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How To Use Obedient In A Sentence

  • Since when did her quiet, passive, obedient brother ever command anyone?
  • But when they realized they were being disobedient they were prepared to change. Christianity Today
  • A plant can be an obedient herb in one habitat and a rumbustious weed somewhere else.
  • The children whined, splashing each other and Knazarath a few more times, but then followed the guard to the bedroom obediently, if a bit noisily.
  • The parents punished their disobedient child.
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  • I want to talk to the boss,’ I said disobediently.
  • 'Now this beats a', 'muttered his wife to herself;' however, I shall be obedient for a time; but if I dinna ken what all this is for before the morn by sunket-time, my tongue is nae langer a tongue, nor my hands worth wearing. ' Stories of Mystery
  • They want obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork. And just dumb enough to passively accept it. George Carlin 
  • Christ was quickened, that is to say, was active, in His own spirit state, although His body was inert and in reality dead at the time; and that _in_ that disembodied state He went and preached to the disobedient spirits. Jesus the Christ A Study of the Messiah and His Mission According to Holy Scriptures Both Ancient and Modern
  • A lot of the behaviour parents call naughty or disobedient is just a normal part of development.
  • Energy and Global Warming News for 11/12/09: Germany to help develop Moroccan solar-thermal energy projects; Clinton calls Copenhagen "steppingstone"; Military's growing thirst for oil is costing lives - report The Seattle activists 'coming of age in Cophenhagen will be very disobedient Climate Progress
  • As the good Spirit works that which is good in obedient souls, so this evil spirit works that which is evil in wicked men; and he now works, not only heretofore, but even since the world has been blessed with the light of the glorious gospel. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Is the horse obedient and willing, making smooth transitions when asked, slowing down just as easily as moving up a gear? Your First Horse - buying, feeding, caring
  • However, that is an attitude that is shaped by my very Western lifestyle wherein Western grocery stores have no such thing as food courts attached to them wolfing down a sandwich slapped together at the Boar's Head deli counter while waiting in the Express checkout line does not count as a food court, and food courts in shopping malls are teeming with screaming, disobedient children, making for a highly unenjoyable, stressful decision-making process between deep-fried hot dogs impaled on sticks and peddled by pimple-faced Rain-bo Brites and the less arterially noxious chicken "patty" that has been breaded, deep-fried, and smeared with diet mayo. Tampopo - A Crunky Quickie at the Market
  • She taught her how to act polite, demure, obedient and respectful.
  • When ordered to do so, he obediently drank a cup of poisonous hemlock and calmly died, having declared that he did not fear death since he could not know it to be an evil.
  • God gave his plein power for to bind and to assoil, and therefore they should be obedient to him. The Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • His voice was cultured Oxbridge, and the grim intent in that voice made Cardiff and Pearce stand obediently aside.
  • Thomas, obedient to codes of privacy, didn't want to overstep the line.
  • His gray eyes glinted with an air of impatience as he offered a helping hand to another being, a small boy, his choppy brown locks sticking out disobediently in all directions as he was pulled back to his feet.
  • Under the influence of the idea: "The haemorrhage is to stop", the unconscious had sent to the small arteries and veins the order to stop the flow of blood, and, obediently, they contracted _naturally_, as they would have done artificially at the contact of a haemostatic like adrenalin, for example. Maîtrise de soi-même par l'autosuggestion consciente. English
  • They were physically tough and exquisitely beautiful, but also intelligent and as obedient as dogs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although they still have some problems with disobedient clientele, they are seriously trying to comply with the law of the land.
  • My eyes disobediently traveled him up and down before I slid out the door.
  • The Scout Law declares a Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.
  • Obediently he trundled off towards Red Diamond's waist, where the starboard watch was gathered.
  • The Lord grant that I may at last become an obedient and truly teachable child; for that faculty, whatsoever it be, that asks vociferously, seems not to be the one which, as I.P. says, "_graspingly receives," _ but is rather a hinderance to its reception. A Brief Memoir with Portions of the Diary, Letters, and Other Remains, of Eliza Southall, Late of Birmingham, England
  • We have been taught to be obedient to authorities and not to think for ourselves much.
  • When Haitian disobediently attempted to implement policies they had been elected to implement, they were undermined, and if necessary, kidnapped. Isabel Macdonald: Clinton Apologizes for U.S. Role in Destroying Haitian Democracy (Happy April Fool's Day!)
  • This revolutionary change has, not surprisingly, been opposed by many elements that are recalcitrant, those who remain obedient to dogma, to tradition and the heavy legacy of past conditioning. The Continuing Controversy on Abortion
  • Her tone was that of a parent to a disobedient child.
  • Can the would-be veep be trusted to obediently follow a campaign script without setting off controversy with potentially explosive remarks?
  • The June light, now approaching the middle hours of the day, and radiant with sunshine, fell in long golden shafts across the body of the choir and into the ranks of the brothers and obedientiaries opposite, gilding half a face here and throwing its other half into exaggerated shade, there causing dazzled eyes in a blanched face to blink away the brightness. The Rose Rent
  • a little man obedient to his wife
  • Eric obediently hands over his wallet; the drunk friend subsides into a stupor; but Ike Marcus gets "chesty," confronting their assailants with the brave and foolhardy formula "Not tonight, my man. In Priceland
  • I can hear the rain beating down on the roof like a meteor shower as our car lurches violently from side to side, rocking disobediently on its haunches, fat tyres chafing loudly over what appears to be a long, shallow pond.
  • Thou hast compelled me to forespeak, as well deliverance to the afflicted, as destruction to certain inobedient, the performance whereof, not I alone, but the very blind world has already seen. John Knox
  • I answered obediently and went to the fire to stir the thick stew inside the cauldron.
  • Children are expected to be obedient and to show respect for their elders.
  • It grieves me to hear how disobedient you've been.
  • Shake it off, and there is fulfilled in the disobedient man the threatening of my text, which rightly translated ought to be, 'Thou hast broken the yokes of wood, and thou _hast_ made instead of them yokes of iron.' Expositions of Holy Scripture Isaiah and Jeremiah
  • Our obedient dog lay motionless as we stood and watched the trio work the currents of the river. Times, Sunday Times
  • Obsessed with precautions, obedient to instinct, comrades described him as almost a wild animal.
  • My brother describes me as constitutionally disobedient.
  • Sidney and Pepper were with him, but at his quiet word they sat down obediently just inside the door and they didn't baric. The Fateful Bargain
  • The farm-horse will not do this; but he is quite obedient to call, and distinguishes his name readily from that of his companion, and will not stir when desired to stand until _his own name_ is pronounced. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 330, April 1843
  • He would whistle whenever he wanted its presence and obediently it would flutter its wings to its owner's shoulders.
  • I obediently followed him until I saw a barbwire fence.
  • She followed obediently, moving in ridiculously small steps because her ankles were fettered to her waist.
  • Children are amazingly docile and compliant, obediently following the instructions of their elders as if they know no other way.
  • Do not associate with the disobedient person; and if you must, speak to him/her as one who needs a warning.
  • Obedient to his master’s mandate, the falconer was collecting his discouraged followers, and whispering into their ears — “Away, away — tace is Latin for a candle — never mind the good The Abbot
  • Iain has encouraged me to share this with you and since I'm such an obedient wife…
  • This fits the notion that females are socialized to be dependent and obedient, while males are socialized to be independent and self-willed.
  • And I must come at correspondences so disobediently carried on. Clarissa Harlowe
  • How does an ordinary, obedient child of the 1950s and a beneficiary of the economic miracle of that era turn into a terrorist, an accessory to murder?
  • Would the God Worshippers pour coak over my body for teaching a foreigner to have a disobedient Chinese tongue? The secret sense
  • disobedient children
  • Paradise the first parents which slept in the death of sin, buried from the beginning of inobedience and gluttony, and now she that hath borne life to all human lineage, and was obedient to God the Father, and put away from her all ordure of sin, how shall not she be in heaven? The Golden Legend, vol. 4
  • Then answered Haggai -- rather, "Then Haggai answered (in rejoinder to the priests 'answer) and said" [Maurer]. so is this people -- heretofore not in such an obedient state of mind as to deserve to be called My people (Tit 1: 15). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • But sound is a stroke of a sounding body; and a sounding body is that which has homogeneousness and uniformity, and is easy to be moved, light, smooth, and, by reason of its tenseness and continuity, it is obedient to the stroke; and such is the air. Essays and Miscellanies
  • The matter presseth, and will brook no delay: and we affy ourself in you, Lady, as a woman obedient to the Church, that you will observe our bidding. The White Lady of Hazelwood A Tale of the Fourteenth Century
  • The OT has about 2 dozen death penalty crimes, disobedient children, apostasy, being a nonvirgin bride, etc.. Planet Atheism
  • Nevertheless, I obediently choked down a half - cup of it.
  • All things are obedient to money. 
  • The great duty of children is to obey their parents (v. 1), parents being the instruments of their being, God and nature having given them an authority to command, in subserviency to God; and, if children will be obedient to their pious parents, they will be in a fair way to be pious as they are. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • But in the field of statute law the judge must be obedient to the will of Parliament as expressed in its enactments.
  • Kate is eventually tamed and obedient towards her husband by the end of the play.
  • ASpiritedLife. com: The Eva Mendes Spirit Interview: Kicking Ass And Revealing Some Too TeenDirectory. net: Erotic sleuthing laced with backwards babes, and Paulson on female doormat duty while Scarlett's shrewdie hangs with a murderous gang of homicidal fattie clones, like an underworld Madonna bossing an obedient crew of paunchy boy toys. Undefined
  • The pack horse, unled, but obedient to his training, followed close after. The Great Sioux Trail A Story of Mountain and Plain
  • And he that will not obey to him that hath the cure over him when he enseigneth and teacheth him good that he is bound to do, he sinneth grievously and is inobedient, which is deadly sin. The Golden Legend, vol. 1
  • I was very disobedient towards my father.
  • It begins with a character named Zoe who decries the practice of rewarding punctuality while punishing those who are late or disobedient.
  • My head started spinning, and for a dizzying moment, my hands disobediently came up to grip his arms.
  • Obedient, with fire in his eyes, Wolf unbuckled his belt and let his weapons clatter to the ground.
  • From the corner of my eye, I saw my frightened cousins obediently practicing their first brush strokes.
  • Ballet dancers are an obedient lot. Times, Sunday Times
  • Johnny obediently waited; but he wanted to _see_, so he sat up on his hind legs with eyes agog and ears acock. Johnny Bear And Other Stories from Lives of the Hunted
  • Then, fair sister, I doubt that if we abide in virginity that we shall make the word of God vain, and be also despising and inobedient, by which we shall fall into a grievous judgment, where we shall have no hope of reward, but shall run in great torment and pain. The Golden Legend, vol. 5
  • Dimitri Pavlovich, obedient to Matfei's request that he put aside his anger, was trying to teach Ivan how to absorb a broadaxe blow with his shield and twist the weapon out of the enemy's hands. Enchantment
  • He said nothing but obediently handed over the small bag and removed his medallion and rings.
  • ` ` Ye are a dauring villain, Rob, '' answered the Bailie; ` ` and ye will be hanged, that will be seen and heard tell o '; but I'se ne'er be the ill bird and foul my nest, set apart strong necessity and the skreigh of duty, which no man should hear and be inobedient. Rob Roy
  • What good method, can let the lonely become obedient.
  • Miss Biddums obediently stooped to the lowest shelf of the _almirah_ and unearthed the big paper box in which His Majesty the King kept his dearest possessions. Indian Tales
  • Si curari vult, opus est pertinaci perseverantia, fideli obedientia, et patientis singulari, si taedet aut desperet, nullum habebit effectum. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Students are expected to be quiet and obedient in the classroom.
  • After the shih-tzu has come to you and obediently sat down, attach the leash and start the reward.
  • Satans, though rarely mentioned in the Old Testament are generally portrayed as obedient servants or sons of God who perform specific duties of strategic obstruction The Hebrew root of the word satan is STN, which defines an opposer, adversary, or an accuser, whereas the Greek equivalent was “Diabolos” from which derive the words diabolical and devil., again meaning no more than obstructor or slanderer. Archive 2009-04-01
  • The cruel captain used a scourge on his disobedient sailor.
  • I followed, silent and obedient, as she took us to a pokey shop in a dead end.
  • Once the obedientiaries and choir monks had passed, it should not be difficult to worm his way in among the boys without being noticed. The Hermit of Eyton Forest
  • Students are expected to be quiet and obedient in the classroom.
  • In the meantime, I am always obedient to the Whips, so I shall leave it at that.
  • Both the horse and the hawk are unruly, the latter swirling its head around instead of waiting in obedient stillness, and the dogs have curiously rounded leonine heads.
  • Of course, every American is not always ignorant, hypocritical and obedient.
  • And like as they were inobedient to their superior, right so their members began to move against their superior, which is reason, and they felt their first moving in their privy members, and thereof they were ashamed. The Golden Legend, vol. 1
  • He is simple in his habits, generous and kind, obedient to those who are over him either in civil or religious matters; he is a quiet citizen; he is very fond of a little "boodle" (when he can get it), and it is looked upon as one of his virtues which he sometimes pursues to an unwholesome extent; he is called up and rebuked for it, goes away and soon begins to do it again. Canada from East to West
  • The immobility or bruteness of nature, is the absence of spirit; to pure spirit, it is fluid, it is volatile, it is obedient. Nature
  • If we see a member of the church of Christ living in obedience to the 'law of Christ,' we say he is a Christian, and speak of him as such; on the other hand, if we know he is in works denying Christ, being disobedient, we tacitly assume that he is not a Christian, yet a mawkish charity keeps us, in too many instances, from speaking out in this matter, and also keeps us from earnestly trying to distinguish the true Christian; and this is one of the great sins of the church in our times, for thus the wicked are not put to shame, and others are caused to hesitate in their graces by the conduct of those whom, in mawk charity, are called Christians. The Christian Foundation, Or, Scientific and Religious Journal, Volume 1, January, 1880
  • Muses told; and I sing obedient to the Pierides, and this report have I heard most truly; that ye, O mightiest far of the sons of kings, by your might and your valour over the desert sands of Libya raised high aloft on your shoulders the ship and all that ye brought therein, and bare her twelve days and nights alike. The Argonautica
  • Obediently he did so, but the waters washed them ashore undamaged.
  • Indeed there were some among the treasury of relics amassed by obedientiaries here over the years about which he felt somewhat dubious. The Holy Thief
  • For when the soul is tempested, troubled, and left to itself by unrest, then it is time to pray, for to make itself pliable and obedient [140] to God. Revelations of Divine Love
  • He followed her obediently to the comfortable old settee by the log fire, and let her pour him a large cupful. FORESTS OF THE NIGHT
  • The sati is the epitome of the obedient wife, but her burning is irredeemably barbaric.
  • Obediently Olympia sipped a cup of water, and Daphne cleaned up the child and afterbirth.
  • A four-year-old may be disobedient today, but it isn't necessarily clear what that means for the child's behaviour tomorrow.
  • They want obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork. And just dumb enough to passively accept it. George Carlin 
  • Children cannot be shown as disobedient or in conflict with adults.
  • The dog trotted obediently to his master.
  • His hair flops disobediently into his eyes and he gathers it up from time to time with a swipe. An easy label for Christopher Hitchens? Careful, it could be a fighting word
  • In it, a mischievous and disobedient kitten, Tom, gets lost in the hidden places of ‘an old, old house, full of cupboards and passages’.
  • Obediently Kate went to the bathroom for a facecloth and, wringing it out brought it back to the bedroom. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  •     One park visitor anxious to leave with his inobedient dog in tow on a leash as the dog jumped in the air hittingChesterwith his paw, knocking him to the ground. Animal Park (Part I)
  • Then, before him, at his feet, he saw an extremely small live thing, only several inches long, a young weasel, that, like himself, had disobediently gone out adventuring. The Wall of the World
  • an obedient soldier
  • a gentle old horse, docile and obedient
  • Whether the country's powerful media outlets like it or not, disobedient voices have transformed the national debate.
  • a little man obedient to his wife
  • At that moment a young trooper, fresh-faced and smiling, found himself in trouble with a bunch of horses; in a second he slipped from the numnah, got a short hold of the reins, and jagged the restive chargers into obedient docility. Kitchener, Organizer of Victory
  • obedient children
  • And so the Apostle, using a word kindred with that of my text, but intensifying it by addition, says, 'He became obedient even unto the death of the Cross, wherefore God also hath highly lifted Him up.' Expositions of Holy Scripture St. John Chapters I to XIV
  • No one knows what to make of her because she seems so obedient.
  • The first case is quite Orwellian in that the media, especially the state-owned media, serves as governments' obedient mouthpieces.
  • While Phil Spence fumbled obediently with his zip fastener Paula stalked past him into what she took for the kitchen. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • Although I agree with none of these proscriptions, I have been obediently observing them. "
  • And the only women in the celestial kingdom will be those dutiful, obedient plural wives who are invited there by their husbands to serve them for all eternity.
  • Against the fifth commandment: Disobedient to parents, and without natural affection -- astorgous, that is parents unkind and cruel to their children. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Hidden within the morally outraged and civilly disobedient radical, in other words, was the soul of a wronged decision theorist.
  • All things are obedient to money. 
  • Abasio sat down obediently, grateful for the stop, which gave him a chance to take off his boot and the squishy sock inside it. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • Sometimes, he turns me into a child and I become shy and obedient.
  • They would be obedient and respectful to their officers; friendly, kind, and at peace one with another; would perform their duties, "not with eye-service; as men pleasers, but in singleness of heart, fearing GOD. A Few Words to the Soldiers of the Confederate States.
  • He was obedient to his Christchurch bosses, but not at all obsequious.
  • Would you have been the really obedient one, or the rebellious one, the one who smiles in massa's face but spits in his food, the one in the plantation house secretly hearing all the plans and telling your family in the fields what was going on?
  • With Mimi he was expected to be neatly groomed, dutiful and obedient.
  • Like an obedient servant, who follows his master's commands, the young ones always go with the mother.
  • To thee he hath been inobedient, to me he hath been obedient. The Golden Legend, vol. 1
  • Likewise, we once poured forth of our abundance in selfless sharing with the destitute of the world, obedient to the behest of God to "love one another" and to demonstrate our love by generously giving of our superabundance to those who are bereft of all substance. Wide, Wide World
  • For that matter, I don't even recall chaining ourselves to the shanties -- seems like when the whole thing came to a head we sat inside, quite civilly disobedient, while the physical plant workers came to demolish them. Nietzsche is dead
  • To these may be added the calefactory, the parlour, or locutorium, the almonry, and the offices of the obedientiaries; but these additional buildings fitted into the general plan where they best might, and their disposition differed somewhat in the various monasteries. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • In addition, while colleges and universities teach critical thinking, truly religious readers strive to remain obedient to canonical sources, not to be critical of them.
  • Milo obediently piaffed and passaged, and I was very proud of him and keen to show his talent for the difficult work.
  • Dee believed the Angels to be obedient servants of God, submissive to the authority of Christ.
  • This is the tale the Muses told; and I sing obedient to the Pierides, and this report have I heard most truly; that ye, O mightiest far of the sons of kings, by your might and your valour over the desert sands of Libya raised high aloft on your shoulders the ship and all that ye brought therein, and bare her twelve days and nights alike. The Argonautica
  • Her voice was musical and gentle as she sang childish rhymes of the frightful Finn Mac Coul so that the young ones knelt attentively and obediently along side her.
  • On a cue from its master, the bear obediently stood up on its hind legs.
  • Most technological futurology see agents as benign, as obedient slaves who only have our best interests at heart.
  • The prioress of Alva is very ill: pray for her, as all I can say is, that we shall lose a treasure in losing her: she is very obedient, and when anything goes wrong, the sisters need only speak to her, and she puts everything right. The Letters of St. Teresa
  • 'Go after her! the ungrateful, disobedient, good-for-nothing hussey! Gladys, the Reaper
  • Training must be obediently maintained until lessons can be digested without displaying overconfidence.
  • Never, it is alleged, has Japan been soiled by the disobedient and rebellious acts common in other countries; while at the same time the Japanese nation, sharing to some extent in the supernatural virtues of its rulers, has been distinguished by a high-minded chivalry called Bushido, unknown in inferior lands. The Invention of a New Religion
  • Her daughters also read spiritual works and were obedient to their mother.
  • Siabra turned obediently to leave and Diego slapped his horn against her haunches, dodging her buck as he sent her off in a gallop toward the main road.
  • Parents who do not detect an intermittent hearing loss can become irritable and controlling and label their child as disobedient and unresponsive.
  • Make me like in mind to you, as an obedient child, meek and still.
  • Jacob looked utterly defeated at that moment, as if I were a disobedient child that refused to be punished.
  • Tomorrow we will find out if he has become an obedient one. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lower class having become more acquainted with their governing laws, have also become infinitely more obedient to them, and I have observed _that particular care is taken among most of them to explain to each other the nature of the laws_, and to point out in their usual style the ill consequences attending any violation of them. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • obediently she slipped off her right shoe and stocking
  • But with meditation, the mind can become far more obedient and still. The Sun
  • But whom hath mine uncle wed, that is thus unbuxom [disobedient] to him? The White Lady of Hazelwood A Tale of the Fourteenth Century
  • Her tone was that of a parent to a disobedient child.
  • The cameras in the classroom are teaching students to be ever more obedient; that is, to internalize the rules and to accept as legitimate an authority that polices even the most picayune infractions.
  • If you try to keep people totally dependent and obedient, that is slavery. Think Progress » Former GOP Congressman J.C. Watts: ‘Social programs’ are the ‘new slavery.’
  • It sounded like a password and every day at lunch he followed her obediently like a dog in the café.
  • With the day progressing and the sun beating down relentlessly, the animals became increasingly irritable and even disobedient.
  • Fortunately Scott was reasonably obedient as long as some one kept a close watch over him.
  • How they will alter and vary, never the same for long together, but led by indiscoverable caprices and obedient to some further will. Henry Brocken His Travels and Adventures in the Rich, Strange, Scarce-Imaginable Regions of Romance
  • He was always a polite and obedient person. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your father is loyal, principled and obedient to me, which is how it should be. NOTHING TO WEAR AND NOWHERE TO HIDE: A COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES
  • Our obedient dog lay motionless as we stood and watched the trio work the currents of the river. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cruel captain used a scourge on his disobedient sailor.
  • Never would I have thought that you would see rank and file middle/upper middle class people praising and cheering the use of torture and celebrating bush’s ignorant incompetence, but all you had to do was offer them tax cuts, abd they obediently got into line cheering on or turning a blind eye to any number of evils and engaging in spittle flecked rages against Gore and Kerry in their zeal to serve the party. Matthew Yglesias » Death at Gitmo
  • This all reminds me much of clients who come to me begging to serve me, to make them utterly obedient, to humiliate and degrade and objectify them - just as they have imagined it in their fantasies, to the note.
  • Anne trotted obediently beside her mother.
  • Now I let it off the chain and it follows me everywhere, obediently heeling.
  • I was very disobedient towards my father.
  • In places the characterisation is thin: Rovena, in particular, strays too close to a stock projection of male fantasy – a beautiful supplicant with sapphic tendencies, yet who ultimately remains obedient to one man, always offering herself up to him smelling fresh after prolonged bathroom preparations. The Accident by Ismail Kadare
  • We were supposed to become unthinking, obedient, silent and submissive so as to be governable, exploitable and harmless.
  • Hooker maintains that episcopacy is the norm for ecclesiastical regiment and all must be prepared to accept it and remain obedient to episcopal authority.
  • But when they realized they were being disobedient they were prepared to change. Christianity Today
  • On the pavement a woman with no pretence to fashion (or else obedient to an ugly fashion) came past, too brightly dressed in a sack overcoat of goatskin; but no, it was not a woman, it was a chauffeur who, enveloped in his ponyskin, was proceeding on foot to his garage. The Captive
  • I want to be strong with the cry, tears are not obedient.
  • he went ahead disobediently and did what his supervisor had warned him not to do
  • What good method, can let the lonely become obedient.
  • Cindy was obediently taking her place retrieving the towels from the linen closet.
  • Her mother replied that policemen were greatly sought after as husbands for several reasons -- firstly, they were big men, and big men are always good to look upon; secondly, their social standing was very high and their respectability undoubted; thirdly, a policeman's pay was such as would bring comfort to any household which was not needlessly and criminally extravagant; and this was often supplemented in a variety of ways which rumor only hinted at: there was also the safe prospect of a pension and the possibility of a sergeantship, where the emoluments were very great: and fourthly, a policeman, being subjected for many years to a rigorous discipline, would likely make a nice and obedient husband. Mary, Mary
  • Bot contrariwise the stubburne, inobedient, cruell oppressours, filthie personis, idolaters, and all such sortes of unfaithfull, sal be cast in the dungeoun of utter darkenesse, where their worme sall not die, nether zit their fyre sall bee extinguished. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • They gathered in a stunned circle, abbot, prior, obedientiaries, monks and novices, brought thus abruptly to the contemplation of mortality. An Excellent Mystery
  • Some teachers have a tendency to overrate the abilities of obedient, conscientious children.
  • And this doctrine is perhaps the more redoubtable, because it harms all sorts of men; not only the heroic and self-reliant, but the obedient, cowlike squadrons. Lay Morals
  • Rafael was standing at the window, obediently stifling his tears. SACRAMENT
  • Thou hast compelled me to forespeak, as well deliverance to the afflicted, as destruction to certain inobedient, the performance whereof, not I alone, but the very blind world has already seen. John Knox
  • If we want this province not to be the poorest of them all, let us try to be obedient, loyal, true and faithful.
  • Row after row of white tennis shoes sit upright on foot spikes like pristine, obedient soldiers standing to attention.
  • Then, since one must be miserable, 'tis fit that I sustain the whole Blow alone, and not endeavour to involve her, who has no Way been accessary; then be obedient to thy Exilius
  • Anne trotted obediently beside her mother.
  • Anita, a few years older, is everything Meena wants to be - the disobedient, uncompromising leader of a gang of girls.

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