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odd fellow

  1. someone regarded as eccentric or crazy and standing out from a group

How To Use odd fellow In A Sentence

  • Aycock; Odd Fellow; Royal Arcanum; Junior; Baptist. Alumni History of the University of North Carolina
  • You will learn about Dr. D.T. Porter, president of the Memphis T.xing District and Odd Fellow (and you will also find out what an Odd Fellow is). Memphis Commercial Appeal Stories
  • ; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Phi Delta Phi; S.A. T. C.; Mason; Odd Fellow; Baptist. Alumni History of the University of North Carolina
  • He is president of the North Carolina Industrial Association; he is an Odd Fellow, having joined the order in 1875, and was a delegate to the A.M. C., which assembled in Richmond, Virginia, in 1880. Men of Mark: Eminent, Progressive and Rising
  • ; Raleigh chamber of commerce; commercial law league of Am.; Odd Fellow; Junior; Baptist. Alumni History of the University of North Carolina
  • Louise Golling, July 26, 1904; Odd Fellow; Mason; Baptist. Alumni History of the University of North Carolina
  • Aycock; Odd Fellow; Royal Arcanum; Junior; Baptist. Alumni History of the University of North Carolina
  • You will learn about Dr. D.T. Porter, president of the Memphis T.xing District and Odd Fellow (and you will also find out what an Odd Fellow is). Memphis Commercial Appeal Stories
  • Louise Golling, July 26, 1904; Odd Fellow; Mason; Baptist. Alumni History of the University of North Carolina
  • He is president of the North Carolina Industrial Association; he is an Odd Fellow, having joined the order in 1875, and was a delegate to the A.M. C., which assembled in Richmond, Virginia, in 1880. Men of Mark: Eminent, Progressive and Rising
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