How To Use Occupied In A Sentence
Dylan seemed exhausted, self-preoccupied, and morbidly depressed.
Touched with Fire
I'd like to have something special planned that will keep them occupied and outside in the garden as much as possible.
Times, Sunday Times
It was a responsible situation he felt for a boy of thirteen, and he meant to do his very best to keep it now that he had been lucky enough to get it; in the far-off future, too, he saw himself no longer the van-boy, but in the proud position now occupied by Joshua as driver, and this he considered, though a lofty, was by no means an unreasonable ambition.
Our Frank and other stories
Cleland was occupied with his visual recorder, surveyor, gravitometer, and whatever else he could wield in the saddle, or simply with gazing around.
In Japan, he sees political parties solely occupied in securing power and preoccupied in increasing strength and influence.

The work of the Hard-Edge painters, their first collective exhibition catalog in 1959 asserted, runs counter to a widespread contemporary belief in the primary value of emotion and intuition in esthetic experience … the [Hard-Edge painter] is not preoccupied with art as an opportunity to make autobiographical statements.
California Cool
The inn we occupied had one of these porches: Madame Barbot, our landlady, and her maid, were both dressed in Breton costume, with lace-trimmed embroidered caps and aprons of fine muslin, clear-starched and ironed with a perfection which the most accomplished "blanchisseuse du fin" of Paris would find it difficult to surpass.
Brittany & Its Byways
Hamlet as a play is similarly preoccupied by slander, misrepresentation and selves fabricated from the nothings of rhetorical tropes.
The U.S. Army Air Force would assist in this latter mission by airdropping his books over occupied France.
Huguenots the free exercise of their religion only in the suburbs of one town in each bailiwick (bailliage), and in those places where it had been practised before the outbreak of hostilities and which they occupied at the current date.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
In 1974 campaigners occupied the office building to protest about it being left empty during a housing crisis.
Times, Sunday Times
Rather, he is to function as an imperial proconsul, wielding unfettered power over a militarily occupied country.
Four main components indicate repeated use of this location as a seasonally occupied camp for the exploitation of riverine resources.
an unoccupied apartment
On top of the rug were four large beanbags, and in the time span it took me to tell all this, those four beanbags were occupied with about 4 to 5 people per beanbag.
When Harold would try to eject them from various occupied premises all over campus, they would tell him to "stop pimping for the administration."
Not surprisingly, the strikers were preoccupied with regaining their jobs and keeping their system of seniority.
Because of the UN failure, the Croatian government has now launched military action to reestablish control over part of the occupied areas.
This is the story that has preoccupied at least two nations and elicited sympathy around the world.
Times, Sunday Times
We'd been keeping the bookplates in an unoccupied corner in a reasonably neat pile.
The house that he occupied, of Venetian design, and four stories in height, bore many architectural marks of distinction, such as the floriated window, the door with the semipointed arch, and medallions of colored marble set in the walls.
The Financier
The fallen tree had been moldy and rotten, the smell strong and unpleasant enough to deter most burrowing animals that would normally have occupied the space.
At the Christmas meeting of the court, in 1085, it was decided, apparently after much debate and probably with special reference to the general land-tax, called the Danegeld, to form by means of inquiries, officially made in each locality, a complete register of the occupied lands of the kingdom, of their holders, and of their values.
The History of England from the Norman Conquest to the Death of John (1066-1216)
I have found myself pacing around trying but failing to find things to do to keep my mind occupied, occasionally popping into the nursery in a fatherly manner to make sure that the useless door hinge has not failed on the tallboy.
Pearl, her daughters, and two elderly amahs occupied the top floor.
In prewar days, she had occupied her time with a little leisurely sewing or gardening and reading her library books, her gentle reveries interrupted only by afternoon tea brought to her on a tray.
Sure enough, the book has sex, death, trains and double-crosses in far-flung corners of Nazi-occupied Europe.
The grassy slopes were grazed by apparently fearless and footsure sheep, and in parts the sheer cliffs were occupied by seabirds - fulmars, kittiwakes and auks.
Only six percent of police time is occupied with criminal incidents.
Not that I mind so much working late on a Friday, since it helps to keep my mind occupied and prevents me contemplating my woeful lack of a meaningful social life.
The Opposition front bench, and most of the other Opposition benches as well, would be occupied by the Conservatives.
Rome lay too far from the vulnerable frontiers; Constantinople occupied a position about equidistant from the Germans on the lower Danube and the Persians on the Euphrates.
Early European History
So the enlarged south transept took in the slype, and it occupied the end bay with the broad gallery and the sanctuary chamber filling the space above.
It had something to do with sex—complete with pictures—and the dog-eared corners attested to its being quickly stashed under mattresses in numerous adolescent occupied homes.
Some U. N. officials are now warning of a humanitarian crisis in the occupied territories and saying it isn't far off.
Humans are also preoccupied by fantasy & fiction of all types, even especially? knowing that it is *fiction*, we do not have to hypothesize a platonic realm to explain that...
Free Will and Behavioral Genetics, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
Eugenia too, soothed with the delusions of her romantic but innocent fancy, flattered herself she might now see continually the object she conceived formed for meriting her ever reverential regard; and Miss Margland was importantly occupied upon affairs best suited to her taste and ancient habits, in deliberating how first to bring forth her fair charge with the most brilliant effect.
Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
The murder of a boy by police sparked renewed unrest in the occupied zone.
About three quarters of both groups lived in owner occupied or council housing.
In the second stage, the individual becomes preoccupied with this problem and withdraws from active social life.
Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
I thought this was strange, but I was occupied at the time with trying to finalize my divorce.
Of course, if she's busy reading or otherwise occupied, she sends the sprog in her place to do the necessary.
There was a long journey ahead of us, so we only remained during the time that was occupied in outspanning the tired mules and inspanning the fresh lot.
Argentina from a British Point of View
These extremely productive people like to be occupied in their leisure time with pursuits such as craftwork, hiking or reading.
Hundreds of us occupied the cathedral cloisters and held a short rally.
Cecil was too occupied to notice the last part, and so didn't ask any questions.
But it also takes a huge toll on their businesses, which suffer when employees are preoccupied by something other than their work.
Times, Sunday Times
Within a week, Hitler had occupied the Sudetenland, and six months later German tanks rolled into Prague.
As usual, the centerfold of the magazine will be occupied with a large, full-color reproduction of an artwork suitable for display on a classroom wall.
Councillors are desperate to attract the supermarket chain to a site in Grange Road occupied by the Caldaire bus company.
Too often, the most famous members of the profession become preoccupied by their own personalities, generating flashy images and huckstering iconic trademarks.
Alberti was also occupied by the dialectic of the vita activa – vita contemplativa. 33 Through his own treatise on the subject, De commodis literarum atque incommodis,34 and a study of the Florentine family, Della famiglia,35 Alberti deeply influenced a younger generation of powerful and wealthy soldier-scholars, including Leonello d'Este and Federico, who negotiated their turbulent political climate as much by tactical eloquence as by militaristic valor.
Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
The bulk of the rest of the block between Second Avenue and Bowery is occupied by the Avalon at Bowery Place apartment complex.
Diving Into Downtown Culture
Work is still chaotic, but at least I have my online friends to keep me occupied and entertained.
Some were preoccupied with God, others were atheistic to the core.
The datable artifacts indicated that the site may have been occupied as early as the 1670s and that it fell out of use by the middle of the eighteenth century, apparently not long after Uring's visit.
These messianic beliefs in turn led them to start a religion-driven settlement of the whole Promised Land in the Occupied Territories.
she keeps her time well occupied
This event occupied a very short time
Officers in gay uniforms were scattered among the dark anchorites, who occupied one end of the table, while the _bourgeoisie_, with here and there a blue-caftaned peasant wedged among them, filled the other end.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 79, May, 1864
The room Jacques and I occupied, though large, was dwarfed by an immense feather bed.
Another pair of wings momentarily blinded her, and every bird that had occupied the tree suddenly left in a rush, loud chirrups marking their way.
One morning in June, 1589, the space within the main gate of the Juraku palace was seen to be occupied throughout a length of nearly three hundred yards with gold and silver coins heaped up on trays each containing one hundred and fifty pieces.
A History of the Japanese People From the Earliest Times to the End of the Meiji Era
During the 16th century the area was occupied by the Portuguese, the British, and the Dutch.
His mannerisms are more those of a preoccupied math professor.
I was more preoccupied by the life-size models of the pelvis and newborn doll.
Times, Sunday Times
Concrete pillboxes were constructed above the high tide mark, soldiers occupied some of the cottages along the shore front and guards prevented anyone going on the beach at night.
For the first and last time in her life, Amelia was too preoccupied to interact with her peers.
Most of the ground floor was inaccessible to the public, and was otherwise occupied by a small café and three temporary exhibition rooms.
Times, Sunday Times
A batter becomes a runner when the third strike called by the umpire is not caught, providing (1) first base is unoccupied, or (2) first base is occupied with two out. - Pierzynski's heads-up play keeps Sox alive
the wc is occupied
Polar bears have successfully occupied virtually all available sea ice habitats throughout the circumpolar Arctic and the global population was last estimated at 21,500-25,000 individuals.
The story is inspired by the true tales of puppeteers and entertainers in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia.
Latvians who escaped persecution in their occupied country and set up home in Bradford have been given a special preview of a moving exhibition.
China's Trump Card Once mocked as over-designed and under-occupied, Shanghai's Pudong district is now a bright spot.
Shanghai's Pudong, Once Soulless, Rises Up
Hadley's impending nuptials preoccupied Aunt Grace with a feverish monomania.
Whilst they were debating these points, the Lacedaemonians had incorporated the men of Tegea and the men of Mantinea, and were ready to debouch into the bimarine region. 256 And as the two armies advanced almost at the same time, the Corinthians and the rest reached the Nemea,257 and the Lacedaemonians and their allies occupied Sicyon.
The back of the hotel bordered on an empty space occupied only by weeds and mangy dogs.
From our mathematical model we calculated the probabilities of different numbers of beds being occupied.
However, it is relatively expensive to "surf the net" and the telephone line is occupied so calls cannot be made.
So, here I would only talk about a few rather arbitrary points that have occupied my mind in the recent days and leave the rest to other people to explore.
The bus was very crowded with a number of people standing as all the seats were occupied.
A baya of enterprise, energy and skill may be the proud builder of four nests in a colony, each happily occupied with a female on eggs.
He considers that "at an uncertain period during the occupancy of the Lacies, the first principle of population" (in these forests) commenced; it was found that these wilds, bleak and barren as they were, might be occupied to some advantage in breeding young and depasturing lean
Discovery of Witches The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster
The mountains remained mostly unoccupied until the slaves were emancipated in 1838.
Much of the region is occupied by sand dunes, with areas of calcrete and silcrete.
Great Victoria desert
Harold Ings, 86, a bombardier with the Royal Artillery was one of the soldiers whose unit was surrounded by Germans in occupied France.
But there were a number of flowerless, champagneless tables and at least three of them were occupied by unaffiliated diners.
For the Soviet Union, the return to any nation of territory occupied during the war would create a dangerous precedent.
In other words the Greek seems to encompass a profound complexity of meaning as regards the placement (if that is the right word) of the head cloth, napkin, or, in fact, the σουδαριον/sudarium (in essence the same word, evidently a technical term in the repertoire of near eastern undertakers in Roman-occupied Palestine).
Archive 2009-04-01
Children in Finland who occupied a mold-contaminated school building suffered from asthma and/or allergy and had higher antibodies than nonallergic children.
The occupying State shall be regarded only as administrator and usufructuary of public buildings, real estate, forests, and agricultural estates belonging to the hostile State, and situated in the occupied country.
In our society, men historically have occupied the positions of power such as master and host.
America conventionally attaches a rider to Israeli aid, to the effect that it must not be used in the occupied territories.
Liberals were seen as weak-kneed wimps, unwilling to use force internationally and preoccupied with social welfare internally; local patriotisms prevailed everywhere.
Sandbars often are dominated by pure stands of black willow, while point bars are occupied by diverse forests of cottonwood, sugarberry, sycamore, green ash, and pecan.
Ecoregions of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (EPA)
He was the prettiest baby we ever had, too, except -- except Edith, of course. An 'after Austin we didn't even bring up the subject again -- we was pretty well occupied wonderin' how we was goin 'to feed an' clothe 'em all, let alone havin 'pictures of' em.
The Old Gray Homestead
The area is occupied by at least two Iberian wolf packs containing nine to 10 individuals and multiple lone wolves.
ATO had a seminar last year and they confirmed with me that I can't get gearing benefit from my owner-occupied property, even a larger portion of the property is for leasing than for owner occupation.
Our flat is one of the two occupied in the block.
Its area is a tiny fraction of that occupied by the 21 hostile Arab states.
The soldiers commandeered vehicles in the capital and occupied the television station.
While her thoughts were occupied with these melancholy reflections, a shadowy figure seemed to detach itself from the copsewood on her right hand.
The Heart of Mid-Lothian
As usual, the centerfold of the magazine will be occupied with a large, full-color reproduction of an artwork suitable for display on a classroom wall.
It's a promising thought, but to place this book in the rubric of self-help would be to mistake Kahneman-who lived for several years in Nazi-occupied France-for a benighted optimist.
Slate Articles
The one-month programme recognises the fact that school children need to be gainfully occupied during summer holidays, he adds.
I wish I could tell you how much you mean to me,for you are all the cherished things a husband ought to be. Sometimes I get too busy or to preoccupied to try to say the little things I feel so tender and deep in my heart. On your special day I want to show you my gratitude and wish you a very happy birthday.
But the reason they go back is that they've become preoccupied with their thirst.
Christianity Today
The audience becomes preoccupied with this sort of schoolboy brawl.
All this business gloriously kept my attention occupied while my insides tried ever so arduously to deal with the trauma of it all.
Sally Fay: Dealing With The Rough Ride Of Divorce
Kitty was totally preoccupied with the threatened invasion, and to tell her this would be asking for trouble.
Three scrolls, eight parchments, and a book occupied the table when the dust settled.
T. galatea itself occupied New Guinea proper, having diversified there into only three subspecies, despite the great heterogeneity of available habitats.
The Song of The Dodo
I occupied a friend’s sofa and watched the Yankee game while seven or eight of my buddies pregamed.
Thereafter he was much occupied by the post of Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution.
In one case a bed, which fortunately was unoccupied, was scattered with broken glass.
Thraco-Phrygian peoples who had overrun the Balkans, occupied Thrace and Macedonia, and crossed into Asia Minor.
Myths of Babylonia and Assyria
Diary Entry by kwalsh (about the author) yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = '"Israel disputes this" no it doesn\'t'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Most comments in the media about settlement construction in the occupied territories which state the settlements are illegal under international law end with comment \'Israel disputes this\'.
OpEdNews - Diary: "Israel disputes this" no it doesn't
Curtains separated the room into three, and one third was sectioned off and occupied.
The possible participation of Camilla Parker Bowles has occupied column inches in the diaries of The Times and the Daily Telegraph all week.
A geographer is occupied with tasks that are too serious to leave him any time for excursions outside his study.
The Prize in Economics 1978 - Presentation Speech
He was not so bewildered in his own hurried reflections but that he remarked, that the deadly paleness which had occupied her neck and temples, and such of her features as the riding-mask left exposed, gave place to a deep and rosy suffusion; and he felt with embarrassment that a flush was by tacit sympathy excited in his own cheeks.
The Bride of Lammermoor
When it was sown 35 days later than cassava, then cassava cultivar MCol 1468, which was tall and had a large canopy, dominated pigeonpea almost completely, whereas the smaller cultivar M 19 occupied up to only about half the total interrow area.
1. Green manure crops in irrigated and rainfed lowland rice-based cropping systems in south Asia.
The Vandals occupied North Africa, successfully assimilating late Roman art.
The house was occupied as the London residence of an art dealer.
We toured the city and marvelled at the specialist shops that occupied specific streets; one street specialised in supplies for chapel selling vestments, candles and other religious accoutrements.
The image at lower left, is a wattlebird in full voice, declaring to others of its species and perhaps to other honeyeaters, ‘this site is occupied’.
His is constantly pre-occupied with fitness, strength, and staying in peak condition.
Information has occupied an important role in all societies since the dawn of civilization.
But the potential investigators have been, to a considerable degree, otherwise occupied.
In July 1702 he was offered the post of organist at Sangerhausen but was thwarted by the reigning duke, who preferred a candidate of his own choice; for several months thereafter he occupied his time as a lackey and violinist at Weimar.
After that we counter-attacked, overran their positions on the national highway and occupied the municipality.
She preoccupied herself with shark feeding frenzies.
ADRIFT • by Andrew S. Fuller
NARRATOR: Next day, Gen. Lucius Clay, the man in charge of occupied Germany, demanded to know what Erhard thought he was doing.
With this de facto recognition of squatting, the word quickly came to mean simply that the tenurial status of the occupied land remained unresolved.
Furthermore, many clerics in the eighteenth century held modest livings though they too occupied a position of privilege in society.
The isolation of the pub from the rest of its property means that it was unlikely ever to be reoccupied for college purposes.
Protesting students occupied the TV station.
So far, the spacious bistro, on the ground floor of the building occupied by Genova, Burns & Giantomasi, is a gathering spot for Genova attorneys, city workers and Rutgers B-school students at night.
A Bistro in Newark
Too much occupied with the acquaintances which they would be able to form and the invitations it might perhaps be possible to secure, they knew absolutely nothing, even in after-years, of what there was in this priceless museum of the archives of the Monarchy, and could only recall confusedly that it was decorated with cacti and giant palms which gave this centre of social elegance a look of the palmarium in the Jardin d’Acclimatation.
The Guermantes Way
American soldiers committed, their demeanor has been warlike, which is not perceived by the occupied populace as reassuring or secure, but as frightening and dangerous.
Jane Smiley: The End is Nigh
They are 'self-people': self-possessed, self-preoccupied, self-loving — and ultimately, self-destructive.
Times, Sunday Times
For some eighteen years he was occupied in exploring and in opening telegraphlines through the eastern or northmiddle part of the great forest state, the wilderness state of the matto grosso the great wilderness, or, as Australians would call it, the bush.
IV. The Headwaters of the Paraguay
Much of the added land will consume an area formerly occupied by the 1, 000-foot-long Fleishhacker swimming pool.
'In the meane space,' he continues, 'for the avoyding of idlenesse (the very mother and nourice of all vices) I have among other my travayles bene occupied aboute thys little Treatyse, wherein is sette forth the vilenesse and basenesse of worldely things whiche commonly withdrawe us from heavenly and spirituall matters.'
A Biography of Edmund Spenser
In the end, the only way to achieve peace in Palestine is to force Israel to withdraw from the occupied areas, release prisoners and help to settle the refugees.
Matthew Yglesias » The Strategic Logic of Nonviolence
At least one battleplane was absent, if not more, and the companion bomber that had occupied with them the place of honor at the tail of the procession also failed to come to its place.
Air Service Boys Flying for Victory or, Bombing the Last German Stronghold
This turnkey had given him to understand that he was lodged, like some few others in the jail, apart from the mass of prisoners; because he was not supposed to be utterly depraved and irreclaimable, and had never occupied apartments in that mansion before.
The Old Curiosity Shop
Harry followed the fetid trail it had left to the room that Kissoon had lately occupied.
Another obvious gender difference was in the marital status of the testators: while male testators were single, married, and widowed, most women's testamentary documents, at least those that have survived, were written by widows. 50 Most of these were disposing of relatively small estates, often in exchange for support in their old age, and they tended to be less preoccupied with maintaining properties in the patriline, although this may simply have been a reflection of the lesser significance of the properties they were transferring.
Gutenber-e Help Page
How can you be a sovereign nation while your country is occupied by the military of another nation?
Things happen: Doug, who has dropped out of college, where he was, somewhat surprisingly, studying forensic science and criminal justice - he seems far too laid back and self-preoccupied to be interested in exterior pursuits - gets a job in an ice factory.
NYT > Home Page
She quietly slid her desk drawer back in after she pulled out the lone picture which had occupied that space for several months.
A computer has been introduced, but I see the receptionist, Mary, mainly occupied in answering the phone, making appointments, giving out hand-filled chits for the next visit as patients leave.
A biology student with a stutter now occupied the back room.
The length of this chain, the breadth and thickness of the joist, its height from the floor, and the circlet of chain on the neck, were accurately measured; and it was thus shown that the chain unoccupied by the circlet and the joist was a foot and a half longer than the space between the shoulders of the man and the joist above, or to that extent the chain hung loose above him; that the circlet (which was fastened so as to prevent its contraction) rested on the shoulders and breast, the chain being sufficiently drawn only to prevent being slipped over his head, and that there was no other place in the room to which he could be fastened except to one of the joists above.
Dred; A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp. In Two Volumes. Vol. II
All nests that contained eggs or nestlings were classified as occupied.
The howdah, or seat which the Prince occupied, was of silver, embossed and gilt, having behind a place for a confidential servant, who waved the great chowry, or cow-tail, to keep off the flies; but who could also occasionally perform the task of spokesman, being well versed in all terms of flattery and compliment.
The Surgeon's Daughter
He said last year of his biking hobby: 'I have to keep myself occupied.
The Sun
Yesterday, with both hands covered in stickiness and occupied cutting the wax capping from the top of the honeycomb, a lump of wax containing honey flew onto my leg and started running down in a nasty tickly way.
IN THE OCCUPIED CITY, was it when you fell in love with arbitrary CApitaL LettERS, it alics, caesurae | | and repetitions repetiTIOns?
Books news, reviews and author interviews |
At this moment, the stranger who had put the coachman and groom right about the word valetudinarian, rose from the seat he had occupied in the corner of the room, and uttering a deep, hollow groan, walked towards the door.
Varney the vampire; or, The feast of blood. Volume 3
The ladies are occupied in conversation and merriment, and amused with the native songs and music of the dominie, smoking the hookha, eating pawn, dinner, &c.
Observations on the Mussulmauns of India Descriptive of Their Manners, Customs, Habits and Religious Opinions Made During a Twelve Years' Residence in Their Immediate Society
They were denied passage through the occupied territory.
If you're not interested in the legendary swingometer there's plenty to keep you occupied on Thursday.
The one occupied by the NCOs is a perfect example of artistic skill in woodwork, looking like any pleasant living-room during day-time but being transformed into a tidy bedroom in a few minutes by lowering ingenious folding-beds from the wall.
Work Camp 11033 GW
I wish I could tell you how much you mean to me,for you are all the cherished things a husband ought to be. Sometimes I get too busy or to preoccupied to try to say the little things I feel so tender and deep in my heart. On your special day I want to show you my gratitude and wish you a very happy birthday.
They are a great place for blokes to ride on when on the lookout for a missing wife - and on the mezzanine floor at the top, entirely occupied by George at Asda, there is an extensive range of stylish, hard-wearing and inexpensive clothing.
Similarly in 1881 it was occupied by a college bedmaker, John Pyke, and his wife and three grown-up children.
Canopy width of cassava did not increase once the cassava interrow was occupied by pigeonpea.
1. Green manure crops in irrigated and rainfed lowland rice-based cropping systems in south Asia.
The humble abode which Nelson Mandela occupied when he first came to Joburg during the early 1940s is to be transformed into a heritage attraction site.
When the party began to simmer down, Melanie started to have a headache so she walked into the billiards room to sit on one of the un-occupied leather couches.
Unfortunately, our minds being occupied with snow, we completely forgot to recite the standard brachah for no snoring roommates. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
It inoculated the magazine for a time against charges of being centrist while it quietly reoccupied the centre.
The Times Literary Supplement
This is the story that has preoccupied at least two nations and elicited sympathy around the world.
Times, Sunday Times
Only 30 of the road's 127 houses are occupied and five tenants live in the row likely to be demolished.
Many of the unoccupied seats have been put down to a new anti-corruption law.
The Sun
The lawful inhabitants of all territories occupied by Israel since June 5, 1967 must have unimpeded access to international waters and air space, in conformity with all UN resolutions and international law.
Lauren Booth - unbiased?
In Sydney, on Castlereagh Street, his offices occupied three floors.
Thusly, she occupied a strange, shadowy social world where she was too wealthy to be excluded, but not worth talking to, and she moved like a ghost about the edges of cotillions and coming outs, pale and unsmiling.
The top of the hill was occupied in medieval times, presumably because of its defensive potential.
Reformation studies were at that time preoccupied with tracing the intellectual and political origins of the movement - the survival of Lollardy, the challenge to scholasticism, the emergence of the centralised Tudor state.
Formerly, it occupied a smaller space a few blocks south on Spring Street.
The most important other piece is an upper torso of Athena, who occupied the centre of the gable.
In Poland it is looking into the use of several facilities once occupied by Soviet forces.
Houses like this can either feel like they've never been occupied - full of treasures polished by an invisible army of servants - or appear all too lived in, suggesting a handful of ghosts and a madwoman or two in the attic.
Give it a zone of transition — an ecotone — where both land and water can be occupied simultaneously.
The Great Climate Change Park
Opposite to David's desk stood a smaller one occupied by the articled clerk.
Nizan occupied a privileged position in Sartre's life both intellectually and emotionally.
Although he makes provision for his soul, it is only in general terms and he is not preoccupied with the matter.
Recently, the building once occupied by Pizza City was put up for rent.
Composers and music theorists have long been preoccupied with the relationship between sound and space.
The region occupied by some atomic orbitals is spherical with the nucleus of the atom at the center of the sphere.
They bequeathed their home to their children, after creating a shareholders' association aimed at preserving everything unchanged, and it was occupied until 2002 when Stoclet's daughter-in-law Anny died and her daughters opted not to move back into what they once considered a " maison enchantée .
An Enchanted House Becomes a Family's Curse
The writings of young teenage boys and girls in different refugee camps and occupied towns are the most moving part of the book.
Zionist Occupied Government, or ZOG, is a phrase employed by most American neo-Nazi groups to describe the current federal government.
Mark Potok: Alleged Georgia Plotters Belonged to Racist, Anti-Semitic Group
The coastal areas were occupied by the descendants of Greek colonists.
He pointed at her fine steed, which was currently occupied with kicking his hind legs in the air and stomping and snorting like an unbroken colt.
Though he may still be a fundamentalist of art, he is no longer preoccupied by eschatology.
I was wont to point out that since the sea presented an impassable barrier, the sand spit, drawn out to a fine point, was just the spot where a piccaninny might be easily rounded up, if it were detected in a preoccupied mood.
My Tropic Isle