How To Use Observable In A Sentence

  • Similarly, a firm may value worker characteristics that are unobservable to employment agencies but quite observable to family and friends.
  • In other words, simultaneous measurements can only be mutually compatible for observables corresponding to operators that commute with each other.
  • As described in Section 1.6, the constructive empiricist argues that one can make sense of the observable/unobservable distinction, even if observation is theory-laden. Beyond the Voice
  • Moreover, editors may directly alter or influence copy in ways not observable by examining only the stories.
  • In addition, two of the four dimensions that make up anxiety sensitivity -- the "fear of cognitive dyscontrol" and the "fear of publically observable anxiety symptoms" specifically predicted depression symptoms. Undefined
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  • This list very well illustrates the arbitrary choice of saints to be commemorated, which is observable in most early calendars. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • There's no observable connection between the two events.
  • Besides, two of the four dimensions that make up anxiety sensitivity - the 'fear of cognitive dyscontrol' and the 'fear of publicly observable anxiety symptoms' specifically predicted depression symptoms. India eNews
  • B.when measured, unless the quantum state is an eigenstate of the measured observable A, the system does not possess any categorical property corresponding to A's having a specific value in the set B. Putnam seems to assume that a realist interpretation of (*) should consist in assigning to A some unknown value within B. for which quantum mechanics yields a non-trivial probability. Puppet X: 1
  • Satan's rebellion arises in no small measure from an over-estimation of the importance of existents and a rejection of those aspects of his relationship with God to be affirmed through belief: the unobservable act of his own creation; and the benevolence of the Son's vicegerent rule, which he takes to be an expression of divine authoritarianism. Feisal G. Mohamed: Evaluating the Post-Secular Return to Belief
  • The problem which the Phillips-Lipsey model then had to confront was one of measurability: not a directly observable magnitude.
  • The sunlessness of life in West Berlin is an observable thing.
  • I understand imagination, no doubt a complex epistemological process, to be the capacity to entertain images of meaning and reality that are beyond the givens of observable experience.
  • The observable is conserved if and only if the equations of motion are invariant under the transformations generated by the corresponding [Hermitian] operator Special Post: Noether’s First Theorem – Emmy Noether for Ada Lovelace Day
  • In observable characteristics, Saturn depicts someone who is characterised by austerity or seriousness.
  • Yet the pre-established harmony was at least consistent with Leibniz's claim that substances do not interact with one another and that what we call “causal interaction” does not involve a flow of power or force, but merely a regular sequence of changes in two observable things, in the case of mind and body, the experiences of perception and appetition and states of the sensory organs (G 4: 76-7.) Kant and Leibniz
  • The drug appeared to have no observable depressive effect on respiratory rate.
  • In the days prior to GPS-led apparati that were brought to market in the ancient, early '90s, astro-purists with an interest in locating various objects from within the observable astronomical inventory would have to understand basic algebra as a gateway to leverage a coordinate system (celestrial, equatorial, ecliptical, galactic, etc.). Cool Tools
  • From Listing 5, you can see that, in order to write an observable that uses the DEBA framework, you have barely anything to do about the underlying SOAP infrastructure.
  • If nothing else, Wringe v Cohen shifts the burden of proof from the claimant to the defendant, since it is the occupier who must establish that the nuisance was caused by a trespasser or a secret unobservable process of nature.
  • Now, if one adds criteria such as 'repeatably predictable observational consequences' etc one runs into a problem with regard to testing for the reality of conscious minds, since what's it's really like to be me — the totality of my qualia — plausibly is unique to me and is intrinsically not observable by anyone else. Darwin's God
  • The problem is even more severe with the natural world, where the ratio of observable high drama is much lower.
  • One feels in the presence of obvious intelligence and observable skill.
  • To this end we used an integrated modelling technique that combines several regional geophysical observables (elevation, gravity, geoid and heat flow) with available seismic data.
  • The term latent typically refers to something that is dormant, not observable, or not yet realized. Business Wire Travel News
  • But if ‘unobservable’ is thus interpreted, it seems to be true that material objects are unobservable, and the recognition of this truth could hardly be regarded as a matter for reproach.
  • Research finds an observable correlation between trade relations and improved warmth of feeling.
  • I choose to hold the belief that every act of magic has some effect, even if it is so miniscule (or cosmic, or seemingly unrelated) as to be unobservable.
  • Having such a sister has taught me what to look for here, she glees at her ability to provoke observable emotion in her subject. I don't particularly understand these men who say they don't like women who "play games."
  • As I understand it, decoherence occurs when the wave functions of two possible states of a system become sufficiently different (that is, sufficiently nearly orthogonal, right?) that no interference effects between the two states are observable. Quantum Hyperion
  • Alteration of residues by site directed mutagenesis which are close to, or in contact, with the sugar result in variety of effects ranging from insoluble protein through inactive enzyme to little observable change.
  • However, the same thing is observable amongst us Christian English: we say the Duse take you! even as our heathen Saxon forefathers did, who worshipped a kind of Devil so called, and named a day of the week after him, which name we still retain in our hebdomadal calendar like those of several other Anglo – Saxon devils. Wild Wales : Its People, Language and Scenery
  • The safeguards, intended to prevent the opportunities for fraudand manipulation, which we have enjoyed for well over a century, willbe rendered nonexistent if we permit our vote counting to be concealed within the unobservable processes of acomputer. Why We Must Speak Out
  • But then, I never had a problem with the idea that "yom" - the Hebrew word for "day" - can't also mean "eon," meaning that our observable universe was created in the space of six eons, each eon lasting... what's the current estimate? Pen-Elayne on the Web
  • Electrical chemical instruments allow for the naturally unobservable, such as molecules, to be observed.
  • Such situations often occur when only some agents, often with characteristics that are unobservable to the researcher, do not appear in the sample. The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 1969-2006
  • Mars is too faint and too low in the sky to be observable.
  • The hysterics' observable disorders, such as catalepsy, as well as their visual experiences, including hallucination and delirium, were deemed manifest content and, as such, not to be taken at face value.
  • Most of the damage caused to the crops occurs during the underground, unobservable parasitism stage.
  • The main problem for the latter is the general covariance of the field equations of General Relativity: any spacetime model and its image under a diffeomorphism (a infinitely differentiable, one-one and onto mapping of the model to itself) are in all observable respects equivalent to one another; all physical properties are expressed in terms of generally covariant relationships between geometrical objects. Structural Realism
  • One of the most observable is at the blades of oars and these swirling jets of water can be easily seen eddying away and conforming to Newton's third law of motion, creating an opposite reaction.
  • Think for yourself and do not be influenced by popular ideas or philosophies that have no basis in observable fact. A FEW SHORT NOTES ON TROPICAL BUTTERFLIES
  • It involved appeal to the flow of energy governed by thermodynamics and differential equations - all concepts possessing unobservable aspects - and made full use of a manifold of mental pictures.
  • Past events are unobservable and unrepeatable, so trying to reconstruct vanished history is (for the evolutionist, at least), rather like investigating a crime for which there are no witnesses.
  • Chirality describes the handedness of a molecule that is observable by the ability of a molecule to rotate the plane of polarized light either to the right (dextrorotatory) or to the left (levorotatory).
  • As one reads the reports of writers who have given arsphenamine in large doses and in rapidly repeated courses of treatment, and when one hears of the remissions obtained, in number and in duration far superior to the number of remissions observable in untreated paralysis, it cannot confidently be maintained that arsphenamine is ineffective against progressive paralysis. Julius Wagner-Jauregg - Nobel Lecture
  • In the case of scientific theories, the basic logical empiricist approaches were variations on the idea of instrumentalism, the view that scientific theories were predictive instruments and that the knowledge they represent is limited to what they predict about the observable properties of observables. Scientific Realism
  • Similar trends are observable in mainland Europe.
  • unobservable" by traditional empiricists standards is possible. Scientific Realism
  • This phenomenon, called refraction, is readily observable when a straw placed into a glass of water appears to be bent or broken. Semiconductor Structure Bends Light ‘Wrong’ Way | Impact Lab
  • I could understand such a view in a religious believer - as religious believers believe in lots of mysterious, mystical and unobservable stuff - but Keith is an atheist!
  • Because the oscillations of different filament pairs have different phases, oscillatory motion is not normally observable on the scale of a whole muscle fiber in steady conditions.
  • But, because observable price inefficiencies tend to be quite small, pure arbitrage requires large, usually leveraged investments and high turnover.
  • An example that is easily observable is the sexual urge.
  • Like all the others I had recently examined, it was composed principally of quartz, ironstone and a kind of slaty rock; the low hills in front exhibiting the grey limestone, whilst patches of gum scrub were observable in many places. Journals of expeditions of discovery into Central Australia, and overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound, in the years 1840-1
  • In the rearrangement of the Angerthas the following principles are observable (evidently inspired by the Fëanorian system): (1) adding a stroke to a branch added ‘voice’; (2) reversing the certh indicated opening to a ‘spirant’; (3) placing the branch on both sides of the stem added voice and nasality. The Lord of the Rings
  • A nomological network seeks to relate theoretical constructs to each other, theoretical constructs to observable measures, and observable measures to each other.
  • The observable universe is expanding, and not in a steady state.
  • In a double-labeled red cell with rhodamine phalloidin and F1 - PE, the lipid pattern is again accompanied by a weaker, dim but observable perturbation of the actin distribution.
  • Quantum mechanics asks us to take this literally: any ˜maximal™ discrete quantum-mechanical observable is modeled by an orthonormal basis, and any pure quantum mechanical state, by a unit vector in exactly this way. Puppet X: 1
  • The tendency precipitates into observable motion.
  • On the right superciliary ridge is observable an oblique furrow or depression, indicative of an injury received during life. 56 56 Essays
  • Researchers in the United States have identified two observable measures that predict future professionalism: conscientious behaviour; and humility in self assessment in the preclinical years.
  • Thus there is a fundamental difference in the structure of the foot and the hand, observable when the carpus and the tarsus are contrasted; and there are differences of degree noticeable when the proportions and the mobility of the metacarpals and metatarsals, with their respective digits, are compared together. Essays
  • There is, of course, the question of unobservable costs - and read Ambassador Peter Galbraith's disturbing account in the Boston Globe on that issue.
  • I have seen in dropsy, and in some fevers; but it is also observable, that many who have exerted much voluntary effort during their whole lives, have continued active to great age. Note VII
  • Before testing, we protocolled all behaviors observable. PLoS Biology: New Articles
  • The real difference is observable in the breakdown of scenes and the manner in which Britten chooses to deploy the dramatic action.
  • The only known 'lek' mating system in any marine mammal in the world is observable amongst South Cove dugong. Shark Bay, Australia
  • Basically, the fifth coordinate was not observable but was a physical quantity that was conjugate to the electrical charge.
  • “I see a buck's head!” cried Joe, looking down the dell, where the object he mentioned was distinctly observable amid a cluster of spicewood bushes, whence a slight jingling sound proceeded as the animal plucked the nutritious buds bent down by the innumerable icicles. Wild Western Scenes
  • To measure success, the world must evaluate tangibles and observables.
  • For years, astronomers have been slowly pushing back the frontiers of the observable universe - looking further and further away in terms of distance, and further and further back in time.
  • National portraits typically underestimate change as well as variation, and their explanatory schemas commonly invoke unobservable traditions more than socio-economic institutions.
  • I am willing to believe that FFDs stand in for a host of unobservable features of family life, and so it is a good predictive variable. Wow! Repeat After Me: Correlation N.E. Causation
  • Like other "supersensible" categories, capital haunts the empirically observable process of commodity circulation - a social spectre with no body of its own. 1 Marx describes a plausible empiricist reaction from the perspective of commodity circulation to capital's apparently mysterious, occult qualities:
  • As in the analysis of the sample, they use a statistical model in which the intention of the voters - an unobservable variable - is measured, with some error, by different events.
  • I find it in accord with all observable principles of the known universe, save one. Think Progress » Christian leaders urge Congress to ignore misinformation on abortion provisions and pass health reform.
  • The main problem for the latter is the general covariance of the field equations of General Relativity: any spacetime model and its image under a diffeomorphism (a infinitely differentiable, one-one and onto mapping of the model to itself) are in all observable respects equivalent to one another; all physical properties are expressed in terms of generally covariant relationships between geometrical objects. Structural Realism
  • This effect is likely due to selective photobleaching of the red chromophores in DsRed, resulting in observable fluorescence from the green state. Archive 2005-10-01
  • Given this isomorphism, it seems perverse to disqualify blood cells and other microscopically viewed objects from the realm of observables’.
  • Individual mind is filtering universal mind (the continuum), but the underlying essence of mind is not bounded by those filters just as an individual wave on the ocean, although unique, particular and observable, is not fundamentally different from or separate from the larger body of all the worlds oceans which are analagous to being a 'universal continuum' or one-god principle. Another Look
  • During October, Mercury remains close to the Sun and so is unobservable until its return to the evening sky later in November.
  • One of the characteristic effects of metal poisoning, observable at an early stage, is a reduction in cell proliferation and growth.
  • And, of course, it is freely observable in daily life as we all model ourselves on what we are exposed to.
  • = Scurf = — “furfur or furfura” — is a formation depending on the natural and healthy exfoliation of the skin on every part of the body on which hair or down grows, but most extensive and observable on the scalp, on account of the abundance and darker color of the hair there. The Ladies Book of Useful Information Compiled from many sources
  • The order or systematic interconnexion of all the observable phenomena in the Universe suggests that the ultimate Reality must be one Being of some kind; the argument which I have suggested leads us to regard that one Reality as a spiritual Reality. Philosophy and Religion Six Lectures Delivered at Cambridge
  • In order to study the optimal incentive schemes when both manager's ability type and effort are unobservable, this paper sets up an information revelation model of manager.
  • Controlling for all of these observable differences through matching or multivariate methods may well be possible, but considerable unobservable heterogeneity that would be difficult to control for would probably remain.
  • But it is still observable that with all his changes of position, he never assumes the upright or a fraudful affectation of dignity. Sketches New And Old
  • From either point of view the authors are highly gifted individuals’ [!] —highly gifted individuals, who, notwithstanding their diversities, and the progressiveness observable in their representations of the nature of God, are wonderfully consistent in the main tenor of their writings, and serve, in general, for mutual confirmation and illustration. IX. On Reading the Bible (II)
  • A classic forward genetics approach relies on the identification of observable mutant phenotypes.
  • These key strategic factors ought to be observable from a thorough analysis of market attractiveness and competitive strengths.
  • A detailed understanding of protistan biology, therefore, offers scientists and lay persons alike the ability to address current attacks on evolutionary theory, and to refute the claims of ID creationists who insist on invoking supernatural explanations to account for observable phenomena. Reason Magazine
  • Reputation and trust are unobservable but they are just as real. Times, Sunday Times
  • While the silent or brown study kind of awayness is perhaps the main type, other kinds are also observable. Behavior in Public Places
  • In this regard, sad to say, brain events appear to be no more transparent than other observable events like reaction time.
  • Directly observable from fossils, the ancestral cetacean also had a pachyostotic bulla and elongate molar shear facets.
  • Sometimes these successful strategies are easily observable from their outcomes: a person may have a gift of fluent ease in a social situation, or be a creative doodler, or demonstrate wit.
  • Even when samples are representative, some characteristics that affect individuals 'behavior remain unobservable, which makes it difficult, or impossible, to explain some of the variation among individuals. The Prize in Economics 2000 - Information for the Public
  • Does the same evolutionary predilection lead physicists and mathematicians to see beauty in the unobserved, or unobservable?
  • If you have a provable scientific claim, especially one where you cite significant observable effects, there is no need to promote it through the medium of bombast and obfuscation.
  • Assuming that the parity operator is hermitian, meaning it is observable, means that its eigenvalues can only be real, meaning there are only two possibilities: 1 or -1. (squareroot of 1 is either 1 or -1). which leads to the conclusion that in this simplified case of two particles in one dimension there are two types of wavefunctions, one we will call bosons and the other fermions. Thanksgiving
  • The focus is on the role of the directly observable: ‘Guiding the patient to becoming more sensorily aware of what his or her body is doing before, at the outset of, during, and after an attack.’
  • Those who conceptualize power from the first dimension are ‘opposed to any suggestion that interests might be unarticulated or unobservable’.
  • I tend to think that statements like ‘there is an unobservable pink fairy on my shoulder’ are meaningless.
  • It remains for us to say here that the differences observable in the quantity of fixed tannin ought to arise chiefly from the different natures of these tannins, which have properties differing as do those of one plant from another, and which really have but one property in common, that of assimilating themselves with animal tissues and rendering them imputrescible. Scientific American Supplement, No. 286, June 25, 1881
  • Then the observable quantity, the orbital decay rate. is.
  • The 200-inch Mount Palomar telescope can photograph clusters of galaxies at distances of a few thousand million light years so that within this optically observable part of the universe alone there must be a billion galaxies with a size, structure, and stellar content not dissimilar from that of the Milky Way. Sharing the Universe
  • Less than 10 atoms of meitnerium have ever been made, and it will probably never be isolated in observable quantities.
  • According to instrumentalism, theoretical science is no more than a complicated instrument for making predictions about the observable, physical world.
  • Structurally, the problem is this: - We have an algebra of observables together with an automorphic action of time evolutions on it (and possibly some symmetry groups). String Theory is Losing the Public Debate
  • In its strongest form it demands a list of observable consequences and a formal demonstration that they are indeed consequences of the proposition claimed.
  • Perhaps you might want to ask someone from Darfur, or Somalia, or ..., places where starvation is clearly observable. The Volokh Conspiracy » More on Liz Cheney
  • What Mr. Landes calls "tribal millennialism" is observable, he claims, in the case of the Xhosa in Africa, who in 1856 were persuaded by a young prophetic girl that their ancestors were returning to save them from the white man and to restore their cattle and crops to the great times of the past. Apocalypse Now And Then
  • This world, ruled by the laws of quantum physics, displays many spectacular phenomena not normally observable in the macroworld. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2003 - Presentation Speech
  • This is the force responsible for nuclear beta decay, which, for example, permits a neutron to decay into a proton, electron, and a third particle -- the neutrino which without extremely carefully designed experiments leaves no observable signatures of its own strictly speaking, it is the neutrino's antiparticle known as the antineutrino. Lisa Randall: CERN or Einstein? Interpreting the Findings
  • However, origins science deals with the origin of things in the past - unique, unrepeatable, unobservable events.
  • As a result, Freshfields said the "unobservable" part of the hedge fund industry, outside of major jurisdictions, would attract market share and become more risky from a systemic perspective. Between the Hedges
  • For that strange spectacle observable in all sperm whales dying — the turning sunwards of the head, and so expiring — that strange spectacle, beheld of such a placid evening, somehow to Ahab conveyed a wondrousness unknown before. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • This can theoretically exist in the world of action and so you need not postulate fundamentally unobservable preferences. Cowenian Advice: The Best and the Worst, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • If productivity declines represent a loss of ten to fifteen percent of average sales, then we can use this percentage as a proxy for the unobservable productivity figure.
  • It follows that the non-commutativity of observables imposes limits on the possibilities of joint existence of properties. Modal Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics
  • The interconnexion, the regularity, the order observable in phenomena are too great to be the result of chance or of the undesigned concurrence of a number of {44} independent agencies: and perhaps we may go on further to argue that this one cause must be the ultimate cause even of those events which are directly and immediately caused by our own wills. Philosophy and Religion Six Lectures Delivered at Cambridge
  • Before that point, the two dominant theories of rationality were confirmationism (scientists should accept theories that are probably true, given the evidence) and falsificationism (scientists should reject theories that make false predictions about observables and replace them with theories that conform to all available evidence). Historicist Theories of Rationality
  • In some sense, modern physics is already positing a two-level existence, insofar as it speaks of both an observable physical world that we live in every day, and a kind of "substructure" beneath that of "strings," "membranes," or pure space. Serendip's Exchange -
  • Likewise, effects can be gradual, and may not be manifest or observable in animal systems until it is too late.
  • ˜measurement™, prefer to understand (*) as a property ascription: “the system has a certain categorical property, which corresponds to the observable A having, independently of any measurement, a value in the set B”. Puppet X: 1
  • The topic of "uniformitarianism" is addressed in more detail, and committment to beginning with observable phenomena is shown to not be incompatible with openness to the possibility of miracles. Archive 2009-04-01
  • But because structural changes to the true genealogy are generally unobservable, these studies all assume that observed variation is neutral, whereas the variation on which selection acts is unseen.
  • However, bibliographical research has shown that pyrogallol has a hepatoprotective activity which is observable when the same amount of doses are used as those showing antibacterial effect. Chapter 12
  • Back, from the point of the tail to the point of the nose, dark sepia brown; under the head yellow; and towards the middle of the belly orange; scales minute; scuta 140; tongue forked; teeth very minute; no fangs observable. Journals of expeditions of discovery into Central Australia, and overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound, in the years 1840-1
  • What would be required is an observable analogy that things like the complexity we see in biotic system can be created through blind, non-intentional processes. Analogy, How Scientifically Powerful is It?
  • The tendency precipitates into observable motion.
  • Perhaps this observable distinction between the two inner walls is used by the mechanism responsible for spatial orientation of apical cell division.
  • This talent to imitate, observable in parrots and some other bird species, is not an ability that can be acquired by coincidence.
  • While this is certainly possible, a critical point Barr emphasizes is that proposing an infinity of unobservable entities is no more scientifically defensible than proposing a single unobservable one God. Matt J. Rossano: Are Infinities More Scientific Than God?
  • As the external difference between them is mainly observable in their heads; and as a head of each is this moment hanging from the Pequod's side; and as we may freely go from one to the other, by merely stepping across the deck: -- where, I should like to know, will you obtain a better chance to study practical cetology than here? Moby Dick, or, the whale
  • The reason it's so perfect is because it puts the fallaciousness of the IC argument in a nutshell: in Darwin's Black Box, Behe started with what he was claiming was an observable characteristic that showed evolution couldn't explain the structures. A Decade Spanning Single Exchange
  • The models may be extended to include observable explanatory variables and simultaneity can be allowed for as in econometric models.
  • In addition, two of the four dimensions that make up anxiety sensitivity - the "fear of cognitive dyscontrol" and the "fear of publically observable anxiety symptoms" specifically predicted depression symptoms. Penn State Live
  • One of the amusing things about empiricism is that it makes the having of observable consequences a criterion of reality. Backing Into an Evidentiary Standard for ID
  • In the writings of the logical empiricists this view was closely allied to a sceptical attitude concerning the ontological status of the unobservable things postulated by scientific theories.
  • It is this alteration in the diffusivity of the mesopause region that allows structures in the electron density to persist at observable scales.
  • Theoretical ideas are connected to the world by a translation into an empirical language more closely attuned to the observable world.
  • The cause and effect relationship between genes and phenotype is observable. Another predictable argument against front-loading
  • We split the observable changes in the aligned codons in the two sequences into a number of disjoint groups.
  • A Cloudy and rainy Day, staid at home; spent the day Writing, Reading and Chatting -- I think it observable that our Language is more and more sliding into modes of expression allusive and allegorical, approximating to the eastern stile -- Professional Men, Lawyers, Seamen, Soldiers Journal of a Tour to North Carolina by William Attmore, 1787
  • The similarity is especially observable in the voluted and chevroned columns of the nave. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • The plane felt fine, no observable damage, so I banked around and went in for another quick pass.
  • Breast-fed babies in America score on average eight points higher than bottle-fed kids when given cognitive tests, an effect still observable nearly a decade after the breast-feeding has stopped. John Medina, Ph.D.: Brain Science Weighs In On Breast-Feeding Debate
  • If, however, the unobservable portion of the universe consists solely of a thin distribution of hydrogen gas there's no reason to think that, however vast it is, it would produce life. A Short Critique of Bradley Monton's Paper
  • The absurdity grows even more palpable among astrophysicists who avoid acknowledging the human-friendly pattern in subatomic and cosmic architecture found in the observable universe only by theorizing the existence of an infinite number of unobservable universes in which sovereign randomness has dictated other and more hostile architectures. An Interview with Elisabet Sahtouris
  • Where it is observable, that there is mention of the tetrarchy of Philip, distinct from Batanea and From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • Their observable universe also used to be the size of a grapefruit.
  • Science is that branch of knowledge which deals with the material world, the world and natural phenomena that are observable, measurable and perceivable by the senses.
  • In quantum field theories, the actual field values are one of these unobservable things; what we can actually see is discrete excitations of the fields that we call ‘particles.’
  • Prior to Newton and the Enlightenment in Europe, the western model had largely been Socratic-Pythagorum-gnostic, that is, a thing was inherently knowable via some interior plumbing of the mind and spirit, as contrasted with the accumulation of observable evidence and the harsh testing of that evidence. Why are so willing to join a parade headed over a cliff?
  • In addition to observable factors like academic achievement, family background, and ability, some analysts have tried to control for self-selection into various institutions.
  • Other realms might exist beyond the edge of our observable universe, or in extra dimensions we are unable to perceive.
  • As an ability, rhetoric is observable when people choose to engage in it.
  • an observable change in behavior
  • Random diffusion is a type of stochastic process, so if the theory of cosmogenic drift is to be developed, and if observable predictions are to be derived from it, then it will be necessary to employ the mathematics of stochastic processes. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Since all observable objects have some definitive shape and size then atoms do also.
  • Superelectrophiles are the de facto reactive intermediates of many electrophilic reactions in superacidic systems (including those involving solid superacids) and even some enzymatic systems and should be differentiated from energetically lower-lying, thus much more stable intermediates, which frequently are observable and even isolable but are not necessarily reactive enough without further activation. George A. Olah - Autobiography
  • A classic forward genetics approach relies on the identification of observable mutant phenotypes.
  • In particular, he thought that the unobservable entities postulated by scientific theories were Kant's noumena or things in themselves. Structural Realism
  • Some provision they might make by fictile vessels, coverings, tiles, or flat stones, upon and about the body (and in the same field, not far from these urns, many stones were found underground), as also by careful separation of extraneous matter composing and raking up the burnt bones with forks, observable in that notable lamp of Hydriotaphia, or Urn-burial
  • This happens when the shadow cone of the Moon intersects the surface of the Earth, and is observable by anyone within this shadow zone.
  • _claim_, but it is observable that the claim failed, and that the supposed villain was adjudged to be a free man. Notes and Queries, Number 09, December 29, 1849
  • This macroscopically observable reaction was identified to be coupled with light-induced processes of the photoreceptor phytochrome.
  • Basically, the fifth coordinate was not observable but was a physical quantity that was conjugate to the electrical charge.
  • Nevertheless, the observable freezing of the gut was not a common event, suggesting that there is no consistent barrier to ice propagation between the haemocoel and gut in these larvae. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The photograph emerges from the world of non-fiction, it is the product and evidence of the observable world.
  • July 9th, 2007 at 5: 35 pm salimfahdley wrote: me: One of the amusing things about empiricism is that it makes the having of observable consequences a criterion of reality. Backing Into an Evidentiary Standard for ID
  • However, we can sometimes infer some of the particle's unobservable properties from what we can observe.
  • There remains to recover, e.g., the representation of “observables” by self-adjoint operators, and the dynamics (unitary evolution). Puppet X: 1
  • He spoke in that quiet deliberate manner, and in that undertone, which is often observable in mechanics who consider and adjust with great nicety. Little Dorrit
  • This is further confirm'd by this observable, that that Iron or Steel will keep longer from rusting which is covered with this vitrify'd case: Thus also Lead will, by degrees, be all turn'd into a litharge; for that colour which covers the top being scum'd or shov'd aside, appears to be nothing else but a litharge or vitrify'd Lead. Micrographia Some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies Made by Magnifying Glasses with Observations and Inquiries Thereupon
  • Infrared astronomy is traditionally described as focusing on the "old, cold and dusty" - that is, the redshifted light from ancient galaxies on the edge of the observable universe, cool objects such as brown dwarfs that shine only in infrared wavelengths, and infant stars and planets still wrapped in shrouds of dust. launched last May, is the most sensitive far-infrared telescope in operation. Community
  • At the other end of the continuum are jobs involving processes that are abstract or unobservable. Human Resource Management in Government
  • When we speak of ‘the mind’ or ‘the self’ we are not talking about a set of numinous inner entities, which are not open to inspection, but about observable actions and language.
  • As agents' types are unobservable to the principal, the principal can only impose the same criterion on all agents.
  • Only a few atoms of bohrium have ever been made, and it will probably never be isolated in observable quantities.
  • Observable in initiatives from food to vitamin supplements and beauty care, marketers have been tweaking product lines and repositioning them in a bid to win maturing baby boomers.
  • Prophase - The first stage of mitosis is known as prophase, where the nuclear chromatin starts to become organized and condenses into thick strands that eventually become chromosomes observable in the optical microscope (Figure 1 (b)). Undefined
  • Does the same evolutionary predilection lead physicists and mathematicians to see beauty in the unobserved, or unobservable?
  • There were other changes in the town, which were not so observable as the full bars and the bustling Mall. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • The building, now thirty feet in height, was thickly coated with fuci to the height of about fifteen feet, calculating from the rock: on the eastern side, indeed, the growth of seaweed was observable to the full height of thirty feet, and even on the top or upper bed of the last-laid course, especially towards the eastern side, it had germinated, so as to render walking upon it somewhat difficult. Records of a Family of Engineers
  • And yet it would be one of those ‘tiny observable effects’ that turned Einstein into a living legend.
  • Despite recent encouraging possibilities that superstrings might have observable effects at the TeV scale, string theory remains an almost exclusively mathematical activity isolated from any serious threat of experimental test.
  • Valence-shell electrons may also undergo transitions of three types, depending on their destination; in this case all are observable in practice.
  • The behaviorist, like the molecular biologist or astrophysicist, assumes that, for the most part, unobservable events obey the same laws as the observable ones they can study.
  • I do think this system -- which I'm labelling constraint morality -- is an observable, analysable system of society, something we can find, out in the world, in monotheistic religion (though not only in religion), and in individual believers (though not only in believers), something that is real enough that we can look for cause and effect. The Heirs of Job
  • Theoretical ideas are connected to the world by a translation into an empirical language more closely attuned to the observable world.
  • It was observable that Captain Wade, kissing me on parting, did a little detain my Hand, and for this Sam'l did so betwit and becall me, returning in the Coach, that I pretended sleep, which did put him in a great discontent and so angry and without Prayers to bed. The Ladies A Shining Constellation of Wit and Beauty
  • David, in affliction, is here pouring out his soul before God; his address is short, but the method is very observable, and of use for direction and encouragement. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)

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