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How To Use Occupier In A Sentence

  • There is little evidence to suggest that occupiers will pay more rent for environmentally friendly offices and factory buildings. Times, Sunday Times
  • So yes, Obama is FAR left of liberal, and he'll be a 1 term occupier (he's beneath being called President) of the Presidency! The Nation: Top Stories
  • Then, as now, the occupiers say they were invited to stay by the very quislings they installed.
  • To date the local authority has been obliged to notify the owner and occupier that the property will be revalued, but this will no longer be the case.
  • The only possible scope for early development is in association with its agricultural use, for example living accommodation for farm workers or owner-occupiers.
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  • Working for the occupiers also gives him privileges. Times, Sunday Times
  • The individual claimants are freehold owners and occupiers of their homes in Church Village.
  • There was no mail except the usual junk addressed to the occupier.
  • If one is, shall we say, taking one's leave, the last thing that anyone outside the stall wants is to be able to hear the unmuffled sound of the occupier's ‘leave’ hitting the pan.
  • A lawful visitor is a person who has the permission of the occupier to enter the premises.
  • It was a period when French cinema was strictly circumscribed by the German occupiers and consisted largely of boulevard comedies.
  • Through this process, they would buy and lease back an entire building to its existing occupier.
  • The demands that are listed by Al Jazeera are freeing all prisoners from Iraqi government controlled jails and freeing prisoners from what the group called occupier jails, namely Boka (ph) and Abu Ghraib. CNN Transcript Dec 2, 2005
  • The view held by the people, however, is that these forces are occupiers and should leave.
  • If nothing else, Wringe v Cohen shifts the burden of proof from the claimant to the defendant, since it is the occupier who must establish that the nuisance was caused by a trespasser or a secret unobservable process of nature.
  • In addition the scheme provided for relief for owner-occupier or lessors of residential property.
  • All this elicits little sympathy from those who contend that aspiring owner-occupiers have always struggled. Times, Sunday Times
  • If there is actual occupation, and the occupier has rights, the purchaser takes subject to them.
  • Why blame America's distress on its deepening inequalities when someone doing a pointillist inspection of the remonstrants in Zuccotti Park can write that an organizer there was behaving as if "All occupiers are equal - but some occupiers are more equal than others" ? Jim Sleeper: Behind The Snarking About OWS
  • For example, owner-occupiers are considered to derive real wealth from houses as assets.
  • We need to better protect consumers - both renters and owner occupiers. Times, Sunday Times
  • A limited number of houses were built by owner-occupiers who had borrowed money from the newly formed building societies.
  • Over the next 24 years, the occupiers inflicted massacres, hunger, forced sterilization, and attempts at cultural annihilation on East Timor.
  • The only possible scope for early development is in association with its agricultural use, for example living accommodation for farm workers or owner-occupiers.
  • Thus, the escape was one for which custom had long since imposed strict liability on the occupier of the land.
  • The legislation made the occupier liable and this was held to include the receiver.
  • A UN administrative force however would have the additional benefit of shifting the perception of the international force from that of occupier to stabiliser.
  • In a sense, occupiers and occupied created and recreated each other, within the changing context of the war.
  • There is already a great deal of interest in the development and we know that these facilities will prove an additional attraction to potential occupiers.
  • The auctioneer said that all these properties were sold to owner-occupiers rather than buy-to-let investors. Times, Sunday Times
  • The individual claimants are freehold owners and occupiers of their homes in Church Village.
  • The occupiers are a group of ‘sovereignty radicals’ who have no family connections with the original land owners.
  • Picardie makes light of Chanel's World War II collaboration with the German occupiers of Paris.
  • Nearly 950 residents - some council tenants and some owner-occupiers - will have to be found new homes.
  • In all the situations in which the landlord is liable, the tenant in occupation will also be liable for the nuisance, as an occupier.
  • There are systematic assassinations of policemen, translators, local officials, and anybody associated with the occupiers.
  • Under this piece of legislation employers (as owners or occupiers) have a general duty to ensure against the outbreak of fire in their premises.
  • It was sent to the owner and/or occupier of the bus shelter fronting the Waggon and Horses in York's Lawrence Street.
  • What I found there did not correspond to what was being reported most crucially, that the liberators were widely perceived as occupiers.
  • Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday prayed at the memorial to victims of a 1944 massacre that was one of the worst atrocities by German occupiers in Italy during World War II and denounced what he called the "abominable" legacy of violence unleashed during war. The Seattle Times
  • He then asked Horan if the coalition forces in Iraq were liberators or occupiers.
  • A number of big corporate occupiers have secured lettings at rents in the region of €377 per square metre for new space under construction.
  • There are now predictions that the British may aspire much less in future to become owner-occupiers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Accordingly, the occupier did not have exclusive possession of his room, and was a licensee and not a tenant.
  • The respondent owed the appellant only the ordinary general duty of care owed by an occupier to a lawful entrant.
  • Saunders has also noted journalists' general disregard for female occupation leader when reporting the occupiers' stance.
  • A large proportion of occupiers now own their homes.
  • If anything, property owners and occupiers need more guidance in uncertain times. Times, Sunday Times
  • So, if that means permanent occupier bases, largest self-sufficient embassy in the world, green zone myopia, daily death counts to shame God, months turning into years of insufficient safety, electricity, food or jobs for Iraqi citizens, hardening of treatment for those now called 'hadj', so be it. Warner And Levin: Surge Producing "Measurable Results," But "We Are Not Optimistic"
  • He has insisted that he will never step down and accused Western governments - particularly former occupiers France - of attempting a "recolonisation" by installing their "puppet", Mr - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The occupiers would be lower order users (such as car breaking) who would occupy the units on short lets at cheap rents.
  • We need to better protect consumers - both renters and owner occupiers. Times, Sunday Times
  • This cycle causes considerable market uncertainty affecting the occupiers, developers, investors and planners involved in new building.
  • Al Shahab as they're known, are battling what they called the infidel Christian occupier Ethiopia and (inaudible) its regime. CNN Transcript May 3, 2008
  • This cycle causes considerable market uncertainty affecting the occupiers, developers, investors and planners involved in new building.
  • All this elicits little sympathy from those who contend that aspiring owner-occupiers have always struggled. Times, Sunday Times
  • A resistance movement targets the occupiers, not the occupied.
  • The only possible scope for early development is in association with its agricultural use, for example living accommodation for farm workers or owner-occupiers.
  • It seems to embrace the proposition that owners or occupiers are insurers for the safety of others.
  • The envelope was simply addressed to 'The Occupier'.
  • Sometimes there are regional variants, as Western Victorian blockie and South Australian blacker ` occupier of small fruit farm, 'or premie ` premature baby,' which I always heard as prem in New Zealand. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 2
  • Being an occupier is a no-win situation, and of course is morally appalling. Matthew Yglesias » Israeli Officials Think Road to Peace Runs Through Teheran
  • Other companies specialise in homes repossessed from owner-occupiers or investors, or that people are in a hurry to sell. Times, Sunday Times
  • The adjudication provisions in the Minor Works contract do not exclude residential occupiers from their ambit as does the Act.
  • It is of a design, bulk, mass and scale appropriate for the location and should not have any adverse impact on surrounding occupiers.
  • In October 1945 the US and Russian occupiers sponsored the return of two exiles.
  • Where the plaintiff was a visitor to the premises, the Occupiers' Liability Act 1957 applies.
  • An occupation of Wall Street to monumentalize the already very imposing (at 6'8) Paul Volcker, and to adopt the tax suggestions of one of Wall Street's most ruthless and accomplished sharks, good old Uncle Warren in his viyella shirt and corduroy trousers, (who paid less than $7 million on income of $63 million last year), is a piquant confession of the innocence of the occupiers once they get south of Canal Street. Conrad Black: My Manifesto For the Occupy Movement
  • Some Latvians regard the Latvian Waffen SS, also known as the Latvian Legion, as heroes who fought not for the Nazis, but for Latvian independence against Soviet occupiers. Top headlines
  • We are running the danger that the mission will completely lose its legitimation, "Schneider said, adding that it would be a" fatal development "if Germany became a long-term occupier in Afghanistan. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • When al-Qa'eda crashes planes into American buildings, no one wants to hear that other Muslims have the "right" to defend themselves against occupation, especially when the occupier is our special ally (of course, when Muslims are occupied by our adversaries, like the Soviets or Saddam, then they not only have the right to fight the occupier, we'll help and even do the job of resisting for them). Mark Levine: Dead Tired
  • Control of the crest gives its occupiers a tactical advantage over the surrounding battlefield, but also leaves them exposed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Are you an owner - occupier or a tenant?
  • But he should not overlook the situation of those who require a tax exemption to become owner-occupiers. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is an outlandish thing to say - as if the occupiers had not selected and trained the security forces from day one.
  • Exclusive possession distinguishes an occupier who may in due course acquire title under the Limitation Act 1980 from a mere trespasser.
  • This is a sum of money allowed for College chambers to the former occupier, in consideration of repairs or fitting up, and fur - niture, and is frequently transferred from one tenant to another in succession, a tenant* being answerable to a person so repairing or fitting up at two or three removes. — Literary Anecdotes of the Eighteenth Century: Comprising Biographical Memoirs of William Bowyer ...
  • The State authority was to be the purchaser, and the occupier was to be the proprietor. The Grand Old Man
  • But this attitude is not dampening the interest of would-be owner occupiers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The enthusiasm of would-be owner-occupiers elsewhere could soon also be dampened. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pope visits memorial to Nazi victims in Rome Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday prayed at the memorial to victims of a 1944 massacre that was one of the worst atrocities by German occupiers in Italy during World War II and denounced what he called the "abominable" legacy of violence unleashed during war. The Seattle Times
  • When new occupiers lease these properties, Control Securities will have to absorb a £7m loss in the value of these assets.
  • The two occupiers are feuding about many things. Times, Sunday Times
  • The answer is, so that the registration authority can give appropriate notice to owners, lessees, tenants or occupiers, or to others who might wish to object to an application to register.
  • They extracted resources and, with the help of small groups of locals, became autocratic occupiers of the land.
  • As noted above, at common law the trespasser received the least protection of any entrant on the occupier's premises.
  • The items were not franked letters, but the circular-type which are addressed to ‘the occupier’.
  • It said that excessive lending to landlords could push house prices higher, forcing owner-occupiers to stretch themselves for bigger mortgages. Times, Sunday Times
  • The effect of this is that the occupier's liability is governed by the common law, which provides that he will be liable for negligent misfeasance but not for nonfeasance.
  • Occupiers are going to become more aware of onerous lease terms.
  • Council or housing association tenants are not eligible for the scheme, which is only available to owner-occupiers and private tenants.
  • The factory site already includes one residential property, whose long-term occupier, a woman living alone in her fifties, is apparently incensed that she has been given a month's notice to move out. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • There are various statutes giving regulatory authorities powers to require clean-up by the polluter or the owner or occupier of land.
  • Thus in the field of tort, the traditional view is that claims in respect of torts to land, such as trespass and nuisance, can be brought only by an occupier with a property interest in the land (such as a lease), and not by a mere licensee.
  • The occupiers were driven out after fierce street fighting.
  • They must believe that their country will soon be returned to them and that they have not traded a tyrant for an occupier.
  • CNN did the English translation here, but as you can see, he has a tone of forgiveness and is asking his supporters and Arab nations in general to distinguish between what he called the occupier's leaders and the average citizens. CNN Transcript Dec 27, 2006
  • It said excessive lending to landlords could push house prices higher, forcing owner-occupiers to stretch for bigger mortgages. Times, Sunday Times
  • An occupier of residential accommodation at a rent for a term is either a lodger or a tenant.
  • One generation on, a new kind of occupier had taken hold: the trail-blazing hippy. The Times Literary Supplement
  • All this elicits little sympathy from those who contend that aspiring owner-occupiers have always struggled. Times, Sunday Times
  • Occupiers also raise the internal temperature, thereby increasing the stack effect.
  • Much of the indigenous Melanesian population opposes Indonesian rule and see the government—and their allies at Freeport—as occupiers.
  • Firefighters were able to remove all the undamaged furniture and personal effects of the occupiers to a safe storage area before making the property safe and weatherproof.
  • The defendant, the occupier of a terraced house, was held liable for the negligence of an independent contractor employed to re-roof his house which resulted in damage to an adjoining property through penetration of damp.
  • It is one where an occupier, faced with a hazard accidentally arising on his land, fails to act with reasonable prudence so as to remove the hazard.
  • It is impossible, with the best of wills to conduct free and fair elections under occupation with a war of attrition taking place between rebels and occupiers.
  • Are bargains emerging for owner occupiers? Times, Sunday Times
  • Ultimately, those in favor of entrepreneurialism and its capitalistic payoffs should also be in favor of the requests of the Occupiers--we all want to build something new. Matt Hooper: Occupying Until We Get Occupations: a Millennial Entrepreneur's Take on the Protests
  • The effect of this is that the occupier's liability is governed by the common law, which provides that he will be liable for negligent misfeasance but not for nonfeasance.
  • Hand of Death is set in 17th century China, the Ching dynasty era when Manchu occupiers persecuted the members of the Shaolin sect.
  • The building professions are now questioning this rush to implement sophisticated technical systems that may not be advantageous for the occupiers.
  • The plaintiffs were lessees and occupiers of one of the flats.
  • It is not just owner-occupiers who are chasing unmodernised homes. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the insurgents are no national liberation force, but rather chancers taking potshots at what they consider to be cowardly occupiers.
  • There was no mail except the usual junk addressed to the occupier.
  • These rights mean that any waterfront landowner or legal occupier of land has the right to have water flow to one's land in its natural state and to be unimpaired in access to and from the water's shore.
  • In the capitol and out in the boonies, those who favored the old order responded with violence against the occupiers, and against those who supported the occupiers.
  • An occupier under a beneficial lease cannot require the annual value to be cut down to the rent actually reserved.
  • It is almost as if there is something about that hard-edged Central Asian country that deranges its occupiers. OpEdNews - Quicklink: 4 Deadly Delusions About Afghanistan Held by Obama's Top Advisors
  • Although the owner-occupier markets in the cities are still strong, there have been dramatic slowdowns in the buy-to-let sector.
  • The retail market continues to be the best performer in the commercial sector with strong demand from tenants and occupiers.
  • There are more owner occupiers over here. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is nothing extreme about supporting armed Palestinian resistance - they are a besieged and brutally occupied people and have a right and duty to resits their occupiers. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The state Supreme Court's decision, endorsing the right of Occupiers to return to Zuccotti Park, but not to encamp there, seems positively Solomonic. David Tereshchuk: Bloomberg's Media Plan for Occupy Eviction -- and His Failure
  • All this elicits little sympathy from those who contend that aspiring owner-occupiers have always struggled. Times, Sunday Times
  • 10 quarter of rye are to be paid by the occupiers of Pebworth Farm and Beech Farm to 10 poor families of Hurley.
  • U.S. Forces Korea and its attendant bureaucracies are located in redbrick buildings that the Americans inherited in 1945 from the Japanese occupiers. When North Korea Falls
  • The resistance movement has pinned down our soldiers and contractors as enemy occupiers.
  • He emphasized his ‘refusal to kowtow to the Occupiers.’
  • Last week when USA Today called the Occupiers a "ragtag assortment of college kids, labor unionists, conspiracy theorists and others" hinting they're a flash-in-the-pan "devoid of remedies," I smiled, reminded of that famous painting of George Washington crossing the Delaware on Christmas 1776, leading what historians also called a "ragtag" Continental Army, surprising the British, and winning the Battle of Trenton. - Top Stories
  • He said infiltration was a common tactic of Afghan fighters known as the mujahedin who fought Soviet occupiers in the 1980s. Afghan pilot kills 9 U.S. trainers
  • The new buildings will offer potential occupiers a different style of office accommodation.
  • Is there a genuine issue for trial on the question of whether Monk Realty was an occupier of the sidewalk?
  • Routine circumstances include calls made by an occupier following the activation of fire or burglar alarms.
  • No, the they are resisting because they want to control their own destiny, rather than be dictated to by a foreign occupier.
  • He soon found work as a labourer on the railways, but he continued his own war against the occupiers. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the insurgents are no national liberation force, but rather chancers taking potshots at what they consider to be cowardly occupiers.
  • It has, as Stein JA points out, an inherent quality that it will be used to the benefit of subsequent owners and occupiers.
  • The building professions are now questioning this rush to implement sophisticated technical systems that may not be advantageous for the occupiers.
  • The exemption applies only to owner-occupiers letting a room in a furnished property. Times, Sunday Times
  • The plaintiffs were lessees and occupiers of one of the flats.
  • The second is satisfied if the occupier knows that the claimant may come into the vicinity of the danger.
  • An occupier may incur liability for the emission of noxious fumes or noise, although he has used the utmost care in building and using his premises.
  • Nor again was it to introduce feudalism; for as I have shown, the system already in existence was feudalism without its advantages; the substitution of fixed dues for the barbarous custom of "coigne and livery" was an unmixed benefit to the occupiers of land. Is Ulster Right?
  • They now seem motivated primarily by anger at foreign forces, which they perceive as occupiers.
  • They were both owners and occupiers of the land, albeit occupying it in breach of planning legislation.
  • Likewise, colonial occupation gives the occupiers an easy sense of self-worth and powerfulness.
  • In both the cases we have mentioned so far the two properties were in separate occupation before the date of the relevant conveyance, and the owner had given a permissive right to the occupier of the dominant land.
  • The UN is not going to commit forces to be killed as occupiers, nor is NATO coming to save us.
  • There was no mail except the usual junk addressed to the occupier.
  • France nurtured what was essentially a myth of a united people, secretly despising and plotting against the occupiers for five years.
  • We urge residents to let us know if they suspect anyone of not being the rightful occupier of a property.
  • For owner occupiers, more rental properties is also bad news. Times, Sunday Times
  • Under Section 106, the Act, following the Latham Report, does not apply to a construction contract with a residential occupier.
  • Or might we reduce it to a moral question: do not occupiers have a moral responsibility to take the most extraordinary care with civilian lives?
  • All owners, occupiers, statutory bodies and other interested parties will receive full details of the proposals this month.
  • A UN administrative force however would have the additional benefit of shifting the perception of the international force from that of occupier to stabiliser.
  • Mr Fagan is advising owners and occupiers of similar properties that their buildings should be regularly surveyed and repaired.
  • Unlike the landlord sector, owner occupiers have seen lending standards tightened dramatically in recent years. Times, Sunday Times
  • The two occupiers are feuding about many things. Times, Sunday Times
  • As for resisting eviction, League members knew that if only they could stop the process server or bailiff from actually serving the ejectment writ or civil bill on the occupier, then no eviction could take place.
  • And again, "Time Magazine" uncovering a claim of responsibility from al Qaeda in Iraq with a message saying that basically it's aimed at those who are cooperating with what they call the occupier and its agents, saying ominously, quote, "We will reach you wherever you are. CNN Transcript Apr 12, 2007
  • Together, the Boston and New York occupiers called other Occupy members around the country and organized their "multicity Occupy response. Police Clash In Oakland Inspires Solidarity And Debate In Occupy Movement
  • Buyers are an equal mix of investors and owner-occupiers. Times, Sunday Times
  • As noted above, at common law the trespasser received the least protection of any entrant on the occupier's premises.
  • Mr Fagan is advising owners and occupiers of similar properties that their buildings should be regularly surveyed and repaired.
  • It turns out they are using the house to launch raids in the neighbourhood, prompting Mohammad's son Jamal to plot reprisals against the occupiers.
  • As I have said in the past, the entire plan contravened the international law concerning occupied territories, which does not permit an occupier to make alterations in the character of the occupied society or to change civil law.
  • When the invasion occurred he ruled as a puppet of the occupiers.
  • The occupiers possess strong conventional military forces, including tanks and artillery.
  • We do not set out to blame all bikers for being daredevils on two wheels who ride far too fast; we do not set out to accuse all car drivers of being purblind occupiers of lethal tin boxes.
  • Secondly, the owner-occupier of qualifying residential property will be allowed a deduction for eligible expenditure against his total income from all sources.
  • He points out that many aspiring first-time buyers will not become owner-occupiers unless they have generous parents. Times, Sunday Times
  • It attracted eight bidders at the tender stage and received bids from owner-occupiers, investors and developers.
  • The participants in the ritual were imitating - parodying, actually - the personalities of their colonial occupiers.
  • The general opinion appears to be, that they will be re-let, at a greatly advanced rent, to the present occupiers. A First Year in Canterbury Settlement
  • They are mostly owner occupiers, untroubled by the city council's moratorium on holiday rental licences. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is almost as if there is something about that hard-edged Central Asian country that deranges its occupiers. ' OpEdNews - Quicklink: 4 Deadly Delusions About Afghanistan Held by Obama's Top Advisors
  • To this day, many people in France possess reservations about whether armed opposition to the occupiers was worthwhile.
  • Obviously the means used to drive out imperial occupiers are determined by the nature of the occupation.
  • Restoring the people's ‘unalienable rights’ may well lie in Jeffersonian interposition and nullification, whereby states beat back the federal occupier by voiding unconstitutional federal laws.
  • Goss, a CIA Operations Officer through most of the 1960s, then a congressman from Florida who became head of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, arrived at Headquarters with the clear intention to houseclean, and from the beginning he was seen more as a crusader and occupier than former colleague. Fair Game
  • One owner-occupier, who lives in one of the terraces off Eastbourne Street and still has a mortgage, was due to see a council surveyor.
  • An occupier under a beneficial lease cannot require the annual value to be cut down to the rent actually reserved.
  • Gardai said the occupiers had forced their way into the house, via the back, which connects to a lane-way off Shelbourne Road.
  • An estate in land is not necessary in order to be an occupier and neither is physical possession.
  • The houses are exempt from stamp duty for owner occupiers and also benefit from mortgage interest relief for investors.
  • The Act further provides for the prosecution of landowners who illegally evict occupiers from their land.

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