How To Use Obsessive In A Sentence
You may go on strict diets and exercise obsessively.
PCOS DIET BOOK: How you can use the nutritional approach to deal with polycystic ovary syndrome
The actress is asking the court to protect her from an obsessive fan who is making her life a misery.
When production designer David Brisbin oversaw the “rebuild” of Charlie Swan’s house, he studied the original location obsessively and created exactly what he had seen — with one key addition.
TWILIGHT SAGA NEWS FOR NOVEMBER 9TH | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
Barbie, Toys “Я” Us machine guns—these are “charged objects,” contaminative; they represent the dog-eat-dog world, the obsessively competitive culture that synagogues and mosques and churches strive to keep out.
The Barbie Chronicles
Not in so many words, she viewed my new handset as just another exotic creation of a transnational technocracy using technology to get us to spend our obsessive consumerist, materialist dollars.

As for the remaining four songs, 'Wrapped Around Your Finger' and 'Tea In The Sahara' are doomy ciphers, the former possibly about marriage, the latter open to a handful of interpretations, none of them exactly upbeat, while 'Synchronicity I' is a trifle explaining the title concept and the monster hit 'Every Breath You Take', is ostensibly a trite love song with it's icy and obsessive core just barely concealed.
Are you obsessive-compulsive about storing DVDs and CDs?
All this aside, the boxes are quite obviously the work of obsessives, compiled for completists.
It says in the headline I'm a food obsessive.
Times, Sunday Times
The term ‘trainspotter’ needn't just be applied to drum 'n' bass obsessives or US sitcom completists.
An obsessive search for our inner selves, far from saving the world, could send us all mad.
It is a relief, he says, to confess to the private consultant that the refuge he once sought in art for his depression and regimented obsessive nature, he now finds in the bottle.
Our natural instinct is to analyze that as a homologous variation — Joplin must have got it from somewhere, perhaps the cavatina-cabaletta sequence of Italian opera, or perhaps Rossini overtures, or perhaps similarly obsessive passages in Chopin or Schumann.
Categorical denials
Maraniss's balanced biography is not a "pathography," obsessive about its subject's defects.
Rough Rider In Green Bay
Obsessively monitoring lines and wrinkles, swollen ankles and grey hairs, they are haunted by feelings of self-hatred and inadequacy.
Pickles is a grassroots "leafleteer" the type of a Local Government Pol and Political obsessive that are in fact the hallmark of the DimLebs.
Eric Pickles made a fool of himself on Question Time
Such a conflict can only intensify the obsessive way in which parents turn their parenting style into a cause.
Times, Sunday Times
The magazine's tony mix of intellect and bohemian chic was the perfect home for Gladwell's innate quirkiness. His obsessive theorizing was no longer weird.
All those so-called hipsters fervently awaiting Wes Anderson's follow-up to The Life Aquatic don't need to obsessively check IMDb; starting next week, they just have to turn on the TV.
Bottle Racket
You sense that, like any obsessive, he must be tricky to handle at times.
After an hour of obsessively checking my email, it sent me an address, phone number and more.
There's a lot of overlap with obsessive-compulsive disorder, what they call comorbidity -- depression, eating disorders, sometimes ADHD.
CNN Transcript Dec 18, 2009
By night, he toils on his self-indulgent solo art film, obsessively documenting the minutiae of his life while the bigger picture-the growing distance between him and his foxy French lady friend Marlene-eludes him.
Despite sometimes being quite sensible (as Mr. Kenney is trying to be on citizenship, refugees and immigration), it's members of the Frat Pack who are immediately off the mark with the kind of perfervid rhetoric that goes with the Conservative communications strategy: unrelenting partisanship and obsessive control of information.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
The steady increase in obesity has mirrored the neurotic and obsessive interest in food.
Times, Sunday Times
His once very masculine apartment with it's autographed sports and political memorabilia, perfectly categorized books and movie collections which were once kept in obsessively compulsive neat order, came to resemble a day care center.
Susanna Quinn: Eight Weeks With Dad
The student complained McCormick was falsely saying they were dating, that he was calling her obsessively and had punched a wall and said "I could have hurt you" after seeing her hug another guy, according to an e-mail Hansen sent administrators recapping the allegations.
WCAX - Local News
On his second day in office, President Obama repudiated George W. Bushs obsessive and destructive secrecy by ordering his government to obey the Freedom of Information Act. He said it should not withhold documents because they are embarrassing, or reveal failures and errors, or because of speculative or abstract fears.
OpEdNews - Quicklink: NYT OP ED: Did They Miss the Memo?
We could've seen why Sara is so stubborn, or gotten some further insight into Hitchens' obsessive nature.
Went down stairs for dinner around 9pm where we were waited upon by a Chateau waiter who was fully obsessive compulsive and actually came by to "straighten" my silver wear at one point and bullied us into all ordering the same beverage.
The Daily Truffle: Nicole Richie and LA's Young Hot Finest Pack the Penthouse, AKA Room 64
He stands out among the arriviste engineers who dominate the tech industry, combining aristocratic reserve with a merchant's frugality and the obsessive drive of an entrepreneur.
I love that obsessive quality.
Times, Sunday Times
The amusing thing here, of course, is that his character in the film is clearly an obsessive, neurotic control freak who also teaches his cat to use a flush toilet.
It turns out he has his obsessive fans too.
Times, Sunday Times
Overwhelming amounts of online medical information are leading researchers to coin a new psychological classification called "cyberchondria" that describes people who obsessively misdiagnose themselves using the Web.
I wonder what those passages can have been like; the residue is replete with an obsessive interest in excrement, disease, sexual mania, and insectlike reproduction, insofar as these apply to Muslims in general and to Muslim immigrants in Europe in particular.
Holy Writ
What holds most women back from the brink of full-on orthorexia is the fear of becoming obsessive and losing all their friends.
The obsessive, fetishistic, single account that pornography provides is what keeps sexuality within bounds.
Most people with OCD struggle to banish their unwanted, obsessive thoughts and to prevent themselves from engaging in compulsive behaviors.
After decades of Marxist-Leninist education, Hungarians of all classes are showing an obsessive interest in their aristocratic forebears.
A multi-faceted approach that works for people, with less of the obsessive-compulsive headlighting on money.
David McWilliams
He said that he was an 'obsessive barbecuer' — his most recent culinary triumph being a roast chicken.
Times, Sunday Times
She's cute, she's rude and she's a brainbox and a manic obsessive, that makes her an interesting and real babe.
An obsessive search for our inner selves, far from saving the world, could send us all mad.
He was obsessively secretive, and most of what we know about him is gossip or hearsay.
Times, Sunday Times
She is an art aficionado and a cake obsessive.
The Times Literary Supplement
The "No" campaign has been vigorous, comprising a motley crew of aging Marxists, anti-globalisation protesters, traditional Eurosceptics, and obsessive " sovereigntists ".
More specifically, problematic cognitions such as obsessive thoughts are seen as the by-products of emotional states.
Webster's defines fetish as ‘an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion… an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification.’
It is austerely modernist, making little concession to either plot or character, more like a fictive sculpture than a story, an obsessively repeated series of patterns.
He's a detail man, obsessively fastidious to the point that he still handles the steady-cam himself, to get those shots just right.
What will obsessive fans do for their heroes?
Times, Sunday Times
As Mattie Ross, the 14-year-old heroine, obsessively pursues her father's killer, she proves to be an almost unbelievably viable outdoorswoman, stoically fording a river on horseback, camping out nightly without complaint, bracing the elements, staring down death.
Avital Binshtock: An Environmentalist's Review of True Grit
That obsessive-compulsiveness obviously helped him to chess immortality.
Book World: A chess master who defeated himself
It is just as true that the endless portrayals of the life of Christ in medieval art, as well as acting as one of the main forms of religious instruction, betoken an obsessive desire to grasp the essence of the God-man.
Based on the French novella by Prosper Merimee and the popular opera by Georges Bizet, Carmen is the story of a fiery Spanish gypsy who spurns her obsessive soldier lover for a flashy bullfighter.
It's easy to dismiss Peake's visual output as indulgent gothic fantasy; and indeed his images set the tone for so many subsequent cliches of the genre: the emaciated pallor of his somnambulistic protagonists, the obsessive detailing and filigree patterning of his graphic mannerisms, the too easy reliance on grotesque distortions.
This week's new exhibitions
QUESTION: The Associated Press reports that in reaction to what they termed your stern rebuke of Jerry Thacker, a group called Human Rights Campaign said that while this was a positive development, the Bush administration's, quote, "Obsessive focus on abstinence as the solitary mechanism to prevent the transmission of HIV is not based on sound science.
CNN Transcript Jan 27, 2003
Depression, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder are the psychiatric diagnoses most commonly associated with patients who have neurotic excoriations.
In the end, the reversal of fantasy and reality propels the narrative mystery of Mulholland Drive, and sustains the central character's obsessive - but gratifying - worldview.
Smith circles his themes with the obsessive dolor of a man lamenting a lost opportunity, spawning gorgeous, tangential what-ifs and could've beens.
I always tried to strike a happy medium between having a home that looked like a bomb had hit it and becoming obsessively tidy.
The pair of stories on obsessive and thwarted travel were inherently undramatic and for that reason we wanted to put them on stage.
The obsessive desire to stop burning coal has overwhelmed common sense.
The Sun
They lived lives that were hard and obsessive, that pushed them towards their limits; they were as determined and driven as any competitors I had met.
Based on Irving Stone's popular book, Vincente Minnelli's beautiful, vibrant film tracks Van Gogh's tragic journey into obsessive madness with unusual perceptiveness and insight.
John Farr: Kirk Douglas Turns 95!
However, I am also critical of unbalanced, inflammatory and obsessive idealisation of Israel, of the kind that is rife in the polities of various Western countries including Australia and the United States.
Global Voices in English » Australians divided by Durban II boycott
The six o'clock TV news was burbung quietly in the background, the volume down since the latest Voss manhunt item ended, but the VCR still whirring, Parlabane now obsessively recording every broadcast on the matter.
Boiling a Frog
In temperament and style DeLillo is Apollonian, a secret sharer with his technocrats and obsessives, whereas Pynchon is chthonic, in touch with darker gods.
The conference facilitator nodded, but instead of thanking me he stated that I might be a tad orthorexic-which indicates an obsessive fixation on eating healthy food.
New York Press
Ghost World realistically portrays the often obsessive, compulsive and maladjusted postures of youth.
Paul's an independent filmmaker whose unbridled ambition is rivaled only by his equally unchecked obsessive nature.
In Arzner's subtly altered version, Rosalind Russell's obsessive Harriet is a chilling yet mesmerising figure, and in low-angle shots and mannish attire, looms as majestic and vengeful as a modern-day Medea.
M. Barthes admits, ‘I have an almost obsessive relation to writing instruments.’
The shapes, crisp outlines and clear, near-obsessive glyphs are quite exquisite.
When an obsessive toy collector named Al McWhiggin (owner of Al's Toy Barn) kidnaps Woody, and Woody learns that he's a highly valued collectable from a 1950s TV show called "Woody's Roundup," the stage is set for a daring rescue attempt by the gang from Andy's room.
Disney and Pixar's Full Animated Line-Up Through 2012! «
Obsessively neat people should not consider owning companion birds.
As a campaign donor I wouldn't want a single cent to be used towards reinforcing her perseverative, obsessive behavior.
Obama camp: Clinton not looking for a deal
The obsessive behavior may be channeled into positive activities in mentally healthy prisoners, but people with mental illness can become obsessed with negative actions, such as self-mutilation.
He wants to force audiences into having the same kind of autistically obsessive conversations about movie trivia that kept him alive when he was living in exile as a clerk in a video store.
If you can blog from there, you can blog from anywhere
Its central figure is a charismatic, obsessive megalomaniac bent on avenging himself on the civilized world.
She is an admitted obsessive, expecting an almost religious allegiance from her dancers.
Some still obsessively dial the mobile phones of their relatives.
Times, Sunday Times
All booksellers, I begin to think, are crazed obsessives.
The obsessive desire to stop burning coal has overwhelmed common sense.
The Sun
Among the claims were that Kiss My Face's "Obsessively Organic" cleansers contained olefin sulfonate, a petrochemical, and that Avalon "Organics" contain the petrochemical Amdiopropyl Betaine.
Save The Planet, Lose The Guilt
JG: What is driving us to obsessive extremes like ten hours in liposuction surgery?
Christianity Today
Obsessive audiophiles are a relic of the 70's, like AM receivers and quadraphonic sound.
Original Signal - Transmitting Gadgets
His obsessive past-time of penning cartoons eventually paid off in 1977, when his strip, Life In Hell, debuted.
Or it may provide a site that, with the impetus of competition and showmanship, encourages inutile and obsessive activity.
Still, I'm betting everyone who caught the first couple of episodes wants to know who offed Lilly Kane, and you can count me among the obsessives.
A natural psephologist, she memorises every constituency, candidate and outcome obsessively.
Times, Sunday Times
You mentioned earlier that all of your narrators are obsessives.
They are accused of being legalist, obsessive about detail, hypocritical and self-serving.
Throughout his manias, Berhman obsessively recorded everything he did and he relied on those notes to create this detailed memoir.
An obsessive search for our inner selves, far from saving the world, could send us all mad.
I've been able to obsessively check my email six times in a weekend.
His reputation has always been that of an obsessive, picking at detail in a way which could drive others frantic.
Tiny, rice-shaped orzo absorbs liquid and flavor much like rice, but it doesn't need to be stirred obsessively for a perfectly al dente, creamy result.
The scientists' obsessive activity has wiped the tape - or at least wiped away the thing last recorded onto it.
I'm a bit of an obsessive about it, as our plumbers well know.
Times, Sunday Times
The very fact that they had never endured a blitz or an invasion seemed to account for the obsessive fears of a nation always irrationally jumpy about its own security.
It says in the headline I'm a food obsessive.
Times, Sunday Times
As much of an obsessive fangirl as she can be, she's incredibly down to earth, calm in every situation and able to see hope in just about every cause.
Don't you think Adrian's a bit anally retentive? Look how obsessively orderly everything is in his garage.
An obsessive search for our inner selves, far from saving the world, could send us all mad.
The Party obsessively tracked public opinion.
They were raised by an obsessively house-proud mother and a violent drunkard of a father.
Theirs is a marriage of football convenience made by football obsessives.
Struggling with rage, repression, and obsessive desire, she gradually allows herself to have a sexual relationship with the one person she adores - her sister.
They dislike change and prefer routine, with some obsessive about their interests.
The Sun
He obsessively catalogs items pertaining to his family.
Then again I have an obsessive interest in political no-hopers.
Was it the obsessive pursuit of profits to pay fat dividends to shareholders?
Times, Sunday Times
The obsessive desire to stop burning coal has overwhelmed common sense.
The Sun
It turns out he has his obsessive fans too.
Times, Sunday Times
Anna, with her obsessive cleanliness, did not like the dog, which she described as a horrid and dirty creature.
The Pawprints of History
Of such things are legends made, amongst obsessive record geeks, at least.
Those of us who live in the provinces wonder at the obsessive efforts of some Tory politicians to ingratiate themselves with that lobby.
Controlled comparison of buspirone and clomipramine in obsessive-compulsive disorder.
The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
Of most interest to Drake obsessives is Tow the Line, a previously unheard song discovered lurking at the end of an old master tape.
You may go on strict diets and exercise obsessively.
PCOS DIET BOOK: How you can use the nutritional approach to deal with polycystic ovary syndrome
You may go on strict diets and exercise obsessively.
PCOS DIET BOOK: How you can use the nutritional approach to deal with polycystic ovary syndrome
Beneath the bubbling sixteenths an obsessive rhythm, a rat-a-tat on a repeated note with a semitone fillip on the end, adds to the feeling of desperation.
Phil was, at some times, much like an obsessive nanny, always fussing over the cleanliness of the house.
I am sure that if you signed up to a mailing list for any other non-political interest group you would soon find it dominated by the rantings of deranged nutters and/or other obsessives.
The shapes, crisp outlines and clear, near-obsessive glyphs are quite exquisite.
Scanning the brains of people who have been together for 20 years, the scientists found that about one in 10 couples still display elements of "limerence", the psychologists 'term for the obsessive behaviour of new lovers.
The Seventh Sense
His penchant for detail and symbolism are catnip to obsessive fans who read between every line, scrutinize every frame and pick apart the show's cryptic teasers.
Well, here's a scene of him looking obsessively at a random blonde woman.
She pierces through Loomis 'obsessive secrecy and illuminates his role in assuring the Allied victory.
Tuxedo Park by Jennet Conant: Book summary
Whether playing backgammon, football or the stock market, De Boer is an obsessive.
Misguided explorers, hopeless romantics, deluded legionaries, quacks, misfits, visionaries, obsessives, the deceivers and the deceived, they love all that emptiness.
Times, Sunday Times
I only wish I could be this encyclopedic — or is the word obsessive.
Ask Matt: Supernatural, USA vs. NBC, Lights Out, Nikita, Criminal Minds and More!
I always tried to strike a happy medium between having a home that looked like a bomb had hit it and becoming obsessively tidy.
The political rivalries of various kings and princes, as well as actual wars, the outbreaks of plagues, the incursions and invasions of the Muslims into European countries, along with a certain stagnation within European culture, such as an obsessive and sterile tendency toward speculation, and other, less important factors, heavily influenced Western learning and culture.
Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
He's obsessive-compulsive, a man who cannot live without moist towelettes at the ready because, after all, there are germs everywhere.
But even after the abuser is out of the picture, the fear, the mistrust, the obsessive search for what's true, and the need to control persist.
Will North - An interview with author
Rupert Everett is a brooding Higgins: he's too Heathcliffian to be entirely plausible as an obsessive noter of accents, but Shaw, who must have identified with the professor, might have liked that.
Spur of the Moment; Pygmalion; The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist; The Magical Menagerie
The firm's obsessive focus on secrecy helps keep any misdeeds under wraps, say the sources.
When he was twelve he became almost obsessively interested in clocks and watches.
Our natural instinct is to analyze that as a homologous variation — Joplin must have got it from somewhere, perhaps the cavatina-cabaletta sequence of Italian opera, or perhaps Rossini overtures, or perhaps similarly obsessive passages in Chopin or Schumann.
Categorical denials
Among the claims were that Kiss My Face's "Obsessively Organic" cleansers contained olefin sulfonate, a petrochemical, and that Avalon "Organics" contain the petrochemical Amdiopropyl Betaine.
Save The Planet, Lose The Guilt
Even among political obsessives, there is huge uncertainty about what the new Conservatives stand for.
He crosscuts their obsessive stories with hilarious footage from circuses and old sci-fi films.
Rachel's obsessive compulsions are the symptoms of a depressed woman struggling to gain some control over herself and her world.
‘Obsessive writer’ is a pleonasm if ever there was one.
I love that obsessive quality.
Times, Sunday Times
For the real obsessive, temperature and humidity controls are de rigueur, along with security systems that would shame a bank.
Times, Sunday Times
Throughout it all, he has followed his passion and painted obsessively in every conscious moment.
Their airs of passivity and wearied victimization are part of their obsessive rerunning of the past.
This is revenge theatre that is an exercise in self-referential, stage-centric, obsessive navel-gazing.
Times, Sunday Times
I'm a bit of an obsessive about it, as our plumbers well know.
Times, Sunday Times
At times it sounds like the ranting and raving of a somewhat unhinged mind, but then it takes a certain amount of guts to let people into your mind, into what seems to be a morass of obsessive paranoia.
Once this infinity attaches to even the most trivial or dissolute of ordinary passions it lends the full force and import of freedom to it, fueling an obsessive and insatiable fanaticism.
Charges would follow soon against Richard and Mayumi Heene, the self-styled amateur weather obsessives who seemingly hatched the plot in the hope of winning their own television series, he said.
She makes a fetish of organization - it's quite obsessive.
Joseph Schumpeter was an obsessive scholar who spent his spare moments riding thoroughbreds, collecting mistresses and, on the odd occasion, taking part in orgies.
That said, like all weirdo songwriters destined to evolve into cranky, bearded hermits, he has inspired his own legion of obsessive completists.
What will obsessive fans do for their heroes?
Times, Sunday Times
I am particularly concerned about the obsessive nature of this defendant, and whether he represents a danger to women in general.
Neurotics, hand-washers, and obsessive counters - lend me your wet wipes!
That obsessiveness is what is required in the modern, successful, consistently victorious athlete.
But he also concludes that Obama struggles with what he calls "obsessive bipartisan disorder": a deep-seated need to unify the people around him, which stems from his childhood marred by broken families, from men who were not fathers, and from his need to make sense of being biracial while being raised by white grandparents.
The Full Feed from
I was driven, obsessive (still am) and Don was imperious, incommunicative.
Jefferson is an obsessive voyeur, through a carefully concealed camera he watches the women at home, cooking, bathing, entertaining guests and making love.
Some addicts cave in to their most lustful and obsessive desires on a regular basis, while others remain impotent and untemptable no matter what is dangled in front of them.
It's not difficult to guess where this obsessive attention to detail has come from.
Times, Sunday Times
Why this obsessive attention to detail?
Times, Sunday Times
The fellow with the cell phone, ironically named Virgil, chats obsessively on it with a number of intimates, including his former girlfriend Alice.
Does it help to be a bit obsessive?
Times, Sunday Times
A friend of mine has a theory that everyone is either an anal, obsessive Bert or a laid-back Ernie.
I always tried to strike a happy medium between having a home that looked like a bomb had hit it and becoming obsessively tidy.
But anyone wanting to get a job as a graphic designer is probably claiming to be detail-oriented, aesthetically aware, obsessive about getting things perfect, and tuned to the arcana of graphic design.
Their self congratulatory engineering nerdy smarts is starting to takeover from their hard working, smart deal structuring obsessively perfect consumer products that are simple.
Archive 2005-07-01
DeNiro underacts brilliantly, creating a character whose obsessive concern for control and order is both his means to the top and his undoing.
The bleak but groundbreaking Irish playwright was obsessive about how his works should be presented.
An obsessive, odd person apparently self-destructed.
Obama sends condolences to Jackson's family, says Gibbs
Such a conflict can only intensify the obsessive way in which parents turn their parenting style into a cause.
Times, Sunday Times
The success of Black List, Section H encouraged Stuart to write a more experimental form of fiction, and to explore the obsessive, alogical nature of minds like his own.
Paddy-whack is a pathetic critter - a true example of obsessive-compulsive behavior.
Sound Politics: More on the bogus finding in the voter registration court case
I try to stay fit, but I'm not obsessive about it.
Whereas I'm obsessive about the things.
Times, Sunday Times
Some still obsessively dial the mobile phones of their relatives.
Times, Sunday Times
In human affairs we can classify many habits and obsessive compulsive behaviour or addictions as short circuits.
TUNNEL VISIONS: Journeys of an Underground Philosopher
The external environment and psychological environment will place on the role of the mental health, trauma can not heal in time the disease can make obsessive-compulsive disorder.
One of the drugs, clomipramine, commonly used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder in humans, was tested in mice for three weeks and caused a nearly 50 percent reduction of GFAP levels in the brain. - latest science and technology news stories
In the Talmud, and again in Maimonides, he would have seen an obsessive love of moral detail - a minute examination of human passion and action, combined with a suspicion of the schematic morality of abstract principle.
Children with Prader-Willi syndrome show extreme hyperphagia and obsessive-compulsive behavior.
As we tour the house, there is no sign of the obsessive perfectionist whose thunderous features can silence a gallery with a single stony glare.
earworm" - a song that eats its way into your brain and refuses to budge for minutes or hours or days - can be irritating, but it's never been the focus of much study until researchers at the University of Montreal decided to look at obsessive melodies. Top headlines
The mania type of love can be characterized as obsessive in that it is possessive and dependent.
By chance we recently discovered the work of a guy who is using his blogs for something utterly obsessive and brilliant.
Some may, indeed, be rascals when out on the town, but the extent of grooms' devotion to their horses often borders on the obsessive.
They dislike change and prefer routine, with some obsessive about their interests.
The Sun
She becomes obsessively concerned with what other people think of her.
Beyond Chaotic Eating
Ministry was his life in an obsessive way.
Christianity Today
He dreads the limelight, enjoys quiet one-to-ones with his players, and has won his remarkable reputation because of his superb organisation, obsessive attention to detail and the depth of affection he engenders with everyone he meets.
Since discovering the BBC some years ago, John has become an obsessive Anglophile.
John Rabon | Fandomania
He is collected and quiet; totally convincing as a tight-lipped obsessive, tormented by his own demons.