How To Use octane number In A Sentence
- The determination method rating units is the only reliable method to measuring octane number of gasoline.
- The development of blended ingredient of gasoline of high octane number is outlined.
- Octane number upgrading is also possible with tert-butylalcohol, but this is available in too small quantities to be a viable alternative to up-grading with methylbenzene (toluene).
- Lead is used to increase the octane number of gasoline to lower its burning point and make it easier to burn.
- Fuel type Unleaded premium, minimum octane rating 98 (RON), automatic knock control permits operation with minimum octane number 95 (RON).
- The perfect burning is due to octane number bioethanol is higher than gasoline.
- Aim To synthesize new type of octane number improver for gasoline, methoxyisobutyrate.
- The development of blended ingredient of gasoline of high octane number is outlined.
- The important qualities for gasoline are octane number (antiknock), volatility (starting and vapor lock), and vapor pressure (environmental control). Petroleum refining
- Fuel type Unleaded premium, minimum octane rating 98 (RON), automatic knock control permits operation with minimum octane number 95 (RON).