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How To Use Obliquely In A Sentence

  • The superior temporal gyrus is subdivided into two or more obliquely running, short, transverse temporal gyri.
  • They entered the market obliquely through the production of non-agricultural products such as barrel staves that they bartered for textiles, hardware and cheap consumer goods.
  • The egg extended obliquely backward across the fly's prosternum.
  • Once parked, walk through the twitten and we are on the other side of the road, obliquely opposite you.
  • The lingual root arises directly from the base of the lingual shelf, is slender, and extends obliquely medially as well as vertically.
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  • Although people occasionally discussed questions of local autonomy in private, they rarely raised them, even obliquely, in public.
  • With surrealism this involves, presumably, finding a way to integrate a surrealisticpresentation with one's prior conceptions of the way things are: surrealism becomes an alternative vision of the world, one that breaks from the "normal" perceptions most of us share only to portray that world just as truthfully if more obliquely. Experimental Fiction
  • The tendon of the plantaris crosses obliquely from lateral to medial in a depression in the soleus muscle.
  • The mesoscale geometric and kinematic characteristics of transpressional structures formed in regions of obliquely convergent deformation are still rather poorly understood.
  • But within the regular outline, it is divided obliquely into two irregularly shaped parts of unequal size that descending in height towards the centre are dovetailed together.
  • The receptacle of the chyle is a membranous bag, about two thirds of an inch long, and one third of an inch wide, at its superior part it is contracted into a slender membranous pipe, called the thoracic duct, because its course is principally through the thorax; it passes between the aorta and the vena azygos, then obliquely over the oesophagus, and great curvature of the aorta, and continuing its course towards the internal jugular vein, it enters the left subclavian vein on its superior part. Popular Lectures on Zoonomia Or The Laws of Animal Life, in Health and Disease
  • However, in obliquely making this point Mr. Klein unwittingly points to a flaw in the measurement of administrative efficiency. More Stupid Administrative Efficiency Arguments
  • Besides, such is the breadth of the upper part of the front of his head, and such the tapering cut-water formation of the lower part, that by obliquely elevating his head, he thereby may be said to transform himself from a bluff-bowed sluggish galliot into a sharppointed New Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • The Left Innominate Vein (v. anonyma sinistra), about 6 cm. in length, begins behind the sternal end of the clavicle and runs obliquely downward and to the right behind the upper half of the manubrium sterni to the sternal end of the first right costal cartilage, where it unites with the right innominate vein to form the superior vena cava. VII. The Veins. 3c. The Veins of the Upper Extremity and Thorax
  • Although people occasionally discussed questions of local autonomy in private, they rarely raised them, even obliquely, in public.
  • The teeth are closely spaced and positioned so that the serrations are obliquely oriented relative to the long axis of the tooth row.
  • The problem of scattering of an obliquely incident plane acoustic wave from an infinite solid elastic clad rod is formulated.
  • This muscle runs obliquely downwards inside the abdominal cavity.
  • A. pallidus was described as having an obliquely 5-toothed fruiting calyx in the original description by Bentham, who also described the upper subulate calyx lip as the posterior lip and the other 4 oblique minute teeth as the anterior lip.
  • The plant has 45 cm high clustered leafy stems with pinnately arranged pale green lance-shaped leaflets obliquely banded with pure white.
  • The teeth are closely spaced and positioned so that the serrations are obliquely oriented relative to the long axis of the tooth row.
  • It ascends obliquely in the groove between the Biceps brachii and Pronator teres and crosses the brachial artery, from which it is separated by the lacertus fibrosus; filaments of the medial antibrachial cutaneous nerve pass both in front of and behind this portion of the vein. VII. The Veins. 3c. The Veins of the Upper Extremity and Thorax
  • They include the lack of dentary symphyseal splaying around the canines and the lack of an obliquely oriented lower tooth row. Why putting your hand in a peccary’s mouth is a really bad idea
  • The ground-floor windows are carefully placed so they look obliquely at the neighbours' back gardens or between the windows of the opposite homes. Times, Sunday Times
  • The plant that Frank had obliquely advised me to spray looked the worse for neglect. BETTER THAN THIS
  • He was, it seems, referring obliquely to the haze created by all those mind-expanding drugs the beautiful people popped, mainlined and smoked.
  • The outer branchia is attached to the mantle throughout its whole length, and is obliquely truncated anteriorly; the inner branchia is not united to the foot.
  • He referred only obliquely to their recent problems.
  • Is it okay to suggest however obliquely that whoever came up with these figures should have their heads examined?
  • Each poem was a small portrait contained in a narrative which obliquely offered a philosophical observation.
  • The freshest specimens have the griseous margin of the elytra, which parts from the base under the shoulder, obliquely and angularly ampliate interiorly towards the middle, where it reaches the second stria. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • This curves obliquely forward and expands into a broad aponeurosis, which is inserted, in front of the Gracilis and Semitendinous, into the upper part of the medial surface of the body of the tibia, nearly as far forward as the anterior crest. IV. Myology. 8b. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Thigh
  • Some of them said it obliquely; some of them said it directly.
  • The lowest bed is an obliquely laminated, blackish, indurated mud, with distinct traces of vegetable remains.
  • The greatest tentacle length in a bryozoan lophophore known to us is 1.2 mm, reported by Cook from a highly obliquely truncate lophophore in a colony of the ctenostome Flustrellida hispida.
  • Their compatriots understood that they had to take time to counsel them and approach the subject much more obliquely than would the Western professional.
  • They had approached each other obliquely and addressed each other by implication.
  • Palpi rather long and slender, not pilose, obliquely ascending, rising a little higher than the vertex; third joint elongate-conical, less than half the length of the second. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Running obliquely downward and medialward from the tubercle is the intertrochanteric line (spiral line of the femur); it winds around the medial side of the body of the bone, below the lesser trochanter, and ends about 5 cm. below this eminence in the linea aspera. II. Osteology. 6c. 3. The Femur
  • But within the regular outline, it is divided obliquely into two irregularly shaped parts of unequal size that descending in height towards the centre are dovetailed together.
  • The teeth are closely spaced and positioned so that the serrations are obliquely oriented relative to the long axis of the tooth row.
  • Between the major transform faults are sections of spreading centres many hundreds of kilometres long but still typically trending obliquely to the spreading direction.
  • The terminal cell is always solitary, very often attached to the one next it, which is generally single, obliquely placed, occasionally looking like the dimidiate calyptra capping a young seta. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Shell dark brown; half ovate; broad obliquely truncated, and scarcely notched behind; covered with close regular very thin denticulated concentric lamina, forming a paler external coat. Journals of expeditions of discovery into Central Australia, and overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound, in the years 1840-1
  • In summer-time, sunlight beats down directly over one hemisphere and the beams fall more obliquely over the other hemisphere.
  • It starts below the hypochondriac region, runs obliquely downward, then transversely around the waist like a belt.
  • The shell is cylindrical, dense and heavy; the spire is short, with channelled sutures, and the aperture long and narrow; the anterior part is notched; the columella is callous and striated obliquely. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • This title raises, obliquely, some of the deep questions that come up in the book.
  • Those weapons which graze the bone obliquely are less apt to fracture, contuse, or depress the bone, even when the bone is denuded of flesh; for in some of those wounds thus inflicted the bone is not laid bare of the flesh. On Injuries Of The Head
  • Shell solid, surface marked by numerous concentric lines of growth, obliquely cordate; posterior margin produced; anterior short; umbones recurved, lunule cordate; pallial line sinuated; margin crenulated. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • Riccitiello had previously hinted at the title obliquely in a July VentureBeat interview, saying "Go look at Dead Space and imagine playing that game with a wand and ... Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • Today however the President was to take the high road, referring only obliquely to his challenger.
  • The small cephalic lobe bore four eyes and five tentacles; each body-segment had on each side at the margin a tuft of simple setae directed obliquely upwards, and at some distance from this, upon the ventral surface, a group of thicker setae with a strongly uncinate bidentate apex. Facts and Arguments for Darwin
  • The patterns should be painted obliquely across the face, starting at the forehead and temples.
  • That protecting Union line once broken left my command not only on the right flank but obliquely in rear of it.
  • That mouthful of a title obliquely refers to a small business grants program it would establish to help bodegas stock produce and market healthy items, as well as funding local education campaigns to spur purchases. Tracie McMillan: Foodies in da ���Hood?
  • One glanced obliquely from the scales; the other stuck fairly in the tough hide, and the iron, detached from the bamboo, held fast, while the ambatch float, running on the surface of the water, marked the course of the reptile beneath. Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 3
  • It reads in part, There has been complete interval healing of the mildly comminuted fracture deformity of the proximal ulna as well as the obliquely oriented intra-articular fracture of the radial head. Manifesting Michelangelo
  • Then, propped obliquely against the walls of the house, all the doors dried in the crisp and fresh autumn air.
  • Obliquely set with moderate spacing between, neither too far apart nor too close.
  • They often did not include the product involved at all, simply referring to it obliquely via its distinguishing features.
  • The position of the sockets of the eyes if horizontal in the white race and inclines obliquely upwards in Mongols; in the latter case the lacrimal caruncle is generally not free, but is covered by a fold that inclines downward in a curve (the Mongolian fold). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • March, April and May, as a cone or lenticularly-shaped light extending from the horizon obliquely upwards, and following generally the course of the ecliptic, or rather that of the sun's equator. Aether and Gravitation
  • From the main leafstock grow several pairs of stalked pinnæ, with the divisions ovate-oblong, acutish, crenate-serrulate, obliquely cordate or subcordate. The Fern Lover's Companion A Guide for the Northeastern States and Canada
  • I have blogged about work (albeit obliquely).
  • He'd extend his left hand, and we would grope a bit, obliquely, cater-cornered, as if we were about to begin a minuet. Learning To Love Dole
  • The artery may obliquely cross the lower part of the trachea above the level of the sternum.
  • Imagery in poetry conveys ideas obliquely, drawing from almost any area of human experience to create a response more effective than direct exposition.
  • The occipital protuberance occupies the extreme posterior end of the skull, when the glabello-occipital line is made horizontal, and so far from any part of the occipital region extending beyond it, this region of the skull slopes obliquely upward and forward, so that the lambdoidal suture is situated well upon the upper surface of the cranium. Essays
  • Always cut stems obliquely to enable flowers to absorb more water.
  • Palpi as long as the breadth of the head; second joint obliquely ascending; third porrect, rather shorter than the second, with which it forms an obtuse angle. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Here it pierces the medial intermuscular septum, runs obliquely across the medial head of the Triceps brachii, and descends to the groove between the medial epicondyle and the olecranon, accompanied by the superior ulnar collateral artery. IX. Neurology. 6b. The Anterior Divisions
  • Sykes's battalion of regulars, which has been at our left, now steadily moves obliquely across the field of battle toward our right, to a hill in the midground, which it occupies, and, with the aid of Arnold's Battery and Palmer's Cavalry, holds, while the exhausted and disorganized troops of the Union Army doggedly and slowly retire toward The Great Conspiracy, Volume 3
  • He uses the term obliquely, though, speaking in code. socialist code. "Barack Obama's Stealth Socialism"
  • The hepatic region in both is rectangular and is oriented obliquely toward the axis of the animal.
  • Again, in place of the long reed spear, which is apt to be weak and awkward to carry, we would substitute two darts of cornel-wood; 167 the one of which the skilful horseman can let fly, and still ply the one reserved in all directions, forwards, backwards,168 and obliquely; add to that, these smaller weapons are not only stronger than the spear but far more manageable. On Horsemanship
  • The stories don't recount this history so much as illuminate it from various angles, often obliquely.
  • He watched sleepily the flakes, silver and dark, falling obliquely against the lamplight.
  • From the main leafstock grow several pairs of stalked pinnæ, with the divisions ovate-oblong, acutish, crenate-serrulate, obliquely cordate or subcordate. The Fern Lover's Companion A Guide for the Northeastern States and Canada
  • The stress distribution of the reserved root with different prosthodontic design after hemisection therapy under the vertical loading and obliquely loading was observed.
  • The terminal cell is always solitary, very often attached to the one next it, which is generally single, obliquely placed, occasionally looking like the dimidiate calyptra capping a young seta. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Shell solid, surface marked by numerous concentric lines of growth, obliquely cordate; posterior margin produced; anterior short; umbones recurved, lunule cordate; pallial line sinuated; margin crenulated. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • A great want of one part of the animal world has consisted in the desire of the exclusive possession of the females; and these have acquired weapons to combat each other for this purpose, as the very thick shield-like horny skin on the shoulder of the boar is a defence only against animals of his own species, who strike obliquely upwards, nor are his tushes for other purposes, except to defend himself, as he is not naturally Canto II
  • Julian herself recognized this problem, albeit obliquely.
  • ABC and DEF to be two Mathematical Rays, _trajected_ from a very remote point of a luminous body through an _Homogeneous_ transparent _medium_ LLL, and DA, EB, FC, to be small portions of the orbicular impulses which must therefore cut the Rays at right angles; these Rays meeting with the plain surface NO of a _medium_ that yields an easier _transitus_ to the propagation of light, and falling _obliquely_ on it, they will in the Micrographia Some Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies Made by Magnifying Glasses with Observations and Inquiries Thereupon
  • Body more or less flask-shape, two or three times as long as broad, with conical apex, which is slightly elastic and protrusible; surface obliquely striate, with well-defined lines, 14 to 16 in number; cilia uniform on the body, with a crown of longer ones at the base of the conical proboscis. Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 21:415-468, 1901
  • This part of the artery is crossed obliquely, from its medial to its lateral side, by the sternocleidomastoid branch of the superior thyroid artery; it is also crossed by the superior and middle thyroid veins which end in the internal jugular; descending in front of its sheath is the descending branch of the hypoglossal nerve, this filament being joined by one or two branches from the cervical nerves, which cross the vessel obliquely. VI. The Arteries. 3. The Arteries of the Head and Neck. a. The Common Carotid Artery
  • He has, for example, referred only obliquely to his battle with polio.
  • In advanced cases the pelvis becomes obliquely contracted -- a deformity known as the _scoliotic pelvis_. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • He even obliquely references suicide as a possibility, although I didn't think a suicide assessment was warranted at this time.
  • Max's head obliquely by the terrible sweep of a "moulinet," made to break the force of the annihilating stroke Max aimed at him. The Two Brothers
  • I am happy that my matcha green tea latte is aiding in the creative process, however obliquely. Progress Report
  • It stands to reason that you can't really serve warning of a rope-a-dope approach, however obliquely. Times, Sunday Times
  • The presence of ‘hyphal fusion’ and obliquely oriented septa in the stipes of modern kelp points to the possibility of convergence, an issue that has also figured in the assessment of Prototaxites.
  • The ovipositor, which is about four-tenths of an inch in length, is plunged obliquely and up to the hilt into the twig. Social Life in the Insect World
  • Understandably, pension officials abhor the notion of being linked to terrorism, even obliquely.
  • One day in the Zoological Gardens, the Formosan deer (Cervus pseudaxis) approached me in a curious attitude, with his muzzle raised high up, so that the horns were pressed back on his neck; the head being held rather obliquely. The expression of the emotions in man and animals
  • Obliquely, the image relates to the three graces, the inspirational grouping of three fabled figures, an image that enjoyed great popularity in European art through the 18th Century.
  • Each of its three stories, self-contained but obliquely connected, presents a female character at a different, crucial stage in her life.
  • The tendon then extends obliquely forward across the lateral side of the calcaneus, below the trochlear process, and the tendon of the Peronæus brevis, and under cover of the inferior peroneal retinaculum. IV. Myology. 8c. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Leg
  • an ironic remark often conveys an intended meaning obliquely
  • It has been proposed that the fusion peptide is obliquely inserted into the target membrane as a flexible monomer in an helical conformation.
  • This muscle runs obliquely downwards inside the abdominal cavity.
  • He was, it seems, referring obliquely to the haze created by all those mind-expanding drugs the beautiful people popped, mainlined and smoked.
  • Her approach, however, undermined obliquely the authority of those questioning her.
  • Behind the dorsum sellae is a shallow depression, the clivus, which slopes obliquely backward, and is continuous with the groove on the basioccipital (basilar portion of the occipital bone).
  • The arrows show its descent through these flues, from which it obliquely strikes and passes over the flue-plate, then under it, and then out through the centre back-flue, which is open at the bottom, up into the smoke-pipe. American Woman's Home
  • He uses the term obliquely, though, speaking in code - socialist code. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Barack Obama's Stealth Socialism
  • Was it an aerolite shooting obliquely through the atmosphere? Robur the Conqueror
  • For most of the novel he makes no eye contact and only engages obliquely with the people around him.
  • This ad, though introducing the characters in "whodunit" style, hinted at the political message obliquely through the suggestion of a "special" reason to kill in the tagline by Ryan's photo. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • As the sternal ribs degenerate into the "false" asternal or incomplete ribs from before, obliquely backward down to the last dorsal vertebra, so the thoracic space takes form. Surgical Anatomy
  • —The alar ligaments are strong, rounded cords, which arise one on either side of the upper part of the odontoid process, and, passing obliquely upward and lateralward, are inserted into the rough depressions on the medial sides of the condyles of the occipital bone. III. Syndesmology. 5c. Articulations of the Vertebral Column with the Cranium
  • Finally, the ureters run obliquely for about 2 cm. through the wall of the bladder and open by slit-like apertures into the cavity of the viscus at the lateral angles of the trigone. XI. Splanchnology. 3b. 2. The Ureters
  • I'd never use this word in polite company, and can barely bring myself to allude to it, even very obliquely.
  • The androgynous, ambiguous images of herself approach the subject of our presented identity obliquely, gender and appearance being disguised by a shaven head and surrealist photographic techniques. Times, Sunday Times
  • He uses the term obliquely, though, speaking in code - socialist code. ' OpEdNews - Quicklink: Barack Obama's Stealth Socialism
  • Displaying leaves obliquely to bright sunlight encourages maximum efficiency of photosynthesis.
  • From the main leafstock grow several pairs of stalked pinnæ, with the divisions ovate-oblong, acutish, crenate-serrulate, obliquely cordate or subcordate. The Fern Lover's Companion A Guide for the Northeastern States and Canada
  • In front of their line, at considerable intervals from each other, were stationed the chariots called scythed chariots; they had scythes projecting obliquely from the axletree, and others under the driver's seat, pointing to the earth, for the purpose of cutting through whatever came in their way; and the design of them was to penetrate and divide the ranks of the The First Four Books of Xenophon's Anabasis
  • Head oblong, narrowed behind, posteriorly deeply emarginate; the mandibles rufo-piceous, brightest at their apex, which is armed with two long teeth which are bent abruptly inwards, their tips black; the anterior portion of the head striated obliquely from the centre; the head, behind the anterior sulcation, very smooth and shining and having a deep longitudinal central depression. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Yet all these plays and musicals have had to come at the subject obliquely. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the spinet, the strings run obliquely away from the player, producing a wing-shaped case, or a trapezoid case in smaller instruments.
  • Often his work alludes more or less obliquely to gay experience, but it strongly rejects categorization.
  • A handful of superb male dancers obliquely examined masculine isolation, uncertainty and endurance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Internal to the grooved blubber is the muscle tissue of the buccal pouch, and this is unique, containing large amounts of elastin, and consisting of an inner layer of longitudinally arranged muscle bands and an outer layer where the bands are obliquely oriented (Pivorunas 1977). From cigar to elongated, bloated tadpole: rorquals part II
  • The four bristles which project obliquely from the lower edge of the valve are short.
  • Branches are effuse, fine, capillary (more so than in S. coromandelianus), obliquely ascending, never stiff and horizontal, verticillate or irregularly subverticillate, the lowest whorl of five to twelve and the others three to seven branches; the rachis of the branches is obscurely scaberulous, slightly swollen at the point of insertion; branchlets are never appressed to the branch, always drooping and spreading on all sides, and bearing two to four spikelets. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Always cut stems obliquely to enable flowers to absorb more water.
  • Its lower part is interrupted by bundles of fibers which cross obliquely from one side to the other, and constitute the pyramidal decussation. IX. Neurology. 4a. The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
  • A discussion that addresses this point directly instead of obliquely might yield very interesting results.
  • Another planet, smaller than the earth but larger than the moon, collided obliquely with the earth.
  • Their puzzle comes from the fact that they are oriented obliquely to the direction of formative bottom current flow.
  • In consequence of this circumstance, the parts of the occipital bone which lie above and below the tuberosity make a much more acute angle with one another than is usual, whereby the hinder part of the base of the skull appears obliquely truncated. Essays
  • In southern Andrée Land, the contact is obscured by a later extensional fault with downthrow to the east that cuts obliquely across the strike of the high-grade Krummedal sequence.
  • If a third ovule is present, it is obliquely directed and its placenta is lateral.
  • The superficial fibers pass obliquely from one bone to the other, decussating and forming an interlacement with the fibers of the aponeuroses of the Obliqui externi and the medial tendons of origin of the Recti abdominis. III. Syndesmology. 5i. Articulations of the Pelvis
  • If sufficient funds to enable continuation of Keck and other extended missions aren't in the budget runout (usually in some obliquely worded line item, such as "unallocated mission operations"), then the general call to arms may be more appropriate. Weiler Seeks to Cut NASA Access to Keck Observatory - NASA Watch
  • He was receding obliquely with a curious hurrying gait.
  • The weir is a single timber, below the surface, fixed obliquely across the stream on a shelving bank of masonry, and the farther end meets the wall of rock inside the cave. Ice-Caves of France and Switzerland
  • No. 5 is a species of fir which arives to the Size of No. 2, and No. 4. the Stem Simple branching, diffuse and proliferous. the bark thin dark brown, much divided with Small longitudinal interstices scaleing off in thin rolling flakes. it affords but little rosin and the wood is redish white 2/3ds of the diamieter in the Center the ballance white Somewhat porus and tough. the twigs are much longer and more slender than in either of the other speceies. the leaves are acerose 1/20 of an inch in width, and an inch in length, sessile, inserted on all Sides of the bough, Streight, their extremities pointing obliquely towards the extremities of the bough and more thickly placed than in either of the other Species; gibbous and flexable but more stiff than any except No. 1 and more blontly pointed than either of the other Species; the upper disk has a Small longitudinal Channel and is of a deep green tho not so The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
  • The superior temporal gyrus is subdivided into two or more obliquely running, short, transverse temporal gyri.
  • He uses the term obliquely, though, speaking in code, socialist code. A Word to the Wise - A user blog
  • The gun was of unusual design, with a series of explosive charges placed in side chambers extending obliquely from the barrel along its length, rather like the ribs on a fish-bone.
  • History is also a central theme in all of the exhibitions, in some cases explicitly confronted, in others obliquely acknowledged.
  • Ideally the patterns should be painted obliquely across the face, starting at the forehead and temples, and running down to the opposite side of the face.
  • Staminode limb obliquely ovate, ca. 3. 8 mm, entire, white barbate. Filaments glabrous.
  • Indeed, the question of his resignation was obliquely hinted at during occasionally acerbic Commons exchanges.
  • At this moment a battery opened on our left, the shots crossing our heads obliquely.
  • Yet all these plays and musicals have had to come at the subject obliquely. Times, Sunday Times

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