How To Use Occupy In A Sentence
It shows how football has come to occupy a central place in the networks of global power.
Times, Sunday Times
The soldiers were requisitioning things left and right, not good for an occupying army.
Dysfunctional families seem to be occupying the minds of Scotland's visiting choreographers.
The case - possibly the ultimate in town versus gown - revolves around a former manse on a quiet street in St Andrews, where students already occupy more than half the town centre accommodation.
The birds occupy a range of wetland habitats: lakes, rivers, reedbeds, sedge fens, marsh dykes, ponds, flooded gravel pits and meres.
Now, from the left, comes a ragtag assortment of college kids, labor unionists, conspiracy theorists and others who've taken to the streets in protests dubbed "Occupy Wall Street.
It was 1991 and he led the way in occupying his school, explaining that he wanted something more than better funding.
Times, Sunday Times
The two occupying powers cared little for the country's sovereignty and well-being.
There is a recognition that we can occupy no space other than our own.
Foucault and Derrida - The Other Side Of Reason
In natural streams coho salmon and steelhead trout fry tend to occupy pools and riffles, respectively.
Since markets are interconnected and some banks occupy quasi - monopolistic positions, we must consider breaking them up.
Laikening, Masa, the storehouse also occupy compared to the card the edge which eliminates.
A saleable commodity, the right to occupy or use the air space above a specific property.
In a threatened workplace by far the best answer is for workers to occupy the factory or plant.
That is a curious position to occupy.
These intermediate filaments run in parallel along the axon and occupy a large fraction of the axoplasmic volume.
Ionic exchange membrane to alkali is advanced technology in the world nowadays, the craft-interlocking device occupy the important position in the production.
Lawes written thei occupy none, but iudge accordyng to reason and conscience.
The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
Advertisers want to occupy the places people are, and with volume comes the problem of free-riding, which online translates as low CPMs.
Why Traditional Advertising Formats Fail On The Web - Publishing 2.0
These species do not share other mutations, so taurine cattle, zebu, banteng, and gayal all occupy separate branches in the network.
The new law is designed for businesses which occupy premises, and not property owners.
In a message posted on the Boston police department's website, the group said that the site had been attacked several months ago and that hundreds of passwords were released in retaliation for what they called brutality against Occupy Boston.
The Seattle Times
If we're talking about going in and occupying that country, that increases the problem multifold.
The question McAtamney needs to ask himself is what can parents or minders do to occupy themselves when the children are playing safely in the Playbarn?
The knowledgeable authorities occupy the institutional front row only because others have abandoned the effort.
Jacob's dying blessing focusses on the distant future, when the descendants of these twelve will occupy the promised land.
Economic concerns are preoccupying the voters in this election.
‘I am used to working such long hours I shall need something to occupy me,’ he said.
The big story this year is not how fast the gravy train keeps rolling, but who is occupying the first-class compartment.
Times, Sunday Times
There are fathers and mothers who urge their daughters to make haste to occupy every coigne of vantage, and gradually advance into the heart of the enemy's country.
Girls and Women
Forget the road congestion, it's the traffic jams inside the racecourse enclosures which will occupy the team bringing this magnificent spectacle to York.
Moreover, no one is suggesting occupying the country again.
Times, Sunday Times
Also occupying the plate were little pearl onions, which were great, though they had a pungent, gamey flavour to them.
Project management is therefore a matter which should begin to occupy the attention of the various bodies involved in harmonization.
Then the movement and the chill evening air seemed to restore her usual briskness, and she proceeded to describe to the children the exact situation of the "appartement" which she and Adolphe would occupy on their return to Paris, and make many brilliant plans for the future.
Susan A Story for Children
Mountain beavers live in small colonies, occupying areas with plentiful green vegetation and cover.
No doubt to occupy myself, I became infatuated with a woman on my floor.
Customs occupy a self-contained area within accommodation provided for freight companies requiring offices without warehousing.
It used to be only in America that cities were defined rather unromantically as ‘municipal corporations occupying a definite area’.
In this piece he pursues a longstanding interest in how art can exist in time and not just occupy space.
Times, Sunday Times
Portraits in miniature occupy an uncertain place in art historical studies.
Halfway there he got into difficulties and left me with two floundering swimmers to occupy my frantic mind.
The steering system is lighter and more compact than a steering column and rack and the brakes occupy the same space as a conventional caliper.
They were treated as nonentities by the legal and social adjudicators of British later, Australian Tasmania, allowed grudgingly to occupy land on the islands without ever being acknowledged as its owners, and referred to dismissively as “half-castes” or, vaguely, as “the Islanders.”
The Song of The Dodo
These people occupy such a marginal position in society that the authorities think they can be safely ignored.
She turned to the business people in south Wiltshire whose enterprises occupy listed buildings.
They are released now by officials anxious to dispel the myth that bishops, some of whom still occupy grand palaces and stately castles, enjoy a life of luxury.
Certain ancient strata, known as the Devonian black shale, occupying the Ohio valley and the neighbouring parts of North America to the east and north of that basin, appear to be accumulations which were made beneath an ancient Sargassum sea.
Outlines of the Earth's History A Popular Study in Physiography
I desperately needed something to occupy me during those long[Sentencedict], lonely nights.
The policy, designed to leave families homeless, impoverished and traumatized, is illegal because international law forbids the demolition of houses by an occupying power.
Next to Santo Domingo, occupying part of the magnificent building that was originally the priory, is the state's Regional Museum.
Oaxaca, Mexico: a day in one of the New World's finest cities
You have to be prepared to score at just two an over, play within yourself and occupy the crease.
Times, Sunday Times
I dealt with the mail backlog before 11 am and then had to occupy myself for the rest of the day.
That Begin had come from the far right, but that in order to govern he has to occupy the center.
The workshop is for Lismore commercial property owners and business operators occupying commercial premises.
Our army won the battle to occupy the upland.
There were 3 smaller satellite lesions occupying the left first, fifth, and eighth intercostal spaces.
Both novels occupy somewhat ambiguous positions in the oeuvres of their authors.
The occupying State shall be regarded only as administrator and usufructuary of public buildings, real estate, forests, and agricultural estates belonging to the hostile State, and situated in the occupied country.
Occupying a 43 square kilometre patch of lowland, it's home to 155 orphaned and displaced simians who share 99.6 per cent of our genetic make up.
Most car dealerships tend to occupy freehold property and have realised property assets to help finance their acquisitions.
These questions of character occupy the first two interviews.
Christianity Today
The cheerleaders who were already occupying a big table in the center did the DSV cheer in their seats, waving their pompoms around noisily.
These figures are in the central roundel, while active seabeasts occupy the semi-roundels.
And in Strut, two vicious-looking dogs occupy a vague terrain in which a pair of skulls suggest a boneyard where the dogs have eaten their fill.
Dalen began asking her questions to occupy her mind.
They don't relish the sight of the chancellor 's personal troops occupying one of my towns any more than I do.
The idea of occupying and pacifying a country by airpower alone, or with the air force as the primary force employed, is especially attractive to airmen.
Alleles of the same gene occupy the equivalent locus on homologous chromosomes.
Facts about the direction of one's attention occupy a curiously liminal position in respect to the divide between the rational and the non-rational in our psychological lives.
He seeks in vain to occupy his days with rural pursuits, -- he to whom the excitements of a metropolis, with all its corruption and its vices, were the sole sources of the turpid stream that he called "pleasure.
My Novel — Volume 12
The concepts [dog], [cat], [horse], as well as [animal], occupy the abstract domain of types.
For society is not simply constituted by the mass of the individuals who compose it, by the territory they occupy, by the things they make use of, by the movements they carry out, but primarily by the idea of itself which it makes itself.
Though I'm a big fan of Nick, it's good to see somebody else occupying the space as well.
Discharge makeup oil is used first when cleanness deliquescent pore is smudgy , the clean black with reoccupy great bubble or clean product.
So in the seventeenth century the writers, exhausted by the mental effort of the Renaissance and prevented by the tyranny of kings and the domination of the church from occupying themselves with the great issues of life, turned their minds to gongorism, concettism and such-like toys.
The Summing Up
Yet, incredibly, young rabbits can continue to occupy another section of the same burrow system and thrive near the earth.
They just occupy less space in the world.
The Sun
In our wishful thinking about the 1960s, no figures occupy a more prominent place than the Kennedys.
As they often occupy cramped sites, London Board schools are usually multi-storey buildings.
While there are a variety of dress materials such as chikan embroidery from Lucknow, patchwork from Jammu and Nagercoil, paintings occupy a dominant place in the expo.
They will remain in the town in a bid to prevent insurgents from reoccupying it once those Marines pull out.
One-plant cultures of a single species developed vegetatively, occupying shallow brooks with a stony ground covered with sand, are typical.
Meetings of the Council are held under the chairmanship of the country occupying the Presidency, which lasts for six months and rotates between the Member States.
In this way Corey arrives at a critical use of the lyric by occupying the split between aesthetic pleasure and the trauma that is necessarily excluded.
Building regulations were stretched to the very limit, and the last thing considered was environmental impact and the lives of the people who would occupy these abominations.
On both days, the barehanded protestors, risking their lives, courageously faced the security forces of the occupying powers armed to their teeth.
Alim A. Seytoff: "Sunday, Bloody Sunday"
I know that there's a lot of things that I really could be doing with this, but I'm not - every time I seem to put pen to paper, this is the stuff that's preoccupying me.
If these moments are not spent in a way best fitted to wholly occupy the mind, the mental attitude -- to which we previously referred, and which is conducive to the cultivation of nosophobia -- will have been developed.
The Eugenic Marriage, Vol. 3 (of 4) A Personal Guide to the New Science of Better Living and Better Babies
Tropomyosin binds to actin by occupying seven consecutive monomers.
No deal is expected until 2012 at the earliest so the theme will be the counterattraction to independence, and will occupy what had been up to now a clear field for the SNP.
Slugger O'Toole
As an important instrumentality, science education should occupy the spirit.
For when an emphysematous lung shall fully occupy the right thoracic side from B to L, then G, the liver, will protrude considerably into the abdomen beneath the right asternal ribs, and yet will not be therefore proof positive that the liver is diseased and abnormally enlarged.
Surgical Anatomy
Work will occupy your mind and help you forget about him.
This question continues to haunt us, and Moynihan's arguments about black culture still preoccupy and divide academics.
Both bullpens occupy the outfield foul ground, meaning there are mounds and usually players in the way.
The long ascending line from dead matter to man has been a progress Godwards, -- not an asymptotical progress, but destined from the beginning to furnish a point of union; and occupying that point as true God and true man, -- as Creator and created, -- we recognize the adorable Monarch of all the future!
The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed
The bed seemed to occupy most of the room.
Unlike the subliterate cretin presently occupying the White House, Carter was one of the few presidents of my lifetime who was a consistently impressive extemporaneous speaker.
McCain: Obama Would Equal Carter's Second Term
They who hear it, are pure; they who utter it are stainless; and the True Guru will occupy their hearts.
The douma invited the hetman to occupy the kremlin with his shoulders.
The Story of Russia
Preceded by severe neuralgic pain, the eruption is vesicular on an erythematous base and is almost invariably unilateral, occupying the dermatome of a peripheral nerve.
Chapter 9
That they occupy pole position is about as contrary as it gets.
Times, Sunday Times
The populace has deferred to the independent authority of government and to those who occupy government in return for the satisfaction of expectations.
In reality, it is the outcome of the growing national opposition faced by the occupying forces, which no amount of chicanery will forestall.
The implementation of the 1996 act will continue to preoccupy Powell for the duration of his time as commissioner.
Dozens of protesters occupying a historic library in south London have been served with an eviction notice.
Times, Sunday Times
This notice was an advertisement disguised as news, and inserted through the "System's" professional character assassinator, whose head-quarters are in Boston, a person who will occupy a prominent part in the chapters of my story wherein I treat of the crimes of
Frenzied Finance Vol. 1: The Crime of Amalgamated
His brother reminded him that he ought to go to the Monastery and shrive himself before Father Eustace, who would that day occupy the confessional.
An increasing proportion of commentators hardly ever write at all but occupy regular slots on radio or television, often reaching a much wider audience than any author could hope to.
Small households that don't use much water but occupy homes with high rateable values could be much better off.
Both Ratzinger and Cheney just happened to be already occupying positions where saying they just 'lucked' into a job is a cynical circumlocution - this has nothing to do with any American election (well, indirectly in terms of Vice President Cheney), but everything to do with perfect bureaucratic positioning.
Is That Legal?: "Aryanization" and the Question of German "Coercion"
The key Labour politician, Ramsay MacDonald, was equally eager to occupy the middle ground.
The preliminary enquiry of a seller as to what other persons occupy the property is one precaution.
To his left were the small eerie rooms inside boxes with which Susan was beginning to occupy her time.
In this case, necrotic tumor tissue and blood occupy the central portions of pulmonary metastatic nodules.
What is preoccupying the council officials at the moment is where to get a fat cheque to pay the bloated workforce those salary arrears.
Lincou is a muscular, tough player who likes to occupy the center of the court, causing his opponents to run around him.
Crosfields are still without a league win this season and now occupy bottom place in the league after their defeat at Rosebridge.
For "OPEN 3," Walter Kravitz an artist whose works typically occupy whole rooms took graphite, ink and charcoal to the surface of his oil-based monotype.
D.C. artists showcase looks in the wrong direction
Luan Nel, occupying most of the space at the Goodman, shows an extensive body of oils and watercolours on paper and canvas.
I have seen some quite draconian pieces of legislation pass through this House unremarked upon by most parties, but a piece of legislation like this seems to occupy a lot of members' time, attention, and concern.
Little grebes may be expected in the vicinity of Breydon Water all year; up to 20 breeding pairs occupy reedy dykes at Berney and alongside the south wall.
Letterhead designs vary with business organizations and occupy the top of the first page.
He suggests that we might begin to imagine language itself as a kind of “multiverse” of such repertoires, each one occupying its own anagrammatic, cosmological world of expression, but completely isolated from some other proximate, alternate reality, whose alphabetic repertoire differs perhaps by only one letter — and thus, despite the efforts of great poets, a thought in one such universe may never find itself expressed in the letters of the other.
Quick Review 06 (Even More Anagrams from Canada) : Christian Bök : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
The inhabitants of Nanagada and Aztlan are descendant from the Caribbean, now occupying lands each side of the Wicked Highs that are cut off from each other except for the Mafolie Pass.
Crystal Rain by Tobias Buckell
It's a completely different department from ours, but they occupy that part of the building for good reasons.
Real objects are not point masses but occupy a volume of space and have an infinite variety of shapes.
Lowlands, plateaux, foothills, and mountain slopes suitable for viticulture occupy only seven per cent of Tajikistan's area.
They were forced to yield their land to the occupying forces.
The sublime transformed itself into feminine agency, the ability to occupy a space in an active way so as not to be utterly overwhelmed by the sublime effect of nature.
A year of holiday practice in such work will, if the tasks occupy somewhere about a hundred hours of his time, serve greatly to extend or reawaken what may be called the topographic sense, and enable him to place in terms of space the observations of Nature which he may make.
Outlines of the Earth's History A Popular Study in Physiography
Once established the connection press joypad to occupy the communication channel and to send a message.
But the Occupy Wall Street protest, which has been burgeoning in dozens of other American locales, may gain traction with its slogan, "We are the 99%, " says Lichtenstein.
Flashes of inspiration need never go to waste, buried amid the hundreds of other clever thoughts occupying your mind.
Thus, divergent growth apparently prompted offsetting, in order for the coral to maintain the lacuna and occupy the space around it.
The right of election is in the freemen, being liverymen, and the inhabitant householders occupying dwellings of £10 yearly value.
There is no mystery where the Occupy Wall Street movement came from: It is an offspring of the same false narrative about the causes of the financial crisis that exculpated the government and brought us the Dodd-Frank Act.
Wall Street's Gullible Occupiers
Frequently on the run, we would occupy some huddle of rough huts from one insecure night till the next.
The most productive row crop fields occupy the narrow strip of flat land by the river.
We were given a lesson in how to occupy the crease and make the opposition pay.
Times, Sunday Times
Presumptive diagnoses ranged from a malignant pleural tumor to malignancy occupying the complete lower lobe.
In a message posted to the site, the group said that the site had been attacked several months ago and that hundreds of passwords were released in retaliation for what they called brutality against Occupy Boston.
Breaking News: CBS News
Perhaps he had needed to before he could reoccupy himself sufficiently to engage in an interview.
Times, Sunday Times
One resident who spoke to the Los Angles Times described the uprising as a popular revolt against the occupying power.
Fibroids may occupy too much space in the uterus to allow for fetal deelopment, affecting contractibility and implantation, he added.
But underneath the play is the brooding menace of the occupying forces who could rip people's lives apart with the threat of concentration camps or postings to the Russian front.
One or more gently sloping erosional terraces occupy the hinterlands of many rock coasts.
Zuma Press A woman stands with her belongings on a pushchair at Occupy London on the grounds of St. Paul's Cathedral in mid-January.
London Wins Bid to Evict 'Occupy' Protesters
Western reporters detail, quite properly, the misdeeds, the crimes even, of the occupying forces.
Empire went in to King Badr Basim and said to him, “O King, there is no harm in mourning for the late sovran: but over - mourning beseemeth none save women; wherefore occupy thou not thy heart and our hearts with mourning for thy sire; inasmuch as he hath left thee behind him, and whoso leaveth the like of thee is not dead.”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
The Japanese first occupy Tsingtao form Japanese business quarter like the Jiaozhou road, the Licun road, the Shichang road. the Guantao road and the Liaocheng road from 1914 to 1922.
The most promising ingress appeared to be across the blockade of a robust and much-begilded young man, who was occupying the familiar position of an "end-seat hog," and displaying the full glories of the Hochwaldian dress uniform.
The Unspeakable Perk
The collapsed core will become a white dwarf, composed of degenerate matter supported by the inability of two electrons to occupy the same space.
Protesters threatened to occupy the council building if legislators and the shoe company continue to ignore their demands.
They will about occupy three _cheffonier_ shelves; -- or what delightful volumes for fire-side shelves, or a "little book-room," or a breakfast parlour opening on
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 385, August 15, 1829
The big story this year is not how fast the gravy train keeps rolling, but who is occupying the first-class compartment.
Times, Sunday Times
With their Kevlar vests and M16 rifles they looked much like any other occupying force.
Before by nationalization, three bank's market values occupy the Icelandic Stock market market value approximately 76 %.
We were given a lesson in how to occupy the crease and make the opposition pay.
Times, Sunday Times
Instead of green grass, natural pools of hot, slow-simmering asphalt occupy the preserve.
Little did he realize the magnitude of the issue which he raised, and that it would occupy his leisure for nearly twenty years.
But these problems, the ones that preoccupy people in their daily lives, are to do with the fact that the transport system isn't good enough.
Women occupy about 70% of management posts.
Times, Sunday Times
Of course, Alladice can occupy his time in custody by lodging any number of formal complaints.
The bed seemed to occupy most of the room.
These are the kind of pointless questions that occupy the mind when you have nothing better to do.
Verizon's offerings occupy a special category of bureaucratic baroqueness.
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In fish, the optic tecta and cerebellum, which can be thought of as the functional equivalent of the optic lobes, occupy approximately one-half of total brain volume.
In the years following the Revolutionary War, no military regiment would occupy Fort Ticonderoga, though at times the fort provided shelter for scouting parties or raiding detachments.
Meanwhile Siward died, and the matter rested for a few years, Malcolm reigning as King of Cumbria, and Macbeth occupying the Scottish throne.
They occupy a lowly position in society.
Yet the subversionary writers were not left to occupy the field alone.
The Eve of the French Revolution
That the power to deny anything from occupying city land rests in the hands of city hall is an affront to the real owners of that land - the people who live in the city.
Candidates can run against these guys and gain oodles of support — I know Connie had lots of people who quite agreed with her stances on important state issues — but it doesn’t matter, because they’re functionally running for a completely different seat than these guys are perceived to occupy.
Waldo Jaquith - How not to unseat Virgil Goode: The Hummer story.
Our country lacquer tree is resourceful, lacquer crop and lacquer seed crop occupy world first place.
A wind farm, for example, is likely to occupy more land than a thermal power station.
In one way or another, the day would come when my name would be a household word and my picture would occupy a place of honor in the memory book of every damp-eyed bobby-soxer.
Tales From The Secret Annex
Ecological theory holds that no two species can occupy exactly the same niche.
If one defines imperialism narrowly as a policy of occupying and governing foreign lands, American imperialism lasted for an extremely short time.
The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
Naturally, foreign troops would first have to pull out from the areas they occupy.
Future projects should similarly be world class, and occupy a unique niche in astrophysics.
In editorial theory, incompleteness will occupy itself place.
The partitioning of the bulbus arteriosus may occur in such a manner as to assign to the two aortae a relative position, the reverse of that which they normally occupy -- the pulmonary aorta springing from the left ventricle and the systemic aorta arising from the right, and giving off from its arch the primary branches in the usual order.
Surgical Anatomy
Crime and the fear of crime preoccupy the community.
The report says that technologies for mitigating — rather than adapting to — climate change dominate because they preoccupy the more advanced developing countries and are potentially more lucrative.
One musician will then occupy the pivotal No 7 position with the other set for debut after some lusty blows last night and a mean spell of seamers.
Simple as such a differentiation appears, there are still a number of cases occupying a position between the two referred to, and which we may term _pseudo-tannage_.
Synthetic Tannins
The thousands of visitors to the city will now only have husky dog races, a triathlon and a fun run from the castle esplanade to occupy them.
Regional managers occupy a crucial role in developing a strategic framework.
The regional managers occupy a crucial role in providing a strategic framework for management of the Teacher Placement Service.
Key concerns are likely to be the question of money and how you will occupy your time.
They munch native marine life, mow down food supplies and occupy territory, Carlton said.
The court rules that the squatters were illegally occupying the land.
Manning's prime ambition, on the other hand, is to occupy the Red House, and behind the galvanised paling surrounding the south of the Red House, workmen are quietly and feverishly preparing for his ceremonious entrance.
So, I've got books to occupy me for the next little while.
Your definition is the number of units of housing that is vacant and available for someone moving to the area to occupy.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Further Left You Are the Less You Know About Economics:
October saw a close struggle between the Athletic and Brooklyn teams for second place, and had the former team been kept temperate they would have finished second; but they "boozed" too much in October, and this gave Brooklyn the chance to take the position from them, and when the campaign ended on the 17th of October the record left the eight clubs occupying the following relative positions:
Spalding's Baseball Guide and Official League Book for 1889
This feature of the song serves to explain its inordinate length, for a song may occupy the greater part of a night, apparently without tiring the audience by its verbose periphrases and its exuberant figures.
The Manóbos of Mindanáo Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume XXIII, First Memoir
Proctors arrived shortly afterwards and asked the students to leave, warning them that occupying a University building was a breach of regulations, which could lead to a £70 fine, or even rustication.