How To Use Occur In A Sentence
The opposite change occurs in what are termed fastigiate varieties, where the branches, in place of assuming more or less of a horizontal direction, become erect and nearly parallel with the main stem as in the
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
The primary outcome was the occurrence of severe clinical events, defined as death or hospital admission irrespective of the cause.
Unpleasant weather conditions prevailed and the players slithering on the greasy surface was a common occurrence.
Seizures are most likely to occur early in an illness (such as roseola, colds, gastrointestinal infection) when the fever is rising quickly.
There will come a time when the crisis will occur.

Also, it is difficult to get across diagrammatically the iterative nature of grounded theory - in particular its commitment to the idea that data collection and analysis occur in parallel.
This approach can also help identify where non-value-added steps exist in the care delivery process and where bottlenecks occur.
It should also be noted that there are no contact-period materials from the Johnson site and that the only historic materials recovered date to the nineteenth century and did not occur in the provenances associated with the figurines.
Still Life with Action Figure," a particularly realist exercise, actually occurs in suburbia, where an artist son visits his artist father, who has resumed painting despite suffering from parkinsonism.
Ccfinlay: You Make My Heart Sing
It was the last big wreck of the steam era on the C.P.R., occurring shortly before I began railroading.
But a tiny, naturally-occurring steviol glycoside constituent (about two to four percent of a whole leaf) of the plant, called rebaudioside A (also known as reb A, rebiana, stevia extract), was passed into Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS) status by the FDA in 2008.
Pooja R. Mottl: Can Stevia Solve Our Obsession With Sweetness?
Chain car collisions on the Interstate, hysteria-tinged second by second updates from the weatherman on the local TV stations, a stunned, awestricken look from the locals that almost made one think that this was surely the first time they had ever seen this precipitation thing occurring.
Election Central Sunday Roundup
It never occurred to me that you might not realize he was your father or grandfather, or great grandsire or whatever.
The calced Augustinians also made their elections -- but not so quickly that we could avoid sending to them to remind them not to allow the disturbances of other times to occur in their chapter -- by having made them beforehand through their devotion to the outgoing provincial, who managed the succession for another as worthy as he.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 24 of 55 1630-34 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
similar to the tangerine"; kalamansi, meanwhile, also known as calamondin orange, is a naturally-occurring hybrid between a type of tangerine and a type of kumquat.
FoodNavigator RSS
The second version occurs as Corollary 2 to Proposition 7 and was thought of as a method of expanding solutions of fluxional equations in infinite series.
In the northern Bering and southern Chukchi Seas, primary production occurs over a shallow shelf (50 to 200 m) and as the zooplankton and bacterioplankton cannot fully deplete this carbon source, it is either transferred to the benthos or advected downstream [17].
Carbon cycle and climate change in the Arctic
Horses Wednesday mainly galloped, jogged, or walked, but the first official workouts are most likely to occur on Thursday.
The many cases of sidewise technological competition that have occurred in the business world can also be mined for insights.
He welcomed the drop that had occurred in UK birth rates.
The animal model used in this study is the naturally occurring canine mammary tumor.
What is called effluxion is a destruction of the embryo within the first week, while abortion occurs up to the fortieth day; and the greater number of such embryos as perish do so within the space of these forty days.
The History of Animals
These arrhythmias usually occur early in life during infancy or childhood.
There are a great many Rook and pawn endgames, reflecting their common occurrence in tournament practice.
They occur when a layer of unconsolidated sediment is fluidized and transport of fluid and suspended grains takes place through overlying sediment to the sediment-water interface.
Mating season commonly takes place during the fall and winter seasons, but can occur at any time throughout the year.
When they start in on showing you a parade of verses so vague that they could mean anything, point out that the word "abortion" does not occur anywhere in that verse and ask them to show you something clearer, a specific reference to abortion or a single use of the word anyplace in the book. Main RSS Feed
The twin problems of ecological and individualist fallacies occur when inferences are drawn about one level of analysis using evidence from another.
The schedule shows the last tender as being at 3 a.m., with a warning that passengers will be responsible for any expense occurred by failing to re-embark before the set time for departure.
It occurs to me that this may be, at least in part, because they are unusually unskillful and unsceptical users of the medium.
Either Mrs David has had an enormous impact on her countrymen or a major paradigm shift has occurred.
The camera remains centered on the individuals as they speak, but pulls back when verbal confrontations occur.
the merging of the two groups occurred quickly
Objective To evaluate the role of gene CCR5 on donor cells in models where intensive preconditioning of the recipient occurs, thus provide the scientific evidence for clinical experience of allo-HSCT.
Now, whether the presentative faculty of the soul be identical with, or different from, the faculty of sense-perception, in either case the illusion does not occur without our actually seeing or [otherwise] perceiving something.
On Dreams
Many problems that occur during fetal development cause asymmetry in the resulting organism.
An extension of this may occur when the victim actually, becomes a supporter or advocate of her captor.
The explosion occurred at 5.30 a.m.
Gross changes in chromosome morphology occur at each mitosis.
In fact, the cause of sleep paralysis is "a marked dissociation between level of alertness and muscle atonia that often occurs in SOREM (sleep onset - REM) sleep episodes (1).
Serendip's Exchange
They can cause dust devils and whirlwinds, though these are nothing when compared to the immense dust storms that can occur.
Anyway, what it shows is that the frontal cortex, where reasoning occurs, is deactivated, meaning that during the BIG O, the male of our species becomes, well, dumb.
The Return of Ask Dr. SoT
When you dig into them, I think that you might just find that some of the very best moments of the DCAU occur throughout Superman: TAS, whether is the pitch-perfect origin reenactment in the early episodes to the first meeting of the two icons in “World’s Finest”.
Superman: The Complete Animated Series » DVDs Worth Watching
At the Fallowfield lead mine, near Hexham in Northumberland, it is associated with witherite; and at Bromley Hill, near Alston in Cumberland, it occurs in veins with galena.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
Cuprite occurred along with chalcocite as inclusions in small calcite crystals.
The fact that other reports of excess heat do not produce these hydrides and can evolve over days or weeks suggests the opposite condition of starvation where oscillation is delayed and slow but still occurs over time as the atomic gas slowly accumulates the velocities needed to exchange time dilation for energy.
Will 2010 be the Year of Zero Point Energy?
Joshi that students gave similar and what she described as accurate accounts of what occurred last month at Markham Elementary School in Oakland.
Kansas City Star: Front Page
What occurred in the hours and days beforehand must be considered.
The Sun
Umbilical hernias occur more often in premature infants and those of African American descent.
Serious allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, occur rarely, but timely intervention is crucial.
The process of forging permanent neural pathways, whereby changes occur at the synapse between neurons that enhance and strengthen the connection, is called long-term potentiation.
After the Diagnosis
I will guess that the hypothesis is that the Earth enters a deglaciation period because of orbital parameters deglaciation occurs when the northern hemisphere winter is extra-cold and the northern hemisphere summer is extra-warm.
"Crisis = opportunity + danger."
If the primary infection is not treated further outbreaks may occur.
The Obama team's lack of candor and immediate forthcomingness on this question has already ssured that this story will dominate the news for weeks to come as troubling questions occur to us.
Election Central Morning Roundup
In the periphery of the oxidation, copper mineralization occurs as chalcopyrite, bornite, tennantite and mispickel.
At the time Milankovitch did his work, it was generally assumed that four glaciations had occurred in the Alps during the Pleistocene, named Günz, Mindel, Riss and Würm.
Milankovitch, Milutin
This loss in yearly disposable income would occur if Britain adapted a trading agreement which involved the loss of preferential trade links with the EU.
Times, Sunday Times
Florida's Democratic candidate for governor, Alex Sink, said Monday she will begin airing a rare two-minute-long TV ad attacking Republican opponent Rick Scott for the massive fraud scandal that occurred on his watch at his former hospital company.
Alex Sink Attack Ad RIPS Rick Scott Over Massive Medicare Fraud (VIDEO)
The happy event occurred in the Taylor's aviary in Wakefield, after the mother - a kakariki called Cheeky - and father Tom, a golden mantel rosella, were reared together from chicks.
In ancient Egypt, charismatic prophecy apparently was not commonplace, if it occurred at all, though institutional prophecy was of the greatest importance.
Experts said the problem appeared to be an "uncontained engine failure," which occurs when turbine debris punctures the engine casing and the light cowling that covers the unit.
Quantas Airbus Problem: Airline Grounds All A380s After Engine Fire Over Indonesia
Financial exigency could thus join seamlessly with reorganization to become an everyday occurrence.
According to the report, the massacre occurred after the guerrillas had tried to force the workers to stage a strike against the company.
Lines connect countries to Washington, D.C. Each line indicates a cyberattack on a House system that is presently occurring.
Such bigeneric cross plants do occur rarely in nature, and have at times also been artificially created in the horticultural field.
The worst case of fratricide in the Vietnam war occurred during an artillery exchange when the wrong powder charge caused long rounds to hit another U.S. artillery position.
The surface weather which is experienced is but an indicator of the considerable flux and resultant turbulence which occurs in the range of atmosphere from the surface to high above.
The diseases caused by permanent deposits of uric acid in the tissues are called arthritic diseases, because the accumulations frequently occur in the joints.
Nature Cure
A rather odd thing has just just occurred in the life of nerdy high school student Peter Parker; after being bitten by a radioactive spider, his body chemistry is mutagenically altered in that he can scale walls and ceilings, and he develops a "spider-sense" that warns him of approaching danger.
Listal promoted
That occurs because a reduction in shock intensity is immediately discriminable provided that it exceeds some threshold change, but a decrease in shock duration is discriminable only when the briefer shock is terminated.
It can occur anywhere but most often hits the neck, liver or spleen.
The Sun
Looking like film noir stills, these photographs were nighttime shots of the actual sites where the fateful encounters between police and civilians occurred.
Tubes called drains may be used to remove any build-ups of blood in an area of the body until healing occurs.
Verbal aggression is more likely to occur than physical aggression in groups whose members come from middle- or upper-income families.
Seriously though, Rufus knew that the problems commonly blamed on rye occur when the grain is moldy and has ergot, so he was careful never to buy moldy rye.
The largest number of instances of this malformation, not merely generically, but also individually, occurs in plants the members of whose floral whorls are not united one to the other; thus, it is far more common in polypetalous plants than in gamopetalous ones.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Alpine tundra, alpine grassland, subirrigated meadows, and wetlands occur above timberline.
Ecoregions of Idaho (EPA)
After a rain, caddisfly hatches occur here that resemble snowstorms.
Big Brookies in a River You Can Wade
If, on examination, all is found to be going on well, reimmerse the cathodes, and continue plating till they appear of a dull yellowish brown (this will occur in about four minutes), then remove them, rinse and scratch-brush them, and replace them in the bath.
On Laboratory Arts
In particular, light measurements are performed at sunset because increased prey and predator interactions occur at twilight, when animals previously hidden in the deep, aphotic (without light) zone migrate vertically up to the surface.
Scientific American
These problems occur in all families.
For example, one such bottleneck may occur during reinoculation of a chemostat, when tubes are changed.
A concurrent effect to this drop in violent crime occurs in the form of an increase in some levels of property crimes, including larceny and auto theft.
Hospital readmissions and general practice consultations often occur soon after the diagnosis of heart failure.
During both fires, which occurred simultaneously at 11pm on Friday, firemen faced a severe shortage of water, leaking hoses and dry hydrants.
Late in October, for example, it occurred to Eduard that if he cut a cherimoya a custard apple with green indented skin and a creamy white interior into thin slices, the flesh looked like crabmeat; now a dish with cherimoya and spider crab is on the menu.
The Sorcerer’s Apprentices
I think that is a travesty of justice if that occurs and I'm against it totally.
Whenever the trigger event occurs, the ability goes on top of the stack the next time a player would receive priority .
In California a three-person outbreak of streptococcal toxic shock syndrome occurred in patients in a hospital.
When the Moon is fully immersed in the umbra a total lunar eclipse occurs.
Then he was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder along with Oppositional Defiant Disorder, which co-occurs in about 40 percent of those diagnosed with ADHD.
Instances also occur of two distinct bronchial arteries for each lung.
It can occur by itself or with other, common autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
MS is not hereditary but can occur in more than one family member, suggesting a genetic predisposition.
Vivid hallucinations and delirious illusions may also occur.
The fluorite tends to occur only as cubes modified by the dodecahedron, with simple cubes or octahedra uncommon or absent.
These major die-offs will continue to occur at unpredictable intervals when the most extensive, persistent, extremely unfavourable snow and ice conditions prevail.
It can occur anywhere but most often hits the neck, liver or spleen.
The Sun
It did not occur to me to check my insurance policy.
Intradermal calcium injections are required for burns that do not respond to topical therapy, for extensive burns or when treatment delay has occurred. 23,16 A 27 to 30 gauge needle is used to inject a 10 percent calcium gluconate solution into the burn. 22 No greater than 0.5 ml. of solution should be injected per cm2, in order to avoid pressure necrosis. 24 Injections should be extended 0.5 cm. beyond the affected area.
Hydrofluoric Acid
The word `hot' tends to cooccur with `cold'
The blast occurred about 30 minutes ago near a military outpost and appeared to have come either from a car bomb or a tunnel.
And where does she get a witness at one or two in the morning when violence is most likely to occur?
Behind Closed Doors - advice for families with violence in the home
Cases of moderate to severe depression are rising also because depression often co-occurs with other problems - alcohol and drug abuse; personality, eating and anxiety disorders.
Studies have shown that cot death is more likely to occur if the mother smoked while pregnant.
Times, Sunday Times
Most aortic aneurysms occur in the abdominal aorta, the main cause being arteriosclerosis.
A fracture dislocation occurs across a joint and involves abnormal displacement of the joint surfaces from one another.
In all the Archegoniate (including the majority of gymnosperms) fertilization and the first critical phases of embryogeny occur within the shelter provided by the archegonium and the adjacent gametophytic tissue.
His wife was bed-ridden with a broken leg that occurred while roller-skating.
In the medieval Hall of St Mary, Green Men occur as bosses, corbels, in tapestry, and in stained glass.
Cases we have examined have undoubtedly shown this condition of osteoplastic periostitis, the rarefactive and osteoplastic changes in the bone itself, met with in older cases, occurring no doubt as a result of non-expansion of the horny box.
Diseases of the Horse's Foot
The "fume" or "smell" events occur when oil seeps from faulty engine oil seals into the compressor bleed air used to ventilate and pressurise the cabin.
In low explosives, such as the propellant in a bullet cartridge, the reaction occurs relatively slowly and the pressure isn't as damaging.
Meade had not thought to warn her that a woman in her condition should not drink, for it never occurred to him that a decent woman would drink anything stronger than scuppernong wine.
The same idea must occur to every one who compares the French method of colonization with that pursued in English dependencies.
Fountains in the Sand Rambles Among the Oases of Tunisia
The crash occurred on a sharp bend.
Variably serpentinized Devonian mafic and ultramafic intrusive rocks occur in the western and northern parts of the map area.
But if marriage patterns were to be drastically altered, significant changes in the social structure would occur.
Here we discuss an accident that occurred in a warehouse due to the negligence of a forklift truck driver.
Market timing occurs when traders make rapid in-and-out trades in unit trusts to take advantage of pricing inefficiencies.
Dr. Cahill, senior attending physician in infectious diseases and emergency medicine at St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center, serves as the orchestra's in-house physician, treating everything from violinists 'stiff necks to an epidemic of food poisoning that occurred while the orchestra was on tour several years ago.
One Virtuoso Physician
Without these crucial areas of explanation, her theory of how innovations occur or do not occur seems remarkably fragile.
Here, Monostatos is a guy clad in a green spandex bodysuit (that is, he’s green-skinned), and when the same scene occurs, Papageno’s musing as translated in the supertitles is about green birds and green men.
Zauberflöte 2005
The men worked extra shifts when malfunctions occurred: heavy machine parts and outsized tools had to be moved.
This is a very frequent occurrence, especially with supermarket products.
LAHAYE: Well, first of all, the reason rapture doesn't occur is because rapture comes from a Latin word in the fourth century, Jerome when he translated it.
CNN Transcript - Larry King Live: Is the Apocalypse Coming? - June 19, 2000
The best sequence in the film occurs when Roth stops at a house he used to live in.
I repeat that this pageful of disasters is merely the record of an average day, when nothing much is happening: and incidentally it occurs in a newspaper which, rather than most, tries to put a good face on things.
As I Please
While that is hearsay evidence and not admissible to prove that the accident did occur at that time, it is admissible evidence relevant to the state of mind of the declarant.
First exhilaration occurs when a young scientist compares alternative ideas or models with observations and discovers how something works.
Should NASA climate accountants adhere to GAAP? « Climate Audit
Longitudinal striations are accentuated ridges in the nail surface that can occur as a normal part of the aging process.
Thus, the study of the isacoustic lines strongly confirms the conclusions at which we have arrived above (p. 223) -- namely, that there were two distinct foci arranged in a north-west and south-east line, and that the impulse at the former focus occurred a few seconds earlier than that at the latter. [
A Study of Recent Earthquakes
That the two imperatives may be contradictory seems not to occur.
Times, Sunday Times
Looking back at my to-do list (previous post) it occurs to me that the whole point of getting the dratted deadline for Chill moved (it looks now as if it will be published for Fall 2009, so never fear; it is not being pushed back a full year) was so I could take some time off from novels and let my brain regrow.
Re: Book sale paypal payments...
The roots of the reeds contain naturally occurring bacteria which transform toxic elements contained in factory effluent, into benign substances.
Two outbreaks of such arrogant nonsense occurred recently.
From there, indicate that you want to clarify a few points so this type of problem does not occur again.
Aggregation of the cells occurs at the highest C, here most likely because poly-L-lysine desorbs from the saturated glass and begins to cross-link the red cells.
A partial eclipse of the moon occurs when it is partly in the shadow.
As Louis entered the building, it occurred to him that the catacombs were the perfect place to store his doomsday portraits.
The Mercury Visions of Louis Daguerre
The nationalist people lived in the shadow of the Unionist monolith for fifty years until the events of the 1960's occurred.
But these should occur as a result of tradition or of conscious choice rather than of necessity.
Inde partim asper, partimnavigia patiens; mox præcipiti cursu progressus, inter occursantes scopulos non fluere immenso fragore creditur, sed ruere.
The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
Rhus Bucki-Amelam is common here, an Oxalis occurs in very shady places with fleshy leaves, it is so large that it is scarcely referrible to O. corniculata.
Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
This is the first time that such improvement in a chronic neurological disease has occurred following infusion of a growth factor.
Introduction Familial occurrence of chronic inflammatory bowel disease has been reported in several studies during the past decades.
Sutton worked with grasshopper chromosomes, and it was in this paper that he showed that chromosomes occur in distinct pairs, which segregate at meiosis.
Loss of the daily cyclicity in the JH titer occurs co-incident with flight muscle histolysis in the LW morph.
This occurrence, called aspiration, may result in choking, coughing and difficulty breathing.
Foreign Objects
To be a muddle-headed aesthete, even to be interested in the aesthetic qualities of literature at all, has long been anathema to a certain kind of critic, grounds for accusing writers of being morally deficient, but why, for example, would it probably not occur to these critics to declare, say, composers too interested in art, too attentive to the needs of form over those of morality?
Narrative Strategies
Lymphomas occur when a type of white blood cell - a lymphocyte - becomes cancerous.
Stupid fcuking Beckinista dumbshit, take to the internet and look into the massive heat waves that occur, get this, during our winters.
Think Progress » Global warming denier Sarah Palin to appear at ‘Oil Palace’ in Texas.
However, the presentation of delirium is the same regardless of whether dementia is present because symptoms of delirium will dominate when they co-occur.
The answer that occurred to her was good and logical, at least by the crackbrained logic the phouka swore by.
War for the Oaks
Patterned fens are one of five morphologically distinct types of peatlands occurring in Maine.
This applies double if the profanity occurs during a quarterly conference call.
This process is said to occur automatically at the level of the preconscious.
The note and controller data from the guitar is sent to the sampler via MAX but no processing occurs.
However, in contrast to thermal burns, the fluid losses do not occur until the blisters form and the fluid lost is a transudate, which means protein losses are less.
At the end of the millennial reign, Satan will be loosed and a massive rebellion against the kingdom and a fierce assault against Christ and His saints will occur.
Quintana-Murci and his team found that the split between these groups occurred around 20,000 years ago, when a period of climate change led to the Pygmy's rainforest habitat retreating into 'refugia', or small refuges of surviving rainforest, before expanding outward again. News
Classically, but infrequently observed, the attacks occur every second day with the "tertian" parasites (
Featured Articles - Encyclopedia of Earth
All five macaque species occurring in Thailand are present, namely rhesus Macaca mulatta, crab-eating M. fascicularis, pig-tailed M. nemestrina, Assam M. assamensis and stump-tailed M. arctoides.
Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand
Gypsy moth egg hatch occurs at about the time of budburst of red and black oaks.
It's still not possible to accurately predict the occurrence of earthquakes.
Both of the three-year trials found that the drug reduced the occurrence of precancerous polyps called adenomas in people at risk for colon cancer," Health Day wrote, "but it more than doubled patients 'risk for heart attack and other serious cardiovascular events.
Pfizer Celebrex Lawsuits - 1500 and Counting
It occurs mostly on sheltered, well-watered cliff faces and damp coastal flats where there is local protection from wind and spray.
In addition, the mold and moisture issues associated with chillers operating at part-load conditions are eliminated when proper dehumidification can occur.
We cannot tell if global warming is occurring as a result of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Basically the blood supply to the bone is cut off or depleted during dislocation and if this occurs for long enough the bone dies.
Dystonia, parkinsonism, and hyperkinesia all occur in elderly, untreated people.
The largest shift in molecular weight occurred during the melting stage, but matrix glycans remained at moderately high molecular weight even in overripe fruit, and were not depolymerized to small size.
The occurrence of trees with decumbent stem form was also noted and leaning of the stem from a vertical posture was visually assessed.
Lauren Wilson said the two men were busy with routine operations when the accident occurred at a subshaft at 9. 15am.
ANC Daily News Briefing
The operator has only to recognise that cardiac arrest may have occurred and attach two adhesive electrodes to the patient's chest.
Most air crashes occur when a bird hits the windshield or is inducted into the engine.
Notice that in this case we will have a violation of the doctrine of determinism, and indeed determinism might be expressed simply as the thesis that nothing ever occurs by mere hap.
A spark occurred and the inside of the capsule turned into a blowtorch.
Regrowth usually occurs, but this treatment will reduce competition from Canada thistle in soybeans and help prevent production of more rootstock.
The only terminal casualty of this extraordinary occurrence, apart from the aeroplane, was a hare which it struck on landing.
If the full number of members of either branch of the city council shall fail to be elected, or a vacancy shall occur in either branch, such branch shali declare a vacancy or vacancies to exist, and thereupon the board of aldern/en shall cause a new election to be held to fill the same.
Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
Usually this occurs during regular vaginal sex with the woman on top, but it can happen in the missionary position or during sexual acrobatics.
Physiologically, it is closely related to the paralysis that occurs as a natural part of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, which is known as REM atonia. - Articles related to Sleep debt
Saturated fats have been shown to have health repercussions, too, but are naturally occurring in such foods as meat, eggs and dairy.
However, when an emergency occurs, the curled varieties will be found suitable for cooking, and the broad-leaved for salading, and therefore there need be no waste where one sort predominates.
The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots 16th Edition
It's a rare occurrence but, more than any other game in the series, God of War 3 has a sense of suffering in its toysome violence.
Go online the day after tomorrow and you will find the same three letters occurring again and again and again.
Times, Sunday Times
Specifically, several studies have demonstrated that participants will confidently infer a strong causal link between two events after observing only a single positive instance of a cause and effect co-occurring.
Many of these storms, if they occurred in uninhabited areas, would pass without any notice or impacts.
[0002] The basis for this invention is an event, referring to FIG. 1, occurring on May 2, 2004, in which the inventor ( 'he') personally experienced a full-body teleportation while walking to the bus stop ...
Archive 2006-05-14
Iron is transferred via ground water from topographically higher areas and precipitation occurs at valley base, where the land surface intersects the water table.
It plans to write to the Crown Office to seek an assurance that a similar incident would not occur.
Cymbopogon spp. (ganaune gans) is another short grass species that occurs in distinct associations on the floodplain and is eaten by greater one-horned rhinoceroses and elephants.
Terai-Duar savanna and grasslands
[FN#488] The fabliau is a favourite in the East; this is the third time it has occurred with minor modifications.
Arabian nights. English
These normally coincide at a time when our natural biological clock allows sleep to occur.
Times, Sunday Times
The figures show that the temporary closures are occurring all year round.
Times, Sunday Times
But the FA claim his absence will not be a regular occurrence and insist this is just due to a prior business engagement.
The Sun
This phenotypic conversion is specific to cancer cells and does not occur in co-cultures of GFP labeled fibroblasts with myogenic C2C12 cells.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
I believe that a rider's build affects the potential for shimmy to occur: how heavy is the rider relative to the bike?
Mosaic warts occur as collections of small, discrete and densely packed individual warts.