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How To Use Obit In A Sentence

  • Henry, ever the pragmatist, considered the farrago of his brother's recent attempted coup, which had ended in the destruction of the Jacobite clans, to have been the Stuarts' last chance.
  • The boundary between probity and fraud was much more difficult to draw in this area.
  • Clinton almost delivered his own political obituary in droning on far longer than he should have, although by 1992 that was mostly forgotten. Your Right Hand Thief
  • He asserted his innocence and his financial probity.
  • Most of these networks transmit data at relatively low speeds of 192 kilobits per second or less.
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  • It is the keenest spur to exertion, and surest of all guards against improbity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every day that passes sees the obituary columns of broadsheet newspapers bring us more examples.
  • He would soon be of age, and it was necessary to make some terms to prevent the loss the estate would suffer by raising money on post-obit bonds. Biographical Sketch
  • A cenobite is usually a monk in a monastery, as opposed to an anchorite, who is a monk living alone (also called an ‘eremite’ or ‘hermit’).
  • Blind, totally eyeless trilobites have given us another indication of the range of trilobite habits and habitats.
  • Hundreds of fossils are locked in glass cases, specimens from all over southern Africa: shells and worms and nautiluses and seed ferns and trilobites, and minerals, too; yellow-green crystals and gleaming clusters of quartz; mosquitoes in drops of amber; scheelite, wulfenite. Memory Wall
  • The hypocrite is a good example for other people, a model of probity and decorum, at least until the truth comes out.
  • Shortly afterwards the Guardian, a British broadsheet newspaper, published the obituary of Cohn Osman, founder of Creative Camera.
  • Honestly, what benefit is there to newspapers in getting people to register just to read an obit?
  • Central to the Vichy vision, she argues, was the eternal female, ever supportive, fertile, and pure, in a timeless social and moral order where women were mothers, the helpmates of men, and guardians of moral probity.
  • On the part of those on whom they operate, they are indicative either of improbity or intellectual weakness, or of a contempt for the understanding of those on whose minds they are indicative of intellectual weakness; and on the part of those in and by whom they are pretended to operate, they are indicative of improbity, viz., in the shape of insincerity. Fallacies of Anti-Reformers
  • Forget a mortgage, forget financial probity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Few people are able to read their own obituaries. Times, Sunday Times
  • He thoroughly deserved his long obituary, the tone of which is almost adulatory in parts, even allowing for the deferential standards of the time.
  • This branch, under ordinary precedent, simply threw the case out of court; but in addition, the decision, proceeding with what lawyers call obiter dictum, went on to declare that under the Constitution of the United States neither Congress nor a territorial legislature possessed power to prohibit slavery in Federal Territories. A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln
  • Later a refuge for Catholic priests in times of terror the Stuarts of Traquair supported Mary Queen of Scots and the Jacobite cause without counting the cost.
  • Two hundred and fifty years ago it was numbered tickets to Westminster Hall that were in demand: two Jacobite earls and a lord were on trial there.
  • Johnson at this period, the Latin poems which he contributed in praise of Cave, and of Cave's friends, or the Jacobite squibs by which he relieved his anti-ministerialist feelings. Samuel Johnson
  • As part of the pacification of the Highlands after the collapse of the Jacobite rising of 1689-90 a royal order required all clan chieftains to take an oath of allegiance to William and Mary.
  • The Times obit states he even tried electroshock, which is just heartbreaking. DFW THOUGHTS
  • Had it not been for the obituary notice they placed in the Mumbai newspapers, this once well-known abstractionist's death on June 23, at the age of 76, might have passed unnoticed.
  • Briefly, in this man of culture and refinement, in whose own mysterious life one might perhaps have found various crimes but not a single act of base improbity, one could divine an implacable, obstinate theoretician, who was resolved to set the world ablaze for the triumph of his ideas. The Three Cities Trilogy: Paris, Complete
  • In the capital of the empire the Taoist priesthood includes: two Tao-lu-sze, superiors, a title corresponding with that of the Buddhists, seng-lu-sze; two Cheng-i, Taoists of right simplicity; two Yen-fa, ritual Taoists; two Che-ling, Taoists of great excellence, thaumaturgus; and two Che-i, Taoists of great probity, an inferior class of priests. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • I'm sure there will be more obits and tributes that will list his many other impressive credits.
  • Alan in high good humour at the furthering of his schemes, and I in bitter dudgeon at being called a Jacobite and treated like a child. Kidnapped: The Adventures of David Balfour
  • I'm sorry I didn't mention that when I wrote his obituary or delivered his eulogy.
  • The Permian extinction, 244 million years ago, devastated the marine biota: tabulate and rugose corals, blastoid echinoderms, graptolites, and most crinoids died out, as did the last of the trilobites. Paleozoic
  • Here's a link to one of several obits that are now available on the web with more info about this remarkable lady.
  • Oh, and yes, you read the obituary correctly - he is survived by his older sister, my great-aunt Shirley.
  • These are sad stories, but they also are inspirational, heart-warming with a humanity not usually found in obits of more well-known people who make newspaper obituaries.
  • The less courageous would merely apply the standard the Court of Appeal said should be applied - obiter or not.
  • The maintenance of his fragile coalition caused Namaliu further difficulties in 1990 and compromised his own considerable reputation for integrity and probity.
  • The many achievements of Scottish insurance companies are witness to the talent within them and the high standards of integrity and probity they employ.
  • Alongside is her name in black bold square print - the kind used in obituary notices.
  • According to an obituary in the British Medical Journal in 1934, Bevan-Brown taught a long series of house surgeons at Christchurch Hospital and was associated with St George's Hospital, the Karitane Hospital, and the St John Ambulance Association. - Stuff
  • • Yet again your movie obituarist Ronald Bergan has excelled himself. Letters: Higher calling
  • We are pressed by our very nature into the service of virtue; our souls are up in arms against vice and improbity, and thus we receive lasting impressions, which, when our hearts are not very corrupt, must forever after have a favourable influence on our moral conduct. The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor Volume I, Number 1
  • The obituary is highly laudatory, a testimony of praise for a creative artist.
  • Life, as every biography and obit I have ever read confirms, is what happens when you are making other plans.
  • The obiter remarks of his Honour were disapproved in Groves.
  • Guest book and obituary at fleming-billman. com and starbeacon. com. The Star Beacon; Ashtabula, Ohio Home Page
  • First, in refraining the power of the devil, like as it is said (Apocalypsis vicesimo), of the angel that bound the devil and sent him into abysm, that is the pit of hell; and Tobit, which saith that the angel Raphael bound the devil in the outerest desert. The Golden Legend, vol. 5
  • Buy onlength from us and we'll celerity your bindle aural 24 hours for f4da397e94baneful evil1ea23f936b5502ace17 acutect to your home or toil ghd hair aligners calefaction up in a accessible-to-go minute, hobite bowl bowls that are beneath damcrumbling to hot hair, allowance to anticipate that all - annoying coil. Voxilla VoIP Forum
  • But the Cenobites remain delightfully eerie (and sexy) creations, as does the "Lemarchand configuration. Sometimes you sulk, sometimes you burn...
  • The interspersion of artworks with two classes of text distinguished the Chicago exhibition and indexed its probity, even bookishness, in the most positive sense.
  • Diana had often dreamed of the City of London as the seat of magic; and taking the City's contempt for authorcraft and the intangible as, from its point of view, justly founded, she had mixed her dream strangely with an ancient notion of the City's probity. Diana of the Crossways — Complete
  • At the same time there were many clerics who did live in common, e.g. the cenobites, and the term canon was applied to them as early as the fourth century; but it must not be inferred from this fact that the office of canon has its origin in those who followed the cenobitical Rule of St. Augustine (see The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • If to recall good deeds erewhiles performed be pleasure to a man, when he knows himself to be of probity, nor has violated sacred faith, nor has abused the holy assent of the gods in any pact, to work ill to men; great store of joys awaits thee during thy length of years, O Catullus, sprung from this ingrate love of thine. The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus
  • More overeager obituaries are certain to follow.
  • There is no decided case drawn to my attention where these obiter observations have in fact been applied to defeat a claim.
  • Obituaries are rich territory for the loaded phrase, of which this is a particular favourite. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bivariate probit model captures the unobserved correlation between a mother's decision to use kin-provided child care and her decision to have geographic closeness to her aging parents.
  • My adoptive mother gave me a copy of his obituary and three pictures of my father and told me the story.
  • The Warwickshire captain is used to reading his obituary notice in the columns of the national newspapers.
  • Now I propose, Mr. Premium, if it’s agreeable to you, a post-obit on Sir Oliver’s life: though at the same time the old fellow has been so liberal to me, that I give you my word, I should be very sorry to hear that any thing had happened to him. Act Third. Scene III
  • We describe the oldest chiton, which is the oldest animal fossil, the oldest evidence for the trilobite ancestor; we believe we've solved the Shonisaur murder mystery; and now we're announcing the identity of this serial killer, the Triassic kraken. NPR Topics: News
  • Next in frequency are the applications for private literary contributions, -- such as epithalamia, obituaries, addresses for lovers, and the like. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 107, September, 1866
  • These points are, of course, strictly obiter, since these conspiracies would in any case have been protected by State immunity, since they did not constitute international crimes against humanity.
  • Nor is gender or ethnicity any guarantee of altruism, probity or intelligence. Times, Sunday Times
  • The game introduce: So PL MM, really would not like to believe she is the improbity angel.
  • Exhellobits: Stationery Set, Water Dolor Pen, Drayon, Water Dolor Dake, Push Pin, Thumb Tacks, Paper Dlips, Scientific Instrument, Etc.
  • Tadpole shrimp have outlived dinosaurs, trilobites and mammoths.
  • Many of the trilobite fossils found commonly elsewhere in the world are these empty suits of armour.
  • And every day he reads out another short, potted obituary culled from the New York Times website.
  • He might have referred to Alexander Dohna-Schlobitten's classic Erinnerungen eines alten Ostpreussen (Memoirs of an Old East Prussian). The Nazis' Last Stand
  • The sixty pages on palaeontology emphasize geology and stratigraphy and chiefly illustrate trilobites.
  • The Warwickshire captain is used to reading his obituary notice in the columns of the national newspapers.
  • He promised ‘typical’ download speeds of 200 to 300 kilobits per second, with uploading at 64K for the time being.
  • His obituary pointed out that he used his post to enrich himself through a web of smuggling and warped business deals.
  • That last comment makes it clear that the previous observations of Forbes J were obiter dicta.
  • Lochiel, one of the Jacobite commanders, brought his clansmen back to the field the next day to show them the product of their labours, and his men were horrified at what they had done in the heat of battle.
  • The section is very fossiliferous, with an abundant brachiopod, bryozoan, coral, and phacopsid trilobite assemblage.
  • Calmly, patiently, even avuncularly in "After the Hangover," I quote the obituaries for conservatism, pausing to note the obvious: The conservative corpse has arisen again. The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines
  • The obit is part of a series of segments with prominent individuals called "Last Word. Andy Plesser: Dead Men Talking: Online Video Obits Getting Traction at The New York Times
  • The increasing vagueness of his promises to the Jacobites seems to show that, as time went on, he became convinced that the Hanoverian was the winning cause. Daniel Defoe
  • This is how coenobitism grew out of eremitism not only in Calabria, but in every part of the world which has been afflicted with these eccentrics. Old Calabria
  • We respected the wishes of Patricia's friends, who wrote the obituary as they saw fit.
  • It is a mark of the limitations of current popular literary criticism that the obituaries speak only of such confections, wrongheaded ancestry and extra-literary politics.
  • And so he became a Tory, as they ca’ it, which we now ca’ Jacobites, just out of a kind of needcessity, that he might belang to some side or other. Redgauntlet
  • Let his obituary read, "Douglas Martin, a newspaperman who once got the word" sesquipedalian "onto the front page of the New York Times .... NYT A1: Sesquipedalian!!!! - Swampland -
  • As one obituarist notes, he turned the reality distortion field into reality. Steve Jobs: think different | Editorial
  • How do you write a decent obituary when the corpse-to-be is doing such a good job of it himself?
  • ‘She does not accept red envelopes or construction kickbacks, indeed, never commits any form of improbity,’ he said.
  • The descriptor words themselves appeared one or more times within a particular obituary or across different obituaries.
  • Editor’s Note: A well written obit is the equivalent of a fine essay or short story. Garrison keillor | when your brother dies « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • These networks connect universities and research institutions at data transmission speeds ranging from 64 kilobits per second to 2 megabits per second.
  • Pretender was proclaimed in Edinburgh, when the Highland army was on its march to London, and when all the hopes of hollow courtiership and inveterate Jacobitism were turned to the triumph of the ancient dynasty. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 61, No. 376, February, 1847
  • Cazaril approached his first assigned duty, quietly investigating the probity of the provincial justiciar, with trepidation. THE CURSE OF CHALION
  • They'should always behave with probity and integrity '. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was an occasional obituarist for The Independent and The Guardian and a contributor to the New Dictionary of National Biography.
  • In order to further analyze the scientific validity of some of the items on my newly-written happiness list for more see My happiness list: chat walks, snuggles, tanbark and obits, I have posted a few below and attached a bit on the corresponding studies from the field of happiness research. Kirsten Dirksen: Why We All Need a Happiness List: Chocolate and Philosophizing According to the Research
  • Now we have hundreds of radio stations creating a profit with virtually no on-air personnel and no newsroom, no Associated Press wire, no birth announcements, no obits.
  • Enterprise style: speak honestly , conduct practically, rapid and efficient. Managercharacter: loyalty , honesty, probity, dare speak.
  • “Envy,” it has been said, “permits every one to be the panegyrist of his own probity, but not of his own wit.” A Philosophical Dictionary
  • He thoroughly deserved his long obituary, the tone of which is almost adulatory in parts, even allowing for the deferential standards of the time.
  • There are few obituaries more heartfelt than the one HST wrote for Rolling Stone when Nixon finally croaked.
  • The title appeared to be officially dead when Wired published its obituary in late 2009. Duke Nukem Forever ships May 3
  • Among the accomplishments cited in his Time magazine obituary are debunking “such myths as the need to wash mushrooms, devein shrimp and press garlic” and preaching the “imaginative use of leftovers.” Archive 2008-04-01
  • § II.ed. meæ, "quos probe callet, qui signorum ortus et obitus comprehendit, Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound and the Seven Against Thebes
  • Since the main part of the Jacobite army never engaged the enemy, losses were relatively light.
  • She (at least, I think it's a she) finally sends her remote meck Trilobite to search for signs of life. REVIEW: The Godwhale by T.J. Bass
  • Does Scotland deserve to lose its reputation for financial probity? Times, Sunday Times
  • • Brian Simpson Obituary, 2 February was indeed a gifted raconteur. Letters: Nukes in safe hands
  • A particularly fine example of the use Ovid makes of differing levels of diction is found at 35-38: excitat auditor studium, laudataque uirtus crescit, et immensum gloria calcar habet. hic mea cui recitem nisi flauis scripta Corallis, quasque alias gentes barbarus Hister obit? The Last Poems of Ovid
  • They look for trilobites and fossilised sea creatures that are preserved in the stone along the path, easily spottable for amateur fossil hunters.
  • For example, cumulative per cent germination is probit transformed and then paired with the temperature-time at which the probit was observed.
  • In other words, the reasons relate to the reasons for its disposition, not to the obiter.
  • The court party retorted that the country party members were either secret Jacobites or self-seeking careerists, making trouble for their own ends.
  • Is all this prem -- in other words, whether Bradley is doing well or not, should the press be writing his obituary now, Michelle? CNN Transcript - Reliable Sources: Are Journalists Clueless About Christian Conservatives? - March 4, 2000
  • Everyone knows that major newspapers hold obituaries written well in advance of the deaths of notable people.
  • Give me a highwayman and I was full to the brim; a Jacobite would do, but the highwayman was my favourite dish. Memories and Portraits
  • And then this morning Oliver was reading the obituaries to me, and there you were. MISS MELVILLE REGRETS
  • When Rory McIlroy choked in the final round of the US Masters two months ago, throwing away a four-stroke lead and finishing tied for 15th place after a humiliating round of 80, the golf obituarists were instantly on his case. In praise of … Rory McIlroy | Editorial
  • The boundary between probity and fraud was much more difficult to draw in this area.
  • Cope marched north from Stirling to intercept the Jacobite forces but found them entrenched on the Corrieyairack pass in an impregnable position and diverted instead to Inverness.
  • There were pleasant and flattering obituaries about him, hundreds of letter and telegrams. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • The Ordovician is best known for the presence of its diverse marine invertebrates, including graptolites, trilobites, brachiopods, and the conodonts (early vertebrates).
  • I came to suspect that my obit-writing guaranteed these eminences something like eternal life.
  • The reality is, as the Sunday Times points out, that not only is being sacked from a Labour Government all but impossible, if it does happen there is immediate solace available to all, regardless of competence, probity or any thing else you might care to name. Stop The Gravy Train, I Want To Get On!
  • The Telegraph obit leads off with the basic story: "Stanley Ellis, who has died aged 83, was Britain's best-known dialectologist and phonetician, and pioneered the forensic analysis of voice recordings, among them the hoax tape that derailed the Yorkshire Ripper inquiry.
  • Here's a newspaper obit on writer-artist-editor Gill Fox, whose passing we reported here a few days ago.
  • Fossil groupings of up to 1000 trilobites suggest they were social creatures, at least while molting. Social Trilobites
  • Then there was an obituary reference made by the Speaker and Prime Minister about Kishore Sanu, a freedom fighter who worked for the uplift of poor.
  • There he found invertebrates such as trilobites, bryozoa, and brachiopods - fossil remains that serve as a window on deep time.
  • He also does not want a memorial service or even an obituary in the newspaper.
  • However, this view is obiter and tentatively expressed.
  • The reason his name leaped out from the fine print of the obit page was the cover art of his Columbia records, which I never forgot.
  • N. in prouincia Paduana decimo die, prout facti sibi fuir reuelatio, accepta communione, ipsoque ad Deum disponente, etiam corpore existens incolumis in Domino foeliciter requieuit: Cuius sacer obitus Domino summo Pontifici praefato sub manu Notarij publici transmittitur; qui sic scribet. The Journal of Friar Odoric
  • And so he became a Tory, as they ca’ it, which we now ca’ Jacobites, just out of a kind of needcessity, that he might belang to some side or other. Wandering Willie’s Tale
  • Also, although Molinier seems to contest this usage ( "Les Obituaires francais", p. 22), such a collection of names, consisting largely of benefactors, was occasionally called liber vitae (book of life). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • First, the Board has stated, in obiter dicta, on several occasions that the Private Copying regime legalizes copying for the private use of the person making the copy, regardless of whether the source is non-infringing or not. Boing Boing
  • WilletteEchidna: Unfortunately bits can still leave you with a base-10 representation, such as "megabit" or "kilobit. Snow Leopard Reports Hard Drive Capacity Correctly (In Base 10) | Lifehacker Australia
  • Even Kenny Mayne, a favorite ESPN ham, seems miscast reading an obit.
  • Fifthly, the Trilobita is by far the best-represented arthropod group within Paleozoic rocks, from an important interval in the evolutionary history of the phylum Arthropoda.
  • I should like to add a postscript to your obituary for John Cage.
  • This year, we made the journey to Mallaig by car, enjoying the beautiful scenery, and even catching a glimpse of the Jacobite train as she puffed her way north.
  • Then after that buy obital broadcast to broadcast to aliens ya they might as well just buy the whole singapore.
  • The New York Times obituary quotes Yale historian John Lewis Gaddis, Kennan's authorized biographer: ‘He'll be remembered as a diplomatist and a grand strategist of the cold war.’
  • Exhellobits: Stationery Set, Water Dolor Pen, Drayon, Water Dolor Dake, Push Pin, Thumb Tacks, Paper Dlips, Scientific Instrument, Etc.
  • Their preachers were both papists and Puritans, Jacobites and republicans; they ravished wives or influenced them to give up all fleshly pleasures; they coveted other men's goods or denied them the use of worldly possessions.
  • Dundee and Balcarres; while Dundee proposed to call a Jacobite convention in Stirling. A Short History of Scotland
  • The Jacobites managed an orderly retreat and William's forces were in no condition to pursue.
  • The cry of 'Clo'-pole-line-pins' is one long familiar to the neighbourhood; and as this honest couple have earned a good reputation by a long course of civility and probity, they enjoy the advantage of a pretty extensive connection. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 448 Volume 18, New Series, July 31, 1852
  • The sixty pages on palaeontology emphasize geology and stratigraphy and chiefly illustrate trilobites.
  • Her obituary called her one of the most remarkable newspaperwoman of her time.
  • The maintenance of his fragile coalition caused Namaliu further difficulties in 1990 and compromised his own considerable reputation for integrity and probity.
  • Saturday, June 21, 2008 another obit of note • Cody's Books in Berkley closes on June 20th after 52 years. rubbernecking • for those of us who are curious, here's a first hand account of a brand new Kindle and its owner from the Common Craft. off topic • I put a water bottle dohicky on my bike yesterday, so when I die from a heart attack I will be well hydrated. Bibliophile Bullpen
  • With the recent deaths of Charlton Heston and Anthony Minghella, and the resulting post-obit tributes that came their way, it bothered me that this was not the case when one of our greatest motion picture actresses passed away a little less than six months ago. Michael Russnow: Deborah Kerr Rhymes With Star, and What a Star She Was: She Deserves to Be Remembered, Too
  • These anecdotes are, perhaps, what judges would call obiter dicta, yet the coroner's court has more than once been utilized as a field in the actual preparation of a criminal case. Courts and Criminals
  • So the Jacobite army entered London in triumph.
  • When salamanders invaded the Dinaric Karst: convergence, history, and reinvention of the troglobitic olm Archive 2006-03-01
  • We may not know when Hillary's obituary will be printed – but I think it's pretty easy to predict what the epitaph on her tombstone is going to say: Clinton reviewing 'options' - but says superdelegates could shift
  • Other marine fossils commonly found throughout the Silurian record include trilobites, graptolites, conodonts, corals, stromatoporoids, and mollusks.
  • The poor guy could be forgiven for thinking that he's already dead and reading his own obituaries. Times, Sunday Times
  • [113] The commander of the faithful rejected with firmness the idea of pillage, and directed his lieutenant to reserve the wealth and revenue of Alexandria for the public service and the propagation of the faith: the inhabitants were numbered; a tribute was imposed, the zeal and resentment of the Jacobites were curbed, and the Melchites who submitted to the Arabian yoke were indulged in the obscure but tranquil exercise of their worship. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 5
  • Tobits denied she ever signed the designation beneficiary form, according to court documents. PhillyDeals
  • Those of us who toil every day at the Headquarters of the United Nations have become a little exasperated at seeing our institutional obituaries in the press.
  • It appoints auditors for local authorities to ensure probity and promotes improvements in economy, efficiency and effectiveness.
  • The trilobites comprise a major class-level clade of extinct marine arthropods characterized by calcareous, multisclerite, dorsal exoskeletons.
  • Poetic Obituaries: On Tuesday, [Zackery] Bowen jumped to his death from the Omni Royal Orleans Hotel, leaving a note in his pocket in which he confessed to killing [Adriane "Addie"] Hall on Oct. 5. Archive 2006-10-01
  • The good folks, since they have read the novels, have become Jacobites; and, because all the Jacobs were Papists, the good folks must become Papists also, or, at least, papistically inclined. The Romany Rye a sequel to "Lavengro"
  • Funebri,” p. 527 (Poeseos Asiaticæ Commentarii), gravely noting, “Hæc Elegia non admodum dissimilis esse videtur pulcherrimi illius carminis de Sauli et Jonathani obitu; at que adeò versus iste ‘ubi provocant adversarios nunquam rediit a pugnæ contentione sine spiculo sanguine imbuto, ‘ex The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • This link will take you to a page in his hometown newspaper with a brief obit.
  • The detailed structure of both exopods and endopods varied, both along the trunk of individual trilobites, and among different taxa.
  • Edinburgh had fallen unopposed to the Jacobites, though the castle remained in Hanoverian hands.
  • When this guy dies, he's going to receive ten obituaries on the front page of the Times.
  • There were pleasant and flattering obituaries about him.
  • Maybe when Reynolds goes, his obit will be the only Instapundit post to allow comments... The man who wrote "100 Things to Do Before You Die" died -- at age 47 -- in a fall at his house in L.A.
  • Few people are able to read their own obituaries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unlike the agnostids, polymerid trilobites typically have more than two or three thoracic segments, and the pygidium is usually smaller than the cephalon.
  • Probity and purity will command respect everywhere.
  • Current tests show a maximum speed of about 6 megabits per second for downloads and about 640 kilobits per second upstream.
  • With one, her reputation for chastity and probity was at its height, while the other was embroiled in rumour and vicious innuendo. ELIZABETH AND MARY: Cousins, Rivals, Queens
  • I've not read any obituary or appreciation of his life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Below turning to the Gobitis Case, however, it is desirable to notice certain characteristics by which this controversy is distinguished.
  • Their political obit is practically writing itself. Think Progress » Cheney: Warrentless Wiretapping ‘Might Have Led Us To Prevent 9/11′
  • Look down at the floor and you will see it is made up of black and white tile squares some of which spell out obituaries for Ginsberg, William Burroughs and other significant cultural icons.
  • Few people are able to read their own obituaries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unfortunately, the 1,236-word obit never once uses the "t" word that would best sum up Habash's life -- "terrorist. CAMERA Snapshots
  • To many, while the pachyderms still made parade for The Season, that mason was still a canvasman, that cobit-root gatherer was still a juggler, and that painter was still a propman. Elephant Song
  • The site is described as a comprehensive collection of newpaper articles, cemetery ledgers, photos, personal correspondence, obituaries and other ephemera from the Woodgate/White Lake area. Creating, Managing & Pres. Dig. Assets: Woodgate Digitization Project
  • a Tory, as they ca 'it, which we now ca' Jacobites, just out of a kind of needcessity, that he might belang to some side or other. Stories by English Authors: Scotland (Selected by Scribners)
  • In his bonnet the champion sports a cockade neither of Jacobite white nor of Hanoverian black.
  • Both shamefully used social division to their electoral advantage pursuing a governing style which corrodes probity and accountability.
  • We may not know when her obituary will be wriiten – but I think it's pretty easy to predict what the epitaph on her tombstone is going to say: Vilsack says it's over
  • The newspapers had done her proud, splashing big pictures and running long obituaries, but the question was: Had Fleet Street overestimated demand for royal obsequies?
  • The obituary was the usual nostalgic whitewash.
  • The discovery that silicified trilobites could be dissolved out of limestone in dilute acid added more knowledge more quickly than years of patient preparation from crack-out specimens.
  • A battle took place on 30 April, 1690, in which a Jacobite force was routed on the low ground (haughs) at Cromdale in Morayshire by government forces.
  • Your obituary listed the many publications he produced highlighting the inadequacies of education in this country. Times, Sunday Times
  • We need to apply the same standards of probity and integrity to all employees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps this is an obituary after all, for the loss of a mature political culture in which public service was its own enduring reward.
  • The only other issue, my Lord, is that I appreciate that since this is obiter it is unlikely on its own to attract your Lordship to the question of assessment of damages.
  • Why, nothing capital of my master’s wardrobe has dropped lately; but I could give you a mortgage on some of his winter clothes, with equity of redemption before November—or you shall have the reversion of the French velvet, or a post-obit on the blue and silver; —these, I should think, Moses, with a few pair of point ruffles, as a collateral security—hey, my little fellow? Act Third. Scene II
  • The channel would present a constant diet of obituaries of the ordinary people who die every day.

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