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How To Use Obfuscate In A Sentence

  • Macdonald accepted that such information could be used to manipulate, to obfuscate, and to mislead.
  • In fact, where he might have taken the opportunity to obfuscate his support for the war, and therefore distance himself from the most immediately unpopular episode of the Prime Minister's tenure, he has resolutely stated that he is for it.
  • It may have made money from various off-the-books vehicles that obfuscated its true finances, but the company's legitimate means of making money was by betting on energy prices.
  • Macdonald accepted that such information could be used to manipulate, to obfuscate, and to mislead.
  • The euro zone can no longer afford to prevaricate and obfuscate. Limiting the Damage of a Greek Default
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  • Save a copy of them each time you release your application in order to de-obfuscate bug reports from your release builds.
  • However, let's distract and obfuscate from the glaring flaws of the current administration and revel in the hate for an administration that is no longer in office. McCain: CIA secrecy story just beginning
  • Whatever is politically expedient is how she will express hercurrent of political will so asto obfuscate hertotal failure todo what requires strength of conviction and courage. Rudy Was Against English Being "Official Language" Before He Was For It
  • You STILL haven’t stepped up and argued the points, why you obfuscate is beyond me. Matthew Yglesias » Revenge of the Public Option
  • Of course, there are those who seek not to enlighten, but to habitually and purposefully obfuscate in order to baffle a client or weary public into submission.
  • When it comes to password integrity, the key is to obfuscate words as much as possible.
  • Page after page of manic ramblings crowd these uneven stories to a claustrophobic pitch, threatening to lose even the most attentive of readers with their jargon-heavy, obfuscated psychobabble.
  • She was criticized for using arguments that obfuscated the main issue.
  • Obscure academics will trundle out to obfuscate the finer points of constitutional and ecclesiastical propriety.
  • And those issues are far too important to all of us to be obfuscated by the kind of pettiness we hope to never see in our leaders. Michael Seitzman: Barack Obama and the Return of Grace
  • The writer often obfuscates the real issues with petty details.
  • The controversial Race to Zero contest, run by New Zealand security researcher Simon Howard, allowed each team to try to obfuscate real computer viruses and exploit code samples.
  • Many of the writers here on Alternet like to indulge themselves in pointless verbiage and clever, but overwrought, turns of wordish phrase that obfuscate the point and render the article difficult to read. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • This is something that those who wish to obfuscate the origins of our current conflicts with extremists tend to gloss over or ignore.
  • As we noted several months ago, orotund, abstract language can obfuscate accountability, truth-telling, and as we're now seeing most clearly, the simple facing of reality.
  • A top-notch lawyer is able to spin, twist, and obfuscate complicated issues in such a manner that the judge thinks he has an unbiased understanding of the issue.
  • It is my earnest wish that this error on my part will not obfuscate the original intent of my essay: choose to fight the negativity.
  • They have obfuscated, delayed, lied, backtracked, pettifogged, and cancelled all sorts of commitments under the informal and formal rubrics of the Oslo process.
  • And the prize for the most uses of the word obfuscate or derivatives thereof goes to… Charles Haynes on the Lebec, CA case - The Panda's Thumb
  • In a wonderful theatrical performance Jones succeeded in making an even bigger tool of himself by attempting to obfuscate the unobfuscatible.
  • We have seen legislators perorate, obfuscate, concilliate, mediate .... In The Eye of the Hurricane
  • She learned you can obfuscate even the baldest facts, before the American people. Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Obama Attacks Hillary As Calculating And Divisive
  • But systems such as obfuscated metal detectors may stop the silly season steal, according to DHL country security manager Graeme Mayne, who spoke last week at the Security 2010 conference in ZDNet Australia
  • As we noted several months ago, orotund, abstract language can obfuscate accountability, truth-telling, and as we're now seeing most clearly, the simple facing of reality.
  • There was only one small final step left: to analyze each of the procedures there and rename obfuscated variable and function names to relevant ones. Security Bloggers Network
  • But in the hands of an overanxious company executive it can just as easily become a chilly fog that obfuscates the common truth.
  • `Are you intending to suggest that the Lord would deliberately obfuscate a police investigation, Mr McGuire? DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • Until this deficiency is rectified, invoking craving merely further obfuscates an already confused area.
  • The mortal mind obfuscates the spiritual truth, which is the love of God.
  • Some advice for Autonomy CEO Mike Lynch: You can obfuscate about what is said in a private conversation.
  • She was criticized for using arguments that obfuscated the main issue.
  • I was able to grasp the thread of the plot, pick up on tension and menace that was obfuscated in the original cut.
  • Priests, teachers, doctors, politicians have their own library of phrases and terminologies that seem designed to obfuscate rather than to clarify and it's all part of a spin to deflect from the evidence.
  • Bishops obfuscate, cardinals equivocate and Church spokesmen prevaricate as the tide of media condemnation surges around them.
  • All too often, business nowadays sees government as a sea of anti-progress ‘Sir Humphreys’ who generate red tape, obfuscate at every turn and aggrandise unaccountable power to themselves behind closed doors.
  • I don't want my communications to be "obfuscated" in the historical record. Boing Boing: September 7, 2003 - September 13, 2003 Archives
  • To the degree that those words are used to obfuscate realities that are otherwise painful to utter, our monuments will be correspondingly fragile.
  • Are you all missing the good old days when you could machinate and obfuscate all day long about Mann, the Hockey team and statistical felonies they committed? Quelccaya Plant Deposits Again « Climate Audit
  • George W Bush continues to embarrass the country, the world and himself by his ongoing bubble of denial and willingness to lie and obfuscate the immense failures of boththe Bush warand the Bush economy. EVERYTHING BUSH SAYS AND DOES IS B.S. / IMPEACH HIM !
  • The real origin of all these flags is severely obfuscated by myth and legend, in spite of its relative modernness and high popularity.
  • Hence, used as a symbol of intellectual life, or a standard of what real intellectualism entails, his thesis obfuscates issues of access, privilege and accountability.
  • I've just highlighted this post on Twitter and in my resource about How to write an Artist's Statement with the suggestion that it's absolutely essential reading anytime an artist feels tempted to "obfuscate"! Artist’s Statement Generator
  • The notion of government being 'private' or obfuscated from the public died with the first FOIA type law being passed. State Should Close Loophole to Public Disclosure Law « PubliCola
  • `Are you intending to suggest that the Lord would deliberately obfuscate a police investigation, Mr McGuire? DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • A packer is a program that can compress and obfuscate a target program. CNET
  • If you want it can also "obfuscate" the variables which saves bandwith and as side effect make them harder to reuse (not something you'd want as open source developer). Planet Apache
  • It looks like he kind of obfuscated his way out of a question. CNN Transcript Nov 4, 2000
  • Her claim that the term impure (teme’ah) is obfuscated because of its biblical connotation of transmission of impurity and the rabbinic usage of unavailability for sexual purposes needs further clarification. Female Purity (Niddah) Annotated Bibliography.
  • A technology that was designed to enhance our already communication-heavy lives now serves to obfuscate it.
  • Is it time to obfuscate obscurantism, so to speak, even to oneself?
  • When it came to discussing facts, she seemed to obfuscate the issue (Sarah, if you're reading this, don't be embarrassed to look up "obfuscate"). Lloyd Garver: Sarah Palin: American Idol?
  • In that context, Marine's directorial flourishes obfuscate more than they enlighten.
  • Enterprise 2.0 is often derided as a buzzword enveloped in ivory-tower abstractions that obfuscate as much as enlighten.www. today launched a new blog from the trenches of Enterprise 2.0 - yes, there are trenches - called "Everyday Enterprise 2.0," authored by Christy Schoon, the company's director of Enterprise 2.0 consulting. Undefined
  • Your email address will be hidden, but it is still recommended that you "obfuscate" your email address, or simply leave a homepage URL. How Now Brownpau
  • How might we devise a system that offers students a second chance but that doesn't obfuscate reality or entice students to drop out?
  • Ministers had "obfuscated" in setting out any future spending detail, he said. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Meanwhile, the company dispatched their own PR professionals to the region to deceive and inveigle and obfuscate, all while treating concerned locals to a public face that was a "diversion" by design. Bob Dudley, BP CEO, Blames Media For Creating "Climate Of Fear" In Gulf
  • Analogies can obfuscate, but in their own way they can distill a matter to its essence.
  • For example, the supply of gold from official sources is on a 24-hour basis, in spite of the Washington agreement and similar declarations largely drafted in order to obfuscate rather than to enlighten.
  • I'm sure there's a better way to explain the theme than that, but the television show format, while entertaining, kind of obfuscated things a bit by flipping in and out of genres towards the end. Anime Nano!
  • The word "obfuscate" is a word only the very rich would use and will be taxed. Undefined
  • Second, spammers may retweet and change legitimate links to illegitimate ones, the process of which is obfuscated by URL shorteners.
  • `Are you intending to suggest that the Lord would deliberately obfuscate a police investigation, Mr McGuire? DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • The errors and uncertainties tend to be amplified farther back in the paleoclimatic record, particularly in the Arctic, where much of the paleoclimatic evidence from earlier parts of the Quaternary Period has been removed or obfuscated as a result of later glaciations. Arctic climate variability prior to 100 years BP
  • To further obfuscate matters, he hiccups, barks, yaps, and swallows his rhymes.
  • They are kind of obfuscated and simply require you to remember things. Usability vs. Discoverability : #comments
  • Some advice for Autonomy CEO Mike Lynch: You can obfuscate about what is said in a private conversation.
  • It heats the blood, thickens the animal spirits, and obfuscates the cerebrum with frenetical and lymphatic idols, which cloud the quintessential light of the pure reason. Westward Ho!
  • The serpentine syntax of legal language is often used to obfuscate meaning and confuse those outside the law.
  • The main thing is to confuse and obfuscate the audience.
  • That means that we'll have a law that will require an entire class of general-purpose technologies to use only obfuscated, closed-source drivers.
  • In fact, in my experience, the more palatable art tends to obfuscate truth to an even greater degree than art that reflects some of humanity's fallen state.
  • This opening-exposition orgy obfuscates rather than edifies. My Year of Flops
  • Also, good use of the word obfuscate … and the Marxist stuff … but I know what obfuscate means … and I don’t know anything about Marx himay Cooperative Blog » Blog Archive » Explaining the credit crisis

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