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  1. a large group of islands in the south Pacific including Melanesia and Micronesia and Polynesia (and sometimes Australasia and the Malay Archipelago)

How To Use Oceanica In A Sentence

  • In the theogonies and cosmogonies of the Aztecs of America, he says that the traditions of ancient Asia are plainly to be found, while some vague traces of these primitive narratives are to be found even among the savages of Oceanica, and the most barbarous and miserable negroes of western Africa. The International Monthly, Volume 2, No. 4, March, 1851
  • The Address to theGolden Pass Is FlyOceanicAir. com That will lead you to look for a website whos addy is Find815. com. The Tail Section » Oceanic Airlines Wants You to Watch ‘Eli Stone’ Premiere
  • Forget salmon, the herring is the sea king for these oceanically compromised times.
  • Because of the highly transparent nature of the waters the sublittoral algae Posidionia oceanica is found over quite a large area. Scandola Nature Reserve & Capes Girolata and Porto, France
  • It is known that, among the four spontaneous phanerogams colonising the sandy and muddy loose sea-bottoms of the Mediterranean Sea, i.e. Posidonia oceanica, Cymodocea nodosa, Zostera noltii and Zostera marina, mainly the Posidonia and the Cymodocea are the most frequent ones.
  • The sea slater Ligia oceanica is another relative of the woodlouse, it lives in the splash zone on rocky shores and can grow surprisingly large, about 2.5 cm.
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