared onto.
The Boundaries of Consent (1/3)
I saw a report on CNN where a woman was rescued from being trapped in collapsed roof and wall debris for two days and what struck me was her odd calm as she was carried prone from a certain, crushing death — as well as her matter-of-fact confidence in a God that Robertson says her people forsook ...
Archive 2010-02-01
International Business Machines Corp. is one company that raised concerns about how it would be affected by the Dodd-Frank Act. It is among several large corporations that believe, without further clarification in rulemaking, they may be unintentionally caught up in the definition of a "major swaps participant" — essentially a non-dealer that regularly engages in swaps — despite their swaps being legitimate.
Minimum Thresholds for Swaps Urged
Without benefit of notes, visual aids, gestures or humor she spoke for ninety oddly mesmerizing minutes.
The address book is an odd addition, given that the database is perfectly adequate for fulfilling this need.
So Nur al-Din abode awhile, eating and drinking and making merry and bidding and forbidding those who tended the horses; and whoso neglected or failed to fodder those tied up in the stable wherein was his service, he would thrown down and beat with grievous beating and lay him by the legs in bilboes of iron.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
So she nodded in agreement, but he didn't release her wrist.
And because the kids are such "coddled," "narcissistic praise junkies," they'll be beyond tough to bring into the military.
Boing Boing
Aria nodded and looked away, as if in distant thought.
You could say the same about director Bille Woodruff's last movie, Honey, which against all the odds, I totally loved.
It seems odd that a poet so keen - perhaps even desperate - to reach across time, to provide us with such realism, should do so by writing wilfully unreadable poems.
By analyzing 134 informative microsatellite markers dispersed throughout the genome on 39 meioses, we localized the king mutation to the distal region of Chromosome 5 with a peak logarithm of odds
PLoS Biology: New Articles
This odd bathos between the particular and the immense is clear to us in tawdry pop songs and moments of solitary sublimity
The Pontiff Is In...
Her rotund torso and delicately etched facial features evince the monumental simplicity of an ancient fertility goddess.
Some have suggested she was holding a spear and shield proudly aloft, others that the goddess of beauty held a mirror - to admire her own reflection.
Times, Sunday Times
The two boys matriculated together 16-odd years ago.
It is the perfect fodder for talk show host fulmination.
Guess who isn't getting laid off (Jack Bog's Blog)
The one clue comes from frescoes and vases that depict griffins protecting a seated Goddess.
I'm normally quick to complain about shoddy service.
Diff'rent Strokes actor and cast member of Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling Todd Bridges is releasing an autography next month titled "Killing Willis: From Diff'rent Strokes to the Mean Streets to the Life I Always Wanted" There's no word yet as to whether Bridges, who grew up a lifelong professional wrestling fan, will mention CCW or his affinity for the business in the book yet.
PWInsider Latest Articles
Ms. Clarke, who grew up in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, was a single mom in her 20s who held down odd jobs while indulging her "fun hobby" of putting together fashion shows at the local mall.
A Different Kind of Girl Scout
“A goddamn sodbuster can never be dead enough to suit me.”
The Lonesome Dove Series
Replacing cotton shoddy with this new fiber may help auto makers avoid the issue.
As the whole RaceFail bunfight proves yet again, writers need repeatedly to be reminded that the world isn't just story-fodder -- there are all kinds of people out there, made differently, thinking differently and feeling differently.
MIND MELD: Taboo Topics in SF/F Literature
Many times I offered cakes and fruit, especially to my patron Goddess Artemis, protectress of children.
They adopted a synergetic approach, assimilating native deities with gods or goddesses from their own pantheon.
[_Rothmaler_: pulsi _codd_], stridore rudentes,/ingemit _et_ nostris ipsa carina malis 'and _Tr_ III iv 57-58' ante oculos errant domus, urbsque et forma locorum,/accedunt_que_ suis singula facta locis ', but these are extended descriptions of single events, not lists of separate examples.
The Last Poems of Ovid
Aziz nodded as he pulled his hidden microphone out from under his shirt.
He nodded when he heard her and mouthed back an ‘Alright’.
The ones with even numbers of atoms are even alternant, with odd numbers, they are odd alternant.