

  1. having ocelli

How To Use ocellated In A Sentence

  • Gonatodes ocellatus, ocellated gecko, adult male by Daniel Scantlebury — This species is found only on rocky slopes on Tobago and Little Tobago Island. Photography contest: Finalists, General Category - The Panda's Thumb
  • The annual burning of pasture land affects some nesting birds in the area, particularly the endangered ocellated turkey. Tikal National Park, Guatemala
  • I was wondering on a tureky species that is located in the Yucatan penensula called the ocellated tureky i look up pictures and loved them. but it is not cheap to hunt these rare turkeys. i wanted to go ocellated hunting but was not sure if it was worth it if anyone has ever been ocellated turkey hunting and has more to offer if you could reply below or email me at [email protected]. thank you The Ocellated Turkey
  • I shot this ocellated turkey while on my backback's inaugural trip. Ucutz il chican (Ocellated Turkey)
  • The ocellated turkey is native to the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico and adjacent Guatemala and Belize.
  • Bird surveys have recorded 306 species, including black-hawk eagle Spizaetus tyrannus, ocellated crake Micropygia schomburgii, greater rhea Rhea americana, Brazilian merganser Mergus octocetaceus (CR) and dwarf tinamu Taoniscus nanus (VU). Cerrado Protected Areas, Brazil
  • In the Maya forest, the rare ocellated turkey cocks its head from side to side, as if preening.
  • The avifauna comprises 333 species, representing 63 of the 74 families in Guatemala, and includes ocellated turkey Agriocharis ocellata (LR), Sarcorhamphus papa, Crax rubra, Penelope purpurascens, red macaw Ara macao, jaribu stork Jaribu mycteria and many others, including crested eagle Spizaetus ornatus. Tikal National Park, Guatemala
  • Jack, being Jack, filled the 335cm/11 'long garage with a 335 x 60 x 60cm/11' x 2 'x 2' tank and stocked it with Oscars, Giant gourami, Silver arowana and Ocellated garfish. Practical Fishkeeping
  • Gonatodes ocellatus, ocellated gecko, adult male by Daniel Scantlebury — This species is found only on rocky slopes on Tobago and Little Tobago Island. Photography contest: Finalists, General Category - The Panda's Thumb
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