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How To Use Obsess In A Sentence

  • Hopefully, North Norfolk will soon shake off this surreal obsession with the Lib Dems and embrace their NE Cambs neighbour's decent Tory stance. Will Iain Dale have to repay the donations ?
  • Coined by Colorado physician Dr. Steven Bratman, the term orthorexia applies to people who obsess over eating healthy food. Lead Stories from AOL
  • You may go on strict diets and exercise obsessively. PCOS DIET BOOK: How you can use the nutritional approach to deal with polycystic ovary syndrome
  • The actress is asking the court to protect her from an obsessive fan who is making her life a misery.
  • It was in her role as a career-obsessed TV weathergirl in Gus Van Sant's 1995 satire ‘To Die For’ that Kidman started to win audiences over.
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  • Robert Dossie described three categories of watercolor painting — miniature, the most delicate; distemper, which is coarser, uses less expensive colors in a glue or casein binder, and is appropriate for canvas hangings, ceilings, and other interior decorative painting purposes; and fresco. reference As a technique practiced by the Romans, fresco painting was a subject of particularly interest in the antiquity-obsessed eighteenth-century. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • His desire to realize Henry VIII's plan to subdue French influence in Scotland and achieve the union of the Crowns became an obsession.
  • They can sometimes recognize that their obsessions and compulsions are unrealistic.
  • Sure, Loughner babbled about favorite right-wing pet causes and hallucinated that his "enemies" were Democrats, but if his enemies hadn't been Democrats, they would have been other kids at school, or mean bosses at work, or the IRS or any of the other targets that crazy people tend to obsess about. Henry Blodget: Are Wackos With Guns Just a Fact Of Life in America?
  • When production designer David Brisbin oversaw the “rebuild” of Charlie Swan’s house, he studied the original location obsessively and created exactly what he had seen — with one key addition. TWILIGHT SAGA NEWS FOR NOVEMBER 9TH | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
  • He had never professed love, just a lustful possessive desire that fueled the cruelty in his obsession.
  • Barbie, Toys “Я” Us machine guns—these are “charged objects,” contaminative; they represent the dog-eat-dog world, the obsessively competitive culture that synagogues and mosques and churches strive to keep out. The Barbie Chronicles
  • Not in so many words, she viewed my new handset as just another exotic creation of a transnational technocracy using technology to get us to spend our obsessive consumerist, materialist dollars.
  • His obsession verges on monomania, and he becomes ‘bewitched to her memory’.
  • We're both ardent American fans of yours who enjoy obsessing over minute and insignificant details.
  • And pachinko is a national obsession, the parlours offering gaudy arrays of noisy pinball machines where many Japanese contentedly gamble the hours away.
  • Most American designers are either obsessed with objective space or suffer from just trying to make things look cool - but here there is evidence of honesty, conceptualism and philosophy.
  • As for the remaining four songs, 'Wrapped Around Your Finger' and 'Tea In The Sahara' are doomy ciphers, the former possibly about marriage, the latter open to a handful of interpretations, none of them exactly upbeat, while 'Synchronicity I' is a trifle explaining the title concept and the monster hit 'Every Breath You Take', is ostensibly a trite love song with it's icy and obsessive core just barely concealed. Synchronicity
  • Like many young stars, he seems obsessed with people who dare to tell him he's anything but amazeballs and destined for legend-hood.
  • When you come to the world of weblogs for the first time you will probably find to your horror that they are written by foul-mouthed illiterates, self-obsessed juveniles (of all ages), assorted bigots and swivel-eyed fruitcakes.
  • Are you obsessive-compulsive about storing DVDs and CDs?
  • All this aside, the boxes are quite obviously the work of obsessives, compiled for completists.
  • It says in the headline I'm a food obsessive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Will the next millennium see man obsessed by athletic entertainment to the exclusion of other kinds of culture?
  • The term ‘trainspotter’ needn't just be applied to drum 'n' bass obsessives or US sitcom completists.
  • Whether or not you're a logomaniac (one obsessed with words), this esoteric collection of English words should prove entertaining; it even might make you cachinnate (laugh loudly) as you turn the pages.
  • While we know that obesity is also a national concern, it is frightening to acknowledge the degree to which girls and women are discontent with the body they have, want a body that is unattainably thin for 98 percent of natural body shapes, are angry at their body imperfections, and are obsessed with fixing their shape. Beth Weinstock: Gloria Steinem Is Alive and Well, Reminding Us 'That Perfect Is Boring' and 'Beauty Is Irregular'
  • Overlinking is often due to writers who believe that the text is improved by any addition of links, and who seem to have a "regularization" obsession - that all words which are the same, should appear the same. Archive 2007-01-01
  • For the French, the sport borders on a national obsession, but enthusiasts in Stockport are hoping the sound of metal boules on gravel will become a traditional feature of the English summer.
  • An obsessive search for our inner selves, far from saving the world, could send us all mad.
  • It is a relief, he says, to confess to the private consultant that the refuge he once sought in art for his depression and regimented obsessive nature, he now finds in the bottle.
  • Our natural instinct is to analyze that as a homologous variation — Joplin must have got it from somewhere, perhaps the cavatina-cabaletta sequence of Italian opera, or perhaps Rossini overtures, or perhaps similarly obsessive passages in Chopin or Schumann. Categorical denials
  • Maraniss's balanced biography is not a "pathography," obsessive about its subject's defects. Rough Rider In Green Bay
  • Obsessively monitoring lines and wrinkles, swollen ankles and grey hairs, they are haunted by feelings of self-hatred and inadequacy.
  • Despite revelations of wrongdoing in high places during recent years, Ireland remains a society obsessed with secrecy.
  • Pickles is a grassroots "leafleteer" the type of a Local Government Pol and Political obsessive that are in fact the hallmark of the DimLebs. Eric Pickles made a fool of himself on Question Time
  • Such a conflict can only intensify the obsessive way in which parents turn their parenting style into a cause. Times, Sunday Times
  • Later, despite the efforts of her instructors at an Arica forty-day intensive, she developed an overnight obsession for Rolfing. TALES OF THE CITY
  • My wife has joined a choir and become obsessed with choral singing. Times, Sunday Times
  • For many, the most traumatic and painful part of the disorder is the constant obsession with food and weight.
  • Mr. Jansch the name rhymes with blanch became obsessed with the guitar after a teacher in his elementary school in Edinburgh brought one in for a demonstration. NYT > Home Page
  • Finally, there is the obsession of mountain climbers to conquer Mt. Everest. The Summit of the Gods Book 1 » Manga Worth Reading
  • If obsession is about repetition and patterns of behaviour and often a means of gaining control in uncontrollable situations then the order that Jude aches to find in her life is being cleverly reflected visually in the unusual use and placing of words on the page. In Search of Adam
  • A Los Angeles artist who gave that city's art establishment a bursting sense of pride for having nurtured such an obstreperous talent, he earned his celebrity status in part by retaining the obsessions and wounds of a smart Catholic working-class kid from the suburbs of Detroit who had never entirely assimilated to his sun-splashed California home. How Will the Future Judge Him?
  • The magazine's tony mix of intellect and bohemian chic was the perfect home for Gladwell's innate quirkiness. His obsessive theorizing was no longer weird.
  • All those so-called hipsters fervently awaiting Wes Anderson's follow-up to The Life Aquatic don't need to obsessively check IMDb; starting next week, they just have to turn on the TV. Bottle Racket
  • Contemporary American adolescents have become much more work oriented generally then those of a generation or so ago, mostly because they have been exposed to the costly allurements of a consumption-obsessed America.
  • You sense that, like any obsessive, he must be tricky to handle at times.
  • She was obsessed with getting her barrel back; it was, she felt, the key to financial success.
  • Ben recently denied all but the earrings to the New York Post, but if you were acting like a desperate, obsessed dumpee, wouldn't you?
  • Here, the character Ms. Kudrow plays is far from sympathetic—she's psychotherapist Fiona Wallice, a charlatan, and a remorseless, self-obsessed one, busy peddling what she's fond of describing as her new "treatment modality. Therapy as Shock Treatment
  • In my analysis of this tripartite division I shall identify the rational soul with the ego, or self-obsessed reactive mind of Buddhism.
  • After an hour of obsessively checking my email, it sent me an address, phone number and more.
  • Chaotic himself, he had the obsessional nature which sees chaos in others ' mess but not his own. INSTANCES OF THE NUMBER 3
  • There's a lot of overlap with obsessive-compulsive disorder, what they call comorbidity -- depression, eating disorders, sometimes ADHD. CNN Transcript Dec 18, 2009
  • Yes, Read or Die the ova is a big one of mine, I always Identified with The Paper, becuase she is so obsessed with books and so am I. A sum up of medical stuff, but Yuri, postcards and ANIME GIRLS!
  • Although only Rick has been intimate with her, both brothers are still obsessed with her a full decade later.
  • By night, he toils on his self-indulgent solo art film, obsessively documenting the minutiae of his life while the bigger picture-the growing distance between him and his foxy French lady friend Marlene-eludes him.
  • Stephen told the tale that he had been obsessed since the age of nine with finding two identical cornflakes.
  • Despite sometimes being quite sensible (as Mr. Kenney is trying to be on citizenship, refugees and immigration), it's members of the Frat Pack who are immediately off the mark with the kind of perfervid rhetoric that goes with the Conservative communications strategy: unrelenting partisanship and obsessive control of information. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Co-dependents typically obsess about people for whom they love and care.
  • I am obsessed with youth revolutions, and this film is of two of the three that we've had.
  • One is a young man obsessed with rap and hip-hop who looks after his sick mother at home. Times, Sunday Times
  • Freud's obsession with archaeology -- he liked to "fondle" antique objects while he ate -- has interested psychoanalysts more than archaeologists. Books: Seductions of the Soil
  • I used to obsess over mine - not because it was especially big or small or lumpen or anything, but because everyone else could do something with theirs, which I couldn't.
  • They say the pharaoh Khufu who built the Great Pyramid was so obsessed by the construction of his own tomb, he had no money to build tombs for others in his family.
  • No other nation has ever been quite so obsessed by defining what it is, or troubled by the idea that reality might not measure up to the ideal.
  • For those people with healthy self-images, the obsession with money and security will be less, for they have found life is full of wonders and have learned to enjoy themselves with gusto.
  • Fantasising about being a saint in the city and obsessing on the prospect of eternal hellfire, Charlie realises he must atone for his sins.
  • The steady increase in obesity has mirrored the neurotic and obsessive interest in food. Times, Sunday Times
  • His once very masculine apartment with it's autographed sports and political memorabilia, perfectly categorized books and movie collections which were once kept in obsessively compulsive neat order, came to resemble a day care center. Susanna Quinn: Eight Weeks With Dad
  • Futher reading (click here if you dare) uncovers other obsessions with coulomb forces in nuclear fusion and a notion that space-time curvature sets humans apart as a species. The Queen is my dealer
  • Co-dependents typically obsess about people for whom they love and care.
  • I took snapshots of individual works and of details and became madly obsessed with the paintings.
  • The student complained McCormick was falsely saying they were dating, that he was calling her obsessively and had punched a wall and said "I could have hurt you" after seeing her hug another guy, according to an e-mail Hansen sent administrators recapping the allegations. WCAX - Local News
  • And don't get obsessed with presenteeism because it may not relate to productivity. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘What a very boring man, obsessed with the first world war,’ he says, all self-mockery, behind his cluttered desk in Private Eye's defiantly unmodernised Soho townhouse.
  • It's a must-see for anyone obsessed with molecular cuisine. Waking Lives, Dream States
  • Assign your staff to build the sort of book on Russert's techniques, rhetorical gambits, and political obsessions that you'd want going into a debate with an opposing candidate.
  • On his second day in office, President Obama repudiated George W. Bush’s obsessive and destructive secrecy by ordering his government to obey the Freedom of Information Act. He said it should not withhold documents because they are embarrassing, or reveal failures and errors, or “because of speculative or abstract fears. OpEdNews - Quicklink: NYT OP ED: Did They Miss the Memo?
  • We could've seen why Sara is so stubborn, or gotten some further insight into Hitchens' obsessive nature.
  • Anyone one out there who thinks she is a maverick, who thinks she is an outsider to the corruptness of government, who thinks she would make a great president, either suffer from major stupidity, have a sexual obsession or just do not care about our country and only care about their party or movement winning at the expense of everyone else and at the expense of our country. Think Progress » Rep. Blackburn touts Social Security privatization.
  • It never really came and it seemed as if both Jones and Wilkinson were obsessed with hoofing the ball down the middle of the park.
  • Went down stairs for dinner around 9pm where we were waited upon by a Chateau waiter who was fully obsessive compulsive and actually came by to "straighten" my silver wear at one point and bullied us into all ordering the same beverage. The Daily Truffle: Nicole Richie and LA's Young Hot Finest Pack the Penthouse, AKA Room 64
  • The Indian's obsession for politics and politicians remains unmatched by people of any nationality.
  • Eat healthfully without being all obsessed with, ‘What do I weigh?’
  • Japan's obsession with energy efficiency started when the oil shocks of the 1970s ended two decades of double-digit growth.
  • But where lawmakers once inserted an occasional in-joke, nowadays they obsess over "the most catchy, popular, emotional title they can come up with," sa ys Rep. John Duncan Jr. Congress Finds, in Passing Bills, That Names Can Never Hurt You
  • Here we have self-obsessed careerist Lindsey, falling in love with the irresistibly sweet school teacher Ben (Fallon).
  • Clearly, this is a city obsessed with its own multi-ethnic mosaic and the cosmopolitan credibility it signifies.
  • The real nub of the show is Madonna and our obsession with fame and celebrity.
  • Food obsession falls under the form of self-sabotage I call compulsive self-sabotage, the hardest kind of self-destruction to shake. The Truth About Beauty
  • The auteur critic is obsessed with the wholeness of art and artist.
  • I see people in libraries and archives and Family History Centres, obsessed with finding traces of family in microform, in scraps of paper, officially, and sometimes arbitrarily, preserved for posterity.
  • They are obsessed with catching the attention of people to think about absurd claims. Times, Sunday Times
  • He stands out among the arriviste engineers who dominate the tech industry, combining aristocratic reserve with a merchant's frugality and the obsessive drive of an entrepreneur.
  • I probably looked like a deranged traveler obsessed with authority figures.
  • If all else fails, you may even want to arrange an intervention with people she trusts, like girlfriends who know about her obsession with weight.
  • Right now, you may have noticed, I'm obsessing about Plácido.
  • Recording superstar Beyonce Knowles is building a bankable resume for herself as an actress with Sony Screen Gems 'Obsessed as the latest title burnishing her resume. /Film
  • I love that obsessive quality. Times, Sunday Times
  • In his last two films (Caro Diaro and Aprile) he’s basically played himself, establishing a neat line in absurdist self-mockery and thoughtful observation, looking ridiculous on a moped while obsessing about “good-bad” Hollywood movies and musing on life and politics. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • was absolutely obsessed with the girl
  • The amusing thing here, of course, is that his character in the film is clearly an obsessive, neurotic control freak who also teaches his cat to use a flush toilet.
  • Maybe Bachelor jiltee Melissa Rycroft brought the ratings momentum with her, or maybe America is as obsessed with jailbird Lil 'Kim's ballroom dancing as I am. Entertainment Weekly's Hollywood Insider
  • We are obsessed with shallow outer shells. The Sun
  • Matilda of Canossa had obsessed Maureen for the better part of the last two years, possessing her first when Maureen read the autobiography of the controversial countess, and then as she wrote her latest book in honor of this remarkable woman. The Poet Prince
  • The author labels Fleming's creation a "snob" for his obsession with top-of-the-market brands, "with the result that in the later books Bond has arguably developed from connoisseur to fusspot. The Work, Not the Author, Matters
  • He later identifies that pathological disposition as a form of obsessional neurosis tinged with narcissistic tendencies.
  • While the academic community are obsessed with who finds who sexually attractive and why, the concept of not finding anybody attractive seems to have passed most scientists by.
  • Her fear of flying is bordering on obsession.
  • His films generally concern the cruel power of obsessional love and the need for sensual pleasure.
  • Sure, I'll obsess over a book or the folder structure on a hard drive, but laundry piles up in my big basket for weeks, and I never remember to water the plants.
  • Heinrich Himmler was the chief architect of that nightmare, He shared Hitler's obsession with an Aryan master race, Together they manufactured the genocide of the Final Solution.
  • Her commitment to a great cause degenerated from a crusade into an obsession.
  • Some obsessions appear to have larger pertinence to a person's sexual proclivities.
  • The dominant colonial obsession with race and racial distinctions of all kinds sometimes fed into the ideas of the dominated.
  • It turns out he has his obsessive fans too. Times, Sunday Times
  • She also says that any man who's obsessed with football is terrible in bed.
  • Mapping the psycho-geography of the Americas was undoubtedly one of the obsessions of 20th century art.
  • Once poker was a game played by chain-smoking, visor-wearing social oddities with rolls of cash and an obsession for cards which bordered on addiction.
  • I just so happened to watch this one a few months ago when my kids were really obsessing over the song "The Gonk" the mall music from the original DAWN OF THE DEAD. Guy Smiley and Me (an embarrassing true story)
  • Victor's an everyday, common-or-garden macho hardman with two rather unusual quirks – he's obsessed with his job of enforcing the laws against DVD piracy, and he has an equally compulsive relationship with a certain probiotic milk drink. This week's new comedy
  • I'm obsessed with who's not invited; for Princess Di's wedding she didn't invite Barbara Cartland, who she's related to," he went on, referring to the grand dame and writer of bodice-ripper novels. A Royal Pronouncement
  • For those of you who have been living in a bathysphere beneath polar ice caps that are melting faster than a popsicle left out in the midday sun, LA is ground zero for the Cult of the Youth-Obsessed. Bruce Kluger: From the Mouths of Babes
  • Jones became obsessed with regality, parading around Paris in dress uniform, taking audiences with Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, and courting French debutantes.
  • They are obsessed with catching the attention of people to think about absurd claims. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just as much of today's horror fiction is vampire-driven, one major branch of modern fantasy -- in novels, "cosplay" (costume play), gaming and comics -- is obsessed with an alternate 19th century, one in which the inventions and mad scientists of Jules Verne, the tweedy science fiction of H.G. Wells and the gaslight romances of Arthur Conan Doyle have been mixed and remixed. "The Strange Affair of Spring Heeled Jack," steampunk by Mark Hodder
  • Jeffrey is very likeable, very approachable, but there is also a bit of a dark edge to him, which was something he was able to layer very well into the character of Clay as he spirals down into his obsession to take revenge on Max. 34 High Resolution Photos from The Losers | /Film
  • Polls suggest that, in these increasingly health-obsessed and conformist times, public opinion might also now be amenable.
  • Overwhelming amounts of online medical information are leading researchers to coin a new psychological classification called "cyberchondria" that describes people who obsessively misdiagnose themselves using the Web.
  • Some, notably the antinomians, were theologically unorthodox; their obsession with personal “conversion” led them to question whether the “visible saints” governing the colony were truly saintly.
  • But as Imogen's obsession intensifies, it gets harder and harder not to grow tired of the way everyone caters to her with indulgent credulity.
  • I wonder what those passages can have been like; the residue is replete with an obsessive interest in excrement, disease, sexual mania, and insectlike reproduction, insofar as these apply to Muslims in general and to Muslim immigrants in Europe in particular. Holy Writ
  • What holds most women back from the brink of full-on orthorexia is the fear of becoming obsessive and losing all their friends.
  • In the corner someone had daubed red paint on the arms of a goth mannequin with leather wrist bands, a nod to the obsession with self-harm that features in many of the songs with which its teenage customers are familiar.
  • The obsessive, fetishistic, single account that pornography provides is what keeps sexuality within bounds.
  • I can believe that there might be good effects were we to be less obsessed by qualifications.
  • Guy, right, is setting up his own whisky brand after becoming obsessed with finding the perfect tipple. The Sun
  • Most people with OCD struggle to banish their unwanted, obsessive thoughts and to prevent themselves from engaging in compulsive behaviors.
  • Russell Williams is now an admitted double murderer, rapist and sexual fetishist, but it's the scale of his obsession, the depth of his deviance and his utter relentlessness which is so terrifying. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Like anorexia, it often involves severe weight loss, but so-called orthorexics are obsessed with food quality, rather than quantity, and strive for personal purity in their eating habits rather than for a thin physique.
  • The fear of death obsessed him throughout his old life.
  • I was an editor of the school newspaper, acting in the spring play, obsessing about which girls I liked, talking Marx and Dostoevsky with my classmates.
  • After decades of Marxist-Leninist education, Hungarians of all classes are showing an obsessive interest in their aristocratic forebears.
  • Even his apparent obsession with my person might by some be considered not altogether reprehensible. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • A multi-faceted approach that works for people, with less of the obsessive-compulsive headlighting on money. David McWilliams
  • He said that he was an 'obsessive barbecuer' — his most recent culinary triumph being a roast chicken. Times, Sunday Times
  • More often the delicate simplicity of a blue question mark posits the faceless face beautiful in enigma, the shadowy mysterious introvert edging to the boundary of a looks obsessed society.
  • She's cute, she's rude and she's a brainbox and a manic obsessive, that makes her an interesting and real babe.
  • An obsessive search for our inner selves, far from saving the world, could send us all mad.
  • He was obsessively secretive, and most of what we know about him is gossip or hearsay. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cady begins to be chuffed by her new status; she grows to like obsessing about food, looks and weight and is secretly thrilled by her licence to be bitchy and cruel.
  • Arabella is virtually obsessed with chronicling and analyzing the thoughts and actions of her maidservants. The Observations by Jane Harris: Questions
  • Why not write a book in praise of the obsession, celebrating the neurosis at the heart of all literature?
  • It's a minute and a half -- a minute and a half of pure crazy -- a minute and a half of a self-obsessed, angry, narcissistic, celebutard ranting about a member of the Black Eyed Peas. Perez Hilton's Sobbing Video Insanity Condensed To One Crazy Minute (NSFW)
  • Nixon, like Lyndon Johnson, was a man of remarkable talent who was obsessed with the liberal Eastern establishment.
  • She is an art aficionado and a cake obsessive. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The "No" campaign has been vigorous, comprising a motley crew of aging Marxists, anti-globalisation protesters, traditional Eurosceptics, and obsessive " sovereigntists ".
  • His route curved away in a graceful sweep ahead of him. Three hours later he was obsessed with petrol.
  • Swift was as disgusted by the moral disease of human gluttony as he was by its lazy and revolting cures, so much so that he became obsessed with scatological matters and eventually went mad.
  • A few weeks ago, in an effort to cut my 2.5-mile treadmill run to under 30 minutes, I popped in "Vision Quest," the 1985 film about a high-school wrestler who comes of age while pursuing a single-minded obsession to get on the mat with the state's chiseled-from-stone champion grappler. Don't You Forget About Them
  • Even with her vegetation obsession, she was unyielding and did not back down from ridicule or teasing.
  • Well, compulsive behaviour has been, for decades now, easier to treat psychologically than obsessions.
  • Welcome to the world of a national obsession and a place where people say 'orf' instead of 'off'. - Articles related to Too much chlorine in water? Here’s a DIY
  • As a consequence this response breaks with the traditional obsession of the mainstream of corporate law scholarship.
  • This is sweet vindication for Cisco researcher Patrick Peterson, whose antispam obsession we wrote about in September 2007. Blackberry Battles Back
  • More specifically, problematic cognitions such as obsessive thoughts are seen as the by-products of emotional states.
  • In this age of dietary obsessions and national guilt about fat, the joy of eating and the quirks of the palate are seldom discussed, a dirty little epicurean secret.
  • Webster's defines fetish as ‘an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion… an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification.’
  • It is austerely modernist, making little concession to either plot or character, more like a fictive sculpture than a story, an obsessively repeated series of patterns.
  • No, the in-crowd is over its cactus obsession — it's all about succulents now. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a time obsessed with figures and analyses he slashes away upon the field like an old-fashioned swashbuckler tackling pirates in some seafaring epic.
  • Fitness has become an obsession with him.
  • It screams of vanity, self-obsession and, quite frankly, weakness. The Sun
  • Much of the press's obsession has concerned the band's bratty street-gang comedy. Globe and Mail
  • From the album "Armchair Apocrypha" (2007) When I was just a little boy I threw away all of my action toys I became obsessed with operation, oh Hearts and minds and certain glands You got to learn to keep a steady hand And thus began my morbid fascination Tore all the spines out from all of these self-help books Made myself a gun that not only shoots but looks real Yeah it shoots through steel with rays of dark matter Rays of dark matter Just the thought of all this red and black Thought of tongues that tasted bad Fill you with the nausea-ausea-ausea-alation Do you wonder where the self resides Is it in the head or between your sides And who would be the one who will decide it's two locations The noose is loosed around our necks made of DNA And everyday it's growing tighter, no matter what you do or say But you can shoot right through with rays of dark matter Right before they kick out, they kick out the ladder Rays of dark matter When I was just a little boy I threw away all of my action toys I became obsessed with operation Hearts and minds and certain glands You got to learn to keep a steady hand And thus began my morbid fascination - Financial News
  • In retrospect we can see Leśniewski's obsession with the fine detail of axiomatics and his rejection of semantics as conditioned by his own idiosyncratic development and the predominant research interests of the 1910s and 1920s. Stanisław Leśniewski
  • Unfortunately, he ends up more involved than the viewer, because the leading characters are self-obsessed, self-pitying and lacking in redemptive sympathy.
  • He's a detail man, obsessively fastidious to the point that he still handles the steady-cam himself, to get those shots just right.
  • What will obsessive fans do for their heroes? Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a hefty task, seeing as each of her children is manoeuvring their way through a litany of oddball obsessions and neuroses.
  • Remember though it is a skill and not everyone needs to learn, don't obsess about it!
  • The obsession with svelte figures flies in the face of past beliefs that regarded those who were thin as being unhealthy and malnourished.
  • Would the present obsession with fractal geometry have come about anyway as part of the ever changing taste of architectural stylists, or is it an inevitable result of computer power?
  • In today's world, obsessions become possessions and passions become fashions.
  • As Mattie Ross, the 14-year-old heroine, obsessively pursues her father's killer, she proves to be an almost unbelievably viable outdoorswoman, stoically fording a river on horseback, camping out nightly without complaint, bracing the elements, staring down death. Avital Binshtock: An Environmentalist's Review of True Grit
  • That obsessive-compulsiveness obviously helped him to chess immortality. Book World: A chess master who defeated himself
  • But I can't help disliking our modern obsession with buying things.
  • In today's world, obsessions become possessions and passions become fashions.
  • He does this out of solemn devotion to the truth, he says, and not because he has been crazily obsessed with her.
  • Basil is obsessed with the man whose full-length portrait he has almost completed. Times, Sunday Times
  • And so much of the writing of the postconquest era — religious texts, relaciones, natural histories, as well as personal letters — reveals an obsession with illness. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • Over a million men and women, from the hilariously vain to the eye-wateringly repugnant, have submitted themselves to this image-obsessed court of public opinion, where they can be casually rated, from 1-10, on their looks alone.
  • He is not as impressed with the equivalent acts operating today, and pillories the celebrity-obsessed nature of pop music. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is just as true that the endless portrayals of the life of Christ in medieval art, as well as acting as one of the main forms of religious instruction, betoken an obsessive desire to grasp the essence of the God-man.
  • Moskin is obsessed with the idea of cheese, admitting her fantasy macaroni is "nothing more than tender elbows of pasta suspended in pure molten cheddar, with a chewy, golden-brown crust of cheese on top. How to cook perfect macaroni cheese
  • Based on the French novella by Prosper Merimee and the popular opera by Georges Bizet, Carmen is the story of a fiery Spanish gypsy who spurns her obsessive soldier lover for a flashy bullfighter.
  • It's easy to dismiss Peake's visual output as indulgent gothic fantasy; and indeed his images set the tone for so many subsequent cliches of the genre: the emaciated pallor of his somnambulistic protagonists, the obsessive detailing and filigree patterning of his graphic mannerisms, the too easy reliance on grotesque distortions. This week's new exhibitions
  • QUESTION: The Associated Press reports that in reaction to what they termed your stern rebuke of Jerry Thacker, a group called Human Rights Campaign said that while this was a positive development, the Bush administration's, quote, "Obsessive focus on abstinence as the solitary mechanism to prevent the transmission of HIV is not based on sound science. CNN Transcript Jan 27, 2003

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