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[ US /ˈɑbviˌeɪt/ ]
[ UK /ˈɒbvɪˌe‍ɪt/ ]
  1. do away with
  2. prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening
    Let's avoid a confrontation
    avert a strike
    head off a confrontation

How To Use obviate In A Sentence

  • They can be opened to guest users, which will obviate the need for logins and passwords.
  • Disaster was obviated by the opening of the reserve parachute.
  • He also expressed optimism that an acceptable constitutional arrangement could be agreed which would obviate the need for Quebec to seek independence.
  • Limiting exceptions to the rule to clear cases obviates the need for deliberation in every case.
  • Any law enforcement agent who conducted a wiretap or private search would thereby always be presumptively guilty of a crime, and would have to cross his fingers and take his chances that prosecutors or jurors would ignore or obviate the law in his particular case. The Five Techniques
  • Video teleconferencing obviates the need to collocate staffs and reduces ambiguity in commanders' intentions.
  • Our study obviates that criticism, because the antibodies we used are directed toward CXCL12 rather than to CXCR4-bearing NSCLC cells.
  • The lack of rainfall is obviated to a degree by a well-developed irrigation system based upon a series of distributaries running from the Lower Swat Canal.
  • To obviate the matter Lamarck conceived and proposed the dichotomic method for the easy determination of species. Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution His Life and Work
  • First, a well-functioning market economy does not obviate the need for democracy and civil and political rights.
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