How To Use obtund In A Sentence
- This was followed by a nonfluent aphasia about a month after the injury, and the patient became progressively more obtunded and comatose.
- Physical examination revealed a febrile, obtunded female, arousable to painful stimuli with no Babinski or Hoffmann signs.
- The next day the patient became more obtunded, and empirical antituberculosis therapy with adjuvant glucocorticoids was started.
- While the special senses are in partial action, the sense of pain is obtunded, and in many cases completely annulled, consciousness and general sensibility being preserved. Scientific American Supplement, No. 275, April 9, 1881
- She was found in an obtunded state in the bathtub by her husband who determined that she ingested up to 30 mg. of colchicine and about one-fifth of bourbon. Colchicine Poisoning
- At presentation, he was jaundiced and obtunded.
- Six hours after admission, he became abruptly hypotensive and 15 minutes later was obtunded.
- -. fortuUcaJucco, umuminfirmitatem roborant, corruptorum quoque humorum Ubem obtundunt. Pedanii Dioscoridis Anazarbei De medicinali materia libri sex
- Older classification systems relied on descriptive terms such as obtundation (diminished pain or touch sensations), stupor, semicoma, etc. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
- And it is a fact well ascertained, that of persons guilty of violating all the laws which bind men together and of trampling under foot all the ties of social order, by far the majority have, from long habits of drinking ardent spirits, completely obtunded the moral sensibility. Lectures on the Utility of Temperance Societies. Lecture I. On Intemperance as a National Evil. Lecture II. On Intemperance as a Source of Disease. Lecture III. On Temperance Societies