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How To Use Observatory In A Sentence

  • Hasinger and his colleagues have combined XMM and Infrared Space Observatory measurements of the Lockman Hole, putting a lower limit— 15percent—on the AGN contribution to the infrared background.
  • Practical and down-to-earth, he's a bit of a joker and Paul's only friend outside the observatory.
  • The Belfast Telegraph has a letter that I think bears repetition: Our own observatory at Armagh is one of the oldest in the world and has been observing solar cycles for more than 200 years. Archive 2008-08-01
  • A telescope is normally bolted to a vast concrete plinth around which the observatory dome can rotate without touching it, and the instrument isolated from tremors.
  • This telescope is housed inside the interior dome of the Mauna Kea Observatory, Hawaii.
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  • While in the Harvard College Observatory he worked on many mathematical and astronomical subjects including topology and ergodic theory.
  • There are also plans to open a national observatory with an automated telescope dedicated solely to high-school observers.
  • Lowell established an observatory on Mars Hill in Arizona and the telescope he used - a superb Brashear refractor - has been sitting here, unused, for years.
  • The seismogram from the Virginia Tech Seismological Observatory is also nifty, when their webserver isn’t swamped! Earthquake at
  • Using an observation technique known as farside, we can determine the position of sunspots on the hidden side of the Sun. Irene González-Hernández, a scientist at the NOAO (National Optical Astronomical Observatory) said during her address to the 4th International HELAS Conference in Lanzarote (Canary Islands) that: "activity in the farthest regions of the Sun.can be observed by looking at waves in the nearer regions. Signs of the Times
  • The observatory has compiled details of the fatal shootings. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the very beginning, the observatory was only a bungalow, with simple and crude instruments.
  • Then I went over to the vice-president's mansion and played tennis at the naval observatory in Washington a bunch of times.
  • Keck Observatory atop Mauna Kea on the Big Island suggest a warm polar vortex - a large-scale weather pattern likened to a jet stream on Earth that occurs in the upper atmosphere.
  • He carried out a large survey of stellar magnitudes while at the Göttingen Observatory, publishing Aktinometrie (the first part in 1910, the second in 1912).
  • The Observatory has been in operation since 1894 and houses one of Scotland's largest telescopes in the original Observatory dome.
  • The soul without imagination is what an observatory would be without a telescope. Henry Ward Beecher 
  • The solar telescopes and spectroheliographs of the Mount Wilson Observatory were among the earliest modern facilities for the study of the solar surface.
  • This is a concentration point; it's what we call a bottleneck," says Bob Petitt, president of the migration observatory at nearby Holiday Beach Conservation Area. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • The observatory is still standing, although the fire is in the community of Palomar Mountain. Palomar Observatory Threatened by Fire? - NASA Watch
  • The first solar dynamic observatory is expected to be launched no earlier than August 2008. NASA Prepares Solar Dynamic Observatory | Impact Lab
  • The Arc also features an observatory to take in surrounding views.
  • With the retirement of the old professor, the observatory was going to be turned into a museum, as soon as the new radar dish was completed.
  • Since the 1995 discovery of a planet orbiting the star 51 Pegasi, which resides about 50 light years away from us, by Swiss astronomers, more than 500 planets have been detected orbiting nearby stars, according to the list kept by Jean Schneider of the Paris Observatory. Astronomers hunting alien Earths
  • The new building is quite a looker, like the old one and built in a grand architectural style, having a tower and observatory dome, perhaps to keep up with the grand old structure.
  • Next to the observatory is a natural slide that so many children's behinds have polished that rock is now as smooth as glass.
  • The latter was calculated from the seismograms of the same observatory, as well as from the barograms of Siberian and European meteorological stations, see Ref. 10.
  • The kestrel is the world's most perfect hawk," the Raptor Observatory's Allen Fish said. Undefined
  • The Kushiro National Park, a beautiful 27,000 hectare marshland area with a well laid out observatory, was next on our itinerary.
  • He ran back, switched the electric current off the aerograph machines at the base of the observatory, and turned it on to the searchlight which was on the top of the equatorial dome. The World Peril of 1910
  • The three-week delay guaranteed that he could confirm and characterize the candidates at the 10-m telescope at the Keck Observatory on Mauna Kea, the HST, or another powerful telescope.
  • September's earthquake in Christchurch was nearly 10 times stronger than Tuesday's tremor, but made less of an impact because it struck further from the city, says Adam Pascale , head of seismology at Environmental Systems and Services, a private seismic observatory based in the Australian city of Melbourne. Latest Quake Tests Geological Views
  • It will be," says Dr. Heinrich Newmeister of New Belgium Technical Institute Observatory, "As if a GIANT SPACE HAMSTER had cannonballed into the world's largest swimming pool. SPECIAL MOON ALERT!!!
  • A series of digital seismographs installed around the volcano provide a continuous stream of data to the observatory.
  • Local observatory alerted residents that there would be a dust storm the next day.
  • Images of the sun are thrown into the observatory by an ingenious instrument run by clockwork, and called a heliostat. Scientific American Supplement, No. 288, July 9, 1881
  • The 60th floor observatory has been permanently closed for security reasons.
  • This week's awesome images are (in order of appearance): NGC 1444, King 7, Eta 3 and Eta 2 Fornacis, NGC 1049 (credit—Palomar Observatory, courtesy of Caltech), Walter Adams (credit—Yerkes Observatory, University of Chicago) and M33 (courtesy of NOAO/AURA/NSF). Weekend SkyWatcher's Forecast – December 18-20, 2009 | Universe Today
  • We did the interview from the Naval Observatory near the vice president's residence.
  • Modern archaeologists are divided on whether it was a burial ground, an astronomical observatory or a place for healing the sick. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mayor and colleagues used the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher or HARPS, a telescope at La Silla observatory in Chile, to find the planets.
  • The men met each day at noon in the observatory to check the watch against the regulator clock and then rewind it.
  • The designs for the carvings at the top of the building based their design on an ancient Greek observatory built for Andronicus.
  • Modern archaeologists are divided on whether it was a burial ground, an astronomical observatory or a place for healing the sick. Times, Sunday Times
  • The summit of dormant volcano Mauna Kea is home to the world's largest astronomical observatory and most powerful telescope.
  • He was installed in a pharmacy owned by his father on nearby Observatory Street.
  • The pluviometer was inside the box, and therefore it would have been difficult to convince scientists that the clouds had not entirely skipped Remate de Males during the rainy season, unless the postmaster were to put the whole observatory under water by main force. In the Amazon Jungle Adventures in Remote Parts of the Upper Amazon River, Including a Sojourn Among Cannibal Indians
  • I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, but I was setting up a delicate experiment in the observatory.
  • Every part of the immense observatory and of the telescope is of American production, with the single important exception of the cast glass disc from which the two principal lenses, the one double convex and the other plano-concave, are produced. Notable Events of the Nineteenth Century Great Deeds of Men and Nations and the Progress of the World
  • Zach was now appointed as director of a new astronomical observatory to be built at Seeberg, Gotha.
  • The pipeline that read out the positions of all the objects on the sky, called the astrometric pipeline, was to be done by the U.S. Naval Observatory, which had a tradition in astrometry for navigation. A Grand and Bold Thing
  • NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory has found new populations of suspected mid-mass black holes in several starburst galaxies, where stars form and explode at an unusually high rate.
  • The planets dangle in a line beside the forest track to the observatory, suspended from wooden gallows and wobbling slightly in the wind. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1806 he accepted the post of assistant at the Lilienthal Observatory, a private observatory near Bremen.
  • Observatory tours allow visitors to view the stars from a telescope positioned on the roof.
  • After the expedition the heliometer was donated to the Observatory who built a tower for it.
  • Gaskell claimed the university did not appoint him director of their student observatory because of his Christian faith, despite him being the best candidate.
  • The mine was chosen as the observatory's location so that the rock would shield the observatory from cosmic radiation.
  • Her cathedra was a high arm-chair which she never quitted but to be carried to her observatory on the roof of the house, where she kept her astrological tablets and manuscripts. Serapis — Volume 01
  • As for the correct time, the U.S. Naval Observatory's Atomic Clock is the basis for what's probably the Web's most formidable chronometrical site.
  • The planets dangle in a line beside the forest track to the observatory, suspended from wooden gallows and wobbling slightly in the wind. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the years to come she spent most of her time away from the observatory as she was looking after her ailing mother or was indisposed herself.
  • The Grand Canyon Skywalk is an observatory with a glass bottom, allowing visitors to gaze into the spectacular gulf beneath their feet directly.
  • At the Keck Observatory, it is now possible to measure extremely subtle star wobbles, so even smaller planets should soon turn up.
  • The Abbé and I excused ourselves to Frances and Bettina, and went with the Doctor to the room which he called his observatory, where we came to the point very quickly: -- The Touchstone of Fortune
  • Sir Howard Grubb, moreover, set up, in 1882, a kind of siderostat at the Crawford Observatory, Cork. A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century Fourth Edition
  • I decline, fearful of pranging his radio telescope observatory.
  • Haleakala, the dormant volcano reaching to 10,023 feet, is home to ‘Science City’, a research facility and observatory.
  • Even back home, from the lunar observatory, it was possible to detect four faint nearby stars, each of which had at least one planetlike companion; so actually planets must be relatively common. And all the Stars a Stage
  • The soul without imagination is what an observatory would be without a telescope. Henry Ward Beecher 
  • The sky is dense with numbered stars, seen through the cavernous central chamber of an observatory.
  • Simpson took charge of Kew observatory where he continued his research on the electrical structure of thunderstorms and electrification of precipitation.
  • Together they are fittingly known as the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope.
  • The fire-alarm bells then stuck 1-7-7-6 a few moments later, and as the Observatory clock sounded the hour of twelve, the fire-alarm bells struck 1-8-7-6; at the same moment the brilliant light in the tholus which surmounts the dome of the Perley's Reminiscences, v. 1-2 of Sixty Years in the National Metropolis
  • Two American crows flew around the observatory at Griffith Park, bending metal as they bounced and sang across the grass, their prang calls and black feathers flashing in the sun. A Year on the Wing
  • The Royal Observatory at Greenwich is to be restored and opened to the public, with the addition of a new planetarium.
  • Leibniz wrote to the electress to suggest that the plans for the observatory be widened to embrace an Academy of Sciences.
  • Now at the door of the observatory, Dorothy paused and shrank back against Seaton, her eyes widening as she stared at Orlon. Skylark Three
  • Shrubs could be cleared away from around the observatory, for example - and views could be created down to the river.
  • The initial comparison with spectral photometry at Tsukuba Aerological Observatory showed that these two types of the measurement were remarkably concordant in general, but there existed some variability and divergence.
  • Mr Drew, now living in a nearby farmhouse, had to take on other engineering jobs including telescope building to raise cash, while the unroofed observatory walls lay open to the elements.
  • The EFF SSL Observatory [Security] Posted Aug 5, 2010 12: 59 UTC (Thu) by corbet
  • WISE joins two other infrared missions in space -- NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and the Herschel Space Observatory, a European Space Agency mission.
  • The Great Pyramid could have functioned as a stellar observatory during its construction.
  • To Cmdr. David Varner, commanding officer at the Naval Observatory, the sound of "Colors" is more than mere routine. The meaningful sounds that signal the end of a military day
  • The South Building, built from 1891 to 1899, was an astrophysics observatory.
  • Horton was built by Humphrey Sturt in the 1760s, probably following the contemporary fad for having an observatory, but it was more likely to have been used as a viewpoint for watching the local foxhunt. Wessex Interlude 3
  • Whernside House and Settle and the aerograph apparatus at the observatory were working almost incessantly till dawn, sending and receiving messages between this remote moorland district and London and the seat of war, as well as Bolton and Pittsburg. The World Peril of 1910
  • This magnificent observatory is situated in the middle of a modern Beijing traffic machine, and is quite a view. Ancient Observatory, Beijing
  • Yesterday, the stylus of an observatory seismograph continued to jiggle every few seconds like the end of a fishing rod reacting to nibbles.
  • One of the telescopes, a satellite currently in orbit called the Chandra X-ray Observatory, helped the researchers examine the tail. State News Top Stories
  • Prediction of meteorological observatory occupies the first - line of the weather forecast service.
  • The instruments at the Kew, Observatory confirm those at Greenwich, and if further confirmation were required it can be had from the barograms at many other places in England.
  • Unlike JWST, where STScI is participating in observatory I&T, HST was had limited input from STScI until after launch. David Leckrone's Premature Judgement of ISS - NASA Watch
  • Beyond Mallorca's tired and tawdry resorts lies an unspoilt, unpolluted island - and if you don't believe us, visit the rural village of Costitx, whose international observatory opened in 1991.
  • Britain's foremost radio astronomy observatory at Jodrell Bank celebrates its 45th anniversary this month.
  • Tim Brown of the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope in California, who looked for an exomoon signal around the first discovered transiting planet (HD 209458b), says the actual number of candidate stars will be much less. - latest science and technology news stories
  • An aquatic plant observatory was created, and a greenhouse was purchased for use as art classrooms.
  • The sun streams in through the open oculus, tracing a circular disk across the walls and floor, creating a walk-in solar observatory.
  • The above special-issue papers reporting on the Chang'E selenodesy results were jointly accomplished by experts from the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO), the China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) and other institutions. Space News From SpaceDaily.Com
  • He designed the Observatory office building in the city, which later won a Merseyside Civic Society building of the year award.
  • The Observatory said the hot weather was caused by a southwesterly airstream.
  • Earlier, astronomer George Ellery Hale had offered Hubble a position at the Mount Wilson Observatory in southern California.
  • The 16 of us - 13 scientists, a two-man Colombian television crew, and our driver from the observatory, Carlos Estrada - moved to the lip of the scarp.
  • When he got to the entrance a doormen pointed him towards the Observatory where he could see a group in the distance.
  • And even though this is fairly rare, there is nothing for earthlings to worry about, astronomer Geoff Chester of the US Naval Observatory said on Tuesday.
  • If you assume that the 1960-2005 deta on her chart is from 315 to 380 ppm the results from the Keeling Mauna Loa Observatory curve for that period, that means that each small tick on the ordinate is ~7.5 ppm CO2. Pain in Maine, but they can measure rain « Climate Audit
  • Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory possibly will issue later today the typhoon blue color early warning signal.
  • From the observatory you can view Mt. Fuji and Tokyo Bay.
  • Each day, the Observatory took stellar readings to correct the Standard Clock.
  • The following year Jonathan Betts, the curator of horology at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, was contracted to survey and produce a catalogue of the collection.
  • When the observatory was bult in the early 20th century the location was undeveloped. Brazil « Climate Audit
  • The observatory contained a seismograph to record mining tremors, an evaporation pan and a device to record lightening strikes which are particularly virulent on the Witwatersrand.
  • As for big Telescopes, Roger Angel, director of the Steward Observatory, and builder of most of the large mirrors used in terrestrial telescopes today wrote a paper and did a preliminary design of a ten meter optical telescope that would be assembled at ISS for a fraction of the cost of JWST. Astronauts Once Again Demonstrate Why Humans Must be a Part of Space Exploration - NASA Watch
  • The summit of dormant volcano Mauna Kea is home to the world's largest astronomical observatory and most powerful telescope.
  • One of the most extraordinary buildings is a circular astronomical observatory.
  • Modern archaeologists are divided on whether it was a burial ground, an astronomical observatory or a place for healing the sick. Times, Sunday Times
  • More than 200 astronomy enthusiasts gathered at a Ribble Valley observatory for a rare sighting of the planet Mercury transiting the sun.
  • The problem is that gravitational waves are so small that no observatory on Earth has been able to detect them directly. Times, Sunday Times
  • He now had more time than before to devote to his study of astronomy, having an observatory in the rooms in which he lived in one of the towers in the town's fortifications.
  • The painting now hangs in the gallery at the Old Royal Observatory.
  • A bridge links the classroom and dormitory blocks and allows access to the outdoor ramps and observatory tower.
  • The people who work at the Naval Observatory must also find time for another responsibility. They keep the Master Clock for the United States.
  • At the same site you can take a virtual tour of the observatory and its telescope, whose refractor is still the largest of its kind in the world.
  • Return thither on some clear, dark, moonless night, with a ring of frost in the air, and only a star or two set sparsedly in the vault of heaven; and you will find a sight as stimulating as the hoariest summit of the Alps. The solitude seems perfect; the patient astronomer, flat on his back under the Observatory dome and spying heaven's secrets, is your only neighbour; and yet from all round you there come up the dull hum of the city, the tramp of countless people marching out of time, the rattle of carriages and the continuous keen jingle of the tramway bells. Edinburgh Picturesque Notes
  • “This experiment is particularly timely because it provides subsurface geological information that complements the work of the NEPTUNE Canada project at the University of Victoria to install a long-term cabled hydrothermal observatory in the hydrothermal fields” said William Wilcock, a UW marine geophysicist and a co-principal investigator on the project. More Anti-Science Eco-Activism in British Columbia - The Panda's Thumb
  • A car provides an excellent mobile observatory for tracking down and observing contingents of pink-footed geese wintering in north-west Norfolk.
  • The development of astrophysics spurred observatory growth as well as the spectroscopic analysis of starlight enabled astronomers to study not just the position of celestial bodies, but their composition as well.
  • The above special-issue papers reporting on the Chang'E selenodesy results were jointly accomplished by experts from the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory (SHAO), the China University of Geosciences - latest science and technology news stories
  • And there are plans for an outdoor theatre, an equestrian centre, an astronomical observatory and a pub. Times, Sunday Times
  • He created a high table, exquisite , observatory, instrument and apparatus, 16 project specialized measurement objects.
  • Another complicating factor is that studies from Earth, using large telescopes such as the Keck Observatory atop Hawaii's Mauna Kea, have not found any sign of sodium in the E ring.
  • As regards the practices of railways among themselves: if the various railways of America are joined and inosculated as they are in England, it appears to me indispensable that they have one common standard among themselves: say Washington Observatory time. Autobiography
  • With fright in their eyes the soldiers of salvation beheld from the helmeted observatory tower: the heavenly harps; the swaying, titanic nebulae and their chaotic strings of gaseous gold. Harry Martinson - Poetry
  • There is also a chance to use the observatory's powerful telescopes. Times, Sunday Times
  • FoetusNail said: "The 10 ton 100 inch Hooker telescope at Mt Wilson Observatory floats on mercury. ..." stegodon said: "Dudes, whatever. Boing Boing
  • By agreement, the longitude passing through Greenwich of Observatory is called the prime meridian.
  • Until the 1950s, when the first highly accurate atomic clocks were built, the day was simply determined by the rotation of the Earth, said Jonathan Betts, senior curator of horology at the Royal Observatory. Time running out for 'leap second' that has kept us in step with our slowing planet
  • Hong Kong Observatory assistant director, Hilda Lam, said the situation may improve as the easterly airstream which is affecting Hong Kong will weaken in the coming two days. - Latest News
  • Working from the Mt. Wilson observatory that looms in the distance over Los Angeles, they discovered that the blurry patches of light called nebulae were not mere gas clouds within the Milky Way, as long supposed, but galaxies in their own right. Gabriel Rotello: Saving Mount Wilson
  • An absolute silence reigned in the observatory dome.
  • His interest lies in looking but not living, and his experience is observatory rather than participatory.
  • One side of it was given up to washhand stands and dressing tables, and one side to a piano -- and the stairs which led to the observatory above. Educating Daisy: Some Observations on the Education of Women in the Nineteenth Century South
  • And there are plans for an outdoor theatre, an equestrian centre, an astronomical observatory and a pub. Times, Sunday Times
  • The meridian line through the Observatory became the official meridian line of Paris.
  • The climatological observatory was located 200 m from the variety trial plots.
  • Observatory tours allow visitors to view the stars from a telescope positioned on the roof.
  • With telephone connections so difficult from Arecibo, Hulse used the observatory's short-wave radio link to Cornell University.
  • Modern archaeologists are divided on whether it was a burial ground, an astronomical observatory or a place for healing the sick. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Shark Observatory at Ras Mohammed is a viewpoint on a high promontory from where, years ago, visitors could view large shoals of milkfish with their dorsal fins breaking the surface.
  • To this building of sophisticates seeking to live beneath the radar, it must have looked as if the staff of the Mount Palomar observatory had arrived. Ruffled Feathers on Fifth Avenue
  • This is what I call my observatory," said the hermit, turning to his guest. Blown to Bits or, The Lonely Man of Rakata
  • And an expert at Jodrell Bank Observatory in Cheshire believes the cause could be a bolide - a meteor between the size of a hazelnut and a tennis ball.
  • Set up in 1923, the historical Bosscha Observatory is the closest observatory in the world to the equator.
  • Before heading down to the falls, the trail first leads into a huge butterfly observatory.
  • He was installed in a pharmacy owned by his father on nearby Observatory Street.
  • It's fitting that the name, from the Latin for mirror (the museum is housed in a former observatory), is close etymological kin to speculum, an instrument used, as every woman knows, to dilate the opening of a body cavity for examination. Boing Boing
  • On the third floor of the Paris Observatory Cassini had laid out a planisphere, a map of the World using an azimuthal projection with the North Pole at the centre.
  • A series of digital seismographs around the volcano provide a continuous stream of data to the observatory in Goma.
  • He did propose the setting up of an observatory to provide accurate lunar data in his attempts to convince the commissioners.
  • Working at the Royal Observatory when the Second World War broke out, she volunteered to work on the canals with "The Idle Women", the waterborne equivalent of the Land Girls - their badges bore the legend "IW", for "Inland Waterways" - and she spent the war on barges carrying vital supplies. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Among other things he re-equipped the Greenwich observatory with new instruments (which he designed himself), he created a magnetic and meteorological department, and he made important contributions to celestial mechanics.
  • Only two armored guards remained, watching from the end of the Observatory. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • Kathryn Gray was studying images taken at an amateur observatory when she spotted the magnitude 17 supernova in the galaxy UGC 3378, in the constellation of Camelopardalis. BBC News - Home
  • And there are plans for an outdoor theatre, an equestrian centre, an astronomical observatory and a pub. Times, Sunday Times
  • American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh announces discovery of Pluto at Lowell Observatory.
  • The soul without imagination is what an observatory would be without a telescope. Henry Ward Beecher 
  • Using the high-sensitivity NARVAL spectropolarimeter installed at the Bernard-Lyot telescope (Pic du Midi Observatory, France), Signs of the Times
  • Triangulations on distant hills were attempted, weather records kept, and there was an astronomical observatory.
  • NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory has revealed the aftermath of a titanic explosion that wracked the elliptical galaxy known as NGC 4636.
  • And there are plans for an outdoor theatre, an equestrian centre, an astronomical observatory and a pub. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tower featured a belfry and observatory, topped with a cupola and a golden statue of an angel flying in a horizontal position!
  • But the next day and the day after that came and went, and after that it was uncertain whether the observatory octet had finished chiming beneath the liquid dome.
  • Just as they were beginning to think about breakfast one of Lennard's assistants came down from the observatory with a copy of an aerogram which read: The World Peril of 1910
  • WISE joins two other infrared missions in space -- NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and the Herschel Space Observatory, a European Space Agency mission.
  • The three-week delay guaranteed that he could confirm and characterize the candidates at the 10-m telescope at the Keck Observatory on Mauna Kea, the HST, or another powerful telescope.
  • The observatory will be open to the public for the first time and the galleries will be located in the Victorian South Building, home of the old planetarium.
  • While at the Observatory he worked on ways to determine the apparent brightness of stars using photographic plates: -
  • Ghostland Observatory, the two-man band from Austin, TX is known for their fantastic live shows and when they came rolling through their hometown last week on tour for the new record Codename: Rondo, they delivered everything we have come to love and expect from the duo: a contagious case of electro-pop-rock fever, a giant dance party, unstoppable energy, trademark getups of capes and fringe, and a rainbow laser lightshow bonanza. Stephanie Keller: Interview with Ghostland Observatory: Laser Beams, Dance Parties, Alter Egos and Codename: Rondo
  • Around Summerhaven, crews using hand torches, which drip flame to start backfires, and aided by air tankers succeeded on Sunday in keeping the fire away from dozens of surviving homes and an observatory.
  • Accompanied by several other astronomers he established a temporary observatory on Pikes Peak, the summit of which is over 14,000 feet above sea level.
  • He designed the Observatory office building in the city, which later won a Merseyside Civic Society building of the year award.
  • Finally given are our detailed work results. We get the FWHM and EE of the Yunnan Observatory 1m optical telescope.
  • Jodrell Bank, the radio astronomy observatory in the UK, uses a BBC micro from the early 1980s to steer one of their smaller dishes which tracks a pulsar in the Crab nebula.
  • Secretary Martin Armitage said: ‘We will have our observatory telescope aimed at the Sun, as well as our pride and joy - a special solar filter attached to a premium refractor.’
  • The Royal Greenwich Observatory was founded to observe and catalogue the stars.
  • The flier alighted upon a lawn quite similar to the one before the observatory of Orlon, and the scientist led his Earthly guest through the main entrance of the imposing structure of vari-colored marble and gleaming metal and into the vast, glass-lined room that was his laboratory. Skylark Three
  • D. in physics and spends most of his time working as mission scientist for a spaceborne solar telescope at the Royal Observatory of Belgium. Katie Compton wins finale as Sanne Van Paassen claims 2010-11 World Cup
  • Wind gusts up to 183 mph were measured at the Blue Hill observatory outside Boston.
  • It had been invented by a professor at Harvard, but Howe's version of it was much more imposing; the almucantar at Harvard Observatory weighed 35 pounds -- Howe's, 2,300 pounds.
  • ObservatoryScope's heliostats and siderostats were specifically designed to utilize proven off-the-shelf components wherever possible.
  • The observatory is being touted as an instrument with many uses for many people, but it has three main goals for the near term. URSI Update #1
  • Earlier this year, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory caught a glimpse of a huge snakelike tendril of magnetic plasma on the sun, extending hundreds of thousands of miles across the surface.
  • The observatory has two telescopes to detect microwave and infra-red light. Times, Sunday Times
  • And after more than a decade of work, Olin's goal of seeing the silo turned into an observatory is nearing completion. At Fairfax park, amateur astronomer helps to bring stars down to Earth
  • Pyrheliometric and circumsolar sky radiation measurements by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory from 1923 to 1954. Whitfield SubCommittee: Witnesses to be questioned « Climate Audit
  • The facility features two purpose-built observatory domes, each housing a telescope - one a powerful model featuring an 18.75-inch reflecting mirror.
  • Herschel Space Observatory will be the first space observatory covering the full far infrared and sub-millimetre waveband. MIND MELD: Interesting Areas of Scientific Research
  • In fact Gregory went home to Aberdeen and took a collection outside the church doors for money to build his observatory.
  • Modern archaeologists are divided on whether it was a burial ground, an astronomical observatory or a place for healing the sick. Times, Sunday Times

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