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How To Use Occupational In A Sentence

  • Observing the affected knee may reveal dystrophic changes, alteration of skin color, calluses related to kneeling or occupational abuse of the knee, scars, scratches, or rashes.
  • The etiology of asthma is unknown, but it has been linked to occupational exposures, genetics, and environmental factors.
  • Catching colds is unfortunately an occupational hazard in this profession.
  • A long latency period can make it difficult to associate asthma with an occupational source.
  • Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of occupational acute carbon tetrachloride poisoning.
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  • The change in occupational structure shows the image of a reversion to trend after the short-term break caused by the economic crisis.
  • There are now eight unratified ILO occupational and health conventions.
  • Some received substantial occupational assistance in the form of low-interest loans.
  • Occupational health laws regulate toxic substances in the work environment.
  • In many areas essential treatments such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy and psychological support are not available to stroke survivors. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The Occupational Therapist is there to try and help you find a solution to your problem.
  • With the rise of telecommuting, there is a blurring of the lines between nonoccupational and occupational injuries. Undefined
  • There was also a shortage of skilled professional staff such as anaesthetists, dentists, occupational therapists and specialist doctors.
  • If Neill's mum is already a member of a good quality occupational scheme which has the backing of a stable and solvent employer that might be her best option.
  • The win comes as unions call for the focus of drinking to be on impairment, its occupational health and safety implications and its wider causes such as fatigue, overwork, and the use of casuals and outsourcing.
  • Explosions, though infrequent, are an occupational hazard for coal - miners.
  • The combination of cigarette smoking and exposure to many occupational carcinogens increases risk of cancer.
  • Medina also works for an occupational therapist in Bethesda as an equipment technician, according to court papers.
  • Some received substantial occupational assistance in the form of low-interest loans.
  • As under the old set-up, the eldest son alone will succeed to the occupational rights of the original land-holder, but now other children will be condemned to life in the settlements. South Africa: The Peasants Revolt
  • In a philosophical mood he would describe his loneliness as an occupational hazard.
  • The inter-war years saw the growth of contributory pensions for workers, some occupational pensions - mainly for men - and widows' pensions.
  • Programmes will be the province of township hospitals with full funding by the Financial graduates in Chinese medicine, occupational physician separate establishment.
  • However, the new product is expected to appeal to members of ordinary occupational schemes.
  • An occupational health nurse, welfare officer or specialized counsellor are the sort of people well placed to deal with this area. Personnel Management: A New Approach
  • In addition, poor wages not only offset women's increased access to the job market, but occupational segregation, as a result of women's access, helped to lower the status of certain jobs and create pink-collar ghettos.
  • After 11 years of internal medicine and cardiology, he opted for a career in occupational medicine.
  • The patient with perceptual problems may be treated by the physiotherapist and the occupational therapist simultaneously, to help his overall awareness.
  • The patients were assessed using Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptom (SANS) and In-patient Rehabilitation Rating Scale (IPROS) before and after occupational therapy.
  • As Mars and others have documented, this point would seem to apply to a wide range of occupational scams and fiddles, ranging from the top-floor board room to the basement boiler room.
  • For some of us it is an occupational hazard. Times, Sunday Times
  • This paper describes an analysis of the frequency of dicentric chromosomes and acentric fragments in 1260 subjects occupationally exposed to X-rays and 241 controls.
  • For those that don't know, silicosis is an occupational lung disease that can be fatal.
  • No, you can leave it by choosing to take out an occupational pension or personal pension.
  • Rapid changes in the occupational structure, facilitated by educational expansion, have increased the overall chances of entering higher-ranking occupations.
  • Thus it is possible to discuss intercensal changes between 1970-80 and 1980-90 in terms of the new or old occupational categories. The Population of the United States
  • The Barringtons vividly demonstrate that the village as an occupational community declined because the underlying economic base could no longer support it.
  • Given this individual's occupational history, she was referred to our clinic for induced sputum analysis and for the beryllium lymphocyte transformation test, to rule out a possible misdiagnosis of silicosis / berylliosis.
  • She will now begin occupational therapy to regain the use of her hands.
  • The scheme also involved bringing in an occupational health nurse to give on-the-spot advice.
  • Used in fireworks as oxidizing agents, they are cited as dangerous to human health in dust form by the Encyclopedia of Occupational Health, which says their effects include “sore throat … dizziness … they are an irritant to skin, eyes, and mucous membranes … they can cause haemolytic anemia … and liver and kidney injuries.” Bright Lights and Big Bangs: The Chemical Composition of Fireworks
  • Getting injured is an occupational hazard.
  • All programs have registered nurses and many have physical therapists, exercise physiologists, registered dietitians, occupational therapists and psychologists.
  • It is often through their taking up of personal issues that occupational hazards are identified and precautionary measures taken. The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
  • The medical officer, occupational health nurse and welfare officer all have a contribution to make here. Personnel Management: A New Approach
  • We had been warned about this by an occupational therapist at DVH, who worked at the Bethlem Royal some years earlier and had cautioned us against overoptimism about how much good the place would do Henry. Henry’s Demons
  • Firstly, individual members of occupational pensions schemes do not have votes.
  • The detection of some volatile substances in blood does not in itself indicate inhalant abuse or even occupational exposure to these chemicals.
  • It is unfair and unjustifiable when the tax payers who pay for these utopian benefits are faced with worthless private pensions or no occupational pension at all.
  • Catching colds is unfortunately an occupational hazard in this profession.
  • It is important to note this early consideration of mixtures, at least for the relatively high levels of exposure experienced in occupational settings, even though 40 years later we are still grappling with how to advance beyond the simple concept of additivity. Regulation of toxic chemicals
  • The respiratory thing really does seem to be the occupational disease of magicians.
  • To investigate the main allergen on fruiter with occupational pollen allergy and analyze the difference between that and other spring pollen allergy.
  • Occupational exposure to lead is the major source of lead intake for adults. An Introduction to Community Health
  • Occupational therapy in the form of needlework, woodcarving and basketwork and entertainment including film shows and dancing all played a big role in the men's rehabilitation.
  • At 3 months we repeated physiotherapy and occupational therapy assessments and cardiovascular tests if they were abnormal.
  • Few of us who read habitually ever feel called upon to defend the practice-a kind of reader's acedia, an occupational hazard.
  • All the blood samples were drawn by venipuncture by medical workers and were coded in the Occupational Medicine Unit.
  • Occupational asthma is the most common form of occupational lung disease in developed countries.
  • This led to the social development of new occupational groups to help in the production and transportation of the agricultural goods.
  • Another group that has carved out an occupational niche for itself is the Sherpas, who are well known as guides and porters for mountain-climbing expeditions.
  • However, an expert at the Institute of Occupational Medicine in Edinburgh said it was ‘probably true’ that most clusters of illness happened by chance.
  • The risk conferred by other occupational and environmental carcinogens should also be emphasized at this time.
  • The stress the statement placed, however, on education, evening classes, and a library provided considerable opportunities for self-advancement and occupational betterment.
  • For the occupational toxicants acrylamide and 1,3-butadiene a genetic risk assessment was performed based on heritable translocation data.
  • Nineteenth-century choreographers creating either a character or a national ballet used both occupational and natural emotional gesture in their dance designs.
  • Incineration, sterilizing by autoclave, or chemical means may be used according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
  • That's the occupational hazard of being a flavourist - you never know what you'll end up tasting to keep your job. Daily News & Analysis
  • Occupational schemes are selected by employers who want to encourage or assist their staff in adequate provision for their retirement.
  • An occupational hazard of writing about your own investments is that you can seem smug. Times, Sunday Times
  • You get nowt for nowt, and the current collapsing values of private and occupational pensions have been a stark warning of the dangers of betting your future on the financial markets.
  • This disorder can cause major disruptions in family, social and occupational life.
  • Professionals like doctors, nurses, dieticians, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and clinical psychologists are working together at each centre to look after the various needs of the elderly.
  • Thus differences in pay and prestige between occupational groups may be due to differences in their power rather than their functional importance.
  • The scheme will also set up occupational health services nationwide for GPs suffering from burnout and stress. Times, Sunday Times
  • Attempts at manipulation through marriage alliances and implication in the conspiracies of others were the occupational hazards that attended them. ELIZABETH AND MARY: Cousins, Rivals, Queens
  • The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration has recognized several of the company's units for their commitment to the workplace, the company says.
  • The Barringtons vividly demonstrate that the village as an occupational community declined because the underlying economic base could no longer support it.
  • Guideline B4.3.1 – Provisions on occupational accidents, injuries and diseases.
  • The doctors who provide these services are qualified, experienced occupational health physicians. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because of feeding difficulties, the mothers of these infants may benefit from lactation consultation and occupational therapy.
  • It brings together occupational, social, clinical and cognitive psychologists.
  • Career self - efficacy shows significant predictability on the occupational scope of choices among Mastercandidate in Fudan Universtity.
  • As a kind of productive activity, education can improve person' s abilities such as occupational skills, technology , cultural level, entrepreneur spirit and the ability of management, etc.
  • Women have yet to achieve wage or occupational parity in many fields.
  • Which might just be an occupational hazard. Times, Sunday Times
  • For individuals in occupational pension schemes the maximum contribution you can make is 15 per cent of your pensionable salary.
  • She will now begin occupational therapy to regain the use of her hands.
  • Not surprisingly, therefore, most approaches have been based on the cultural dimension with the addition of ecological and occupational factors.
  • The Ministry of Labour's occupational health and safety division is in charge of inspecting buildings, yet the ministry's own offices are in a state of dilapidation.
  • Recovery can be aided by speech therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and counselling.
  • She worked as a secretary and had no occupational exposure to toxic fumes.
  • Maybe it's an occupational hazard, but the volumes of feedback I receive function much more like the main branch of a library than a bookmobile.
  • Millburn would have offered physical and occupational therapy, including augmentative technology. Knowing Jesse
  • Occupational disease due to chemical exposure is a notifiable condition.
  • Monitoring of these regulations is the responsibility of the occupational health and safety directorate at the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration.
  • But isn't occupational mobility of this kind a great strength, the obverse side of robust job creation?
  • Of these closely related professions, an occupational therapist is a better choice to evaluate fine-motor weaknesses.
  • In a well-designed 1993 Scandinavian study by Dr. Kurt Johansson, seventy-eight stroke patients with severe hemiparesis, or slight weakness or paralysis affecting only one side of the body, were treated with either acupuncture or occupational therapy. The Best Alternative Medicine
  • As the magnitude of occupational accidents and diseases are known in Asia and the Pacific, many countries and enterprises in the region are becoming increasingly aware of the associated economic loss.
  • The scheme will also set up occupational health services nationwide for GPs suffering from burnout and stress. Times, Sunday Times
  • An occupational licence is one that deems a property habitable.
  • Francis, who was geographically and occupationally mobile, did not attain the same social and economic upward mobility as his brother Paul.
  • What this actually points to is a marked, though still limited, diffusion of prosperity and a radically changing social and occupational structure.
  • It also heard that Bradford babies who died in their first year were more likely to have fathers in manual occupations than in other occupational groups.
  • She said physiotherapy, occupational therapy and rehabilitation could be all be provided at home.
  • This view may have been more tenable in Durkheim's own time than it seems in ours, for in our own times what one might call the flimsiness of many occupational affiliations and of the related employments has become quite apparent.
  • Men dominated the occupational system during communism, and this has not changed.
  • And occupational psychologists have shown that the definition of your job by others can affect your performance.
  • Our unit was made up of cooks, mechanics, and quartermasters with many of the same military occupational specialties found in traditional CSS units.
  • She will now begin occupational therapy to regain the use of her hands.
  • Punjab Sir D. Ibbetson says [81] that the Penja or cotton-scutcher is an occupational name applied to Telis who follow this profession; and that the Penja, Kasai and Teli are all of the same caste. The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India Volume II
  • Many people with Down's Syndrome benefit from specialised education, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech therapy and a dietician.
  • Late papers mean occupational health and safety issues for newsagents as employers.
  • The rules cover most personal pension plans as well as preserved benefits from occupational pension schemes.
  • Employees can contract out of their employer's occupational pension scheme.
  • The patient with perceptual problems may be treated by the physiotherapist and the occupational therapist simultaneously, to help his overall awareness.
  • Such occupational hazards should be a warning to others thinking of getting into the educational consultancy business. Times, Sunday Times
  • What are some of the most frequently reported occupational diseases? An Introduction to Community Health
  • The scheme will also set up occupational health services nationwide for GPs suffering from burnout and stress. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every day I see employers breaching basic occupational health and safety guidelines.
  • Due to national security and many other restrictions, non-citizen members of the military have only a small, select number of Military Occupational Specialties to choose from when enlisting or re-enlisting.
  • Divorce seems to be an occupational hazard for politicians.
  • These days about 30 occupational benevolent funds run homes for the retired.
  • Occupational therapy in the form of needlework, woodcarving and basketwork and entertainment including film shows and dancing all played a big role in the men's rehabilitation.
  • People with occupational exposure to latex include medical professionals, housekeepers, tire manufacturers, and latex industry workers.
  • The patient with perceptual problems may be treated by the physiotherapist and the occupational therapist simultaneously, to help his overall awareness.
  • One of our friends with the same type of arthritis has been helped by an occupational therapist.
  • For many years, experts in occupational health have puzzled over symptoms reported by office workers, including headache, nausea and fatigue.
  • How do occupational schemes work? Times, Sunday Times
  • Human exposure to agricultural pesticides and the subsequent contamination or poisoning may be occupational, nonoccupational, intentional, unintentional, or accidental. Agricultural pesticide contamination
  • The help of an occupational therapist may be needed to recommend aids and adaptations to help the older person.
  • These findings are concordant with the conclusion that occupational factors contribute to the etiology of CHD in the traffic-control officers studied.
  • The second main problem relates to the delay in the occupational therapist's visit to assess the application.
  • Among individuals with certified occupational exposures to asbestos in the United States, 20% die of pneumoconiosis.
  • Airline pilots are occupationally exposed to cosmic radiation and other potentially carcinogenic elements.
  • Innovation and economic expansion brought with them occupational mobility.
  • Two forms of occupational asthma are recognized: reactive airway dysfunction syndrome and allergic occupational asthma.
  • Serious lung disease seems to be an occupational hazard of working in mines.
  • After 11 years of internal medicine and cardiology, he opted for a career in occupational medicine.
  • If you are a member of an occupational scheme, you are entitled to a maximum of up to 1.5 times your final pensionable salary, depending on your years of service.
  • Some of these studies have focused on acculturative stress and affect, and are therefore potentially relevant to the direct link between acculturation and occupational satisfaction, in our model.
  • Technical expressions which are in everyday usage within an occupational group, can be totally alien to outsiders.
  • None of the subjects had a history of occupational exposure to Hg and mercurials, symptoms resulting from disorders of the digestive system, amalgam fillings, or experienced digestive-system surgery.
  • RoSPA has awarded the site its bronze award for continued improvement in the field of occupational safety.
  • Widely distributed across the occupational spectrum, Germans were most heavily represented in skilled artisanal and industrial trades.
  • An occupational hazard of writing about your own investments is that you can seem smug. Times, Sunday Times
  • Physiotherapy, occupational therapy and child assessment services are also charged at $ 44 per session.
  • Hospital support services such as pharmacies, physiotherapy and occupational therapy will run every day. Times, Sunday Times
  • Acknowledged as an occupational disease, lead poisoning is a disabling illness.
  • The development of paid fire forces did erode the distinct identities of different firehouses, creating a larger community of men bound by occupational identity.
  • And there's also the need for psychologists to work with the various therapists and interventionists who surround a child, from teachers to speech therapists and occupational therapists.
  • Much of the humour derives from slips of the tongue, an occupational hazard.
  • Topics include chemical substances, principles of risk assessment, occupational asthma, solvents, and health surveillance.
  • Enable occupational health staff to obtain and update their counselling skills.
  • Investment in human capital" - that most unfelicitous phrase-was a concept that I for one argued against rather forcefully, because I believed-and still believe-that education is more than an economic process, more than a means to an end, and more than mere occupational training, but that it is a prerequisite of a civilized society and a process whose intrinsic worth has been demonstrated many times over. Universities: Who Needs Them?
  • Does the health authority employ a qualified occupational health team with well-developed counselling skills?
  • You might be having an occupationally related skin problem.
  • Although occupational therapy provides a means of educating patients and social support, there are few evaluations of specific interventions such as the provision of walking aids, orthoses, and splints in controlled studies.
  • Professionals like doctors, nurses, dieticians, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and clinical psychologists are working together at each centre to look after the various needs of the elderly.
  • Many assurance clients and retirement fund members may have had direct or indirect experience of the difficulties that are associated with an occupational disability claim.
  • We all know that in contemporary science the greatest occupational hazard is simultaneous discovery.
  • Getting injured is an occupational hazard of the sport.
  • Sixteen exhibitors displayed examples of good occupational health practices at the seminar.
  • Visiting services will be available such as physiotherapy, chiropody, occupational therapists and alternative therapists.
  • The medical officer, occupational health nurse and welfare officer all have a contribution to make here. Personnel Management: A New Approach
  • In New South Wales, two major advertising campaigns are currently promoting awareness of occupational health and safety issues.
  • Firstly, individual members of occupational pensions schemes do not have votes.
  • Superficial lymphangitis can be a presenting symptom of milker's nodule, and the diagnosis is suspected from the occupational history.
  • An occupational hazard of writing about your own investments is that you can seem smug. Times, Sunday Times
  • Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of occupational acute vanadium poisoning.
  • Although long-term abuse of volatiles is rare, progression to alcohol and/or illicit drug use is well known and some people, notably those with occupational access to abusable compounds, may continue to use volatiles for many years.
  • Finally, in a stage of reconnection, the mind is integrated and achieves better control of itself, and the patient is reintegrated internally, and into his or her social and occupational roles and functions.
  • Steel plants and coking furnaces were no longer our temples to Vulcan, they were sources of pollution and occupational disease.
  • The steering group is working with a wide cross-section of the industry to specify Occupational Standards.
  • The school-administrator model developed by Gmelch is described in the Torelli and Gmelch discussion of occupational stress and burnout in the academic environment.
  • In adult life, this prematurely forced competence may lead to considerable occupational success. Trauma and Recovery
  • Research has found that nationwide, many academies have not placed much emphasis on integrating academic and occupational courses.
  • An occupational therapist can help with motor or sensory reactivity and processing difficulties.
  • Education, supposedly the cure-all for prejudice, tends to lead individuals into more segregated life circumstances, as it is also often accompanied by higher income and more occupational prestige.
  • Video games have been used as a form of physiotherapy or occupational therapy in many different groups of people.
  • Substantial research efforts have been directed to factors believed to buffer occupational stress, such as individual coping skills and social support.
  • Occupational hazards of hairdressers include having to listen to the dulcet tones of their clients.
  • Of these closely related professions, an occupational therapist is a better choice to evaluate fine-motor weaknesses.
  • The five categories of risk are sickness, invalidity, old age, accidents at work and occupational diseases, and finally unemployment.
  • Most occupational and organizational groups recognize that the decisions of the political system sometimes have major impacts on their own interests.
  • Many societies in Chad traditionally have different low-prestige occupational castes, such as hunters, potters, tanners, and blacksmiths (haddad).
  • Leptospirosis is ubiquitous in distribution and has the dubious distinction of being both an occupational disease and a zoonosis.
  • Can laborer undertake occupational disease diagnose in He De?
  • Falls are the occupational hazard all jockeys face and there is little you can do about it. The Sun
  • Occupational exposure to lead is the major source of lead intake for adults. An Introduction to Community Health
  • They provide young people with career exploration and counseling so they can make more informed decisions about their academic and occupational goals.
  • occupational hazard
  • Loneliness is one of the occupational hazards of being a writer.
  • I'm just filling in an Occupational Health form for work, which requires details of one's GP.
  • And occupational psychologists have shown that the definition of your job by others can affect your performance.
  • In the period 1992 to 2002, there were 31 occupational deaths from mobile chippers in users aged less than 20-to - 60 years of age.
  • As well as age differences, ethnic groups also show differences in their occupational structure and family patterns.
  • The fund will be bankrolled by levies on employers offering occupational pension schemes.
  • She should do some homework before she joins and find out exactly what kind of occupational scheme is offered. Times, Sunday Times

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