How To Use Observational In A Sentence
Through observational learning you have acquired a great number of behaviors that you could potentially produce but never do.
Most importantly, observational studies cannot distinguish indicators of risk from causal factors.
It wasn't observational humour, it was just outrageous.
Times, Sunday Times
The results were derived from a 3.5 year observational study of median encroachments.
His current tour sees a near-perfect mix of personal anecdotes, observational comedy and sly wit.
Times, Sunday Times

Expect observational riffs and a little name-dropping.
Times, Sunday Times
The community portrait is based on first hand comments and observational camerawork.
This leads Demopoulos and Friedman to conclude that reducing a theory to its Ramsey sentence is equivalent to reducing it to its empirical consequences, and thus that: “Russell's realism collapses into a version of phenomenalism or strict empiricism after all: all theories with the same observational consequences will be equally true” (1985, 635).
Structural Realism
For example, an observational study of 26 U.S. facilities revealed that the vast majority of endoscopes and bronchoscopes were improperly disinfected.
This theme is echoed by the discrepancy in results between experimental and observational studies of children's knowledge of causal connectives.
We have experimental and observational evidence concerning things which happened before and after the origin of life.
Infinite in All Directions
Now, if one adds criteria such as 'repeatably predictable observational consequences' etc one runs into a problem with regard to testing for the reality of conscious minds, since what's it's really like to be me — the totality of my qualia — plausibly is unique to me and is intrinsically not observable by anyone else.
Darwin's God
A more detailed study is made of two southerly bursters which occurred during an observational program held from 21 November 1982 until 13 December 1982.
This is a film about an observational documentary crew following a serial killer.
He'd found a way of presenting observational comedy that felt like a show.
Times, Sunday Times
From our point of view perhaps the most important of these emerged from empirical (experimental or observational ) research.
Educational Psychology in a Changing World
Quantitative data from this intensive study site were augmented with observational data from several similar stands on the outwash plain.
The influence of observational error on statistical inference is discussed and the method to diminish the impact of stochastic error is given.
She'd have us take walks to the railroad to sharpen our observational skills.
Observational astronomers use telescopes, on Earth and in space, to study objects ranging from planets and moons to distant galaxies.
Nevertheless, one observational study suggests a twofold increased risk of urolithiasis for men under 45 years for up to 14 years after surgery.
Observational data were collected at two preschools and a pre-kindergarten class for 12 weeks.
He wasn't a simple jokesmith - his comedy was often dark, observational, and personal.
There is a big note, enclosed in a box and titled Clinical Perspective, at the end of this study that exhorts doctors to consider this adherer effect when looking at data from observational studies.
The adherer effect | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
The Department Store is proving one of the best observational documentary series in a while.
Times, Sunday Times
Both of the studies you linked are observational studies often called epidemiologic studies and as such they don’t prove anything.
Resistant starch | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
He concludes that it does not fall under any of the commonly used rubrics - observational science, phenomenology, hermeneutics - which distinguish the intentional focus of other disciplines.
Observational properties of the largest Local Group spiral M 31 ( Andromeda galaxy ) are presented.
Morrison and MacLachlan play their dissonance not for guffaws but for rather rueful observational comedy.
This was a meta-analysis that included studies of every sort, from double-blind trials to observational studies.
Times, Sunday Times
Observational studies have found no evidence that insect electrocuters and ultrasonic buzzers reduce bites to humans from infected anopheline mosquitoes.
Allen and Burton now argue that, at least as far as their observational data are concerned, the projectile model best fits the facts.
He is well equipped with sharp observational humour and precision comic timing.
He weaves this vocal spectacle through 90 minutes of offbeat observational comedy.
Times, Sunday Times
It is possible that statistical isotropy/homogeneity is violated at very high significance in some specific fashion that does not correspond precisely to any of the particular observational effects that have been searched for, but that would stand out dramatically in a better-targeted analysis.
A Special Place in the Universe
Pinoges L, Szumilin E, Zachariah R, Ford N, et al. (2006) Generic fixed-dose combination antiretroviral treatment in resource-poor settings: multicentric observational cohort.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Observational studies of preventive medications and health behaviors are susceptible to various sources of bias, including the so-called healthy-user and healthy-adherer biases.
The adherer effect | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
At their essence, they were brilliant observational humorists.
Political and observational comedy from the Canadian.
Times, Sunday Times
An artificial random disturbance is carried out for some seismological observation data in the allowance range of seismological observational error with random disturbance method.
Discussing the study's limitations, the researchers said that because of its observational design, factors other than NICU quality may explain neonatal mortality.
His gift is to turn unburnished material into observational gold.
Times, Sunday Times
These writing results confirmed the sequential advantages of engaging in observational learning before engaging in enactive learning experiences.
What typical magnifications did 19 th-century observational astronomers use for lunar and planetary viewing?
Shivering was recorded by using both an electromyogram and a 4-point observational scale.
We have experimental and observational evidence concerning things which happened before and after the origin of life.
Infinite in All Directions
“inductively” by way of direct appeals to observational backing, the constitutive posits of postulational theories holistically validated by way of indirect, explanatory appeals to observational backing, and purely formal claims expressing necessary conditions for the formulation of scientific hypotheses in general.
Wilfrid Sellars
In the early 1990s, results from observational studies showed an increased mortality among children with clinical xerophthalmia.
There are many alternative ways of studying dietary effects, generally known as observational studies.
Times, Sunday Times
It is a so-called hermeneutic insight and every new such insight is supported by our past observational experience.
The Idea of Design in Nature: Science or Phenomenology? By Jakob Wolf
Her snappy asides, unconstrained mix of observational humour and rants on life's irritations make for lucid, compulsive viewing.
Her snappy asides, unconstrained mix of observational humour and rants on life's irritations make for lucid, compulsive viewing.
His statement about the lack of an adequate observational network to diagnose the climate's response to interannual variability was decontextualized and thus trumped up as has been done in the past to make it appear it's an admission that global warming has ceased.
Bill Chameides: Wall Street Journal's Portrait of the Young Climate Scientist
Tycho's awe at astronomers' predictions of celestial events turned to disillusion as his own observational skills developed.
Knowledge of causal risk factors thus relies heavily on the results of experimental trials as opposed to even the most elegant observational, longitudinal research.
It's more like a chorus line of wonderful observational one-liners.
Observational assessment covers many different aspects relating to both the teacher-student interaction and the learning environment.
Yes, I think Matt, it's a great question and I'll tell you in some ways, we're still developing our strategy, but clearly on our new products and that's why you heard me talk about the study that we're putting forward, this observational study, associated with ABThera, compared to the standard of care, I'll call the sparker system.
We film in an observational style, following events on and off over a period of months to see how things turn out.
The observational data show that Easton's neighbourhood police have two recipes for resolving this dilemma and its associated conundrum.
He was also impressed by the new observational technique of indirect ophthalmoscopy.
There is some observational evidence that supports the theory.
Hunting for moons wouldn't require any change in observational strategy, but it will take some work to tease out the exomoon signal from the data. - latest science and technology news stories
Finally, ours is an observational and descriptive study; as such, we cannot say whether, in any substantial sense, the patterns we observe are normatively the ‘right’ ones.
In observational studies of handwashing, the frequency and quality of hand hygiene are consistently suboptimal.
Like most comics today, his stage act is far too long but it does include some of the best observational comedy you'll ever see.
It would mean a complete withdrawal from observational radio astronomy in the UK.
Times, Sunday Times
Schwartz and colleagues provide the first observational evidence that the giant flare was produced when the crust of the magnetar could no longer plastically compensate the internal magnetic stress and finally cracked.
Perhaps you yourself might like to make a small-scale observational study in the acquisition of your own first language.
Educational Psychology in a Changing World
I valued the film as a warm observational portrait of a brief, yet fruitful, encounter between two lonely and isolated persons.
Watch it with friends and let the subtle observational humour win you over until the smile washes over your face and you laugh in unison.
Perhaps you yourself might like to make a small-scale observational study in the acquisition of your own first language.
Educational Psychology in a Changing World
Calling itself operatic cabaret, this production is a canny hybrid of verbatim theatre and observational sketch comedy, with a few arias parachuted in to raise the tone.
Times, Sunday Times
Limited observational and experimental studies of birds indicate that smaller broods are more often deserted.
'shorties' is very unclear: If we assume that the whole trend in short-lived TCs is due to observational changes, the undercount bias before 1920 would be about two TCs per year on average compared to the 1975-2000 period (see Fig. 2 in L09; about 0.5 vs. 2.5 TCs per year).
Physics, engineering and chemistry were regnant, and biology was still largely observational rather than experimental, so the great debates about evolution and the origins of life were yet to come.
Jonathan D. Moreno: Are We Still a Nation of Science?
Milne's metaphysical views were based in positivism, most especially in operationalism: only those objects whose properties could be directly revealed by some observational procedure, or operation, were to be counted among the real.
In particular, the epistemological contrast between two sorts of empirical generalizations ” those adopted on narrowly inductive grounds and those expressing constitutive principles of postulational theories adopted on broadly empirical, i.e., explanatory grounds ” enabled Sellars to distinguish among three different grades of “observational involvement”: observations and general claims individually validated
Wilfrid Sellars
Like the best observational comedy, it deals in exposing simple truths through humour and swearing.
The observational record from Mauna Lao since the International Geophysical Year in 1957/8 shows an increase, but what is lost in this record is the increased flux sequestered by the ocean and the terrestrial biospheric carbon pools.
An observational research study recorded that 4.6% of shaved patients in the study developed wound infections compared to 1.5% of unshaved patients.
When most male observational comics are trying to come across as the kind of regular blokes you might find propping up the bar at your local, Godliman's more the waspish girl in the corner with a glass of white wine who's smarter than the lot of them put together.
This week's new comedy
You posit an external, objective reality whose solidity allows an objective mind to perceive it fully and without cultural bias or observational tint.
(Newman 1928, 144) To see how this so-called cardinality constraint applies to ramseyfications of theories, note that in Carnap's hands, the non-observational part of reconstructed theories, their theoretical entities, were represented by “purely logico-mathematical entities, e.g. natural numbers, classes of such, classes of classes, etc.”
Vienna Circle
We have experimental and observational evidence concerning things which happened before and after the origin of life.
Infinite in All Directions
But these new ideas only gained acceptance when improved observational facilities allowed astronomers to begin making reliable estimates of the distances to and motions of galaxies.
The apparent importance of ecotones in defining habitat quality for Northern Spotted Owls in northwestern California is based on long-term observational data.
Several randomized and observational studies with controls show that either wet or dry shaving the evening before the procedure results in a significantly higher infection rate than depilation or electric clipping.
Her snappy asides, unconstrained mix of observational humour and rants on life's irritations make for lucid, compulsive viewing.
Shorterm ( 3 mo ) observational studies indicate undernourished children may preferentially benefit fron breakfast consumption.
Data from two observational field studies and one release experiment suggest that in the absence of cannibalism, male redbacks would expect fewer than one mating opportunity in a lifetime.
The observational abilities of the ancients were to have practical application beyond those of time-reckoning and attempt to predict future events.
This was the last performance of his usual brand of observational humor.
Imagine that holography has been so perfected that a laser-illuminated hologram of an object can, under certain observational conditions, be indistinguishable from the real thing.
In fact, scholarly research lends credence to the observational accounts of the mainstream news media and the conventional wisdom of partisan practitioners.
In scientific terms we are complex dynamical systems and this fact affects our observational capacity in a very real way.
This is observational comedy, not political satire.
Times, Sunday Times
Hubble's science data formatter stores and transmits much of the telescope's observational data to ground-based computers, but the system developed problems and then shut itself down into 'safe mode' on 27 September.
Hope for Rescue Package
Expect sharp writing, neat observational comedy and confident bonhomie from the artful young comic.
Times, Sunday Times
The gentle observational humour is more bark than bite, but still great fun.
Times, Sunday Times
Current recommendations to manage dyslipidaemia in diabetic patients are based on observational evidence and expert judgment.
Because of its observational nature, our study cannot differentiate between intrinsic or extrinsic factors in the reduced reproductive success.
An important feature of these examples of developing research programmes is the comparatively late stage at which observational testing becomes relevant.
The whole observational methedology of modern science was born in the Franciscan reaction to Dominican and Arabian Aristotelianism.
MIND MELD: Is Science Fiction Antithetical to Religion?
We have experimental and observational evidence concerning things which happened before and after the origin of life.
Infinite in All Directions
It was all, like, observational humour.
Times, Sunday Times
No spatial stretching occurs, yet many of the observational tests of a cosmological model are verified.
Fisher himself is well equipped with sharp observational humour and precision comic timing.
Efforts to refine observational scoring systems and expand computerized scoring systems are in progress.
It is important to remember that the observational data do not communicate consumer thoughts and meanings.
“Abstract: …fully relatavistic particle simulations allow a detailed study of a magnetized plasma galaxy model…Simulation derived morphologies, radiation intensities, frequency spectra and isophote patterns are produced by the model which can be directly compared to observational data…of barred spiral galaxies…”
Dark Energy Model Explains 'Hubble Sequence' of Galaxies | Universe Today
They peddle a nice line in observational humour that, while not necessarily being all that hilarious in itself, sparks off a certain recognition in the listener.
Times, Sunday Times
Indeed, recent observational findings confirm that “the stratosphere is a major player in determining the memory of the climate system” [36].
Future changes in ozone in the Arctic
The work that has been done relating to horticultural education is observational and little data exists to back up observations.
There's a lot of brilliantly observational material about relationships.
From our point of view perhaps the most important of these emerged from empirical (experimental or observational ) research.
Educational Psychology in a Changing World
We did an observational study of changes in prescribing costs between two financial years using anonymised data from all general practices in Trent.
In their study of human society, the anthropologists aggrandize themselves to the observational perspective of gods even as they reduce humans to little more than animals.
An artificial random disturbance is carried out for some seismological observation data in the allowance range of seismological observational error with random disturbance method.
Fisher himself is well equipped with sharp observational humour and precision comic timing.
He applied these and other insights to an equally impressive range of empirical and theoretical research in observational astronomy, celestial mechanics, surveying, geodesy, capillarity, geomagnetism, electromagnetism, mechanism optics, and actuarial science.
Gauss, Johann Carl Friedrich
Watch it with friends and let the subtle observational humour win you over until the smile washes over your face and you laugh in unison like lightly tickled hyenas.
Crime drama about a "mentalist" who uses his feigned psychic powers and keen observational skills to solve crimes.
Jay Leno Gets Ready for Prime Time
The climax of the album, however, is his mournful, observational rapping.
Most importantly, observational studies cannot distinguish indicators of risk from causal factors.
The Hubble Deep Field images have made some of the greatest impacts on observational cosmology so far.
Her sparky mix of hip hop beats, sing-a-long choruses and sharply observational lyrics about modern English life made her an internet sensation before she even released a record.
In animal experiments and observational research, vitamin E, a potent antioxidant, looks promising as a prophylactic against cardiovascular disease and cancer, but short term clinical trials have been disappointing.
The ‘fly-on-the-wall’ documentary is a catchy but catch-all term used to describe a variety of observational documentary forms.
Interview and observational methodologies should be appropriate to uncover this kind of information.
While already rightly revered as bratty garage rockers by the time of this track's release, the Kinks truly excelled when singer Ray Davies took a more observational, wry approach to songwriting -- and "Sunny Afternoon" is one of his wriest on record.
Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz