How To Use Obsidian In A Sentence
Glass in the form of a volcanic residue such as obsidian is found in nature.
The Plastics Revolution « Colleen Anderson
Trade was important and again focused on the ceremonial sites: obsidian, magnetite, serpentine, and mica were among the materials acquired through exchange.
Now all that surrounds us is a close crescent of dagger-edged, obsidian-black hills.
Esparza explained to us that the colors in obsidian come from traces of different minerals embedded in it.
Obsidian in Mexico: gift of the gods
Plastic Man met his death (seemingly) in the Obsidian Age, 3,000 years ago, andthis event traumatized the JLA.
Hero/Villain of the Week! « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
A glass tide tinkled on the hull of the receiver, its echoing obsidian.
An archeologist looks out over what was once Lake Magdalena from the top of former Itztlitlan Island, thought to have been the largest obsidian workshop in the world.
An archeologist looks out over what was once Lake Magdalena from the top of former Itztlitlan Island, thought to have been the largest obsidian workshop in the world. The 53-kilometer stretch of highway from Tala to San Marcos in the state of Jalisco boas
After rain, for example, it was relatively easy to find obsidian as the sand that covered it was washed away by the water.
The other half quaked, disturbed by the glowering lines of his face, the reproachful glare of his obsidian eyes.
Silent as stones like two black pillars carved from obsidian rock.
Various reflecting surfaces were used: polished metallic rocks such as obsidian, pyrite, and iron; rock crystal; and an alloy of rose copper and tin, plus an alchemical brew consisting of white arsenic, red tartar, and nitre.
It shone like a mirrored lakelet of jet; on each side of it arose what at first glance seemed towering bulwarks of the same ebon obsidian; at second, revealed themselves as structures hewn and set in place by men; polished faces pierced by dozens of high, narrow windows.
The Moon Pool
The crescent-shaped floor of the caldera teems with a network of smaller volcanic mouths, cones, domes, lava channels, dikes, lavas from light felsic flows to viscid red lavas and black obsidian blocks, ochre plains of sandy alluvial deposits and red and black volcanic ejecta, scoria, lapilli and pumice, from a long series of basaltic effusions.
Teide National Park, Spain
The Obsidian Wall is unclimbable at the moment as it is currently an 80 foot waterfall.
In this area of Jalisco, the typical country-workshop approach to shaping obsidian is dangerous.
In this area of Jalisco, the typical country-workshop approach to shaping obsidian is dangerous. Here, a piece of the black glass is being pushed into a table saw. © John Pint, 2009
The Firvulag warrior's limbs flew out in spasm and his obsidian sword arced away.
The Golden Torc
She had filled her pockets with specimens of obsidian, jaspers, and chalcedonies, of colors most beautiful, with a deep-dyed opaqueness, a shell-fracture, and a satiny polish like jade.
A Touch of Sun and Other Stories
It was laid out on a radial plan much like Paris or Washington, D.C. Luxury goods, such as jadeite pendants, eccentrically shaped obsidian objects, and exotic shells, confined to the ceremonial precincts of other sites, were found throughout the city.
A Mighty Maya Nation
The presence of basalt and obsidian is a sign of volcanic activity and the instability of the earth's crust in this area.
An obsidian biface, part of a bone needle, and other artifacts were found with the skeleton.
Buhl Woman
“A mixture of iron, steel, onyx, and obsidian, smelted together to become a magical tool.”
Arcana Magi Pure - c.4
But, believe me, in "contrariwise," he is flinty obsidian when it comes to his convictions.
The Dead Men's Song Being the Story of a Poem and a Reminiscent Sketch of its Author Young Ewing Allison
Opening it, he saw that nestled amongst the soft padding of the box was a sword three inches long carved out of obsidian.
I'm no expert, but it doesn't look like onyx - rather it has that lava glass look that I equate with obsidian.
The Maya used these pathways to transport precious goods - such as jade, obsidian, pyrite, and quetzal feathers - from highland to lowland city-states.
Various reflecting surfaces were used: polished metallic rocks such as obsidian, pyrite, and iron; rock crystal; and an alloy of rose copper and tin, plus an alchemical brew consisting of white arsenic, red tartar, and nitre.
Aunque no se han localizado ninguna fuente de estos materiales creemos por la presencia-ausencia de los distintos artefactos que los yacimientos de silex y basalto son locales mientras Ubicación de carrizal, Tres Zapotes y los Tuxtlas que la obsidiana está siendo importada de Puebla y el Pico de Orizaba (la montaña más alta de México).
Las cosas avanzan r��pidamente « Interactive Dig El Carrizal – Rescuing a Mesoamerican Site
Hard stones such as obsidian and rock crystal were added to the repertoire of the stone-vase maker.
In those days the economy was booming, for these people traded in salt from the flats of Sayula and, more importantly, they were situated right next to the third largest obsidian deposits in the world.
Guachimontones: unearthing a lost world near Teuchitlan, Jalisco
In the northern Wady el-Hárr, also, we picked up specimens of obsidian, oligistic iron, and admirably treated modern (?) slags showing copper and iron; evidently some Gypsy-like atelier must once have worked upon the Wady Yáhárr.
The Land of Midian
Although most obsidian is black, a variety of colors can be found in the vast deposits of Jalisco.
Although most obsidian is black, a variety of colors can be found in the vast deposits of Jalisco. © John Pint, 2009
The conchoidal fracture exhibited by chert and obsidian allows them to be shaped into sharp points and edges.
One corner of the obsidian has been cut and polished, and when held in the light it shimmers from indigo to violet.
The earliest mirrors were of obsidian, a black volcanic rock that could be carved and polished.
I confess that I, too, had very little interest in obsidian until the day I walked into Don Eleno's obsidian workshop in the sleepy village of Navajas, located 30 kilometers southwest of Guadalajara.
Obsidian in Mexico: gift of the gods
On the other hand, Obsidian is a perfect crystal for you if your personal self-esteem and confidence needs a boost.
The crescent-shaped floor of the caldera teems with a network of smaller volcanic mouths, cones, domes, lava channels, dikes, lavas from light felsic flows to viscid red lavas and black obsidian blocks, ochre plains of sandy alluvial deposits and red and black volcanic ejecta, scoria, lapilli and pumice, from a long series of basaltic effusions.
Teide National Park, Spain
It seemed to be made of Obsidian, and its glassy back surface shined like a shadowy mirror.
Yellow rose some called her milky coffee skin obsidian eyes she could sing, Lord and dance a slave, some said
Yellow rose « First 50 Words – Writing Prompts
In the northern Wady el-Hárr, also, we picked up specimens of obsidian, oligistic iron, and admirably treated modern (?) slags showing copper and iron; evidently some Gypsy-like atelier must once have worked upon the
The Land of Midian — Volume 1
A glassy stone beloved by ancient toolmakers, obsidian was found only in two prehistoric spots in Arizona prior to the 1980s.
Volcanoes form glassy rocks such as obsidian, and in recently formed volcanic rocks scientists have found tunnels that seem to have been created by hungry microbes.
Her correspondences include the planet Venus, the Strength tarot card, the symbols of a box or a basket, the gems obsidian, citrine, cat's eye and tiger's eye.
Obsidian looks like coal and while both are black, obsidian is shinier.
He gazed down at her, black lashes partially obscuring obsidian eyes, their expression inscrutable.
My Devilish Scotsman
Among the stones that I work with: Tigers Eye, labrodorite, opal, sodalite, obsidian.
The one, the only, Sabine Stonebender
Their ears were pointed, their beaks were hooked, and their obsidian eyes were large and flat, like pools, goggling at him in the rose twilight of full moons.
The Soul of Yeats « Unknowing
Pharaoh's features had been pre, image in every deta ty in this extraordinary work of art. served for all eterni ed in silent wonder into the obsidian and rock They star crystal eyes of Pharaoh, and Pharaoh gazed back at them sadly, almost accusingly it was a long time before either of them could summon the head thecourag6 and presumption to lift it away from did so, they found further of the mummy.
The Seventh Scroll
Numerous obsidian bifacially flaked blades and stemmed points were recovered along with a conch shell (lower left).
New Tomb at Teotihuacan
Yet it's hard to argue when one stands in its presence: The car's obsidian aluminum body Mr. Lauren changed the color from blue seems to leap over itself in a cavort of harmonies and symmetries, the fenders and arched roofline like black dolphins breeching and leaping.
A Man Driven to Distraction
Small discs of jade, obsidian or haematite were then cemented into the holes: the plant adhesive was so powerful that many burials found by archaeologists today still have the inlays firmly in place.
The Mayans Suffered for Their Beauty
Priced at Rs 4.34 million ex-showroom Delhi, the company will roll out a total of 192 E-Class cars coloured in carneol red, obsidian black, calcite white, tenorite grey, iridium silver and cubanite silver.
The fish, in turn, studied me with its round, obsidian eyes, which had a gold lining to their perimeter, like pyrite.
Fish Story
With barely a word of encour - agement from Walker or question of his own, he had Obsidian sad - dled and ready for flight.
Ilse Witch
Walls, ceilings, floors were clad in smooth obsidian and jet carved with runes, sacred hexes and texts.
Artifacts made in Jalisco have already turned up as far north as Arizona, where it has been proven that the Anasazi and Hohokam peoples used tools made from Jalisco obsidian.
Obsidian in Mexico: gift of the gods
Yet it's hard to argue when one stands in its presence: The car's obsidian aluminum body Mr. Lauren changed the color from blue seems to leap over itself in a cavort of harmonies and symmetries, the fenders and arched roofline like black dolphins breeching and leaping.
A Man Driven to Distraction
Her correspondences include the planet Venus, the Strength tarot card, the symbols of a box or a basket, the gems obsidian, citrine, cat's eye and tiger's eye.
A single obsidian artifact can not be expected to give a reliable date.
Here the detailing was fine and at the corners inlaid with an intarsia of different obsidians polished smooth.
Sepulchrals are sacred undead and wield magical obsidian glaives.
It was as black and polished as an obsidian mirror, though besmeared in many places with fingerprints.
A single obsidian artifact can not be expected to give a reliable date.
I've also got some log output: jim@obsidian: / var / log$ tail - f kern. log | grep - v ": link
The peoples of the Cyclades and Crete were seagoing folk, and their first trading voyages to the islands of the Aegean seem to have been for obsidian.
Lyra is wonderful as an independent prospector who learns from being burned; while intriguingly he does not regrets his actions but is burned more so as his obsidian and her amethyst is a fiery PSI heart and soul matching .
Obsidian Prey-Jayne Castle « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
Although most obsidian is black, a variety of colors can be found in the vast deposits of Jalisco, Mexico.
An unpolished chunk of rainbow obsidian from La Lobera, an isolated pueblito which has attracted the attention of obsidian buyers from as far away as China.Although most obsidian is black, a variety of colors can be found in the vast deposits of Jalisco,
In 1992, the height of the obsidian ‘rush’, seven companies were quarrying the stone in the area.
Walls, ceilings, floors were clad in smooth obsidian and jet carved with runes, sacred hexes and texts.
The reflections of their flames were the only thing that stirred within the depthless water, and they danced eerily on the still surface of the almost perfectly clear water that was tinted black due to the obsidian.
Hence olivine occurs in basalt, lava, obsidian, artificial scoriae in meteoric stones, in the syenite of Elfdale, and (as hyalosiderite) in the wacke of the Kaiserstuhl.
COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
The knife sported an obsidian blade mounted to a bone haft, the edge still viciously sharp even after years of storage.
In my view that ought to to count strongly in favor of blogs like Obsidian Wings which take considerable care to maintain a multipartisan community.
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volcanic rock includes the volcanic glass obsidian
Again the wavy lines, again the smoky mirror, again Rebecca stares into the polished obsidian, unseeing, uncomprehending.
They grew tall and anonymous, faceless obsidian columns studding the curved horizon.
I even thought, with many other geologists, that obsidian, so far from being vitrified lava, belonged to rocks that were not volcanic; and that the fire, forcing its way through the basalts, the green-stone rocks, the phonolites, and the porphyries with bases of pitchstone and obsidian, the lavas and pumice-stone were no other than these same rocks altered by the action of the volcanoes.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
Albion sometimes cursed the elfin blood that made him permanently obediant to the evil Obsidian.
Its feeble beam glanced off the obsidian waters beneath their feet and caught the glitter of slime, the flash of mismated eyes.
The Silicon Mage
 It has thin bubbles that break when you touch them, leaving ridges that cut like obsidian.
Kater’s Art » Blog Archive » Smiley Ball 3
Obsidian can also be employed as an elastic earthquake-resistant building material.
Intrusive igneous rocks such as diorite, gabbro and granite solidify below the Earth's surface while extrusive igneous rocks such as basalt, obsidian and pumice solidify on or above the surface.
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Ash from the process is captured in molten glass, producing an obsidian-like material that can be buried in landfills or used in construction materials.
The Winners, Category by Category
This is my partner Manuel," said Eleno over the din, taking us to a big man in bib overalls who was pushing a huge chunk of obsidian into a howling buzz saw — with his bare hands.
Obsidian in Mexico: gift of the gods
When the basis of the lavas of the Malpays changes from pitchstone to obsidian, its colour is paler, and is mixed with grey; in this case, the feldspar passes by imperceptible gradations from the common to the vitreous.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
In addition, obsidian is sacred to the Maoris.
Obsidian forms when lava cools quickly or is degassed in other ways.
Obsidian in Mexico: gift of the gods
His breastplate was inlaid with black obsidian, the preserved iron exquisitely forged.
My fabrick matchtid teh sodalite n teh snowflaky obsidian.
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His skin was so pale Sara fancied she could see through it, and his single normal eye had become stained as dark as the obsidian one which sat in his other eye socket.