How To Use Obsequious In A Sentence

  • Randy is Mr. Lahey's obsequious sidekick, lover and Sunnyvale's assistant trailer park supervisor.
  • ‘I've always been by your side, Trist,’ Marvin whined obsequiously.
  • The upwardly moral children of the bourgeoisie are obsequiously, uncompromisingly virtuous. Enough About Me. Now, About My Kids...
  • Without an exception these hangers-on are a shallow, mean-spirited bunch of bourgeoise no-counts, who mistake philosophical declamation for conversation and obsequiousness for love.
  • He's that kind of man: modest and honest and difficult to write about without seeming obsequious. Times, Sunday Times
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  • It is obsequious for a reason: a correspondent will not be given stories or even asked to briefings if he does not toe the line. Times, Sunday Times
  • He cuddled up to his colleagues, begging for approval - he was obsequious, smart, slippery.
  • They were obsequious and servile and did not presume to talk to their masters as if they were their equals. The Secret Garden
  • And in Congress politics, fulsome flattery and obsequious loyalty play a vital role.
  • His caricatures were affectionate but not obsequious representations of the great and the good. Times, Sunday Times
  • Barrow was positively obsequious to me until he learnt that I too was the son of a labouring man.
  • For a certain portion of the passengers had the unmistakable excursion air: the half-jocular manner towards each other, the local facetiousness which is so offensive to uninterested fellow-travelers, that male obsequiousness about ladies 'shawls and reticules, the clumsy pretense of gallantry with each other's wives, the anxiety about the company luggage and the company health. Baddeck, and That Sort of Thing
  • I try to tread a not-middle line between following the pure dictates of cold logic which would involve going to the gym as well as not being in any political party and the kind of obsequious loyalty and jam-tomorrow logic you see in members of the other two parties. What did Evan Harris actually say?
  • The man stepped obsequiously forward and presented a message, for all the world like any ordinary aerogram. The Devolutionist and the Emancipatrix
  • He's that kind of man: modest and honest and difficult to write about without seeming obsequious. Times, Sunday Times
  • The stark statement of the facts was followed by a panegyric which was the soul and model of obsequiousness. THE SCAR
  • Diamond has a gentle, self-effacing style about him without seeming obsequious.
  • Like spoiled children, they can demand, stamp their feet, refuse to vote, be fickle and whimsical, expecting MPs to act as obsequious valets, while distrusting them all along.
  • An uncatholic national feeling had been aroused some years before in New York, assuming under Bishop Connolly all obsequiousness to that prelate and zeal for his honor; under Bishop Du Donahoe's Magazine, Volume 15, No. 1, January 1886
  • Here was the genuine article -- no, not the genuine article at all, we must go to Africa for that -- but the sort of creatures generations of slavery have made them: obsequious, trickish, lazy and ignorant, yet kind-hearted, merry-tempered, quick to feel and accept the least token of the brotherly love which is slowly teaching the white hand to grasp the black, in this great struggle for the liberty of both the races. Hospital Sketches
  • Lamb associates with cod's head: nor has it on the other hand that fine falling off flakiness, that obsequious peeling off (as it were like a sea onion) which endears your cods head & shoulders to some appetites, that manly firmness combined with a sort of womanish coming-in-pieces which the same cods head Alexis Soyer and the Rise of the Celebrity Chef
  • And—being human—we responded in kind, seeking out dogs for their obsequiousness and unconditional devotion. From the Cave to the Kennel
  • Great player that he is, the obsequiousness towards Tendulkar can grate. India's future is so bright they gotta wear shades | Barney Ronay
  • Some habits of hasty irritation he had contracted, partly, it was said in the borough of Fairport, from an early disappointment in love in virtue of which he had commenced misogynist, as he called it, but yet more by the obsequious attention paid to him by his maiden sister and his orphan niece, whom he had trained to consider him as the greatest man upon earth, and whom he used to boast of as the only women he had ever seen who were well broke in and bitted to obedience; though, it must be owned, Miss Grizzy Oldbuck was sometimes apt to _jibb_ when he pulled the reins too tight. The Antiquary — Volume 01
  • Make note of the incoherent speech, grammatical errors, cutesy nicknames with reporters, and crankiness from the president and obsequiousness from the press.
  • Public support can urge Republicans to repel policy and political risks of inaction and obsequiousness to Tea Party agendas. Bradford Kane: Lessons From the Debt Ceiling Crisis: Bipartisanship in the Tea Party Era
  • He cuddled up to his colleagues, begging for approval - he was obsequious, smart, slippery.
  • The antonomasia can also work the other way, with a proper name as a description - referring to a soldier as a Rambo, for instance, or calling an obsequious black man Uncle Tom.
  • They've filled their almost-claustrophobic room with towering flower bouquets and perhaps a few too many obsequious waiters.
  • ‘Thank you, señor,’ the man said obsequiously, pocketing all the money.
  • I think of, you have a lot of night to come below fair door the government official of beg, their obsequiousness artful tongue should compare money baldicoot brillant and decuple.
  • Fairport, from an early disappointment in love in virtue of which he had commenced misogynist, as he called it, but yet more by the obsequious attention paid to him by his maiden sister and his orphan niece, whom he had trained to consider him as the greatest man upon earth, and whom he used to boast of as the only women he had ever seen who were well broke in and bitted to obedience; though, it must be owned, Miss Grizzy Oldbuck was sometimes apt to jibb when he pulled the reins too tight. The Antiquary
  • The person he hires will be insipid and obsequious.
  • In fact, the figure lounging in front of me seems in some respects more human than fox, effortlessly graceful, endearing without being obsequious, and persistently humorous.
  • But there is a point, when excessive demands are being placed, at which assent becomes obsequious. Times, Sunday Times
  • He says the last Labour government "made mistakes", but it wasn't mistakes it made by adopting its ideological obsequiousness to big business. Letters: Ed Miliband listened – what did he learn?
  • It is obsequious for a reason: a correspondent will not be given stories or even asked to briefings if he does not toe the line. Times, Sunday Times
  • We need to possess greater wisdom than to merely fall for somebody who is obsequious, nice, polite and reasonable.
  • His own brief career as a sex offender followed the same quiet, obsequious, ingratiating style, and he inflicted no physical violence on the boys involved.
  • The stark statement of the facts was followed by a panegyric which was the soul and model of obsequiousness. THE SCAR
  • Thus approached, I would smile benignly and direct the appropriately obsequious customer toward the objects of his desiring.
  • He explains that "it is sometimes difficult for the reader less obsessed with [Hartman's] texts than the author is even to derive a clear sense of what Hartman was talking about," and he proceeds to worry that an essay caught between "obsequiousness" and "assault" against one's teacher "begins to suggest unpleasant things about life in graduate school. 'At the Far End of this Ongoing Enterprise...'
  • He's that kind of man: modest and honest and difficult to write about without seeming obsequious. Times, Sunday Times
  • This hagiographical obsequiousness suggests that we are to be conducted through a treasury of sacred relics. How Stanley Kubrick Met His Waterloo
  • They were obsequious and servile and did not presume to talk to their masters as if they were their equals. The Secret Garden
  • So marble halls, crystal chandeliers, obsequious waiters were going to be in.
  • You must guard against those who fawn upon you and bow obsequiously before you!
  • Doll Conovan reliably slips backs into Dix's life every time he's released from jail, but he barely acknowledges her existence even when she shares his apartment and caters to his every whim obsequiously truckling, ‘Yeah!’
  • The landlord, an obsequious little man, with face pregnant with mischievous cunning, was watching with interest, the turns of the game; and assisting his guests, to quaff his vino ordinario, which Sir Henry afterwards found was ordinary enough. A Love Story
  • He was obedient to his Christchurch bosses, but not at all obsequious.
  • That kind of obsequious attitude plus Gordon Brown's 'light touch regulation' were taken by the 'spiv' element in the City as the signal that anything goes. John Rentoul today puts Trevor Kavanagh and myself in the...
  • His caricatures were affectionate but not obsequious representations of the great and the good. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were obsequious and servile and did not presume to talk to their masters as if they were their equals. The Secret Garden
  • I find his obsequiousness repellent
  • (A further demonstration of the larger, obsequious mechanisms at work to engrain the official version.) 911, an esoteric collection
  • Tina raised her hand, ducking her head obsequiously. Gideon’s war
  • My ghostly waiter was preferable to the obsequious, hovering variety which pop up like pantomime villains to ask if everything is all right just as you are about to start chewing.
  • n. - unremitting care; unflagging or obsequious attention. assiduous, v. - pardon; absolve; acquit; release. assoilment, assumpsit Xml's
  • And by the way, just as these politicians flattered, overlooked, and cosseted Murdoch in desperate pursuit and defense of their own self-interest -- the way schoolyard victims are obsequiously and tail-waggingly respectful to schoolyard bullies -- so too did both the Labor and Conservative parties coddle the indigenous Murdochs of Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Syria. Adam Hanft: Murdoch's Arab Summer; We Always Knew, Now We Know
  • But the prime minister obsequiousness to him is prompting revolt and disgust in the ranks of his Labor Party against him.
  • she acts obsequiously toward her boss
  • Although unwashed, "unwiped," and otherwise undistinguishable from others of the same age about the place, they are gravely introduced as khan this, that, and the other respectively; and while they remain in the room, obsequiousness marks the deportment of everybody present except their father, and he regards them with paternal pride. Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume II From Teheran To Yokohama
  • Part of that was answered when Trin, with obsequious excitement, presented her with a shallow rectangular box of highly polished and unusually ornamented bluewood. The Coelura
  • On the bridge, a Ferengi hurried over to Bok, crouching obsequiously. Star Trek The Next Generation®
  • Erect as a Buckingham Palace guard, he gets his laughs with his eyes, endlessly bulging at the Prime Minister's lapses, and with his obsequiously dominating tone of voice. David Finkle: First Nighter: Yes, Prime Minister Prime Stage Comedy Meat
  • Finally, Noam Chomsky gives his take on Obama's pro-Israel hawk appointments and his unprecedented "obsequiousness" to AIPAC.
  • obsequious shop assistants
  • Kissinger, who obsequiously went along with Nixon's expansion of the war, with the bombing of peasant villages in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
  • I dare say you know two types of natives, which may be called the obsequious and the sullen? The Ebb-Tide
  • This hagiographical obsequiousness suggests that we are to be conducted through a treasury of sacred relics. How Stanley Kubrick Met His Waterloo
  • In the past, Percy served as comic relief, a stuffed shirt whose obsequiousness toward authority figures was matched only by his imperiousness toward younger students.
  • They are curiously obsequious, seeming to promise presidents and prime ministers a favourable verdict in return for a few invitations, a few decorations.
  • Paris himself turns out to be an obsequious toady in Domitian's heady presence.
  • Here’s how brazen Mr. Rumsfeld was when he invoked Hitler’s appeasers to score his cheap points: Since Hitler was photographed warmly shaking Neville Chamberlain’s hand at Munich in 1938, the only image that comes close to matching it in epochal obsequiousness is the December 1983 photograph of Mr. Rumsfeld himself in Baghdad, warmly shaking the hand of Saddam Hussein in full fascist regalia. September 2006
  • As is always the case in France, I am not sure if she reads my apology as sufficiently humble or merely obsequious.
  • He was obsequious to his superiors, but he didn't get any favor.
  • Which being the case, no wonder if error, oiled with obsequiousness, (which generally gains friends, though deserves none worth having,) has often the advantage of truth, and thereby slides more easily and intimately into the fool's bosom, than the uncourtliness of truth will suffer it to do. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. III.
  • Obsequiousness tends to refer to a desire to ingratiate oneself, and to win benefits through flattery.
  • But there is a point, when excessive demands are being placed, at which assent becomes obsequious. Times, Sunday Times
  • His spirit is cheerful throughout all of this: ‘I delight to do thy will, O God, ‘he cries joyfully, not as some obsequious lickspittle.’
  • The award will be given annually to the journo who produces the greatest volume of obsequious offal about a sports ‘hero’.
  • Since other gentlemen are not more obsequious in gallantry, I hereby tender myself for honour of accompanyist and _vade mecum_. Baboo Jabberjee, B.A.
  • a coaxing and obsequious voice
  • In addition, there's a new book about Shyamalan, The Man Who Heard Voices: Or, How M. Night Shyamalan Risked His Career on a Fairy Tale and the making of this film, which is apparently an exercise in obsequious flattery. Actions Speaking Loudly as Words
  • I told him to get lost and leave me alone and his tone quickly changed from obsequiousness to outright anger.
  • Didas 'instructions were for the time being to insinuate himself by every kind of obsequiousness into Demetrius' confidence and intimacy so as to be able to draw out all his secrets and ascertain his hidden sentiments. The History of Rome, Vol. VI
  • Besides, he began to find himself a mere novice in French gallantry, which is supported by an amazing volubility of tongue, and obsequious and incredible attention to trifles, a surprising faculty of laughing out of pure complaisance, and a nothingness of conversation which he could never attain. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • Moe Tkacik's latest piece for her Das Krapital blog at the Washington City Paper fingers Charles Lane for most of the Washington Post's obsequious coverage of the post-crash economy -- from their overarching devotion to Timothy Geithner, to their fussbudgety and nonsensical concern-trolling over Elizabeth Warren to what Tkacik describes as an overall "neglect" of "the economy's more conspicuous challenges -- such as the foreclosure thing, about which they have yet to issue an official proclamation. The Washington Post's TARP Mythmaking, A Recent History
  • If we were a genuine republic, one of our leading businessmen would not have dared to obsequiously accept a knighthood from a British monarch.
  • This set also has a respectful (if overlong and obsequious) tribute to Mel Blanc. Weekly Mishmash: July 25-August 1 :
  • As it was, he was forced to his usual obsequious tolerance.
  • He would be both ashamed and afraid to bring forward, for the most distinguished or lucrative stations, candidates who had no other merit than that of coming from the same State to which he particularly belonged, or of being in some way or other personally allied to him, or of possessing the necessary insignificance and pliancy to render them the obsequious instruments of his pleasure. The Volokh Conspiracy » Kagan’s Memos for Justice Marshall
  • But in the intervening years, the State Department's refusal to press for reform in that country turned into humiliating obsequiousness.
  • “Sure,” I said after a few moments, “if you're really serious about becoming an obsequious, brown-nosing, apple-polisher like me.” I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Thank-You Note
  • Here was the genuine article – no, not the genuine article at all, we must go to Africa for that – but the sort of creatures generations of slavery have made them: obsequious, trickish, lazy and ignorant, yet kind-hearted, merry-tempered, quick to feel and accept the least token of the brotherly love which is slowly teaching the white hand to grasp the black, in this great struggle for the liberty of both the races. Hospital Sketches
  • It is obsequious for a reason: a correspondent will not be given stories or even asked to briefings if he does not toe the line. Times, Sunday Times
  • My approach to the City is not one of hostility, or of obsequiousness. It really is just ‘business as usual’… « My Liberal Democrat Political Ramblings…
  • It wasn't so much obsequious as deferent, something that was most unusual in a politician.
  • Her insatiable desire to be stroked, bolstered, flattered, was met by Burrell with the obsequious enthusiasm of a knight offering the chasteness of courtly love.
  • Used to obsequious mumbo-jumbo from the Japanese political class, these critics apparently found it hard to swallow the straight talk about America's shortcomings as an economic model or about the relative decline of American power noted in the essay. Nathan Gardels: Lost in Syndication: The Case of the Hatoyama Essay
  • His obsequious, sycophantish support for McCain and Palin?? Lieberman Aide Threatens Reid: He'll Bolt Dem Caucus
  • I am impressed, you appear to have used the word "obsequious" properly even if what you were saying was false. "He's a serial exaggerator. If I was being unkind I would say he's a liar, but it's a habit he ought to drop."
  • The prime minister had destroyed the industrial base with fanatical cruelty, with an impunity largely supplied by the obsequiousness and weakness of the opposition.
  • They're surrounded by heavy linen, sparkling crystal, gleaming silver, obsequious waiters, and an embarrassment of champagne glasses.
  • The pedlar louted to Master William with obsequious respect, said his goodday, and made off to his lodging. A Rare Benedictine
  • A liveried waiter comes across, bows obsequiously, and asks George if he would care for the salmon.
  • The stark statement of the facts was followed by a panegyric which was the soul and model of obsequiousness. THE SCAR
  • He looked round, twinkling, for a laugh to follow what he meant for a joke; and the obsequious bandsmen uttered a sniggering kind of concreted grin, followed instantly by a loud-toned sonorous _Phoomp_! from the huge bell-mouth of the contra-bass. The Queen's Scarlet The Adventures and Misadventures of Sir Richard Frayne
  • You must guard against those who fawn upon you and bow obsequiously before you!
  • Barrow was positively obsequious to me until he learnt that I too was the son of a labouring man.
  • Just a little more than a year ago, the Senate obsequiously handed to the President the constitutional authority to declare war.
  • She is almost embarrassingly obsequious to anyone in authority.
  • Fischer's obsequiousness is not simply, or even primarily, a reflection of his subjective cowardice and political spinelessness.
  • We can well imagine what treasures of grace an obsequious viceroy, only too anxious to please a devout king, could bring together by means of the hearsay of ignorant, compliant natives through all the little towns of Portuguese India. A History of the warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom
  • Pikoli's lawyers did not agree that he should have "obsequiously" obeyed Mbeki over the time frame of Selebi's arrest. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • You must guard against those who fawn upon you and bow obsequiously before you!
  • The waiters at the club were all white-jacketed middle-aged black men who could not be called obsequious but belonged culturally to another generation, one that knew how to be selectively deaf and to pretend that the clientele they served held them in high regard. The Glass Rainbow
  • So marble halls, crystal chandeliers, obsequious waiters were going to be in.
  • Sure, the interviewer was obsequious to the point of becoming a human suppository but that alone may not be enough to allay Blatter's anger if turns out the chat was recorded on a "Dictaphone" before being typed up on a "computer" rather than simultaneously scrawled on papyrus with sea rushes prior to being disseminated by one very put-upon carrier pigeon and an ever-increasing phalanx of flag-toting c0cks. Obsequious To The Point Of Becoming A Human Suppository
  • Woodward's obsequious style minimised the impact.
  • His caricatures were affectionate but not obsequious representations of the great and the good. Times, Sunday Times
  • When everyone saw the mayor, they all bowed obsequiously – he was the only exception.
  • His obsequious "Here, sir," his horrid fluency of obtestation, made the murder tenfold more revolting. The Wrecker
  • Everyone was desperately failing to be cool about the presence of this A list Hollywood actor, but the first few questions were obsequious and embarrassing.
  • Submission here means to be subsequent or responsive, not necessarily obsequious or subservient.
  • But there is a point, when excessive demands are being placed, at which assent becomes obsequious. Times, Sunday Times
  • It reminds the narrator of his grandfather, an individual repressed by the system who went through his entire life obsequiously saying yes to all the men in power.

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