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How To Use Obsession In A Sentence

  • Hopefully, North Norfolk will soon shake off this surreal obsession with the Lib Dems and embrace their NE Cambs neighbour's decent Tory stance. Will Iain Dale have to repay the donations ?
  • His desire to realize Henry VIII's plan to subdue French influence in Scotland and achieve the union of the Crowns became an obsession.
  • They can sometimes recognize that their obsessions and compulsions are unrealistic.
  • He had never professed love, just a lustful possessive desire that fueled the cruelty in his obsession.
  • His obsession verges on monomania, and he becomes ‘bewitched to her memory’.
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  • And pachinko is a national obsession, the parlours offering gaudy arrays of noisy pinball machines where many Japanese contentedly gamble the hours away.
  • Overlinking is often due to writers who believe that the text is improved by any addition of links, and who seem to have a "regularization" obsession - that all words which are the same, should appear the same. Archive 2007-01-01
  • For the French, the sport borders on a national obsession, but enthusiasts in Stockport are hoping the sound of metal boules on gravel will become a traditional feature of the English summer.
  • Later, despite the efforts of her instructors at an Arica forty-day intensive, she developed an overnight obsession for Rolfing. TALES OF THE CITY
  • For many, the most traumatic and painful part of the disorder is the constant obsession with food and weight.
  • Finally, there is the obsession of mountain climbers to conquer Mt. Everest. The Summit of the Gods Book 1 » Manga Worth Reading
  • If obsession is about repetition and patterns of behaviour and often a means of gaining control in uncontrollable situations then the order that Jude aches to find in her life is being cleverly reflected visually in the unusual use and placing of words on the page. In Search of Adam
  • A Los Angeles artist who gave that city's art establishment a bursting sense of pride for having nurtured such an obstreperous talent, he earned his celebrity status in part by retaining the obsessions and wounds of a smart Catholic working-class kid from the suburbs of Detroit who had never entirely assimilated to his sun-splashed California home. How Will the Future Judge Him?
  • Chaotic himself, he had the obsessional nature which sees chaos in others ' mess but not his own. INSTANCES OF THE NUMBER 3
  • Freud's obsession with archaeology -- he liked to "fondle" antique objects while he ate -- has interested psychoanalysts more than archaeologists. Books: Seductions of the Soil
  • For those people with healthy self-images, the obsession with money and security will be less, for they have found life is full of wonders and have learned to enjoy themselves with gusto.
  • Futher reading (click here if you dare) uncovers other obsessions with coulomb forces in nuclear fusion and a notion that space-time curvature sets humans apart as a species. The Queen is my dealer
  • Assign your staff to build the sort of book on Russert's techniques, rhetorical gambits, and political obsessions that you'd want going into a debate with an opposing candidate.
  • Anyone one out there who thinks she is a maverick, who thinks she is an outsider to the corruptness of government, who thinks she would make a great president, either suffer from major stupidity, have a sexual obsession or just do not care about our country and only care about their party or movement winning at the expense of everyone else and at the expense of our country. Think Progress » Rep. Blackburn touts Social Security privatization.
  • The Indian's obsession for politics and politicians remains unmatched by people of any nationality.
  • Japan's obsession with energy efficiency started when the oil shocks of the 1970s ended two decades of double-digit growth.
  • The real nub of the show is Madonna and our obsession with fame and celebrity.
  • Food obsession falls under the form of self-sabotage I call compulsive self-sabotage, the hardest kind of self-destruction to shake. The Truth About Beauty
  • If all else fails, you may even want to arrange an intervention with people she trusts, like girlfriends who know about her obsession with weight.
  • The author labels Fleming's creation a "snob" for his obsession with top-of-the-market brands, "with the result that in the later books Bond has arguably developed from connoisseur to fusspot. The Work, Not the Author, Matters
  • He later identifies that pathological disposition as a form of obsessional neurosis tinged with narcissistic tendencies.
  • Her fear of flying is bordering on obsession.
  • His films generally concern the cruel power of obsessional love and the need for sensual pleasure.
  • Heinrich Himmler was the chief architect of that nightmare, He shared Hitler's obsession with an Aryan master race, Together they manufactured the genocide of the Final Solution.
  • Her commitment to a great cause degenerated from a crusade into an obsession.
  • Some obsessions appear to have larger pertinence to a person's sexual proclivities.
  • The dominant colonial obsession with race and racial distinctions of all kinds sometimes fed into the ideas of the dominated.
  • Mapping the psycho-geography of the Americas was undoubtedly one of the obsessions of 20th century art.
  • Once poker was a game played by chain-smoking, visor-wearing social oddities with rolls of cash and an obsession for cards which bordered on addiction.
  • Jeffrey is very likeable, very approachable, but there is also a bit of a dark edge to him, which was something he was able to layer very well into the character of Clay as he spirals down into his obsession to take revenge on Max. 34 High Resolution Photos from The Losers | /Film
  • Some, notably the antinomians, were theologically unorthodox; their obsession with personal “conversion” led them to question whether the “visible saints” governing the colony were truly saintly.
  • But as Imogen's obsession intensifies, it gets harder and harder not to grow tired of the way everyone caters to her with indulgent credulity.
  • In the corner someone had daubed red paint on the arms of a goth mannequin with leather wrist bands, a nod to the obsession with self-harm that features in many of the songs with which its teenage customers are familiar.
  • Russell Williams is now an admitted double murderer, rapist and sexual fetishist, but it's the scale of his obsession, the depth of his deviance and his utter relentlessness which is so terrifying. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Even his apparent obsession with my person might by some be considered not altogether reprehensible. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • Why not write a book in praise of the obsession, celebrating the neurosis at the heart of all literature?
  • A few weeks ago, in an effort to cut my 2.5-mile treadmill run to under 30 minutes, I popped in "Vision Quest," the 1985 film about a high-school wrestler who comes of age while pursuing a single-minded obsession to get on the mat with the state's chiseled-from-stone champion grappler. Don't You Forget About Them
  • Even with her vegetation obsession, she was unyielding and did not back down from ridicule or teasing.
  • Well, compulsive behaviour has been, for decades now, easier to treat psychologically than obsessions.
  • Welcome to the world of a national obsession and a place where people say 'orf' instead of 'off'. - Articles related to Too much chlorine in water? Here’s a DIY
  • As a consequence this response breaks with the traditional obsession of the mainstream of corporate law scholarship.
  • This is sweet vindication for Cisco researcher Patrick Peterson, whose antispam obsession we wrote about in September 2007. Blackberry Battles Back
  • In this age of dietary obsessions and national guilt about fat, the joy of eating and the quirks of the palate are seldom discussed, a dirty little epicurean secret.
  • No, the in-crowd is over its cactus obsession — it's all about succulents now. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fitness has become an obsession with him.
  • It screams of vanity, self-obsession and, quite frankly, weakness. The Sun
  • Much of the press's obsession has concerned the band's bratty street-gang comedy. Globe and Mail
  • In retrospect we can see Leśniewski's obsession with the fine detail of axiomatics and his rejection of semantics as conditioned by his own idiosyncratic development and the predominant research interests of the 1910s and 1920s. Stanisław Leśniewski
  • It's a hefty task, seeing as each of her children is manoeuvring their way through a litany of oddball obsessions and neuroses.
  • The obsession with svelte figures flies in the face of past beliefs that regarded those who were thin as being unhealthy and malnourished.
  • Would the present obsession with fractal geometry have come about anyway as part of the ever changing taste of architectural stylists, or is it an inevitable result of computer power?
  • In today's world, obsessions become possessions and passions become fashions.
  • But I can't help disliking our modern obsession with buying things.
  • In today's world, obsessions become possessions and passions become fashions.
  • And so much of the writing of the postconquest era — religious texts, relaciones, natural histories, as well as personal letters — reveals an obsession with illness. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • Obsession, Johnson implies, is a poor substitute for love, and scopophilia a thin alternative to sex.
  • The rest is superficial, a blight of the modern obsession with looks and image.
  • Hearing a slight noise to her left, she wheeled round again and stormed along the corridor, cursing Brunton's obsession with mazes.
  • Hunting and hawking were popular among the gentlemen of early Tudor England because they enjoyed it, but there was more to this interest than the obsession of the enthusiast.
  • Some have said that Malvolios treatment borders on cruel and I admit Brown is now so pathetic it is becoming hard to watch … then again Achilles whose sulking in his tent and obsession with his servant is played for laughs in Troilus and Cressida. Labour Play The Race Card Again
  • It revealed a disgusting and shocking obsession with sexual perversion involving young female children.
  • This engaging show is the record of an intensely creative obsession. Times, Sunday Times
  • An obsession with home ownership is one of the causes of the financial crisis, he says. Times, Sunday Times
  • If anything, it's closer to Andy Warhol's obsession with self-conscious celebrity, a world where apparently unqualified people could be turned into media icons.
  • I saw my obsession for what it was: a shaper, a limiter, an excuse. THE MANANA MAN
  • While the obsession with risk shows little sign of abating, there is a large and diverse audience for critical voices in discussions about this trend.
  • A number of these historians have remarked on the extent to which the very fluidity of the gentry's social composition promoted its obsession with form.
  • Pandering to the great British obsession with train sets, here you not only play stationmaster but engine driver, yardmaster and route builder.
  • I find the media'sgrowing obsession with smut and sensation deplorable.
  • Just hopped by to baking obsession and am totally in love with those wonderful cakkeys …. .the winnie de pooh is awesome …. am so in love …. Bites from other Blogs | Baking Bites
  • Stylistically there's the same obsession with mirrors, and the typical eye-candy imagery.
  • As the majority of my salary was swallowed up by my obsession, I ended up borrowing a lot of money to make ends meet.
  • Every teenage fantasy, frustration and obsession is here as the naive youngsters exchange their drab existences for an alcohol-induced escapism.
  • He highlights humans' obsession with the animal world and the way in which animals are viewed through more artificial means - zoos, museums, dioramas and old picture books.
  • However, this knowledge is not sufficient to enable them to stop the obsessions and compulsions.
  • Using a compass to create hundreds of circles in delicate works on paper, Hesse carried Minimalist repetition and seriality to the point of obsession.
  • But this is not a bitter diatribe about the male obsession with sex.
  • Nevertheless, obsession with the size of public sector borrowing requirements began at this time.
  • In the research block, portraits of senior members of the Saudi royal family hang on the walls: impassive, accipitrine faces staring down upon the French scientists recruited to save the bird that is a royal obsession.
  • What lies beneath the pomposity and self-obsession? The Times Literary Supplement
  • I think you're a little addled from the shed obsession. Bad Juju Among the Shed Heads
  • Attracted in turn to the youthful pulchritude of Laura and Claire, he describes his obsession for the latter as ‘pure desire in a void’, but it is a contrived passion that could be more aptly characterised as devoid of pure desire.
  • We all know about your obsession with expenses and particularly how to avoid them, you tight-ass.
  • An obsession with hair is a peculiar undercurrent throughout films of this genre.
  • He writes of ‘simulacrum’ as the ‘of something that is incommunicable in itself or unrepresentable: literally the phantasm in its obsessional constraint.’
  • While Harris Interactive refers to those who surf the web for medical or health-related information as "cyberchondriacs", this is not exactly correct as the portmanteau derives from hypochondriasis, which is a morbid obsession with imaginary physical ailments whereas the adults surveyed in the poll merely admitted to looking online for health information. Silicon Republic - News
  • They would have said that their obsession was with divine grace.
  • And why this unseemly obsession with the Reformatories, when the Reformatories were peripheral to this story?
  • What at first was no more than a dim anticipation of approaching catastrophes developed, after 1914, into an all-pervading obsession.
  • I think that's one of the reasons that the home run derby has become such a pathological obsession over the last couple of seasons.
  • Graffiti is something of a tiresome obsession with young Berliners.
  • Euripides's darkly psychological study of a woman's obsession with her murdered father and her quest for retribution presents its characters not as mythical heroes, but as flawed human beings.
  • Our concern over their obsession with being "perfect parents" is that they will overlook the critical importance of being a well-matched couple first and foremost. Reflections on Marriage and Divorce, American Style
  • Besorge, I do not "obsess", it is you that is obsession of dialectics, words,etc... Is Economics a Science?
  • In this way they give rise to the symptoms which we meet in hysteria and psychasthenia -- fears, phobias, obsessions, and tics, like stammering. Introduction to the Science of Sociology
  • He has written to the Berlin-based national association of advertising agencies telling them their obsession with Scottish meanness is damaging.
  • Fear, greed and sexual obsession tangle in a plot that has more twists than a curl of smoke traveling through a double helix.
  • Sidesplittingly silly, the film inventively skewers our obsession with the subject. The Sun
  • Hip-hop, trance music, disco, and house quickly became an obsession for her.
  • Don't let this interest of yours become an obsession.
  • Why his demential obsession for this guerrilla organization? Is The FARC A terrorist organisation ?
  • This interest in marine invertebrates was to be a life long obsession, climaxing in his massive four-volume contribution to the comparative anatomy and systematics of fossil and living Cirripedia or ‘barnacles’.
  • Gambling became an obsession , and he eventually lost everything.
  • The men in suites will look at Eragon's failure and proclaim that fantasy is dead, without ever once considering that maybe John Malkovich is a poor substitute for Ian McKellen and that cheaply CGI'd Dragons are no match for the decade plus of painstaking, loving, obsession that went into bringing Tolkien to the screen. Archive 2006-12-01
  • They tolerate my speeches, they tolerate my poems, my streaks, my rants, my shirts, colors, white teeth, my obsession to keep my teeth white, keep my breath fresh, to keep my muscles toned, my faded jeans and my pomaded hair.
  • That is why the word obsession is a convenient one in the analytical vocabulary. Neon Rain
  • ‘Picturesque associationism and the ‘esemplastic’ romantic imagination here replace the empirical obsession of eighteenth-century travel writing’.
  • I have an obsession with putting anything and everything on a piece of toasted bread and calling it crostini. this seems like the mexican version I have been making for years, but never until now knew was an actual dish! wonderful! Molletes with homemade bolillos | Homesick Texan
  • Their self-obsession is matched only by their cynical contempt and disregard for anyone who is not part of their world.
  • Think of the unforgettable verity of the perfectly phrased refrain, as in this perfect poem by Elizabeth Bishop, netted by that most obsessional and repetitive of forms, the villanelle.
  • Concentrating all our energies on one physical act, our obsession results in temporary immobilization.
  • In official quarters, there is also a refusal to admit that society's obsession with the safety, calorific content, amount or quality of the food that we eat is more unhealthy than any number of fad diets or burger bars.
  • Jelani Gardner is just the latest symptom of a national obsession that is running the college game straight into the ground.
  • She finds this supremely ironic and thinks that her obsession with language is probably a way to escape the fact that she herself is a tired cliché.
  • The author argued that ‘the obsession with virility, potence, bodybuilding and the sports that characterized turn-of-the-century America permeated saloons.’
  • What is this current television obsession with older men and nubile young women?
  • Like many of his generation, he was a product of Scotland's obsession with football.
  • When not out with Sanura, Kira spent most of her time in her room and whiled the time away by expressing her obsession through her art.
  • Her distraction turned to vacuity, her obsessions grew stronger by the day. SACRAMENT
  • This is yet another sign of the disconnect in priorities between the American public and centrist Beltway media figures, who, as John Harris and Jim VandeHei wrote the other day, have developed an unhealthy obsession with the deficit as the number one litmus test issue for serious politicans, as well as a tendency to fetishize bipartisan deficit commissions. Bipartisanship! Repubs, Dems, indys agree jobs far more important than deficit
  • Guy's obsession for Virginia seems inexplicably foolish when aimed at an actress with a face like a flounder and a talent to match.
  • The obsession with American voters was a pathetic act of collective media hubris and vain self-importance.
  • Desperate, he hired a stenographer and dictated a very self-reflexive story about a man whose dual obsessions - gambling and a woman named Polina - become tangled.
  • Billed as the story of the first genetically engineered animal, The Red Canary charts the obsession of Hans Duncker and his attempts in the 1930s to alter radically the genetic makeup of wild canaries to create a new species.
  • There is an obsession with details among all the best managers that is notably absent in McCarthy.
  • The literary essays chronicle a bibliomaniac's passion and obsession with naming and collecting.
  • In the constitutional debate, our obsession with the arithmetic of equalization and the vocabulary of "distinctness" has obscured the importance of this moral dimension, the dimension of justice. Making It in the New Economy
  • Though none of these experts agreed openly with Horkheimer's assertion that Monty's excessive masculinity indicated repressed homosexuality, their obsession with "virility" is very suggestive. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • These were the people who made the genre look bad, so the story went, the fans in the Spock ears, the ones who spoke Klingon, the costumed freaks whose obsession with some corporately-whored media franchise meant that every single newspaper article that touched on the field characterised it in images of self-fantasising losers. Archive 2009-03-01
  • To transform a scholarly consensus into something that appears the obsession of a disreputable fringe group requires more than accidental bias.
  • His obsession with orality is a good case in point.
  • During the 1990s, when health and nutrition became somewhat of a national obsession, many health-conscious individuals started seeking out organics.
  • As for the second, there are growing signs that the present approach, with its obsession with speed as the cause of road death and injury, is misplaced and excessive.
  • There's a growing cultural obsession with being blogged, digged, tweeted and liked. The Insidious Evils of 'Like' Culture
  • Such were Victor Frankenstein's perfectionist obsessions in relation to human anatomy, when he began his investigations into the nature of life.
  • But what is the real impact on the home front of our obsession with fashionable and vogue trends?
  • They begin to define themselves and their paganism in terms of their personal obsessions, losing sight of the larger picture.
  • The campaign strategy of the Tories, when not completely off the wall, shows a neurotic obsession with retaining the votes of a certain elderly constituency who would vote for anything with a blue rosette.
  • Sure he'd never get used to this obsession with tea at all hours, Flynn found himself in the cosiest little room ever. TICKLED PINK
  • Ballard's work is powered by a number of key obsessions and his voice quietly leads us through them in these notes, mesmeric, dream-like and yet powerfully clarifying.
  • Obsession and addiction are recurring motifs, along with violent sex and occasional acts of extreme cruelty.
  • I think the papers obsessions with the sex lives of our public figures is, quite frankly, boring.
  • So I can't be entirely down on therapy, but all this rampant self-obsession still alarms me.
  • The answers almost certainly can be found in our obsession with compliance and the uncontrolled whims of fund managers.
  • It's a hefty task, seeing as each of her children is manoeuvring their way through a litany of oddball obsessions and neuroses.
  • His parents' obsession with keeping up appearances haunted his childhood.
  • Is our current food obsession unhealthy, a sign of decadence even?
  • The film seems to go out of its way to say that obsession is just that - obsession.
  • But, most people with a pathological obsession with ‘race’ are not in asylums, so we must address them as a component of our everyday lives.
  • And with some early models now coming in at under a thousand smackers, our love might just turn into obsession.
  • It's honestly not love, it's obsession and for her to want to hurt my so-called ‘friend’ whilst she lets Simon wallow is just heartless, especially when she was complaining of being hurt when he did it!
  • Others have argued that an obsession with preserving the past leads to an inability to think in a broader economic context.
  • Just occasionally a show comes along that seems to capture the moment, its preoccupations and obsessions.
  • He'd also became fond of switching lights on and off to the point where it was almost an obsession.
  • To save a dying person is his life's work, his obsession.
  • Pandering to the great British obsession with train sets, here you not only play stationmaster but engine driver, yardmaster and route builder.
  • the obsessional character of his response
  • They quiz me about the hottest new diet snack food, offer to be my running buddy and reveal their food obsessions.
  • But Haig was also a progressive who shared the Edwardian obsession for efficiency.
  • His obsession with evangelical Christianity made him want to become a clergyman like his father, so he tried to enroll in a theology school.
  • Newcomers to paganism often feel free to indulge obsessions they've had to hide for years.
  • This woman turns out to be the only person who truly understands him and his work, and signals the beginning of a desperate, passionate obsession for both of them.
  • It was a mix between a doe-eyed pinup princess with platinum blond curls and a tattooed rockabilly girl who had a, shall we say, strange obsession with spiders. My Fair Wedding
  • This obsession with "localness" - and the Liberal Democrats are by no means the only party it afflicts - is one of the factors that is leaching all meaninful contact from British politics and thus disaffecting the voters. Archive 2008-06-01
  • Italy is represented by a display illustrating its "autoerotic" obsession with soccer. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • In most of these cases we speak of psychological obsessions or fixations.
  • She would try to forget her obsession with Christopher.
  • The same folks blubbering about the reigning obsession with thinness as an insult to fatness are making a disgusting mockery of starving people's plight.
  • The obsession of kite flying can also be seen in competitive kite challenges.
  • She would try to forget her obsession with Christopher.
  • This painting has become a veritable obsession and he has returned to it repeatedly over the past thirty years.
  • The result is an assembly of drawings, etchings and digital prints representing a 50-year long obsession.
  • The images all refer to the fetishistic obsession Western science has with classification based on visual evidence.
  • A glorious work of self-obsession by one of love's great losers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bicycles are noiseless, unless they are rusty old rattlers like my last one, or the owner has an obsession with the bell, which does cover a lot of the cyclists in this fair city.
  • He's always wanted to find his natural mother but recently it's become an obsession.
  • ‘Making a film in monochrome is one of my little obsessions,’ says Payne.
  • Don't let this interest of yours become an obsession.
  • Society's obsession with sex has bred a generation of unhappy children.
  • It is certainly possible to argue that neurotic symptoms, like phobias or obsessions, are strictly determined.
  • Thanks to a small obsession, I've discovered that the site has it's very own Googlewhack.
  • Ivan Brandon and Nic Klein's Viking is about men possessed with ruthless ambition who wield their obsessions like giant swords across the world around them. First-look review: Brandon and Klein’s Viking #1 | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Not to stop with a portable television, mini table fan, handgrips in steel chains, the rider shows his obsession for siren and mini cone speaker.
  • Ji said that the sudden crisis will aggravate people's mental problems if they are prone to depression, obsession and anxiety.
  • They target a variety of subjects, including formalism in art, our current obsession with terrorism, and American overabundance.
  • If you're able to think of architecture as frozen music then it's not hard to see how Mulholland's obsessions relate to each other.
  • What most people consider occasional thoughts or pursuits rivet the neural arousal system of the genius, the collector, and the artist, who vent their obsessions in compulsive activity. How We Become What We Are
  • Probably those who engage in such histrionics and captious sophistry, do so because of some driven obsession with the desire to be eternally ‘original’.
  • Doctors are finding that an obsession with healthy eating can actually lead to an eating disorder called orthorexia nervosa. News Channel 9: Local News
  • If we're going by just "overrated" not all the way to "terribly disappointing" I'd like to nominate Lolita, as, even though it's a calumniation of many Nabikov obsessions, it is certainly not his best. Overrated novels
  • It is also an extremely funny illustration of the national obsession with word-play, in-jokes and notably filthy double entendre.
  • As a filmmaker, Sean Penn is attracted to the hinterland, where obsessions feed off primitive fear.
  • But as we approach the 10th anniversary of 9/11, a treasure trove of documentaries, books representing both sensationalistic and investigative journalism, Hollywood action blockbusters, PBS and Christiane Amanpour specials later, there still seems to be a lack of clarity around and an obsession with the term "terrorism" -- and a certain kind of racially and religiously understood "terrorism. Maytha Alhassen: From 9/11 To 8/22: My Arab-American Muslim Father Was A Victim Of American Terrorism
  • Other than that, she insists, ‘I have no big worries or actressy obsessions.’
  • LING: He's going back, back to check on what he calls his obsession, the elephants of Chad's Zakouma National Park. CNN Transcript Apr 26, 2009

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