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How To Use Ocular In A Sentence

  • So in 1997, he built his first portable colposcope -- a battery-powered, head-mounted binocular fashioned from surgical glasses, a bicycle halogen head light and a green camera filter. - Home
  • Other ocular signs include involuntary rhythmic movement of the eyeball.
  • Each eye can move independently and can focus on object with three different areas, giving the mantis shrimp "trinocular vision". ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Essential tools include a bird identification field guide, a map of the airfield with a superimposed grid system for locating birds, and a pair of binoculars.
  • Granny viewed the eclipse by projecting the sun's image on to a sheet through her binoculars.
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  • Before being freed, she was fitted with a special leg ring bearing unique identification marks, which can be clearly seen through binoculars.
  • Half-an-hour later they were launching the canoe and loading up, while the storekeeper made jocular remarks about poor, weak mortals and the contagiousness of "stampedin 'fever. TOO MUCH GOLD
  • This figure shows the peculiar ocular part of the altazimuth, with the vertical and horizontal circles. Scientific American Supplement, No. 611, September 17, 1887
  • Allegorical Saying ( Xiehouyu ) is an idiom that is widely used, popular, jocular and vivid sentence.
  • We got close enough to see them with binoculars but not close enough for photographs.
  • The clinical features of thyroid eye disease include ocular pain, photophobia, chemosis, diplopia, exophthalmos, and eye irritation.
  • A shepherd watched his flock through binoculars and his sheepdog watched from the back of the quadbike.
  • Symptoms include near vision image blur, abnormal color perception, monocular diplopia, glare, and impaired visual acuity, and may vary depending on location of the cataract.
  • A novel 3 D - coordinate measurement system light - pen based on binocular stereoscopic vision system was presented.
  • Ann Intern Med 1974; 81: 513-7. therapy for ocular cicatricial pemphigoid. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Most ocular complications involve the cornea but may also include the conjunctiva, uvea, sclera, retina, and surrounding structures.
  • We calculated a mean of three measures for each size parameter that were done with a binocular microscope with x60 magnification.
  • Your local astronomical society will be pleased to give you further advice and practical help in choosing a suitable telescope or pair of binoculars.
  • There remain the frons the post-ocular patch, the pronotum, the hind femora and the abdominal tergites.
  • Thoughtfully this model features attached objective lens covers and a cover for the oculars.
  • Biareolate: with two cells or areoles: see bilocular. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • 'Fun' is a word much associated with him, yet for all the flamboyance and jocularity, you sense he is not into fame for a laugh.
  • Ocular emargination: in Mallophaga, a lateral emargination of the head in which the eye is received posteriorly. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Most of its residentshave fled for better opportunities, says Cao Zheyun, another ethnic Korean,looking at quiet Namyang across the Tumen River through his binoculars.
  • The tourists got out of the coach, armed to the teeth with cameras, binoculars, and guidebooks.
  • The unit cost for manufacturing any current intraocular lens probably does not exceed £10 anywhere.
  • Yet you don't need binoculars to spot his riding errors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dr. Ross says his findings move "human ocular extramission," which he also refers to as an "eyebeam," from the realm of superstition to science. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • A diagnosis was made of multilocular ovarian cyst or edematous myoma of the uterus, and on the morning of December 7, 1890, an operation was performed. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • A reporter has been arrested outside the home of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie for spying on the star couple with binoculars..
  • These research microscopes often have binocular eyepieces, relying upon a series of prisms to split the image so that it may be viewed with both eyes.
  • When the trabecular meshwork is blocked at the junction of the cornea and iris, the resulting rise in intraocular pressure can reach dangerously high levels and damage the optic nerve.
  • My job was to sweep the seas with powerful binoculars from the bows on the left side to 45 degrees.
  • In the 15th century, Brunelleschi invented a screen with central apparatus in order to obtain exact perspective - the monocular vision of the camera obscura.
  • When comparable information was presented to each eye, amblyopic eyes made only a minor contribution to binocular performance.
  • Before you could say ‘Quick, get the binoculars’, the owner's cat pounced.
  • The athletes were tested for visual acuity, refractive error, oculomotor skills, stereopsis, color vision, contrast sensitivity, eye-hand coordination, eye-foot coordination, and overall ocular health.
  • The testis was nearly entirely replaced by a thin-walled unilocular cystic mass measuring 2.0 cm in greatest dimension.
  • AFP A racegoer watches the horseracing through binoculars. A Showdown at the Horses
  • The epidermis was spread out on a glass plate beneath a low-power binocular microscope and cut into pieces of the required size using a combination of razor and scalpel blades.
  • Page 127 on Col. Rochester, whose wealth, enterprise, and intelligence well qualified him for the undertaking; and as it had been assigned him to cognominate the new village, I have heard it said that he jocularly gave his reason for selecting its present title, as follows: Twenty-two years a slave, and forty years a freeman--,
  • I wonder if depth perception might be working similarly for you and because you aren't aware of the process the effect might be accentuated for you compared to binocularly sighted people. 3D Avatar vs. 2D Avatar, and the Importance of Aspect Ratios | /Film
  • He raised the binoculars again and zeroed in on an eleventh-floor room.
  • A jocular Englishman, Terry has been in New Zealand for 12 years, organising tours of the best dive spots for visiting Poms.
  • It takes 10,000 hours of apprentice work to become a certified ocularist
  • As a result, the reader in Kanji culture develops flexible focal adjustment and ocular muscle movements.
  • Each flower was dissected with the aid of a stereoscope and length of individual parts (sepals, petals, anthers, filaments, styles, and ovaries) was measured to the nearest 0.1 mm using an ocular reticle.
  • Short in proportion to the Corolla tho wide or bulky; the Style is very long or longer than the stamens, simple, cilindrical, bowed or bent upwards, placed on the top of the germ, membranous shrivels and falls off when the pericarp has obtained it's full Size. the Stigma is three clefts very manute and pubescent. the pericarp is a capsule, triangular, oblong, obtuse, and trilocular with three longitudinal valves. the Seed So far as I could judge are noumerous not very manute and globilar. The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
  • Fluoroscopic bronchoscopy, because of its high mortality and low percentage of successes, should be tried only after regular, ocularly guided, peroral bronchoscopy has failed, and only by those who have had experience in ocularly guided bronchoscopy. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • Having observed Venus, swing your binocular lash-up to the east, to the brightest object there and second brightest non-lunar object in the night sky after Venus, Jupiter. Geo-xcentricities; you too can be Galileo with just a pair of binoculars (and gaffer tape) - The Panda's Thumb
  • Both [kinds of] lenses fueled the faster-growing premium interocular lens business. Patient Investor: Interview With Tony Yao
  • I caught sight of them through binoculars as they were, interestingly, on the edge of the disturbed mound outside a sett. Country Diary: Strathnairn
  • If you can't see the Andromeda galaxy with the unaided eye, try binoculars.
  • The test should be performed binocularly and then monocularly.
  • I have drawn this chart to a larger scale because it provides an excellent check of the limiting magnitude of binoculars.
  • Their reward was a seat in the top tier of this towering stadium, so high up that they needed binoculars, but what the hell. Times, Sunday Times
  • The book was covered with fine dust, but the binocular lens gleamed.
  • Cover one of the lenses of the binoculars with some kitchen foil as shown below.
  • All such professors of the several branches of jocularity would have been sternly repressed, not only by the rigid discipline of law, but by the general sentiment which gives law its vitality.
  • Sometimes you need binoculars just to see him. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, being multi-vocular is not the same as being an archipelago of hermetically sealed cries; history provides the difference between Babel (the interminable inability to communicate one's suffering and one's love, faith, and hopes) and a possible common future. Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy
  • Postmortem ocular examination showed haemorrhages of the optic nerve sheaths with subdural haemorrhage greater than subarachnoid haemorrhage.
  • They spotted the 34-year-old as they used their binoculars. The Sun
  • The most dramatic result of the scientific account was Louis Bertrand Castel's “ocular clavecin,” an elaborate instrument for projecting colors by a key - board, and this enthusiastic French Jesuit spent years attempting to perfect his color symphonies after the initial announcement of the project in 1725. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • By demonstrating the act of accommodation, the lens was clearly differentiated from all other intraocular lenses.
  • 2 Your starter for 10: A schoolboy play-on-words between Latin and English, what jocular translation is usually given to the phrase semper ubi sub ubi? - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Thelma stayed in the stern, scanning the iceberg with binoculars, as we motored away.
  • Its typical ocular manifestations are recognised by a variety of clinical features including pain, gritty eyes, photophobia, chemosis, diplopia, and exophthalmos.
  • Newborns with monocular congenital or dense cataracts are at risk for developing deprivation amblyopia.
  • For a certain portion of the passengers had the unmistakable excursion air: the half-jocular manner towards each other, the local facetiousness which is so offensive to uninterested fellow-travelers, that male obsequiousness about ladies 'shawls and reticules, the clumsy pretense of gallantry with each other's wives, the anxiety about the company luggage and the company health. Baddeck, and That Sort of Thing
  • The dolphins frolic so close to the shore that you do not need binoculars to enjoy their antics. Times, Sunday Times
  • Teamed with modern telescopic sights, rangefinders, binoculars, and spotting scopes, these modern tools are the most humane hunting implements we, as hunters, have ever had.
  • When necessary, fragmented samples were picked with tweezers from a sieve under a binocular light microscope.
  • His disarming amiability and jocular charm were irresistible, but his art was immediately compelling on its own terms, and largely responsible for fueling all the interest.
  • Its mud-flats, sand dunes and salt marshes attract an array of unusual birds, which accounts for the number of twitchers with binoculars and long-lens cameras on the island.
  • She returned to looking through her own binoculars, to see the bird again acrobatically tumbling over and over beneath the branch.
  • Contemporary optics, everything from pocket monoculars to the largest telescopes, operate on nearly identical principles to those of the earliest magnifying instruments.
  • Viable and nonviable seeds can easily be distinguished using a binocular microscope, because the latter lack an embryo, whereas viable seeds contain an embryo.
  • Glaucoma is a disorder characterized by increased intraocular pressure (IOP) that ultimately damages the optic nerve, leading to visual field loss.
  • Frequently, examination of a fracture face with a low-power binocular microscope can reveal the type and cause of failure.
  • Sacks E, Rutgers J, Jakobiec FA, et al. A comparison of con - Ô˘ Â › Ó·È fi ÙÈ ÌÔÚÂ › Ó· ÌÂÙ·'È'·ÛıÔ ‡ Ó · fi ¤Ó· ÂÈ - junctival and nonocular dendritic cells utilizing new mo - noclonal antibodies. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Bushnell offers an extensive line of binoculars, spotting scopes, riflescopes, rangefinders, telescopes and night vision products.
  • For deterioration of ocular sarcoid lesions, seven patients (stage 1, n = 5 and stage 2, n = 2) needed a long period of corticosteroid therapy.
  • I really appreciated that he walked me though the initial binocular lesson without making me feel like a dingbat.
  • He said he has spent hundreds of pounds on equipment, including a bionic ear that amplifies sound by 36 times, a two-way radio with a radius of three miles, a night vision monocular and a searchlight.
  • The functionally one-eyed, or monocular, athlete should take extra precautions.
  • However, they can be present with pain, proptosis, restricted ocular motility, visual impairment, globe displacement or palpable bony mass.
  • Varied with a few whitish cross bands; last series of scales and beneath whitish ventral shield black in front; subcaudal plates, one-rowed; throat scaly; chin shields two pairs; eyes lateral, pupil round; front pair of frontal plates short; nostrils lateral, in two small shields, loreal shields none; one large anterior, and two moderate posterior ocular shields; lower temporal shield in the labial ones. Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2
  • One elderly victim used binoculars in the public gallery to see her attacker finally convicted. The Sun
  • The fish possesses a further adaptation to enhance its accuracy: binocular vision.
  • Ocular melanoma metastatic to other sites generally occurs in association with liver metastases.
  • Look for its reddish light in line with Castor and Pollux on the 16th, above-left of the waning Moon on the 23rd and with binoculars only 0.7° above-right of the Praesepe star cluster on the 30th. Starwatch: the September night sky
  • Ranney 15.44 speaks of the successful removal of a unilocular tumor weighing 95 pounds; and Wall 15.45 tells of a death after removal of an ovarian tumor of the same weight. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Binocular three-dimensional vision is an important branch of machine vision technology. It can solve the problem like as robot navigation, vision detecting and industry robot arm snatching.
  • Each eye possesses trinocular vision and can see into the ultraviolet spectrum. Nessus Diary Entry
  • I got interested in interocular lenses -- we were the first people to make those in this country -- and got so enthused, I thought I wanted to be an ophthalmologist. Breach of Trust: How Washington Turns Outsiders Into Insiders
  • And then a month later, she will be sent to an ocularist who out of acrylic will make a shield that will look like the other side. CNN Transcript Mar 1, 2005
  • Aldo – You mean you can hold a pair of binoculars and masturbate while stalking Mary, you sick bastard! amit. nandu Says: Checker Shadow Illusion
  • They had precision cameras, binoculars, they had what we call spy-type equipment. CNN Transcript Dec 10, 2002
  • The present study attempted to isolate and cultivate RPE cells from evisceration specimens obtained from two cases with severe ocular trauma.
  • And a good pair of binoculars to keep an eye on the neighbours. Times, Sunday Times
  • Brunton has a fun monocular with an 18’ focus, perfect for butterfly people and the price isn't bad.
  • Prolonged high intra-ocular tension may be accompanied, particularly in cases of secondary glaucoma, by vesicular and bullous keratitis. Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
  • The monocular produced a very bright, clear image, however, and we assume the binocular model of the same power, which does have eyecups, would too.
  • The cluster is identifiable with the naked eye, and is clear with binoculars.
  • School sports day is approaching and, with it, the chance to get arrested for viewing the races through binoculars from behind the school railings. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's wearing khaki shorts and a khaki waistcoat, and has some big brown binoculars around his neck. Times, Sunday Times
  • In patients with concomitant strabismus, who have compromised or absent binocular fusion, treatment is cosmetic as permanent ocular realignment cannot be expected.
  • Closed-angle glaucoma is when the channels in the eyes narrow or harden and become constricted or obstructed not allowing the interocular fluids to drain from the eye. Human Eye: Part 2
  • Although myofibroma of the jawbones is a rare lesion, it should be considered in the differential diagnosis of unilocular radiolucent lesions in the mandible, especially in children.
  • Objective To study the RI value in HA to ocular blood flow posthepatitic cirrhosis by CDFI.
  • The jocular expression of an approaching dangerous social situation is often conveyed by people sounding out its ominous low-pitched glissando quavers. Archive 2010-04-01
  • Those on moderate or low doses of inhaled steroids showed no increased risk of glaucoma or ocular hypertension.
  • Orthoptists are concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of ocular motility and problems relating to vision.
  • July is one of the most popular jocund, jocose, and jocular months of the year.
  • No cutaneous, ocular, anal, rectal, nasal, or oral mucosal lesions were demonstrated on thorough physical examination.
  • Antares has a greenish companion star which is a radio source, but it is not visible with binoculars.
  • Clinical services available within the Division include orthoptics, aphakic contact lenses, electroretinography, visual evoked potential, ultrasonography, non-invasive functional visual testing, and complete ocular photography. Ophthalmology Fellowship
  • From each plant one randomly chosen, fresh flower was dissected under a binocular microscope to separate the corolla, androecium and gynoecium.
  • What I find so attractive about poteau(x) rose(s) (lit. "pink pole") as an equivalent for "eggcorn" is not it is a common misspelling for pot aux roses (it isn't; the substitutions are overwhelmingly jocular, including in film and literature), but that it has undergone the double eggcornification process, just like æcern-acorn-eggcorn. POT AUX ROSES.
  • Ocular fleck: in Mallophaga, a small, intensely black spot of pigment in the eyes. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Dr. Jackson virtually puts aside the volumetric theory with his statement, that "the balance of intra-ocular pressure is not maintained by the slight distensibility of the sclero-corneal coat. Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
  • The objective lenses, which are the most important lenses on any binoculars, are multicoated; all of the other glass-to-air surfaces have single-layer magnesium fluoride coatings. Leupold Wind River 8x42
  • Eyewear covers the cornea, conjunctiva, and other ocular tissue.
  • Taxa within the group are variously unilocular or multilocular, spherical, tubular or uniserial, and coiled or uncoiled.
  • I wouldn't have seen them without my monocular - a group of four, one male, with the distinctively tall, black, backward-arching horns, and three females.
  • May have associated ocular symptoms including partial visual loss and field cuts, diplopia, ptosis, and blindness.
  • I sat down by the lake armed with a pair of binoculars.
  • When I raised my binoculars to a snag, or jagged top, of a broken, burned-out tree, I found myself locked in a gaze with a female on her nest.
  • The cysts thus formed may be unilocular or multilocular, and intra-cystic papillary vegetations frequently grow from their walls. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • It could have been far worse, the authors say, and they urge coaches to refer within 24 hours any player who reports ocular floaters soon after a game.
  • Its magnitude is officially given as below 9, so that it should be invisible with binoculars.
  • In the north it was more relaxed and you could laugh and use binoculars. Times, Sunday Times
  • There j'ai fait la connaissance de la mere de Kousma [Footnote: A jocular translation into French of a Russian slang byword "Kousma's Mother," popularly used to indicate a difficult plight. Leo Tolstoy: Childhood and Early Manhood
  • Experimental evidence suggests that some neuroprotective drugs reduce intraocular pressure induced glaucomatous damage.
  • Not with the naked eye, and certainly not through any optical device like binoculars or a telescope.
  • This, and my being esteem’d a pretty good riggite, that is, a jocular verbal satirist, supported my consequence in the society. Paras. 51-100
  • I was using the binoculars and could see it clearly and started moving in a westerly direction picking up speed as it went.
  • Summer: in the south west of France for the May half term; at the uplifting madness that was the Secret Garden Festival please note my boyfriend's chequer board haircut which seemed like an inspired idea after a few cocktails; driving up the M11 and being dazzled by the fields of rapeseed coming into bloom; in Cumbria for our summer holidays, bird spotting with the binoculars. Where I was 2008
  • At the turn of a switch, an emotional tirade could become jocular chit-chat.
  • I looked at his rank tabs through the binoculars, and, having convinced myself that he wasn't an officer, gave him the bird as he passed.
  • You'll be splenetic and over-heated and I'll be jocular and whimsical.
  • Bettahi I, Nesburn AB, Yoon S, Zhang X, Mohebbi A, et al. (2007) Protective immunity against ocular herpes infection and disease induced by highly immunogenic self-adjuvanting glycoprotein D lipopeptide vaccines. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • We present a novel confocal laser method for precise testing of the dioptric power of both positive and negative intraocular lens implants.
  • The Celestron 12X25 UpClose binoculars are solidly made with a rubberized overcoating that will resist denting, ambient dew and moisture and provide a sure grip for all size hands. Great Binoculars For Kids – Celestron 12X25 UpClose Binoculars | Universe Today
  • We calculated a mean of three measures for each size parameter that were done with a binocular microscope with x60 magnification.
  • Binoculars are absolutely invaluable for bowhunting as well as gun hunting,’ Topping said.
  • Objective To study the clinical effect of ultrasonic phacoemulsifi - cation and hindantrum - type intraocular lens implantation in cataracts.
  • The surface area of allergic mucin per slide was measured with an ocular micrometer, quantitated, and averaged for each case, then compared between the 2 groups.
  • Such discourse is commonly jocular, and sometimes witty; every speech, coming from which side it may, ordinarily commencing with "shipmate," though the interlocutors never saw each other before that interview. Jack Tier
  • The heart is not quadrilocular (i.e., of four chambers), but trilocular (of three), and two structures, not seen in Lepus, the truncus arteriosus and the sinus venosus, into the latter of which the venous blood runs before entering the right auricle, are to be noted. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • If neural activity is blocked during development by the injection of tetrodotoxin, ocular dominance columns do not develop, and the inputs from the two eyes into the visual cortex remain mixed.
  • The true place of Moringa seems to be near Xanthophyllum with which genus it has some remarkable points of resemblance, witness the papilionaceous corolla; unilocular stamina, their situation, ovary, placentation, and lastly glandulation. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Suiting the action to the word, he thrust her rather suddenly and prematurely into a chair, and designing to reassure her by a little harmless jocularity, such as is adapted to please and fascinate the sex, converted his right forefinger into an ideal bradawl or gimlet, and made as though he would screw the same into her side — whereat Miss Miggs shrieked again, and evinced symptoms of faintness. Barnaby Rudge
  • Grant climbs up the aluminium ladder into the crow's nest and surveys the horizon with binoculars.
  • Just below naked eye visibility, it is easily seen in small binoculars and can be resolved into stars in a small telescope. Times, Sunday Times
  • Endophthalmitis is an acute emergency necessitating an urgent referral for intraocular injection of antibiotics, occasionally combined with vitrectomy surgery.
  • Hector, a loving husband and somewhat hapless schmoe, is relaxing in his yard when he spies through his binoculars a young woman removing her top in the woods. MOVIE REVIEW: Timecrimes Directed by Nacho Vigalongo
  • Common symptoms include weakness or numbness of a limb, monocular visual loss, diplopia, vertigo, facial weakness or numbness, sphincter disturbances, ataxia, and nystagmus.
  • ocular diseases
  • Methods The case-control association study and were adopted to examinate color perception before and after intraocular lens implantation and in 97 patients.
  • Methods Black-diaphragm intraocular lens implantation were done in 14 patients (14 eyes) with traumatic aniridia after vitrectomy vision and complications were observed.
  • Because if it gets you anywhere above the wrist or the knee you will need binoculars to see the other half of what used to be you. Times, Sunday Times
  • Signs to look for include a distorted pupil, cataract, prolapsed black uveal tissue on the ocular surface, and vitreous haemorrhage.
  • Dublin had just demolished Donegal and he was in particularly jocular mood.
  • That which is commonly known by the term jocular and comick, is nothing but a turn of expression, an airy phantom, that must be caught at a particular point. The Works of Samuel Johnson, Volume 05 Miscellaneous Pieces
  • Part of the reason the Coast Guard couldn't find the rafter is its crews' information-gathering tools are still binoculars, a map and radar.
  • For an unknown intraocular inflammation or uveitis, syphilis must be included in the differential diagnosis.
  • All eight observers reported monocular after-effects, opposite to the previously observed induced rotational motion.
  • Many show the popular imagination at work, with jocular and sometimes grotesque names, names that betray attitudes -- amused, derisive, envious, sardonic, rejective. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 2
  • She crossed her arms and stared into my eyes with those azure oculars.
  • But you really need to pack your binoculars as well as a cossie, hiking boots as well as flip-flops, and a diving mask as well as shades, because there's a lot more to Tobago than beaches.
  • Shots were taken at 300dpi resolution through some sort of Nikon trinocular microscope. Historiffic
  • Armed with binoculars, they went in search of avians.
  • When the Beatles came on we used binoculars. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the image is not coplanar with the crosshairs (that is the image is either in front of or behind the crosshairs), then putting your eye at different points behind the ocular causes the crosshairs to appear to be at different points on the target. How Many Groups is Enough?
  • A Land Warrior platoon - each soldier outfitted with body armor, a computerized backpack system and helmet-mounted monocular eyepiece - is also part of the parachute assault.
  • But keep your wits about you and your binoculars close at hand, for none of these birds is as accommodating as our own home-grown varieties.
  • A policeman scanned the protest through binoculars, but didn't try to stop it.
  • The area is renowned for its bird life and there were several twitchers already there, all armed with binoculars.
  • From each plant one randomly chosen, fresh flower was dissected under a binocular microscope to separate the corolla, androecium and gynoecium.
  • The problem shows up in the eye as retinal hemorrhages, abnormally large blood vessels in the eye and accumulation of interocular fluid. Human Eye: Part 4
  • “Well, he — sometimes he would be a bit what he used to call jocular — about the spirits, you know, and what they said.” When Last I Died
  • This ocular emergency requires intravenous antibiotics, otorhinolaryngology, and ophthalmologic consultation.
  • You can also rent a kayak or canoe and explore the estuary; bring binoculars to spot wading egrets and resident ducks.
  • closed-angle glaucoma can cause a rapid buildup of high intraocular pressure that results in permanent visual damage in a couple of days
  • He felt free to stare or even lift the binoculars openly.
  • Am J Med for progressive ocular cicatricial pemphigoid. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Monocular, dual-head, binocular, and trinocular head styles (images courtesy National Optical & Scientific Instruments, Inc.) MAKE Magazine
  • The tumor thickness was measured with an ocular micrometer from the most superficial layer of mucosal epithelium, ulcer base, or granular layer of squamous mucosa, to the deepest invasive tumor cell.
  • Ocular involvement should prompt immediate referral to an ophthalmologist.
  • Note the scoring of the ocular bone and the appearance of denticulated trauma to the heart. The Curse of the Wendigo
  • Binoculars help reveal background stars in the twilit sky as Venus glides past the top of the ‘teapot’ of the constellation Sagittarius during the first third of the month.
  • Thin reasoning perhaps, but the bassoon and double bass duet in the "Menuet" has an earthy Balkan jocularity and the whole work is vigorously charming. Brad Hill: Salonen Brings Hungarian Echoes to the NY Philharmonic
  • But here they are again, six whalers sitting as they used to, straddling chairs built from wooden boxes with binoculars attached to the high backs.
  • But his distinguishing feature, his "dominating gift," was that of prophecy, especially in foretelling the deaths of children, "which he almost always accompanied with jocular words _ (scherzi) _ on his lips. Old Calabria
  • I needed to pick up an extra pair of binoculars from him, and he also showed me pictures from his recent trip to the Valley… Elegant Trogon, Crimson-collared Grosbeak, ani, jays, etc.
  • The report provides information on the safety and effectiveness of four types of refractive eye surgery: radial keratotomy, photorefractive keratectomy, laser in situ keratomileusis and intraocular lenses.
  • We determined DNA migration with an Olympus BMX60 microscope with a fluorescent beam source, measuring with a scaled ocular.
  • Fruit dicarpillary, stigmata four, hence they are placentary not costoid. bilocular, loculis dispermis, ovula 2 pend; 1 abortiv. semiunceum, testa vix arillus obsacuit clause lutescens carnosa et ab nuclei inter adhaeren. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries

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