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How To Use Obedience In A Sentence

  • This is the obedience of faith to which personal conviction leads.
  • There must then be obedience to an infinite law, or _infinite_ punishment for transgression. The Way of Salvation in the Lutheran Church
  • Monasteries, breaking the Lawes of obedience, and being addicted to pleasures of the flesh, are become lascivious and dissolute, making the world beleeve, that whatsoever is convenient for other women, is no way unbeseeming them, as thinking in that manner to escape. The Decameron
  • Theologian Keri Harvey writes, “Legalism is to seek to achieve forgiveness from God and ac ceptance by God through my obedience to God.” God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …
  • Education meant the inculcation of truths as dogmas, the institutionalization of habits of obedience, the subjection of the individual to the community.
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  • All are put under him; we hold of him, as in capite, and owe subjection and obedience to him, who is also Jesus and Christ, the anointed Saviour, and especially our Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Certainly there have been powerful nonviolent movements in which strikes, work stoppages, non-cooperation, and massive civil disobedience have been effective without any religious or moral reference.
  • The inobedience of Adam caused the first war, of that he had offended God, whereof followed the two other wars. The Golden Legend, vol. 7
  • Christ not only died for the sins of His sheep on the Cross but he established their righteousness through His perfect obedience to God's Law.
  • They urge people to take a sickie or nick off from school to celebrate the disobedience of orders.
  • The thing that struck us in doing the Levitical month was the simple power of obedience," Harrell said in a recent interview. Cathleen Falsani: Living Leviticus: Who Could Do It? Who Would Want To?
  • Break them and await arrest in willful, principled civil disobedience. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Rhetoric of Opposition
  • But when restraints to which he had long been accustomed and to which he yielded passive obedience were removed, and he was left in a condition of license, all the abeyant passions of his undisciplined nature were brought into prominence and antagonism with an environment where reciprocal obligations have not always found their highest expression. The American Negro: What He Was, What He Is, and What He May Become: A Critical and Practical Discussion
  • For this cause also God has banished from His presence him who did of his own accord stealthily sow the tares, that is, him who brought about the transgression; [4433] but He took compassion upon man, who, through want of care no doubt, but still wickedly [on the part of another], became involved in disobedience; and ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
  • Thus Helen of Troy may have been a bewitching casus belli — and her elopement with Paris may have led to the deaths of thousands — but in fact she was acting with aret é ; she showed herself to be in close attunement with Aphrodite, who demanded an obedience not only to herself but to the imperatives of the heart. The Gods Return
  • You must fatten them into obedience.
  • Government that enforces obedience to regulation in this world of ours is a necessity but also a tragedy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unthinking obedience to a line of bullshit because your pecker is so small you have to make up for it in other ways. Think Progress » EXCLUSIVE: Majority Leader Boehner’s Confidential Strategy Memo For Thursday’s Iraq Debate
  • In many ways we have fallen into a similar pattern of disobedience, and need the gracious intervention of God to deliver us from spiritual and moral decay.
  • Stop playing the poor downtrodden man and begin a campaign of civil disobedience. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kifaya, for one, is more interested in promoting what it calls ‘political disobedience’ than rebutting accusations levelled against it.
  • It was obedience to his prophet, who bade him take advantage of the giaour -- quite The Eye of Zeitoon
  • Now obedience to a superior is due in accordance with the divinely established order of things, as shown above A. 1, and therefore it is a good, since good consists in mode, species, and order, as Augustine states.6 Again, this act has a special aspect of praiseworthiness by reason of its object. The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • If, as promised, they throng through the streets of London when the ban comes into force in February, any civil disobedience will only harden the attitudes of the liberal townies whose routines they will be disrupting.
  • In sum, the histories and the prophecies of the Old Testament and the gospels and epistles of the New Testament have had one and the same scope, to convert men to the obedience of God: 1. in Moses and the priests; 2. in the man Christ; and 3. in the Apostles and the successors to apostolical power. Leviathan
  • The sailor, who was a "Bostonian," an inheritance with the ship, opened his mouth in favor of the unfortunate professor, but like his mates, he stood in much awe of a master whose indulgence demanded implicit obedience in return. Rezánov
  • As the last words came hoarsely forth on to the night air, _clang, clang, clang_, burst out the tocsin of the alarm bell, silencing the music in the ballroom and sending an electric thrill through every listener within the precincts of the castle; but ere the great bell had sent forth a score of vibrating notes which came quivering through the darkness and echoing from every wall, the clattering of hoofs began in obedience to the whispered commands of his Majesty of France: The King's Esquires The Jewel of France
  • When these minorities pass from disobedience to rebellion, the elites lack the resources to quell revolts.
  • The only way to establish obedience in a child is to punish each and every wilful disobedience to a command.
  • Another group of monasteries grew up around friars who although taking the triple vow of poverty, chastity, and obedience were mendicants who moved about the country using any house of their own order as a base.
  • The people were expected to give their leader absolute obedience and loyalty.
  • Encouraged by calls from former Vice President Al Gore and leading climate scientist James Hansen for civil disobedience to stop the construction of coal-fired power plants, thousands of individuals from across the United States converged on Washington, DC, on March 2, 2009, to protest the coal-burning Capitol Power Plant and to urge Congress to pass legislation to reduce carbon emissions. Earth Policy Institute: The End of an Era — Closing the Door on Building New Coal-fired Power Plants in America
  • They who in their obedience attain to the greatest height which is possible in this life, are so far from being able to supererogate and to do more than God requires, as [1493] that they fall short of much which in duty they are bound to do. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • But, consider, his hope of salvation must be founded on the terms on which it is promised that the mediation of our SAVIOUR shall be applied to us, ” namely, obedience; and where obedience has failed, then, as suppletory to it, repentance. Life of Johnson
  • Sally with her handler Laura proved that cross-breeds are just as good at obedience and agility as their pedigree counterparts.
  • He was the pioneer of Satyagraha , mass resistance to government oppression through peaceful, non-violent civil disobedience and non-cooperation.
  • Obedience is the fruit of faith. Christina G. Rossetti 
  • That there are risks associated with civil disobedience no one would deny, and among them is the risk of anarchy.
  • Incidents of civil disobedience are now jointly orchestrated by participants and police so they can be carried out with minimum fuss.
  • For the first time, protesters were calling forcefully Wednesday for labor strikes, despite a warning by Suleiman that calls for civil disobedience are "very dangerous for society and we can't put up with this at all. Egypt Labor Strikes Break Out Across The Country; Protesters Defiant
  • But in a move that is being hailed as a model of civil disobedience, the whole village revolted. Times, Sunday Times
  • The monks also take vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Times, Sunday Times
  • He does not come ostentatiously and with anger, but is incarnate through Mary, whose suppliant obedience also demonstrates meekness in a relatively obscure village. Eric Simpson: The Meek Are Reconciled With The Earth: The Basis Of Christian Ecology
  • For they are really monarchs of their own people; that is, of their own Church (for the Church is the same thing with a Christian people); whereas the power of the Pope, though he were St. Peter, is neither monarchy, nor hath anything of archical nor cratical, but only of didactical; for God accepteth not a forced, but a willing obedience. Leviathan
  • Br Dennis Murphy has just completed his novice year at the Dominicans and took his first vows of poverty, chastity and obedience this Wednesday.
  • Besides, the only way to enforce obedience was to send out more British troops. Red Coats and Rebels - the war for America 1770-1781
  • This whole huge area was crawling with soldiers, and each wave of a heavy gun resulted in quick, frightened obedience from the people.
  • I've been lazily chucking in ordinary butter up until now, but I give the clarified stuff a try, and even strain it in, in obedience to Michel Roux Jr's particularly pernickety method. How to make perfect hollandaise sauce
  • Further, congregations need to take with great seriousness their denominational obedience.
  • Even a technically legitimate ruler forfeits his right to obedience if his mandates do not correspond to moral norms.
  • They have seen, rather, the person-hood of their own parents wilt in the serfdom of materialism: for what else can we call the worshipful obedience to the commands of the advertisement? Orrologion
  • She lacked a vision of enjoyment of life's pleasures as obedience to the divine will.
  • With authority gone, the result would be not liberty but increasing dependence on naked force to compel obedience and maintain order.
  • When mentioned, it's often to misconstrue the word as meaning "blind obedience to parents" and then to proceed to criticize it.
  • It is for this reason that, without reference to obedience, the term mission becomes difficult to understand and is exposed to the risk of being reduced to something that refers only to those developing the mission. Archive 2008-06-01
  • God is not interested in halfhearted commitment, partial obedience, and the leftovers of your time and money. He desires your full devotion, not little bits of your life.
  • At that moment, the cudgelling, multiplied by a hundred hands, became zealous, blows with the flat of the sword were mingled with it, it was a perfect storm of whips and clubs; the convicts bent before it, a hideous obedience was evoked by the torture, and all held their peace, darting glances like chained wolves. Les Miserables
  • That summer he was installed as Prince of Wales at an investiture at Caernarfon Castle, a ceremony that did much to counter a growing campaign of civil disobedience by supporters of the Welsh language.
  • For the Emperor is the father of all, and, since his authority is transferred to officers, disobedience to them would equal undutiful conduct.
  • It all adds up to a strong presumption that unless there's a clear family resemblance to the civil rights movement, civil disobedience is simply beyond the pale. Christianity Today
  • Perhaps this particular act of civil disobedience is seen as a radical, terroristic harbinger of waves of violence to come, as rabid gun-toters react, badly, to the intended avalanche of regulations and taxes that Congress is working on. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » We Have Clearly Run Out of Real Law Enforcement Challenges
  • But how is it that they are subdued into that {23} spherical obedience, like a crystal of wavellite? [ Proserpina, Volume 1 Studies Of Wayside Flowers
  • Smoking police known as compliance officers are empowered to visit any public building to enforce obedience. Times, Sunday Times
  • The opposition threatened a campaign of civil disobedience.
  • The frame moves in obedience to the action of the tracer, but in a minified degree, and each needle repeats on a scale of one-twentieth the design over which the tracer is moved step by step between each stitch. Lippincott's Magazine, December 1878
  • It seemed to him that among the Christians Lygia was a kind of sibyl or priestess whom they surrounded with obedience and honor; and he yielded himself also to that honor. Quo Vadis: a narrative of the time of Nero
  • The name was taken out of the Psalms for the Fourteenth Day of the Month, and was bestowed on her in obedience to her father's conviction that, where parents were constrained to give their child so indistinctive a surname as Smith, they ought to counterbalance it with a Christian name more original and vivacious. Sydney Smith
  • I have an Episcopalian Franciscan friend, a monk who has become a priest, and who took the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
  • Wherefore according as acts of virtue act causally or dispositively toward their generation and preservation, obedience is said to ingraft and protect all virtues. The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • Yea, and whereas to the carrying on of that course of obedience, it is necessary that the contrary principle unto it, which we mentioned before, be daily subdued, brought under, crucified, and mortified; there are no doctrines whatsoever that are of such and so direct and eminent a serviceableness to that end and purpose as those which inwrap such discoveries of God and his goodwill in The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • In the absence of immobility, mutism or stupor, at least two of the following that can be observed or elicited on two or more occasions: stereotypy, echophenomena, catalepsy, automatic obedience, posturing, Gegenhalten negativism, ambitendency The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • This old-school argument for unquestioning and unrewarded obedience contrasts sharply with my claim that praise is more likely to function as a tool for imposing our will and eliciting compliance. Alfie Kohn: Criticizing (Common Criticisms of) Praise
  • His religion is as much as anything the regression to a past of obedience, disobedience, sin and doom.
  • Throughout American history, reformers and radicals have addressed social problems through civil disobedience and non-violent resistance.
  • But why did you have no choice between religious obedience and disobedience?
  • Let's talk about where you draw the line between legitimate civil disobedience, and what constitutes damage to lawful, economical commercial activity.
  • These range from lack of concentration, shyness and disobedience to nose picking and whining.
  • Even the second project, which was unled, uninspired, unnational, and almost unconscious, and which began and continued as though in obedience to some irresistible and unchangeable natural and economic law, assumed different shapes and semblances, as it blended or refused to blend with the patriotic projects of the idealists. The Story of Newfoundland
  • However, as my commander was absolute, his orders peremptory, and my obedience necessary, I resolved to avail myself of a philosophy which hath been of notable use to me in the latter part of my life, and which is contained in this hemistich of Virgil: — — — Superanda omnis fortuna ferendo est. The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon
  • Meditation for a leap into the unknown At great turning points, life quivers precariously on the tightrope of obedience.
  • ‘O Allah, I swear by Thy Greatness and Thy Glory, I meant not through my disobedience to transgress against Thee; for indeed I am not ignorant of Thee; but my fault is one Thou didst foreordain to me from eternity without beginning; 357 so do Thou pardon my transgression, for indeed I disobeyed Thee of my ignorance!’ The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • How-ha grunted, and yielded up the obedience she could not withhold; though, as she went down the stairs to the door, in a tenebrous, glimmering way she wondered that the accident of white skin or swart made master or servant as the case might be. CHAPTER 19
  • The regime controlled every aspect of life and reduced everyone to the level of abject obedience through terror.
  • Paradise the first parents which slept in the death of sin, buried from the beginning of inobedience and gluttony, and now she that hath borne life to all human lineage, and was obedient to God the Father, and put away from her all ordure of sin, how shall not she be in heaven? The Golden Legend, vol. 4
  • Do you think you can compel obedience from me?
  • Cadet training teaches obedience, endurance and builds self-confidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Thomas Merton Center expounds a Buddhist pacifist philosophy, along with advocating nonviolent protests and civil disobedience.
  • The wonderful solidarity of domestic life is an important factor in the Chinese career, for centuries of ancestor-worship, in spite of their arrestive tendency, have strengthened the bonds of family union and filial obedience by insisting on the supreme sanctity of blood-relationship. Through the Malay Archipelago
  • The positive tribal virtues were absolute loyalty and obedience to tribe and king, and pride in their achievements.
  • We are told that this lends a different perspective to the themes of obedience and disobedience.
  • Grey Beaver clouted White Fang alongside the head, so that he cowered down close to the earth in respectful obedience. The Mad God
  • A dog can bite you but you must not bite the dog! Your every movement in life must be peaceful; otherwise you lose your ethical superiority! Nonviolent civil disobedience is a genius; no power can beat it; use it when necessary! Mehmet Murat ildan 
  • All obedience worth the name Must be prompt and ready.
  • A legal facilitator cautions us that we may engage in a civil-disobedience action and that the police may arrest us.
  • The pugilist is his own general and never learns the high lessons of obedience; the soldier learns to subordinate himself to his commander, and to fight bravely and effectively under the direction of another. The Colored Regulars in the United States Army
  • An example of the support of rebellion in the notes is found in that on Exodus 1: 19, where the Geneva annotators endorse the disobedience of the Egyptian midwives regarding the killings of Hebrew male children.
  • doctorand" has performed the whole duty of the Bolognese student, gives him permission to enter for the first or Private Examination, and he again takes the oath of obedience to that dignitary. Life in the Medieval University
  • Besides, the only way to enforce obedience was to send out more British troops. Red Coats and Rebels - the war for America 1770-1781
  • The term merit is often applied to Christ's passive obedience as well as to his active. Reformation Theology
  • Disobedience to a peremptory order of the court would be sufficient to satisfy the first condition.
  • Imitating the canting voice of a hypocritical preacher, Douglass then gave a several-paragraph sermon based on the principle that obedience to the slavemaster is obedience to God.
  • Civil disobedience becomes involuntary resistance. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Mama wrote me a series of orders, couched in a manner to discourage disobedience, and bade me hie north at speed. SCANDAL'S BRIDE
  • More than half of members also oppose his calls for strikes and civil disobedience against Government spending cuts. The Sun
  • Fueled by obedience, reveling in brute force, dismissive of weakness, the game hardly seems nimble enough to withstand the social trends that made Aliquippa feel, over the past 40 years, like some corroding edge of the American Dream. Story Pick: A town where football greats are raised
  • The Israelites followed this pattern by presenting sin offerings to cover their sins by sacrificing an animal life for their disobedience to God.
  • Can they compel obedience from us?
  • The description of the three acts of contempt as disobedience of the order dated 25th April 2003 cannot be right.
  • A dog can bite you but you must not bite the dog! Your every movement in life must be peaceful; otherwise you lose your ethical superiority! Nonviolent civil disobedience is a genius; no power can beat it; use it when necessary! Mehmet Murat ildan 
  • No, they are not obedience-trained Golden Retrievers, but they are handleable, friendly, affectionate, and love interaction with their people. Cattle:aurochs::dogs:wolves?
  • Yet he never knew of the hair-cloth smock, the discipline, the cord and sack-cloth that lay stored in the large carved awmry, and were secretly in use on every fast or vigil, not with any notion of merit, but of simple obedience, and with even deeper comprehension and enjoyment of their spiritual significance, of which, in her cloister life, she had comprehended little. The Chaplet of Pearls
  • She was too gentle to tyrannize over her playfellow, yet she had ruled him abjectly, except when in canoe, or on horse or surf-board, at which times he had taken charge and she had rendered obedience. ALOHA OE
  • Obedience is the first duty of a soldier. 
  • It was essentially a new attempt to revive the Burkeian fallacy of empire through freedom, obedience through liberty.
  • Most of our masters had recently returned from wartime service and had entrenched ideas of obedience and personal discipline and their retribution was swift and painful. Times, Sunday Times
  • There may be a few on the bar ethics committee, at least, who are sympathetic to the ‘civil disobedience’ argument.
  • The slaves, who were liberated by a generous master, immediately entered into the middle class of libertines or freedmen; but they could never be enfranchised from the duties of obedience and gratitude; whatever were the fruits of their industry, their patron and his family inherited the third part; or even the whole of their fortune, if they died without children and without a testament. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The captain demanded obedience from his men.
  • I knew a pursun who obedience traind teh borzoi an it is very hard, yes. I wuz rite - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Smoking police known as compliance officers are empowered to visit any public building to enforce obedience. Times, Sunday Times
  • SAVIOUR shall be applied to us, -- namely, obedience; and where obedience has failed, then, as suppletory to it, repentance. Life of Johnson, Volume 3 1776-1780
  • This sounds well, makes a fair show, and there is, in some regard, truth in what is spoken; but "Latet anguis in herba," -- Let men explain themselves, and it is this: The receiving of Christ as a king, is the yielding obedience to him. The Sermons of John Owen
  • Many priests refused to collaborate with the authorities, and some incited disobedience.
  • Obedience to the divine will is meritorious, and brings reward; disobedience is lethally punished.
  • There is Christianity, which, by revealing the truth, has limited the license of human reason; there is that human reason which resists revelation as a bondage -- which insists upon being atheistical, or polytheistical, or pantheistical -- which looks upon the requirements of obedience, justice, truth, and purity, as limitations of human freedom. Lothair
  • Some habits of hasty irritation he had contracted, partly, it was said in the borough of Fairport, from an early disappointment in love in virtue of which he had commenced misogynist, as he called it, but yet more by the obsequious attention paid to him by his maiden sister and his orphan niece, whom he had trained to consider him as the greatest man upon earth, and whom he used to boast of as the only women he had ever seen who were well broke in and bitted to obedience; though, it must be owned, Miss Grizzy Oldbuck was sometimes apt to _jibb_ when he pulled the reins too tight. The Antiquary — Volume 01
  • But I must yield in cheerful obedience to the "powers that be"; and to warn you against the anxieties which my delay might cause in your mind, whe Letter from Young John Allen to Mollie Houston,March 5, 1857
  • That there are risks associated with civil disobedience no one would deny, and among them is the risk of anarchy.
  • I have in my capacity as an obedience pet instructor had 2 foxhounds attend my training sessions, both animals were ex hunting dogs and took long-term patience and perseverance to acclimatise them to a normal pet lifestyle.
  • And the visitor would sheepishly admit both, his rascality and his obedience, by saying: ‘We are sarkari badmashes.’
  • Orwell feared that one day a ruthless, omnipotent state would train cameras on its citizens, surveilling them into obedience.
  • Our sources tell us that Count William restored the Gascons to obedience and that Odalric was banished to perpetual exile.
  • Of course the Résistance was militarily ineffectual from a conventional standpoint: It was a guerrilla movement, with a large civil component that emphasised civil desobedience and sabotage. Think Progress » On Today Show, O’Reilly Compares Murtha With Hitler Sympathizers
  • Salford never owed obedience to a superior beneath the rank of an earl and since Henry of Lancaster became King Henry 1V, the King of England has continuously been the Lord of Salford.
  • Therefore, obedience to obviously sinful commands is complicity and conspiracy.
  • It is another to argue for obedience to a specific set of laws on consequentialist grounds that have nothing to do with law-abidingness in general. The Volokh Conspiracy » Law and Economics Training for Religious Leaders:
  • Obedience did not imply approval, however.
  • Obedience, rote memorisation, and neatness are enshrined as somehow intellectual achievements.
  • It directed the traffic of history in obedience to political imperatives. A TALE OF FOUR HOUSES: Opera at Covent Garden, La Scala, Vienna and the Met since 1945
  • Lady, it means not disobedience to you, nor any displeasance done to this young damsel" -- and De Gernet turned and bowed to Roisia. A Forgotten Hero Not for Him
  • I like to think I'm engaged in a bit of civil disobedience, but that's an awfully highfaluting title for a simple act of citizen outrage. Why I Don't Pay Washington DC Parking Tickets
  • The tactics of social movements, too, may vary, ranging from moral suasion to civil disobedience, from demonstrations to petitioning, and from armed self-defense to armed struggle.
  • The precept is threefold, ask, seek, knock; there is precept upon precept; but the promise is sixfold, line upon line, for our encouragement; because a firm belief of the promise would make us cheerful and constant in our obedience. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • More seriously, the lived manner in which Legionaries practice obedience is laced with the kind of unquestioning submission which allowed the cult of personality to emerge around the figure of Maciel in the first place and covered for his misdeeds. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Redemer to be very God and very man, because he was to underlie the punischment due for our transgressiouns, and to present himselfe in the presence of his Fathers Judgment, as in our persone, to suffer for our transgression and inobedience, [662] be death to overcome him that was author of death. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • On the other hand, the military takes a very dim view of disobedience of orders - and with very good reason.
  • He was fascinated by behavioural patterns and society's obedience to authority and New Yorkers were doubtless delighted when his research revealed them to be so obliging.
  • They first unsettle our obedience by discovering what they call the iniquity of our governors; and indeed it is not difficult for those who look with a malignant eye on their conduct to perceive such errors, or, if you will, vices, as an artful and censorious temper may dress up into glaring enormities, especially if it deals in those exaggerations which people, who give up their understandings to the views of a party, call true representations. The Loyalists, Vol. 1-3 An Historical Novel
  • Political disobedience is sanctioned as a possible expression of active citizenship on which a self-managing democracy is based.
  • Christ fulfilled the legal obligations of the pactum salutis in his active and passive obedience as the representative of the elect.
  • Clearly Jewish practice was based on obedience to divine revelation.
  • But civil disobedience is a different prospect for the heir to the throne than for others.
  • Clearly, the act of flying incorporates unusual powers, freedom from obedience to ordinary rules of gravity required of earthlings, and a corresponding risk of falling.
  • The need to define the boundaries of obedience is at the heart of Richardson's novel.
  • The idea of Hellenism is to see things as they are: the idea of Hebraism is conduct and obedience. Matthew Arnold
  • Of my sovereyns/gaf no fors at al wex obstynat/by inobedience Early English Meals and Manners
  • He wanted obedience and he wanted mastery over the boy.
  • This imperatival theory is positivist, for it identifies the existence of legal systems with patterns of command and obedience that can be ascertained without considering whether the sovereign has a moral right to rule or whether his commands are meritorious. Legal Positivism
  • They are channelling their anger into a campaign of civil disobedience. Times, Sunday Times
  • The intendment of all gospel revelation is, not to unvail God's essential glory, that we should see him as he is, but merely to declare so much of him as he knows sufficient to be a bottom of our faith, love, obedience, and coming to him, -- that is, of the faith which here he expects from us; such services as beseem poor creatures in the midst of temptations. Of the Mortification of Sin in Believers
  • The applicant, a prison officer, was charged with disobedience to orders.
  • _obedience_ is the only evidence of the ideal rule; for in respect to the conduct of the material world, the _ideal_ and the _actual_ are the same. Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
  • In all well-attempered governments there is nothing which should be more jealously maintained than the spirit of obedience to law, more especially in small matters; for transgression creeps in unperceived and at last ruins the state, just as the constant recurrence of small expenses in time eats up a fortune. Politics
  • Smoking police known as compliance officers are empowered to visit any public building to enforce obedience. Times, Sunday Times
  • In obedience to by-laws and shareholders, a corporation is a serenely calculating, bloodless, bodiless profit-machine.
  • If we see a member of the church of Christ living in obedience to the 'law of Christ,' we say he is a Christian, and speak of him as such; on the other hand, if we know he is in works denying Christ, being disobedient, we tacitly assume that he is not a Christian, yet a mawkish charity keeps us, in too many instances, from speaking out in this matter, and also keeps us from earnestly trying to distinguish the true Christian; and this is one of the great sins of the church in our times, for thus the wicked are not put to shame, and others are caused to hesitate in their graces by the conduct of those whom, in mawk charity, are called Christians. The Christian Foundation, Or, Scientific and Religious Journal, Volume 1, January, 1880
  • Though he repressed freedom of conscience and personal liberty, and, like Martin Luther, gave the individual no right to rebel, he did allow disobedience to rulers who commanded what was contrary to the word of God, and he gave currency to a theory of resistance to monarchy which was to be of great im - portance in the subsequent period. CHRISTIANITY IN HISTORY
  • So that, were I undertaking to discipline such a breechless mob, it were impossible for me to be understood; and if I were understood, judge ye, my lord, what chance I had of being obeyed among a band of half salvages, who are accustomed to pay to their own lairds and chiefs, allenarly, that respect and obedience whilk ought to be paid to commissionate officers. A Legend of Montrose
  • Not surprisingly, they think that obedience, rather than self-reliance, is the cardinal virtue to be imparted to children. American Grace
  • Since the January 14 overthrow of Tunisian strongman Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and the subsequent February 11 toppling of Egyptian autocrat Hosni Mubarak via campaigns of mass civil disobedience, the socio-political landscape of the Middle East and North Africa has been dramatically, and perhaps permanently, altered. Atif Choudhury: The Libyan No-Fly Zone: A New Paradigm for Humanitarian Intervention and the Reinforcement of Democracy
  • Despite being commonly held up as a paragon of the submissiveness, obedience, and loyalty that many men would like to see in their wives, women have often taken other lessons from her behaviour.
  • Forced into passive obedience, many of Freud's subjects are shown sitting slumped or lying down, glassy-eyed or asleep.
  • The forthcoming civil disobedience will be non-violent, organisers stress, but the whiff of brutalism conjures up a world where no such caveat is feasible.
  • Soldiers act in obedience to the orders of their superior officers.
  • Fairport, from an early disappointment in love in virtue of which he had commenced misogynist, as he called it, but yet more by the obsequious attention paid to him by his maiden sister and his orphan niece, whom he had trained to consider him as the greatest man upon earth, and whom he used to boast of as the only women he had ever seen who were well broke in and bitted to obedience; though, it must be owned, Miss Grizzy Oldbuck was sometimes apt to jibb when he pulled the reins too tight. The Antiquary
  • Stair illuminative is created, want the obedience unity at overall style likewise.
  • Only this thorough training guarantees good individual riding, and insures the 'pliability' which alone makes it possible to correct disobedience rapidly should it arise. Cavalry in Future Wars
  • I have watched her from time to time, and I can not find that she has ever been guilty of disobedience to rules, or any kind of underhand behavior. Katie Robertson A Girls Story of Factory Life
  • Civil disobedience, violent or non-violent, is intentional law breaking.
  • Meanwhile Velázquez, named adelantado, sent an expedition under Pánfilo de Narváez to reduce Cortés to obedience. 6. New Spain, 1518-1574
  • Even the mild-mannered people out in the provinces are now saying that there will be civil disobedience.
  • The most important qualities of a good child are respect for the elderly and obedience to parental authority.
  • You don't remember getting Daniel Moran -- a prisoner serving a long sentence there -- seven days 'solitary on bread and water for what you called disobedience of orders and insolence?' Robbery under Arms; a story of life and adventure in the bush and in the Australian goldfields
  • The Orthodox among us were at least as imaginative as any of the rest, though, of course, always insisting upon strict obedience to Jewish law in our conventicles and retreats.
  • But the word yawn is not found in Love's dictionary, and consequently the unlucky husband was forced to rise from his bed preparatory to going forth to perform deeds of valor in obedience to the commands of his mistress. The Home in the Valley
  • The error then being so common in practice, of believing that Christ came to gain for us easier terms of admittance into heaven than we had before (whereas, in fact, instead of making obedience less strict, He has enabled us to obey God more strictly, and instead of gaining _easier_ terms of _admittance_, He has gained us Parochial and Plain Sermons, Vol. VIII (of 8)
  • Obedience is the first duty of a soldier. 
  • As I grew older, I learned to delay my obedience, but each moment cost me dear-in breathlessness, nausea, dizziness, and other complaints. Excerpt: Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
  • And therefore it is that the time of his preaching is often by himself called the regeneration, which is not properly a kingdom, and thereby a warrant to deny obedience to the magistrates that then were; for he commanded to obey those that sat then in Leviathan
  • But they are likely to become that way without basic obedience training or if spoilt or pampered. The Sun
  • Clearchus, a Lacedaemonian, and formerly harmost of Byzantium, who had been condemned to death by the Spartan authorities for disobedience to their orders. A Smaller history of Greece From the earliest times to the Roman conquest
  • Rex Weyler, an American-Canadian journalist who sailed on the first boat to the Aleutian Islands, said: Greenpeace adopted a form of civil disobedience - it did for the environment what the civil rights movement did for the dispossessed. Greenpeace at 40: A global brand in good health or an out-of-touch bureaucracy?
  • Aberrant in other respects, the swamp pheasant disobeys this law, and justifies its disobedience by inconspicuousness. Last Leaves from Dunk Island
  • But the peace protesters were adamant that civil disobedience was the only course of action left to them.
  • When the pope's authority is then intentionally extended to the Vatican curia, there exists a real possibility that unquestioning obedience to very human decisions about a whole range of issues by the curial departments and cardinals also becomes a mark of one's fidelity as a Catholic, and anything less is interpreted as being disloyal to the pope who is charged with steering the bark of Peter. Rev. James Martin, S.J.: A Fear-Based Church?: Why So Many Catholics Are Afraid to Speak Out
  • How then can the evil reports declare the gospel to be a cause of revolt and disobedience? Sources of the West: Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1: From the Beginning to 1715
  • O brother, it is an endless consolation to me, in this disorganic, as yet so quack-ridden, what you may well call hag - ridden and hell-ridden world, to find that disobedience to the Past and Present
  • You can compel obedience, but not affection.
  • “I accept thine admonition and beg the Almighty to remove the froward from amongst us and stablish us in His obedience and in the observance of the law and practice of His Prophet, on whom be blessings and peace!” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Through obedience learn to command.

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