
How To Use Ocean floor In A Sentence

  • As diatoms collect on the ocean floor and are buried deeper and deeper, they are compressed and changed from a form known as diatomite, which is used in swimming pool filters, to opal.
  • Hess then proceeded to describe the ocean floor as if it were a collection of giant conveyor belts.
  • McClure was knighted and showered with cash - the legacies of both are bound by a watery historical note: their ships lie on the ocean floor beneath Canada's Arctic Archipelago. - Home Page
  • By the time the shells are mature, they have lost the byssus anchor and are found loose on the ocean floor.
  • Manta rays cruise past, turtles lumber along, sharks scope the scene, the odd octopus creeps along the ocean floor, and further out, the whale sharks make their way north.
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  • Looking down through my mask at the ocean floor, I saw an old motorcycle, probably from the fifties.
  • This heated layer is the source of lava we see in volcanos, the source of heat that drives hot springs and geysers, and the source of raw material which pushes up the mid-oceanic ridges and forms new ocean floor.
  • And always to areas where the ocean floor dropped dramatically; great fissures in the rocky crust.
  • It is a sea mountain, blasted by volcanic forces more than a mile up from the ocean floor, and stretching underwater for nine miles.
  • Beloussov refused to believe in the regular magnetic striping of the ocean floor about the oceanic ridges.
  • Harboring death for its victims in each of its 13 dorsal spines, a stonefish takes its time and lies quietly on the ocean floor.
  • We sailed to the end of the bay and still could see straight to the ocean floor.
  • Despite the detailed sea-floor surveys that have been undertaken, many areas of the ocean floor are still unmapped.
  • They eat tiny organisms, such as mysid shrimp, that they find close to the ocean floor.
  • Seamounts, underwater volcanoes, Rift Valley, the mid - ocean ridge, constitute a rich world of the ocean floor.
  • Then the second reason, it is now known that all the continents, every continent, even ocean floors have moved towards the north pole, towards the Arctic.
  • And the funny thing, as admitted to myself, was that evolution teaches in no uncertain voice that man did run on all fours ere he came to walk upright, that astronomy states flatly that the speed of the revolution of the earth on its axis has diminished steadily, thus increasing the length of day, and that the seismologists accept that all the islands of Hawaii were elevated from the ocean floor by volcanic action. The Water Baby
  • The bottom of the wave catches on the ocean floor and energy is thrust upwards. Times, Sunday Times
  • These of course raise little or no dust unless the impactor reaches the ocean floor before detonating.
  • The giant bivalves jammed the cracks between the black tufts of lava that covered the ocean floor.
  • Back on the boat, Craig told me a little more about his forays to collect thermophiles on the ocean floor.
  • Beneath the waters of the Izu, the ocean floor is a glowing carpet of colour and variety.
  • The scientists found on the ocean floor miniscule meiofauna, single-celled creatures less than half a millimeter long, the most successful and numerous animal in the southern sea.
  • And what I found to be interesting and I forgot about this, because I hadn't really been following this the last six or 12 months, that Puerto Rican trench, which is pretty much where the ocean floor just drops off because these two plates collide and subduct goes down over 25,000 feet. CNN Transcript Jan 13, 2010
  • At the same time, many such shells may dissolve before they even reach the ocean floor.
  • While nodules are loose deposits, lying on the sea bed, sulphides are massive deposits below the ocean floor.
  • That was then and now is now, when younger and more tender farmed abalones are almost invariably what you are likely to get, unless you consort with poachers in New Zealand and they give you some of the paua they pry from the ocean floor with stealth and special iron tools. Abalone delicious
  • The whole concept of "subcultures" when it comes to fiction is inaccurate, though, because contemporary literary fiction is about as sub- to a culture as it's possible to get without hitting the ocean floor. Short Stories, Long Tails
  • Drillers would plunge through a record depth of water to pierce farther into the ocean floor than anyone had gone before.
  • When an earthquake lifts the ocean floor, it heaves up a mass of water thousands of feet deep which then falls back.
  • The water rooms look much like this one, only rounded and the pool's bottom is the ocean floor.
  • They destroy everything in their path and leave deep gouges in the ocean floor.
  • Ships towing huge magnets trolled the ocean floor.
  • A tsunami is essentially the same thing, with an earthquake or other event moving the ocean floor up or down and displacing titanic quantities of water.
  • Discarded nets drift through the sea and continue to kill fish on the ocean floor.
  • Scientists have used robotic vehicles on Earth to explore active volcanoes and the ocean floors.
  • Why then was there so little accumulation of sedimentary rock and debris on the ocean floor?
  • It is difficult to bring ourselves to sacrifice and self-denial, because in political, public and private life we have long since dropped the golden key of self-restraint to the ocean floor.
  • By sending out signals and retrieving the echoes, we can develop pictures of all the features on the ocean floor.
  • After a larva lands on the ocean floor, it metamorphoses, and the adult sponge begins to grow.
  • Back on the boat, Craig told me a little more about his forays to collect thermophiles on the ocean floor.
  • Most transform faults are found on the ocean floor.
  • Clustered on the ocean floor, they seemed to watch me with an infinite and wary gaze.
  • Ocean-floor basalts are extruded along mid-ocean ridges that define divergent boundaries, whereas island-arcs are produced as the ocean floor is subducted at convergent plate boundaries.
  • MacDonald and Georgia Tech scientist Joseph Montoya said NOAA is at it again with statements saying there is no oil in ocean floor sediments. Oil Spill Panel: White House Blocked Federal Scientists From Releasing Worst-Case Scenario For Gulf Disaster
  • As the boat reaches the GPS coordinates for Table Top, a rise in the ocean floor southwest of Tatoosh Island, Anderson kills the motor.
  • That was then and now is now, when younger and more-tender farmed abalones are almost invariably what you are likely to get, unless you consort with poachers in New Zealand and they give you some of the paua they pry from the ocean floor with stealth and special iron tools. A New Shell Game
  • Even after the blowout had been brought under control, the oil continued to seep out of the ocean floor, he says.
  • Located in Minnesota's Mall of America, Underwater Adventures offers visitors a virtual tour the ocean floor.
  • Suddenly, Berry darted away from us, swimming fast towards the ocean floor as we watched, intrigued.
  • They continued to pursue their own explanations for the mysterious mountains on the ocean floor.
  • Discarded nets drift through the sea and continue to kill fish on the ocean floor.
  • This is a living reef resting on an extinct volcano cone which comes up about three kilometres (two miles) from the ocean floor.
  • The molten rock rises to the seafloor and cools to form the layer of crust that paves the ocean floor.
  • The NTSB had salvaged most of the actuators from the ocean floor and had found no clear evidence of failure, but with perceptions of public safety at stake, the agency asked Boeing for further information. The Crash of EgyptAir 990
  • The floating plants would be manufactured at Chinese shipyards then towed out to sea, where they would be anchored to the ocean floor. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the claws broke in the attempt to lift the submarine, and a large section of its hull cracked off and fell back to the ocean floor.
  • The fish dived as one for the ocean floor and capsized the boat.
  • As he showed slides of the ocean floor and explained that the coast is a system of energy dissipation, the crowd peppered him with questions. NASA Watch: December 2007 Archives
  • All the production equipment is on the ocean floor, so the drifting ice is not a problem, and the wellhead links by 89 miles of pipe to a small island just off Hammerfest. The Arctic Oil Rush
  • This guy up here is a very close relative of the roly-poly, only it lives in the deep sea along the ocean floor.
  • Peering down through its latticed sides I could just make out the sandy, weedy ocean floor, 20 metres below.
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Global bathymetry map image showing features of the ocean floor depth. Japan earthquake and tsunami: DAY IN PHOTOS
  • But starting today we have a much more detailed bathymetric map the ocean floor, so you can actually drop below the surface and explore the nooks and crannies of the seafloor in 3D. Dive into the new Google Earth
  • At this rate it is possible to produce an average 100 metre thickness of coccoliths as calcareous ooze on the ocean floor in less than 200 years.
  • In 1994, Tolstoy and her team deployed equipment on the ocean floor to record both seismic activity and tides.
  • As the diatoms die, they sink to the ocean floor, becoming a thick ooze of decomposing matter, and eventually giving rise to deposits of the sediment called diatomaceous earth.
  • The midshipmen on board gagged from the stench of jet fuel — a planeload of unburned kerosene rising from shattered tanks on the ocean floor, about 250 feet below. The Crash of EgyptAir 990
  • On the Glomar Challenger, and back on shore, Hall met others who shared his enthusiasm for the ocean floor.
  • The giant bivalves jammed the cracks between the black tufts of lava that covered the ocean floor.
  • And by "hydrothermal vents," Amara is referring to ginormous magma chimneys that belch smoke from the bowels of the earth, forming lead-melting plumes of boiling black firewater at the ocean floor, which hordes of see-thru shrimp teem around, fearlessly basking in chemical-rich spew. Boing Boing: January 16, 2005 - January 22, 2005 Archives
  • The sub carried two passengers and they would patrol the ocean floor searching for coral. Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur
  • Sea cucumbers are common in shallow water areas to deep ocean floors.
  • It surpasses even the natural abysses of the ocean floor.
  • Ships towing huge magnets trolled the ocean floor.
  • Certain beard worms, such as Riftia pachyptila, live at ocean floor thermal vents and have no digestive tract; instead they supply hydrogen sulphide and methane to bacteria in their trophosomes, which oxidise the hydrogen sulphide and methane on behalf of the worm. Natural Kinds
  • The ocean floor isn't the only environment Schilling Robotics is targeting, however.
  • It was nine feet long, almost a ton in weight and crammed with hi-tech equipment used to probe the ocean floor.
  • Technically, continental shelves are defined as the region of ocean floor between the coast and the shelf-break, where the seafloor steepens into the continental slope and plunges toward the abyssal depths.
  • How deep were you when you got out of your vehicle and did a solo walk on the ocean floor?
  • The normal-sense shears are confined to the gabbro block and may represent relict ocean floor faulting.
  • Rescuers are attempting to pull the submarine off the ocean floor.
  • A male frogfish courts a mature female by spreading all of his fins, jerking his body, and nibbling her as she swaggers across the ocean floor.
  • The clean up activity was directed towards collecting whatever litter was found on the ocean floor around Larn Island's coral reefs.
  • This guy up here is a very close relative of the roly-poly, only it lives in the deep sea along the ocean floor.
  • Tall mineral chimneys like underworld organ pipes soared thirty feet above the ocean floor.
  • Technically, continental shelves are defined as the region of ocean floor between the coast and the shelf-break, where the seafloor steepens into the continental slope and plunges toward the abyssal depths.
  • Usually the organisms just dump the electrons onto iron or sulphate minerals on the ocean floor.
  • He looked down and saw the phoenix talisman that he had found on the ocean floor.
  • While nodules are loose deposits, lying on the sea bed, sulphides are massive deposits below the ocean floor.
  • The sub carried two passengers and they would patrol the ocean floor searching for coral. Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur
  • In recent years other countries which submitted claims to the ocean floors around remote imperial outposts have run into disputes with neighbouring nations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Man has not been able to dive to depths such as this because of the pressure it would create, but he has explored the ocean floor to a depth of 35,800 feet in a bathyscaph, a diving craft with a hull constructed to withstand the pressure. Undefined
  • If this impact had occurred in deep water its traces on the ocean floor might be extremely hard to recognize.
  • The damaged ship leaned over and slowly settled down on the ocean floor.
  • Groundfish are demersal fish species; such as cod, halibut, haddock, and pollock, that feed at or near the ocean floor.
  • The sub carried two passengers and they would patrol the ocean floor searching for coral. Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur
  • Nevertheless, it is via this slow accumulation of calcareous ooze on the deep ocean floor that geologists believe chalk beds originally formed.
  • The Bluewater Revolution - From the article: The buoy is the antenna, eyes, and brain of a sprawling apparatus suspended beneath the surface like a huge aquatic insect, its legs of thick steel chain tethered to the ocean floor. A wave of robotic information
  • Others are active hunters, preying on the ocean floor and crushing food with blunt flattened teeth.
  • Ocean ridges are linear features on the ocean floor where molten magma originating in the earth's mantle rises and solidifies to form new ocean crust.
  • Below are beautiful coral reefs, turtles, sharks and a clean ocean floor.
  • Under the sudden impact, Zin - Azshari and the Well were blasted downward toward the ocean floor.
  • They continued to pursue their own explanations for the mysterious mountains on the ocean floor.
  • But the real price is paid in dead corals, as fewer of the giant gastropods roam the ocean floor, searching for starfish to hoover the insides out of.
  • They're still attempting to recover the plane's wreckage from the ocean floor.
  • Measuring the relief of the ocean floor, expressed as the varying depth below sea level, is the chore known as bathymetry.
  • As she swam, she could see the shadows on the ocean floor slowly growing longer as day passed into night.
  • Surely one ought to think twice before allowing those same draggers that decimated the cod and its habitat to once again wreak their havoc on the ocean floor and all the species they come in contact with.
  • Tomtate grunts and yellowtail snapper swim through Neptune Memorial Reef, an underwater cemetery with decorative arches and columns installed on the ocean floor off Miami Beach.
  • Hess then proceeded to describe the ocean floor as if it were a collection of giant conveyor belts.
  • Sea mounts with dizzying shelves rise from the ocean floor, covered in every form of life which crawls, slides, flickers and oozes through the days and nights of marine existence.
  • The naysaying marine geologists who love to point out that there is no geological evidence at all for a sunken continent on the Atlantic Ocean floor are absolutely right.
  • Hess then proceeded to describe the ocean floor as if it were a collection of giant conveyor belts.
  • He assured Field that it was possible to lay a cable on the ocean floor.
  • The sub-bottom profiler emits sound pulses that bounce back from objects deep in the ocean floor.
  • Crude chemical analyses identify the rock type as resembling the Earth's ocean floor rather than the Earth's continents.
  • The focus this time around is on the extreme environments of the deep ocean floor and the weird and wonderful denizens that flourish there.
  • They are a success story from the rocky tide pools of the zones near the surface, all the way down to the deepest trenches which score the ocean floor.
  • The submarine bottomed to observe the ocean floor.
  • The swirling synths on the next track ‘Rodd’ slip in to show the depth of the sea as we slowly approach the ocean floor.
  • Mussels, for instance, hold themselves tight to the ocean floor using strong threads.
  • The ocean floor solidified, and was eventually uplifted to become part of a mountain.
  • This process of volcano growth and death, over many millions of years, has left a long trail of volcanic islands and seamounts across the Pacific Ocean floor.
  • If this impact had occurred in deep water its traces on the ocean floor might be extremely hard to recognize.
  • Seamounts, underwater volcanoes, Rift Valley, the mid - ocean ridge, constitute a rich world of the ocean floor.
  • This cold water from deep off the ocean floor brings many nutrients to the surface.
  • Copper rockfish are opportunistic carnivores that feed mainly on organisms present near the ocean floor, usually crabs, mollusks and other fish.
  • The fish dived as one for the ocean floor and capsized the boat.
  • While nodules are loose deposits, lying on the sea bed, sulphides are massive deposits below the ocean floor.
  • The submarine bottomed to observe the ocean floor.
  • These fish live in the abyssal plains, flat expanses of the ocean floor at depths of 10,000 to 20,000 feet.
  • Ships towing huge magnets trolled the ocean floor.
  • The whale leaves a trench in the ocean floor and trails a plume of mud behind it as it surfaces.
  • More important, because the presence of magnetite gives the basalt measurable magnetic properties, these newly discovered magnetic variations provided another means to study the deep ocean floor.
  • These are rocket-shaped projectiles loaded with vitrified waste, and dumped from ships to plunge into soft sediments on the ocean floor.
  • The materials are closer to Scotlands, mica and shiest, lifted from the ocean floor. ‘Global Warming Causes Earthquakes.’ Suuuuure it does. | RedState
  • Small sea organisms bind these marine minerals into their body structures, which then fall to the ocean floor upon their death.

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