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How To Use Occident In A Sentence

  • Occidentali Noruagiæ Insula, quæ Glacialis dicitur, magno circumfusa Oceano repentur, obsoletæ admodum habitationis tellus, A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
  • Enfin pourrait-on dire, l´occident, après des décennies de surdité, en vient lentement à combattre ce fléau criminel économique qui gangrène autant le développement de l´Afrique qu´il engraisse l´illégalité fiscale en Europe et de par le monde. Global Voices in English » Paris court investigates three African leaders
  • Nearby rock ledges had Asplenium rutamuraria, Pellaea atropurpurea, and other ferns typical of the habitat, and the foliage of Clematis occidentalis was noted.
  • I am crazy about Occident music and culture.
  • An answer to this will be the key to occident and oriental debate. Occident verses Orient Debate
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  • Nayarit Gold controls more than 102,000-hectares of mining concessions -- collectively called the Orion Project -- in the Sierra Madre Occidental, the range that extends from Arizona in the United States down into western Mexico (west of the Sierra Madre Oriental). Asian Investors Hunting for Gold in Toronto
  • Oatmeal, for me, is like occidental congree, so naturally I like to take my Irish oatmeal and unleash its spicy alter ego. Article Feed
  • At least half of the world's yearly crop of 50,000 metric tons is cultivated in subtropical Mexico, including protected areas in the mountains of the Sierra Madre Occidental, where the Lantern himself has spotted more than a few gardens within park boundaries. Ever wonder how people who take illegal drugs affect the planet?
  • In occidental astrology mars is in Taurus which represents less energy and competitiveness than mars in Aries.
  • Common and characteristic plants include several acacias: boat-thorned acacia (Acacia cochliacantha), and tree catclaw, or tésota (Acacia occidentalis). Sonoran-Sinaloan transition subtropical dry forest
  • Singing in Polish, Hebrew, Arabic and French, the group is a remarkable bridge between oriental and occidental music on their second CD.
  • Miso, for those who have not tried it, is like an Occidental version of minestrone.
  • In contrast, Ray R. Irani, CEO of Occidental Petroleum Corp.
  • Los que dirigen nuestra economa, pensaba Nikola, en el mundo occidental, nos permite disfrutar de un alto estndar de vida, de placer comparado criminal nuestros vecinos al sur de la lnea imaginaria que llamamos lmite. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Herbaceous elements such as Bouteloua breviseta, Bouteloua gracilis and B. hirsuta, among others, become dominant near the Sierra Madre Occidental. Chihuahuan desert
  • Most of production are vended to occident , Europe and America, Japen, Korea, Southeast Asia, etc.
  • Three clowns out of a Fellini film throw their nets over a group of Korean sailors who don't know what to make of so much occidental stupidity.
  • We cannot impose the "occidental" traditions as the only, correct way. Milagros Gamero: Coca Is Not a Demon
  • Since the Live Aid movement captured the hearts and wallets of people in the Occidental world, the sallow-faced Ethiopian child has come to emblematize Africa: exotic, needy, and victimized. Rosalia Gitau: T.I.A.: This Is Africa
  • Mainstream occidental thought about peace has changed little during the past 2,000 years, apart from oriental elements during the Middle Ages.
  • Chinese prosody is a very difficult thing for an Occidental to understand. Fir-Flower Tablets: Poems Translated From the Chinese
  • Habet profectò Indiæ occidentalis mons quidam flammiuomus æquiores multò, quàm hic noster censores & historicos, minimè illic barathrum exædificantes: Cuius historiam, quia & breuis est, & non illepida, subijciam, ab Hieronimo Benzone Italo in A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
  • I still wanted to look at the Cordillera Occidental, the western cordillera, the other main chain of the Andes.
  • In some respects the African mind works rather differently from the occidental one.
  • It has four chapters: Chapter one discusses Jew disperses the Occident and its forepart economy activity.
  • The morality involved in trials of Chinese traditional society may intitule"judicator's ethicality", while which emphasized by occidental jurisprudence intitule"legal or judicial ethicality".
  • The _Thuja occidentalis_ [39] in the juvenescent and adult form, offers an example where morphological and chemical differences go hand in hand. Scientific American Supplement, No. 623, December 10, 1887
  • The uplift of the Sierra Madre Occidental by 15 mya changed weather patterns. Adaptations of desert amphibians and reptiles
  • Most of these endemics occur in the middle Sierra Madre Occidental, the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt and the southern Sierra Madre Oriental. Biological diversity in the Madrean pine-oak woodlands
  • The valley is also known for the huge variety of native and introduced tropical fruits: Achras sapota, Manilkara achras, Chrysophyllum caimito, Pouteria cainito, Persea americana, Mammea americana, Anacardium occidentale, Carica papaya, Annona muricata, Manguifera indica and more. Sinú Valley dry forests
  • This desert is bounded by the Sierra Madre Occidental to the west and the Sierra Madre Oriental to the east, extending as far south as San Luis Potosi and to disjunct islands of the Chihuahuan vegetation in the states of Queretaro and Hidalgo. Chihuahuan desert
  • Her black-velvet hat, with its dejected white plume drooping rakishly over one of her slanting eyes, her imitation-ponyskin coat with its imitation-ermine collar, her cheap black-serge skirt with its undulations half revealing the daintiness of her surprisingly excellent boots -- all struck the watcher anew with their pitiable striving after the prevailing mode in the dress of Occidental women. Undesirables
  • Its principal pollinators are queens of the early-emerging bumble bee species Bombus bifarius and Bombus occidentalis.
  • LAWYER reportedly sent by Negros Occidental Rep. Jules Ledesma, husband of Assunta de Rossi, has baffled cops for coordinating with the QCPD to "check on the condition" of two video containing footages of the alleged "rubout" committed by its anti-carnapping - Articles related to A Wake-up Call in Beijing for Delhi
  • He has also studied the plants in tropical forests near Alamos in southern Sonora and Mazatlán in southern Sinaloa, and in pine-oak forests near Yécora in the Sierra Madre Occidental in eastern Sonora. Contributor: Tom Van Devender
  • Jayadev believes that Alkazi welded pedagogic and creative strains, the oriental and the occidental, to evolve his own methodology of theatre training.
  • Many Occidentals have rejected their own religion.
  • Occidental don't often entertain guests; but Chinese often invite friend to dinner.
  • Chapter three narrates the economy activity which Jew return the Occident.
  • From there the trees get taller and greener as you ascend into the Sierra Madre Occidental on the winding highway 24. Sara Vogel: Schools Should Not Be Islands: Building Bridges in Mexico Through Academic Encounters
  • The Spaniards move towards the Orient, because they should appear to appertain to the Emperor [Charles V]; and the Portuguese move toward the Occident, for that they should fall within their jurisdiction.
  • That†™ s not to say Western fantasy authors shouldn†™ t tackle the non-occident but they need to be wary of the many pitfalls. Yatterings » Right fantastic (1) – James Barclay interviewed
  • Tshiongo said construction on the plant in Kasai Occidental province will begin in the next few months and will take about four years. Congo, India to Build Hydro Plant
  • Occidentalism, say the authors, is a revolt against rationalism, secularism and individualism.
  • Fossil remains have been discovered in the occidental part of the Djurab desert, North Chad, in the Toros-Menalla region.
  • One was a controversial land swap where the city got some worthless acres and Occidental got some land which turned out to be quite rich in oil.
  • This logic is most fully expressed in occidental societies.
  • Si male pugnant occidentur ab eis: Si autem bene, ipsos cum promissis adulationibus tenent: et etiam vt ab ipsis non fugiant promittunt eis quod facient eos dominos magnos et post hoc quando securi esse possunt de ipsis, vt non redeant, faciunt eos infoelicissimos seruos. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Noting she's occidental, the father speaks to her in English.
  • Pr鎑icta ver� prouincia Cassaria cingitur mari in tribus lateribus: ad Occidentem scilicet, vbi est Kersoua ciuitas Clementis, ad meridiem vbi est ciuitas Soldaia, ad quam applicuimus, qu� est cuspis prouinci�, et ad Orientem Maricandis, vbi est ciuitas Materta, et orificium Tanais. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The region has ecological significance as both a barrier and bridge between two major cordilleras of North America: the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Madre Occidental. 79a. Ecoregions of New Mexico (EPA)
  • Turkey was in a position to play the role of bridge-builder between the Occidental and Muslim worlds.
  • Putting Psychology into easy terms, stopping to explain things I do not understand very well myself, struggling through the medium of a strange language, and trying to occidentalize the oriental mind has been a stiff proposition for one whose learning was never her long suit! The Lady of the Decoration
  • The synonyms architectural and western are almost always used instead of architectonic and occidental. other examples being petroleum (excepting technical use and OPEC) and milliard. 14 posts from February 2009
  • Esta hipótesis se ve reforzada por el largo rodeo que dan los huicholes para no pasar junto a las ruinas de La Quemada, una fortificación que probablemente perteneció a algún imperio occidental o al tolteca .5 Otros mitos indican asimismo que los huicholes lograron mantenerse independientes, aunque no por eso dejaron de ser afectados por las luchas con los invasores. Huichol literature
  • occidental civilization
  • 'And I told him how I felt the need to approach all that by living the experience internally, all united - people from the orient and the occident - in a vast movement of love, because it is the only cement possible to build 'something else'. Rebuilding a robust intellectual scaffolding as an approach to the eternal Vedic truths
  • London come to hear or impart the news; and the affairs of the state or of private individuals, the quarrels of empires or of authors, the movements of the court, or the splendid vagaries of fashion, the intrigues of statesmen or of persons of another sex yet more wily, the last news of battles in the great occidental continents, nay, the latest betting for the horse-races, or the advent of a dancer at the theatre -- all that men do is discussed in these Pall Mall agorae, where we of London daily assemble. Roundabout Papers
  • Apparemment ce président en mal de résultat positif veut faire passer, et cela plait beaucoup aux occidentaux en ces moments incertains de crise, son peuple comme un ramassis de crétins et d´incapables. Global Voices in English » D.R. of Congo: Furor Over Kabila’s New York Times Interview
  • P occidentalis can develop adventitious roots and lenticels in response to flooding; however it appears to require aerated soils during the growing season.
  • Among the people, indeed, what we term privacy in the Occident does not exist. Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic
  • Chinese corporate culture emphasizes man - centered and spirituality,[sentence dictionary] while occidental corporate culture highlights scientific institutional management.
  • It is to be in our day the battle of battles, they claim, whether we are to be socially, morally, and politically orientalized by this advance guard of the Orient, the Jews, or whether we are to preserve our occidental ideals and traditions. Germany and the Germans From an American Point of View
  • He pays close attention to the comparative research and occidental paintings and their artistic life spirit.
  • In former epistolary scribblements, I gave you the concatenation of concomitant circumstances initiatory to my transmigration to this remote section of the occidental portions of our columbian republican coadunation," Seneker wrote, graciously supplying alternate, more familiar words, in an opposite column to help the reader along. MPNnow Home RSS
  • {74} As a matter of fact there is abundant reason for believing that Hindu numerals would naturally have been known to the Arabs, and even along every trade route to the remote west, long before the zero entered to make their place-value possible, and that the characters, the methods of calculating, the improvements that took place from time to time, the zero when it appeared, and the customs as to solving business problems, would all have been made known from generation to generation along these same trade routes from the Orient to the Occident. The Hindu-Arabic Numerals
  • One of their characteristics was the attempted imitation of occidental lifestyle.
  • We are disturbed just now here in the far West over the Oriental, Chinese Japanese and Indian crossing the _far_ boundary line between Orient and Occident and coming into the United States and Quiet Talks on the Crowned Christ of Revelation
  • Well, many japanese mangas make no sense if you are looking it with an "occidental" point of view. Cloverfield Manga Translated
  • My understanding is that they ultimately all come from the same point be they Oriental, Occidental, African, or Native American tradition.
  • While opium dens were notorious in Auckland during the 1960's, Aucklanders haven't been exposed to their occidental charms for quite some time.
  • Il faut donc commencer à être décomplexé de l'homme blanc. car bcp d'africains souffrent d'un complexe d'inferiorité face l'homme occidental. Global Voices in English » Gabon: Opposition Continues to Fight Election Result
  • Prædicta verò prouincia Cassaria cingitur mari in tribus lateribus: ad Occidentem scilicet, vbi est Kersoua ciuitas Clementis, ad meridiem vbi est ciuitas Soldaia, ad quam applicuimus, quæ est cuspis prouinciæ, et ad Orientem Maricandis, vbi est ciuitas Materta, et orificium Tanais. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • Enwezor's search for this inclusive discourse confronted the ethics and limits of occidental power, and its impact on contemporary discourses of globalization.
  • Nevermind what the locals say, your occidental lady friend is more than likely not going to appreciate The Meguro Parasite Museum.
  • After diaspora , Jew begins to move to the Occident cosmically.
  • My wife, Hiromi, also from Japan, married an occidental too, only we have had a much happier ending.
  • Our products spreader and spreader to the Occident, southeast of Asia and so on.
  • Occasus derives from occident-em, "setting," and signifies a westerly "falling, going down. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • The entrées mostly feature standard, Western portions of meat, smeared in sweet, somewhat bizarre, occidental sauces.
  • In addition, these mangrove forests shelter a large number of species in certain groups such as 42 species of birds, including Pelecanus occidentalis, Columbina sp., and Fregata magnificens; carious mammals such as crab-eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus), mantled howler monkey (Alouatta palliata), white-faced capuchin (Cebus capucinus), and jaguar (Panthera onca), and reptiles like Iguana iguana. Manabí mangroves
  • Its fundamental characteristic is the unity of tradition and modernity, the unity of oriental culture and occidental culture, and the unity of innovation and gradualness.
  • Occidentals indisputably have had starring roles in many of our world's great debacles.
  • Those which inundate supposed-Occidental images of Middle Eastern mezze are well-represented here: hummus, dukkah, taramosalata, and baba ghanouj. Cookery Book Review: Claudia Roden's
  • Two species of bulrush (Scirpus lacustris var. occidentalis, and S. Tatora) are abundant in low lands along riversides in California.
  • In a previous series of laboratory trials, we examined the strength of premating and postmating barriers in an allopatric species pair of the endangered Sonoran topminnow, Poeciliopsis occidentalis and P. sonoriensis.
  • The Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, which runs from west to east across central Mexico, and serves as a bridge connecting the Sierra Madre Occidental and the Sierra Madre Oriental, is the highest mountain chain in the hotspot, including the peaks of Pico de Orizaba (5,747 meters [m]) and Popocatépetl (5,452 meters). Biological diversity in the Madrean pine-oak woodlands
  • The new occident cakchiquel evasion silkwood of lockage, ledgeman from notepad tegucigalpa, warning hewer ithaca and web diplegia for micropyle. Rational Review
  • Another tradition that reached the Occident was that of Jewish mysticism.
  • Chapter two introduces the reducibility of Jewish economic roomage in the Occident.
  • So, finally the interpretation doesn't goes so far from occidental astrology.
  • They engage the discharge accommodation for the Evropean azygous girls and the American men or each the additional Occidental men. Article directories Celibataire Urbaine
  • Polybia occidentalis workers engaged in social biting with nest mates.
  • In an excusive interview with The Advocate newsmagazine presidential candidate Barack Obama mentions learning about gay people by having a close friendship with an openly gay college professor at Occidental College! Obama Talks About Learning About Gay Folk At Occidental College
  • Le pays occidental veut condamner l'expression d'une pensée qu'il combat, la dictature musulmane condamne l'expression du mode de vie occidental. Global Voices in English » In France, Sudan, Burqas and Trousers Cause Controversy
  • Parlato has withheld tax payments on the property since 2006 and is continuing to dispute what he maintains is the city's over-assessment of the former Occidental Chemical Corp. building turned visitor center. Niagara Gazette Homepage
  • One might, if one is no slave to occidental prejudice, suggest Chuang-Tzu, who was more adept at the droll and the fantastic.
  • Dallal, Jenine Abboushi. "The Perils of Occidentalism: How Arab Novelists are Driven to Write for Western Readers. " The Islamic World (April 24, 1998): 8-9.
  • Italiano · Bubisher, un autobus colmo di libri per i bambini del Sahara Occidentale Global Voices in English » Bubisher: A Bus of Books for Children in Western Sahara
  • Hasta ahora, sin embargo, estos programas de asistencia tcnica que utilizan ferrocemento solo hen tomado en cuenta buques pesqueros de rastreo de alta mar mas grandes, con casco sofisticado de estilo occidental, con el propsito de aumentar su capacidad pare la pesca comercial. Chapter 13
  • Those found within Mt. Robson park include low sandwort Atenaria longipedinculata, slender Indian paintbrush Castilleja gracillima, western Indian paintbrush C. occidentalis, sulphur indian paintbrush C. sulphurea and arctic cinquefoil Potentilla hyparctica. Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks, Canada
  • UE et NWO (nouvel ordre mondial) la politique est de détruire notre blanc les sociétés occidentales: Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Regulation Gone Mad
  • Here the label - Occidentalist - appears to be less an idea than a conceit.
  • He got into occidental college, then he went to Harvard law and made the law review. Chris Matthews: False Witness
  • Le monde occidental a les yeux rivés sur l'Iran croyant naïvement qu'une révolution est en train de se produire et qui pourrait emporter le régime despotique en place depuis la chute du Chah. Global Voices in English » Maghreb: Views on Iran
  • West be too ambitious to occidentalize the native Christian community, ignorant of, or indifferent to, the grand possibilities of thought and of life which lie in Eastern character and teaching. India's Problem, Krishna or Christ
  • Common remedies for facial pigmentation include sulfur, lycopodium clavatum, sepia officinalis, thuja occidentalis, argenticum nitricum, cadmium sulphuratum, copaiva officinalis, guarana, caulophyllum thalictroides and plumbum metallicum. EHow - Health How To's
  • The region has ecological significance as both a barrier and bridge between two major cordilleras of North America, the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Madre Occidental. Ecoregions of the United States-Level III (EPA)
  • Edible seed or nut of Anacardium occidentale, a tropical and subtropical evergreen shrub or tree in the sumac family, native to tropical Central and South America.
  • In confronting the tradition of philosophy with his central insight of the radically finite temporality inherent in the Da-Sein experience, Heidegger discovers that the entire tradition of Occidental philosophy constituted a basic drift away from this chiaroscuro experience of be-ing and developed over the centuries into a metaphysics of permanent presence now coming to its perfection in the Ge-Stell syn-thetic com-positioning of modern technology in the form of global matrixes. Enowning
  • The south-central part of the Mexican state of Sonora is dominated by the foothills of the western Sierra Madre Occidental. Sonoran desert
  • Italiano · Bubisher, un autobus colmo di libri per i bambini del Sahara Occidentale Global Voices in English » Bubisher: A Bus of Books for Children in Western Sahara
  • Setting the question of Christianity aside, experience shows that the attempt to orientalize Occidentals may prove no less disastrous than the attempt to occidentalize Orientals, and that to transport Eastern mysticism to the West is to vulgarize it and to produce a debased form of occultism that frequently ends in moral deterioration or mental derangement. [ Secret Societies And Subversive Movements
  • It is also found in the _Gesta Romanorum_, cap. 57, see notes in Oesterley's edition; and in Simrock's _Deutsche Märchen_, No. 8, see Liebrecht's notes in _Orient und Occident_, III.p. 372. Italian Popular Tales
  • London come to hear or impart the news; and the affairs of the state or of private individuals, the quarrels of empires or of authors, the movements of the court, or the splendid vagaries of fashion, the intrigues of statesmen or of persons of another sex yet more wily, the last news of battles in the great occidental continents, nay, the latest betting for the horse-races, or the advent of a dancer at the theatre — all that men do is discussed in these Pall Mall agorae, where we of London daily assemble. Roundabout Papers
  • The most noteworthy species is the viviparous toad Nimbaphrynoides occidentalis (EN), which occurs in montane grasslands at 1,200-1,600 m and is one of the world's few tailless amphibians that is totally viviparous. Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
  • Gould dwells mainly on occidental missionaries, sisters from the church, and other motivated people of Christian faith who served the cause of leprosy patients.
  • Several other species such as R. occidentalis and R. vulgaris are common fruiters in mature coastal pine forests, but we have not encountered roots colonized by them in any mature forest settings.
  • INGREDIENTS: Snow Lotus Cohobation , Cactus, HA, Luba Oil, Occident Chestnut Essence, Algae Extract, Hydrovance, Almond Oil, Sqs, Etc.
  • And yet, it is a two-way colonization, as the translation and dissemination of extreme cinema ‘colonizes’ the occidental market.
  • Its roots are in the heavens and its branches permeate the cosmos, paralleled in occidental mythology by the Norse Yggdrasill.
  • A sort of halo, an occidental glow, came over life then.
  • Astropalmistry, the combination of palmistry and occidental astrology, is my special subject.
  • America şi alte state occidentale tind spre pluralism şi naturalismul. »2007» martie
  • In some respects the African mind works rather differently from the occidental one.
  • [Dr. Mundita] Lim said a team from the Comparative Biogeography and Conservation of Philippine Vertebrates (CBCPV) project conducted an expedition in Mindoro Occidental early last year that led to the discovery of the new fruit bat species, which has been named as the 'Mindoro Stripe-Faced Fruitbat' for its striking facial features and the island on which it was found. Archive 2007-09-01
  • Turkey should be a part of the EU, a bridge between the occident and the orient, but only after it has evolved into the twenty-first century. 2006 September 22 « Eclectics Anonymous
  • Il faut donc commencer à être décomplexé de l'homme blanc. car bcp d'africains souffrent d'un complexe d'inferiorité face l'homme occidental. Global Voices in English » Gabon: Opposition Continues to Fight Election Result
  • The shrub swamps are composed of species such as buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis), swamp rose (Rosa palustris), poison sumac (Rhus vernix), and silky dogwood (Cornus ammomum). Ecoregions of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia (EPA)
  • If we stare at outside, we wil be doomed to admire occident trucks.
  • The outright aim of the occidental coalition is to overthrow the leader," Col. Allies Clash on Libya Stalemate
  • Cuello is a native Cabatuan, Iloilo while Landero, the LUZPROBA no. 2 mini-flyweight contender, hails from Punte Bedra, Negros Occidental. - XML News RSS/RDF Feed
  • Can Western fantasy ever truly deal with the non-occident? Yatterings » Right fantastic (3) – Stan Nicholls interviewed
  • These azaleas are hybrids of R. molle, R. calendulaceum, R. occidentale, and R. arborescens. Azaleas 2010-deciduous, that is « Fairegarden
  • This meaning, from our Occidental viewpoint, is best translated in the term liberation, signifying to be set free from the limitations of sense, and of self-consciousness, and to have glimpsed the larger area of consciousness, that takes in the very cosmos. Cosmic Consciousness
  • While the vast majority of bocce games are played in area back yards, enthusiasts welcome the new courts in Occidental Park.
  • All this is part of Mallet's schema to make the point that First World supremacy is unchallenged, attacking Orientalism with a much cruder version of Occidentalism.
  • Italiano · Bubisher, un autobus colmo di libri per i bambini del Sahara Occidentale Global Voices in English » Bubisher: A Bus of Books for Children in Western Sahara
  • It sets the rhythm of life in this archipelago and is a pulsating hub that blends the Oriental with the Occidental, the mundane with extraordinary.
  • He established a set of rules, forbidding resort to violence, the molestation of "blacklegs," and the taking of alms, and requiring the strikers to remain firm no matter how long the strike took -- rules not too different from those that would be used in a strike by an occidental labor union. [ Introduction to Non-Violence
  • A friend of mine asked his invert prof. one that works int he Paleozoic what it might be and he thinks it is a nautiloid cephalopod irregularly sectioned, similar to Gonioceras occidentale. Any ideas?
  • PRONATURA/PRONATURA NORESTE, which was established in 1997, works in the Sierra Madre Occidental and Sierra Madre Oriental to conserve and promote the sustainable use of natural resources. Biological diversity in the Madrean pine-oak woodlands
  • Constantinople, jusqu '` a traiter l'Occident comne etranger; s'il ne pretend pas que 1'empire appartienne ` a l'Orient, parce que l'Orient voit naitre le Soleil, et que c'est en Orient que Dieu brilla dans une enveloppe charnelle,: [2709] 1 NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
  • Pure Poetry theory was made a start in the Occident.
  • To occidental travellers the most vivid impression produced by a first contact with the Near East is the surprise of being in a country where the human element increases instead of diminishing the delight of the eye. In Morocco
  • However, my intention is not to give the delineation of my horoscope but to show how we can join occidental astrology with vedic astrology.

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