How To Use Obsessed In A Sentence
It was in her role as a career-obsessed TV weathergirl in Gus Van Sant's 1995 satire ‘To Die For’ that Kidman started to win audiences over.
Robert Dossie described three categories of watercolor painting — miniature, the most delicate; distemper, which is coarser, uses less expensive colors in a glue or casein binder, and is appropriate for canvas hangings, ceilings, and other interior decorative painting purposes; and fresco. reference As a technique practiced by the Romans, fresco painting was a subject of particularly interest in the antiquity-obsessed eighteenth-century.
The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
Most American designers are either obsessed with objective space or suffer from just trying to make things look cool - but here there is evidence of honesty, conceptualism and philosophy.
Like many young stars, he seems obsessed with people who dare to tell him he's anything but amazeballs and destined for legend-hood.
When you come to the world of weblogs for the first time you will probably find to your horror that they are written by foul-mouthed illiterates, self-obsessed juveniles (of all ages), assorted bigots and swivel-eyed fruitcakes.

Will the next millennium see man obsessed by athletic entertainment to the exclusion of other kinds of culture?
Whether or not you're a logomaniac (one obsessed with words), this esoteric collection of English words should prove entertaining; it even might make you cachinnate (laugh loudly) as you turn the pages.
While we know that obesity is also a national concern, it is frightening to acknowledge the degree to which girls and women are discontent with the body they have, want a body that is unattainably thin for 98 percent of natural body shapes, are angry at their body imperfections, and are obsessed with fixing their shape.
Beth Weinstock: Gloria Steinem Is Alive and Well, Reminding Us 'That Perfect Is Boring' and 'Beauty Is Irregular'
Despite revelations of wrongdoing in high places during recent years, Ireland remains a society obsessed with secrecy.
My wife has joined a choir and become obsessed with choral singing.
Times, Sunday Times
Mr. Jansch the name rhymes with blanch became obsessed with the guitar after a teacher in his elementary school in Edinburgh brought one in for a demonstration.
NYT > Home Page
Contemporary American adolescents have become much more work oriented generally then those of a generation or so ago, mostly because they have been exposed to the costly allurements of a consumption-obsessed America.
She was obsessed with getting her barrel back; it was, she felt, the key to financial success.
Ben recently denied all but the earrings to the New York Post, but if you were acting like a desperate, obsessed dumpee, wouldn't you?
Here, the character Ms. Kudrow plays is far from sympathetic—she's psychotherapist Fiona Wallice, a charlatan, and a remorseless, self-obsessed one, busy peddling what she's fond of describing as her new "treatment modality.
Therapy as Shock Treatment
In my analysis of this tripartite division I shall identify the rational soul with the ego, or self-obsessed reactive mind of Buddhism.
Yes, Read or Die the ova is a big one of mine, I always Identified with The Paper, becuase she is so obsessed with books and so am I.
A sum up of medical stuff, but Yuri, postcards and ANIME GIRLS!
Although only Rick has been intimate with her, both brothers are still obsessed with her a full decade later.
Stephen told the tale that he had been obsessed since the age of nine with finding two identical cornflakes.
I am obsessed with youth revolutions, and this film is of two of the three that we've had.
One is a young man obsessed with rap and hip-hop who looks after his sick mother at home.
Times, Sunday Times
They say the pharaoh Khufu who built the Great Pyramid was so obsessed by the construction of his own tomb, he had no money to build tombs for others in his family.
No other nation has ever been quite so obsessed by defining what it is, or troubled by the idea that reality might not measure up to the ideal.
I took snapshots of individual works and of details and became madly obsessed with the paintings.
And don't get obsessed with presenteeism because it may not relate to productivity.
Times, Sunday Times
‘What a very boring man, obsessed with the first world war,’ he says, all self-mockery, behind his cluttered desk in Private Eye's defiantly unmodernised Soho townhouse.
It's a must-see for anyone obsessed with molecular cuisine.
Waking Lives, Dream States
It never really came and it seemed as if both Jones and Wilkinson were obsessed with hoofing the ball down the middle of the park.
Eat healthfully without being all obsessed with, ‘What do I weigh?’
Here we have self-obsessed careerist Lindsey, falling in love with the irresistibly sweet school teacher Ben (Fallon).
Clearly, this is a city obsessed with its own multi-ethnic mosaic and the cosmopolitan credibility it signifies.
The auteur critic is obsessed with the wholeness of art and artist.
I see people in libraries and archives and Family History Centres, obsessed with finding traces of family in microform, in scraps of paper, officially, and sometimes arbitrarily, preserved for posterity.
They are obsessed with catching the attention of people to think about absurd claims.
Times, Sunday Times
I probably looked like a deranged traveler obsessed with authority figures.
Recording superstar Beyonce Knowles is building a bankable resume for herself as an actress with Sony Screen Gems 'Obsessed as the latest title burnishing her resume.
was absolutely obsessed with the girl
Maybe Bachelor jiltee Melissa Rycroft brought the ratings momentum with her, or maybe America is as obsessed with jailbird Lil 'Kim's ballroom dancing as I am.
Entertainment Weekly's Hollywood Insider
We are obsessed with shallow outer shells.
The Sun
Matilda of Canossa had obsessed Maureen for the better part of the last two years, possessing her first when Maureen read the autobiography of the controversial countess, and then as she wrote her latest book in honor of this remarkable woman.
The Poet Prince
While the academic community are obsessed with who finds who sexually attractive and why, the concept of not finding anybody attractive seems to have passed most scientists by.
She also says that any man who's obsessed with football is terrible in bed.
Victor's an everyday, common-or-garden macho hardman with two rather unusual quirks – he's obsessed with his job of enforcing the laws against DVD piracy, and he has an equally compulsive relationship with a certain probiotic milk drink.
This week's new comedy
I'm obsessed with who's not invited; for Princess Di's wedding she didn't invite Barbara Cartland, who she's related to," he went on, referring to the grand dame and writer of bodice-ripper novels.
A Royal Pronouncement
For those of you who have been living in a bathysphere beneath polar ice caps that are melting faster than a popsicle left out in the midday sun, LA is ground zero for the Cult of the Youth-Obsessed.
Bruce Kluger: From the Mouths of Babes
Jones became obsessed with regality, parading around Paris in dress uniform, taking audiences with Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, and courting French debutantes.
They are obsessed with catching the attention of people to think about absurd claims.
Times, Sunday Times
Just as much of today's horror fiction is vampire-driven, one major branch of modern fantasy -- in novels, "cosplay" (costume play), gaming and comics -- is obsessed with an alternate 19th century, one in which the inventions and mad scientists of Jules Verne, the tweedy science fiction of H.G. Wells and the gaslight romances of Arthur Conan Doyle have been mixed and remixed.
"The Strange Affair of Spring Heeled Jack," steampunk by Mark Hodder
Polls suggest that, in these increasingly health-obsessed and conformist times, public opinion might also now be amenable.
I can believe that there might be good effects were we to be less obsessed by qualifications.
Guy, right, is setting up his own whisky brand after becoming obsessed with finding the perfect tipple.
The Sun
Like anorexia, it often involves severe weight loss, but so-called orthorexics are obsessed with food quality, rather than quantity, and strive for personal purity in their eating habits rather than for a thin physique.
The fear of death obsessed him throughout his old life.
More often the delicate simplicity of a blue question mark posits the faceless face beautiful in enigma, the shadowy mysterious introvert edging to the boundary of a looks obsessed society.
Arabella is virtually obsessed with chronicling and analyzing the thoughts and actions of her maidservants.
The Observations by Jane Harris: Questions
It's a minute and a half -- a minute and a half of pure crazy -- a minute and a half of a self-obsessed, angry, narcissistic, celebutard ranting about a member of the Black Eyed Peas.
Perez Hilton's Sobbing Video Insanity Condensed To One Crazy Minute (NSFW)
Nixon, like Lyndon Johnson, was a man of remarkable talent who was obsessed with the liberal Eastern establishment.
His route curved away in a graceful sweep ahead of him. Three hours later he was obsessed with petrol.
Swift was as disgusted by the moral disease of human gluttony as he was by its lazy and revolting cures, so much so that he became obsessed with scatological matters and eventually went mad.
In a time obsessed with figures and analyses he slashes away upon the field like an old-fashioned swashbuckler tackling pirates in some seafaring epic.
From the album "Armchair Apocrypha" (2007) When I was just a little boy I threw away all of my action toys I became obsessed with operation, oh Hearts and minds and certain glands You got to learn to keep a steady hand And thus began my morbid fascination Tore all the spines out from all of these self-help books Made myself a gun that not only shoots but looks real Yeah it shoots through steel with rays of dark matter Rays of dark matter Just the thought of all this red and black Thought of tongues that tasted bad Fill you with the nausea-ausea-ausea-alation Do you wonder where the self resides Is it in the head or between your sides And who would be the one who will decide it's two locations The noose is loosed around our necks made of DNA And everyday it's growing tighter, no matter what you do or say But you can shoot right through with rays of dark matter Right before they kick out, they kick out the ladder Rays of dark matter When I was just a little boy I threw away all of my action toys I became obsessed with operation Hearts and minds and certain glands You got to learn to keep a steady hand And thus began my morbid fascination - Financial News
Unfortunately, he ends up more involved than the viewer, because the leading characters are self-obsessed, self-pitying and lacking in redemptive sympathy.
He does this out of solemn devotion to the truth, he says, and not because he has been crazily obsessed with her.
Basil is obsessed with the man whose full-length portrait he has almost completed.
Times, Sunday Times
Over a million men and women, from the hilariously vain to the eye-wateringly repugnant, have submitted themselves to this image-obsessed court of public opinion, where they can be casually rated, from 1-10, on their looks alone.
He is not as impressed with the equivalent acts operating today, and pillories the celebrity-obsessed nature of pop music.
Times, Sunday Times
Moskin is obsessed with the idea of cheese, admitting her fantasy macaroni is "nothing more than tender elbows of pasta suspended in pure molten cheddar, with a chewy, golden-brown crust of cheese on top.
How to cook perfect macaroni cheese
As a result the Eurovision Song Contest delays a hard core of trivia-obsessed nutcases for four hours each year.
Ever since he had signed the letter of intent, thoughts of the merger had obsessed him.
Obsessed with precautions, obedient to instinct, comrades described him as almost a wild animal.
We become obsessed with change and tend to overlook content.
But it's a wonderful place to visit and be in a place where they're not obsessed with being better than everyone else; they know the only people they have to impress is themselves, and they do a fine job of that.
August 2005
He has been obsessed with rebuilding the family fortune to what it once was, which he has done.
Will was obsessed with Emma but now he's loved-up with Honey and hasn't mentioned or seen Emma in weeks.
She was, for example, obsessed with death squads tailing her around New York, though for what purpose was never clear.
She wasn't in love with Steve, she was obsessed by him physically.
Many young people go through a Walden phase, believing that Thoreau and, in "Self-Reliance," Emerson saw through to the realities of life, past the "phoniness" that so obsessed Holden Caulfield.
Love Books? You’re In The Right Place.
† alex rodriguez was busy playing waterboy for madonna at her concert down in miami! defamer † oh gross! sienna miller and balthazar getty are rekindling their romance i'm not obsessed † annalynne mccord is looking to take after lindsay lohan by possibly dating a woman celebslam † spencer Friday November 28 2008 @ 8: 06AM
Tom, in his own mind, had done everything humanly possible to make himself happy, and therefore make me happy, and I was supposedly just too self-obsessed and negative to appreciate all that he had done for himself, and therefore me.
Roseanne Archy
He treats one of his grade-obsessed premedical students as a mere nuisance, and the consequence is that the young man jumps to his death from the roof of his dormitory building.
Guy is in the middle of setting up his own whisky brand after becoming obsessed with finding the perfect tipple too.
The Sun
potentiometer" or "gynecological," and at times I've been obsessed with trying to recall a word I knew existed but which I couldn't remember for some reason. Antenna
He was obsessed with exercising, and would often spontaneously do calisthenics whenever the four of them were hanging out.
My 3 year old is a little obsessed with the naughty vs nice list and her friends in daycare are now all putting each other on the naughty list for infractions both real and imagined.
Sometimes It Feels Like, Santa Is Watching Me | Her Bad Mother
United fans are more obsessed by us than we are about them.
Times, Sunday Times
You had big seasons in fat markets like Chicago, Los Angeles and Boston, and stirring improvement in self-obsessed New York.
The Casual NBA Fan Is Half Out the Door
“She surely deserves it all,” Graham murmured, although vaguely hurt in that the addle-pated, alphabet-obsessed, epicurean anarchist of an Irishman who gloried in being a loafer and a pensioner should even mildly be in love with the Little Lady.
January 5th, 2010 at 4: 47 pm rapier is obsessed with a single concept, and therefore just can’t help but view every other topic through that lens.
Matthew Yglesias » Regulating Leverage is More Important than Regulating Bubbles
He spent much of his youth studying anatomy and became obsessed with the frailties of the human body and the ill health he had to deal with.
The Sun
Alex is possibly the most annoying person in the world with his male model cleaning obsessed ways.
Becoming less self-obsessed, learning from failures and aping successful people's body language works as well in the boardroom as the singles bar.
The Secret Millionaire9pm, Channel 4Chris Brown is a gadget-obsessed, self-confessed geek who has made millions from his travel website, but lives an unostentatious, family-based lifestyle and wants to put his wealth to good use.
The weekend's TV highlights
I think I get my love of crafts from my mother, who at the moment is obsessed with turning offcuts from mohair rugs into luxurious winter wraps.
He is a household name, despite the abstruse nature of his work, because he worked extremely hard to market himself and was obsessed with his recognisability.
The obsessive behavior may be channeled into positive activities in mentally healthy prisoners, but people with mental illness can become obsessed with negative actions, such as self-mutilation.
Can it indeed be bogus and worthless poetry that has obsessed critical reviewers for nearly twenty years?
Surely this is the most self-obsessed anti-war protest ever.
It is mostly lost in a strange period of reading finickiness, back when I was obsessed with Dumas and wanted everyone to run around with swords and feathered hats.
Before bed mutterings
Almost every evening she dragged me to spiritualist meetings, obsessed with the desire to communicate with her son.
If we survived without getting the frottage obsessed parkie out of his garden, all the better.
The correspondents to whom his letters were addressed were not persons specially interested in religion or chemistry or the cabbala, and, of all men, Goethe was least likely to be obsessed by any set of ideas to the exclusion of all others.
The Youth of Goethe
The king loses his grip when he becomes obsessed - and this is a sight to behold - with a giant flea.
Times, Sunday Times
The sharp-tongued and nomenclature-obsessed Mr. O'Neill is well-known for coming up with the acronym BRICs, a grouping of fast-growing and large emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India and China.
It doesn't make it easier to cut down on my road rage incidents or keep from hurling sporks at self-obsessed co-workers.
In real life I tend to be a bit shy (tak kenal maka tak chinta la wei) and I can get a bit obsessed with what people think about me.
Natinski Diary Entry
She was obsessed with one food for about a month and a half and then she changed her mind.
But it's also a history play, and crams in all the issues of statecraft, politics, and morality that obsessed the Elizabethans.
Assayas seems obsessed by the workaday world of Hong Kong with its mass insouciance as a crossroads of international, interlingual and interracial commerce and industry, which leaves it little time to pause and notice a desperate European woman running for her life," writes
GreenCine Daily
But it was gripping and clever and fantastically erudite, and people became a little obsessed.
There are a lot of memorable minor characters as well - the model who the killer is obsessed with, the landlady's long lost love, the fortune-teller who the victim worked for, even the Iraqi refugee who emerges rather abruptly in the final pages.
Cambridge Lib Dems...
It was supported by property owners, and was in turn preoccupied, indeed almost obsessed, by the defence and enhancement of its own properties including tithes, parsonages, and pew rents.
This volume is less obsessed with his rather absurd infatuation with the diary's editor.
He was obsessed with the systematic classification of his specimens, and he could talk about beetle phenetics and phylogeny for hours.
We suspect a class-obsessed Labourite author, but in these days of political cross-dressing, nothing is assured.
You become obsessed by your past, trying to deal with feelings of guilt and forgiveness, and freedom and justice.
Times, Sunday Times
So obsessed that he concealed his decidedly uncool secret from all but one or two of his aspiringly cool fellow Beats.
Dean Sluyter: It's Official: Nobody's Cool. (Kerouac Posthumously Blows It)
Style 'I 'm obsessed with beautiful skin.
Times, Sunday Times
This week they were obsessed with a proposed constitution for the European Union and whether to have a referendum on it.
Your article, however, showed up the spin-obsessed leadership in all the big parties in heisting this fortune from tax payers and keeping it quiet for so long.
Lounging on the divan, his arms placed unguardedly before him, he had none of the tense, high-strung, honour-obsessed posture of his people.
The good doctor was breast-obsessed and assumed any red-blooded man was likewise.
Any Woman Can « Awful Library Books
He was unique among the cheesecake artists: relentlessly competent and unvaryingly obsessed.
Gorboduc was doing poor business at The Globe, and people were obsessed with cock-fighting and bear-baiting and didn't give a fig for the live theatre.
At mealtimes she has become obsessed with the noises he makes.
Times, Sunday Times
Is she suffering from orthorexia because she is obsessed with food and health?
Times, Sunday Times
The amount of self-obsessed whining I read almost made me feel sick.
A cigar chomping, poker obsessed chauvanist whom all his buddies assume is getting plenty of "poontang" wouldn't go near any hookers provided by his good buddy Wilkes, the defense contractor.
You didn't need to be a crossword-obsessed brainiac to get the joke.
Times, Sunday Times
It's not often in our youth-obsessed culture that a woman of a certain age wins a contest with the word "sexy" in it.
SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
He was not obsessed with corpulent women; he had simply never noticed that she was fat.
The king loses his grip when he becomes obsessed - and this is a sight to behold - with a giant flea.
Times, Sunday Times
They cite the demands, reproaches and scaremongering of an obsessed media.
One year on from the summer of sport, we're still totally obsessed with all things athletic.
The Sun
We may become so obsessed with our ability to anticipate future events that our anticipations may seem to be real to us.
With TV schedules chock-a-block full of irritating property makeover shows, you can't deny we're all obsessed with interiors.
Travel is a paradoxical business - supposedly outgoing, in fact self-obsessed.
The hairy hobbit has long been obsessed with sound.
Times, Sunday Times
Now I am obsessed with keeping both eyes on the speedo, driving everywhere in third gear.
16: 26 @FrankTieriJesus,youAmericansarejustobsessedwiththecerulean quantum tadger, aren't you?
Tweets I have known
The royal court was obsessed with following the French style in all matters of fashion, decor and food.
She's lippy and rude, and she's obsessed with breaking all my rules.
He is at odds with the grubbiness of what he does to the point of getting obsessed with the cleanness of his immediate surroundings: when his medication accidentally disappears down a drain, he cleans his apartment with a toothbrush.
For a man as obsessed with sales figures and chart position as Jackson is, the numbers must have been devastating.
View Answers cute too talkative suberic arrogant postmodern kinda subversive kinda hegemonic obsessed with Buffy supposed to be working aggravating in an argument kittens (1) or cheese (10)?
March 4th, 2003
He seems obsessed with the quick hit, his strategies geared more to press conferences than to long-term, practical solutions to the stuff he's pledged to protect us from.
At least TOWIE is mildly amusing although it must be said that on the whole the women are utterly vacuous and self-obsessed.
The Sun
some teenagers are obsessed with their body image
To all the obsessed foodies of the nation, fretting over the choice between Malpeque and bluepoint oysters for the stuffing, the Rev. Ed Miller of St. John's Episcopal Church in McLean, Va., has a word of advice, and it comes from Matthew 6: 31-33: "Therefore do not worry, saying 'what shall we eat?' or 'what shall we drink?' ... but seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
Rites Of Comfort
I haven't had it for months, and you seem obsessed with my cosmetic enhancement.
Times, Sunday Times
I think God smiles on you because you're no longer so self-obsessed.
Was this the MSM, craven as ever, slavishly following the lead of the artistocracy - those who decide which frauds and daubs, which slabs of self-obsessed upper-middle-class logorrhea - constitute Art and Literature?
Tony Hendra: George Carlin: The Last Words You Can't Say on Television
If there was anything one person should know about Carrie it was that she was obsessed with fashion and beauty.
Such positive feedback was not forthcoming from the model for Duke, the self-obsessed, utterly unscrupulous epitome of evil who has sent a chill down readers 'spines for all these years.
Garry Trudeau: 'Doonesbury quickly became a cause of trouble'
She says: 'I am obsessed with the way it smells.
The Sun
They become obsessed with trying to equip their vehicles with gadgets to deal with every possible contingency.
Yet governments of any hue seem obsessed with supporting house prices.
Times, Sunday Times
Far too often biographers are obsessed with sex, courtly intrigue, or military manoeuvres.
The father of two recalled last year: 'My grandfather was completely obsessed by finding the right formula.
The Sun
The author of the book seems to be obsessed with sexual perversity and death.
You could imagine getting a bit obsessed with it yourself.
Times, Sunday Times
By then obsessed with "The Bell Jar, " I chose a passage that I thought showed off the protagonist's growing depression as well as Sylvia Plath's sly humor.
While attempting to break the Nazi codes, his character becomes obsessed with finding the woman he loves.
What is it about baking that has got the whole nation obsessed?
The Sun
If the Western imperial church hadn't burned heretics and crusaded against Christians who objected to the Crusades, we'd have a lot more who aren't obsessed with the crucifixion.
Rita Nakashima Brock, Ph. D.: The Ideological Roots Of Christian Terrorism
At 14 he appeared in Joe Dante's Explorers, a tale about an alien-obsessed kid in which he co-starred with River Phoenix.
Love You would expect her to be a rather dour woman, obsessed with death.
The Sun
The clients are obsessed with themselves, but also intrigued by the reticent Mira and her war-torn country.
Now he's sober, well-behaved and, like most recovering alcoholics, will be obsessed with his own preservation and well-being.
Everyone was obsessed with blow-dries, pedicures and looking perfect.
The Sun
After India I was wearing turbans, after Egypt I was in countless caftans and now that I have just arrived back from Dubai, I am obsessed with the kandura, the traditional white robe worn by men in the Middle East.
Cator Sparks: Attention Men of the Western World: Calm Down and Embrace the Kandura!
Extreme sports has become shorthand for "cool" to middle-aged filmmakers obsessed with wealth.
If you become too obsessed with something you lose sight of things and it leads to your own undoing.
The Sun
His father's ‘prime horror’ was of prigs, and yet James does seem here to be awfully priggish, a fussy and self-obsessed old man.
While I'm obsessed with the purple color, Scar Jo blew it when picking a print and design that makes her decolletage look downright droopy.
Lunch Room Chatter: Oscar-feasting edition
The jury foreman said: 'We think she was obsessed with the dead man.
The Sun
This is the kind of manufactured issue that our politics has become obsessed with and, once again, distracts us from what should be my job when I'm commander-in-chief, which is going to be figuring out how we get our troops out of Iraq and how we actually make our economy better for the American people. Top Stories
Now they want to belittle and divide us by unmeaningful and trivial talks of pillars and temple, some seem even Obsessed by it.
Back By Popular Demand: John Kerry!
She said he seems obsessed by the idea of being the oldest man in the house.
On the Edge: A History of Poor Black Children and Their American Dreams
Being the self-obsessed egomaniacs that we are we couldn't help asking a few questions about ourselves.
Previously she had come across as a driven, almost obsessed athlete, ever pushed by her father to strive for perfection.
Cycling is a sport obsessed with numbers and as the countdown to next year's Commonwealth Games gathers momentum, such figures come into sharper focus.
None the less, I do not feel any of the expected ‘closure,’ and in fact I'm becoming increasingly depressed and am obsessed with nameless fears.
And the same image-conscious celebrities who helped promote the label could begin to shun it, prompting the style-obsessed masses to do so too.
Dior to fire John Galliano over anti-Semitic remarks
This quixotic politician became obsessed with the plight of Afghanistan, the Afghan people, and with taking the fight to the Soviets directly.
Considered by most to be depraved and immoral, you are obsessed with sex.
he was maniacally obsessed with jealousy
My mom has this guy who she's like obsessed with to mondo degrees, who's just not right for her.
Instead of protecting his son, he is obsessed with wiping out the man who murdered his wife, despite John Rooney's sagacious observation that Mike is nothing more than a murderer himself.
I'M absolutely obsessed with my bicycle.
The Sun
These poems and a few others tend to be prosaic, obsessed with private matters in banal terms.
So Buffy after season 4 let the relationships among the core four die off or be miswritten because the writers were obsessed with the pairings.
September 21st, 2006
Similarly, the characters in Henry James's fiction, which most readers find quite convincing even when the fictions themselves are judged to be somewhat short on dramatic action, share the obsessed and ratiocinative qualties of James's style.
Style in Fiction
So chemistry divided and sub-divided down to atoms; then, in the essential insecurity of all quasi-constructions, it built up a system, which, to anyone so obsessed by his own hypnoses that he is exempt to the chemist's hypnoses, is perceptibly enough an intellectual anæmia built upon infinitesimal debilities.
The Book of the Damned
It avoids any kind of social comment or satirical swipe at a society obsessed by winners and dismissive of losers.
Times, Sunday Times
So: overexcited, overemotional luvvies droning on about whatever boring bandwagon they're obsessed with?
Times, Sunday Times
Under Stephen Anthony Head, the buoyantly self-obsessed and sex-obsessed boss—a delectably offensive character—work days are filled with raunchy fun, undergraduate sex prattle, and small humiliations.
Bunnies and Lovelorn Males
The neat trick is to connect the uneasy church-and-state issues that dog Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson (who all play themselves in archival footage, thank you) all the way back to the arrival of the first religion-obsessed New World settlers.
PBS's calm and evenhanded 'God in America'
The catalyst required was the elixir of life, tincture, or philosophers' stone, the preparation of which long obsessed men of all ranks, despite its futility.
They are obsessed with catching the attention of people to think about absurd claims.
Times, Sunday Times
So I guess we're obsessed with the exotic otherness of the genre right now.