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How To Use Obama In A Sentence

  • So it's a little more than passing strange that Mr. Brooks clucks about Mr. Obama's "über-partisan budget" when, given the last few weeks of shrieking and wailing from the Republicans about socialism and communism, he's been the voice of moderation in the room. Moderately Shocked
  • If Obama runs for President, he'll need a good nomenclator. Sound Politics: Marcy Burner?
  • 8. The reporters all want Obama to make the sort of inaccurate, snide, snipy comments that the Clintons are now firing off daily. Archive 2008-03-01
  • They missed it because they are too busy bootlicking ObamaCare, on their hands and knees. Political Instability and the Coming Defeat of ObamaCare | RedState
  • Clinton will fight for the American people, and Obama will sit in a racest church for another 20 years where The "rev" is preaching hate, racism, and black seperatism. Clinton: Put down the Blackberry at home
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  • Isn't there quite a few "rotund" people in the Obama administration??? Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • Obama "cherishes" a trinket and a book given to him by Gordon Brown, and he worships them like tiny gods by keeping them in a little pagan altar he set up in the Oval Office. Wonkette » top
  • Some random bluster and name-drop: "In 2005, we sponsored Rock the Vote, [garbled, something about wine], we got a chance to connect with President Obama then. "I want to see that invitation": D.C. 'Housewives' recap and fact-check (#8, Oct. 1)
  • He expressed his racial hatred for everyone, especially OBama making veiled death threats, spoke of other dangerous topics etc … and then offered to sell me a mosser rifle as he was buying a a whole shippment of them. Alex Jones' Prison
  • CNN ... why arent you covering all the "handpicked," townhalls for Obama and theliberal dems? No media allowed at Palin speech in Missouri
  • To believe that Obama is a socialist merely assumes his continued commitment to a world he has long described as his lodestar. Radical-In-Chief
  • Gadafy's striking non-endorsement of the Democratic candidate focused in part on Obama's pledge of "unshakeable" support for Israel, which caused dismay, if not surprise, across the Arab and Muslim worlds last week. Obama Taking Over Democratic National Committee Partly To Avoid Kerry's Fate
  • Gates oversaw last year's troop surge in Iraq, which Mr. Obama opposed.
  • I doubt that Michelle Obama was surprised or dismayed by the boos at the Nascar rally: it's not surprising that the national doubtfulness about first ladies and the strong, accomplished women who are coming to hold the role would emerge in boos from some of the Obama administration's fiercest opponents. Michelle Obama's Nascar boos | Kay Dilday
  • Nevertheless, CNN has talked to a "language analyst" who gets paid to "[analyze and catalogue] trends in word usage and word choice and their impact on culture," and they report that Obama was too "professorial," and now America is at grave risk of not passing its midterm exams on the oil spill. Obama Oil Spill Speech Criticized By CNN's Language Analyst For Not Being Moronic Enough [UPDATE]
  • As if to presage that there is a new dawn in the world, with the inauguration of President Barack Obama, the strong winds coming from the Sub-Sahara have manifested themselves in the form of what Ghana typically knows as the harmattan season. Accra by Day & Night
  • Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., who chairs an investigative subcommittee that will hold a hearing on the report today, said the Obama administration should "get on with it and actually debar the worst of the tax cheats from the contractor workforce. GAO report: Tax cheats received billions in stimulus funds
  • That is Mr Obama's stated aim, but the prospects for a comprehensive cap - and - trade bill look poor.
  • While President Obama swore fealty to free trade, he also called for "balanced growth," which is diplo-speak for U.S. efforts to get China to spur domestic consumption and rely less on exports. Will Marshall: Does America Have a China Policy?
  • Bibi's here to raise funds period and why Obama wasted time on him again send a strong signal that AIPAC still runs this issue. Emanuel: Settlement issue should not block Mideast peace
  • I don't pretend that Obama is a saint nor that Hillary is the debil. New Hillary Ad: Obama Only Takes On Oil Companies "On TV"
  • She linked the rising narrational deficit under Obama to pricey spending proposals Barnes is pushing in his gubernatorial bid. Valdosta Daily Times Homepage
  • Tiger Woods rescued from crash by wife Elin Nordegren carrying a golf club Trapped in his own body for 23 years - the coma victim who screamed unheard Pretending the climate email leak isn't a crisis won't make it go away | George Monbiot Michelle Obama 'racist' picture that is topping Google Images removed nhs tower hamlets. aneurin bevan house, aldgate east, inner east lond …. Latest financial, market & economic news and analysis |
  • He said McCain has been critical of so-called 527 groups — named for the tax code section under which they operate — and argued that "virtually every attack-style 527 group on the airwaves" is aiding Democrat Barack Obama. Price of Power: McCain accepts ex-Swift Boaters' donations
  • In foreign policy, he has Obama's specific mandate to monitor the wind-down of the American troop involvement in Iraq and to baby-sit its tortuous journey to political stability. Jules Witcover: Obama's Sidekick Joe Biden: Understanding The Vice President
  • While the generally liberal-leaning U.S. foreign policy establishment was quick to equate Obama's ascent to the presidency with a "new area of international engagement," the realities of realpolitilk has not only forced the President into a "straightjacket" with limited policy options vis-à-vis Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq. Sigurd Neubauer: Tea Partiers, Watch Out: Obama's Iran Policies Echo Bush's
  • The Obama team's lack of candor and immediate forthcomingness on this question has already ssured that this story will dominate the news for weeks to come as troubling questions occur to us. Election Central Morning Roundup
  • “If Senator Obama doesn't have time to give Wisconsin voters 90 minutes on the issues, he's going to have a difficult time explaining that,” Penn said, noting HRC is running a tv ad in the cheese-head state to that effect. Obama Claims the (Thorny) Crown - Swampland -
  • CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - McCain accuses Obama of hypocrisy on gas tax stand « - Blogs from CNN. com McCain accuses Obama of hypocrisy on gas tax stand
  • Obama would surely be careful in innovating his plan since the opposition will be attacking him even if he is successful. Times/CBS Poll: Iraq Still a Dividing Line - The Caucus Blog -
  • Obama has hardly any political experience prior to his precedency. McCain to vote against Sotomayor
  • The American people need to do some research on Obama theirself and make up their own mind. McCain’s desperate claim: Obama is dangerous. Vote for me if you want to live!
  • Drugs found in Haim's system included the cough-suppressant dextromethorphan; the antihistamine diphenhydramine; carisoprodol, a prescription muscle relaxant; the tranquilizers diazepam and meprobamate, which are found in Valium and other medications; and the antidepressants fluoxetine and olanzapine. Corey Haim Cause Of Death: Pneumonia Complications, NOT Drugs
  • In fact on May 28 during the NPT's (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) review conference, 189 countries (including the US of President Obama), called for the Israeli government to comply with the treaty, favoring the creation of a denuclearized zone in the ME. Amir Madani: Perspectives of Peace in the Middle East
  • All across the world, ...increasingly dangerous weather patterns and devastating storms are abruptly putting an end to the long-running debate over whether or not climate change is real. Not only is it real, it's here, and its effects are giving rise to a frighteningly new global phenomenon: the man-made natural disaster. Barack Obama 
  • Obama is too intwined with Wright regardless of his denouncing of Wright's hateful rhetoric. Jeremiah Wright Steps Down From Obama Campaign
  • Rachel Maddow mocked a Democratic senator on her Thursday show for what she called his "inexplicable" opposition to President Obama's jobs bill. Rachel Maddow Mocks Sen. Bob Casey's Opposition To Obama Jobs Plan (VIDEO)
  • The Obama administration should disaffirm the recent DOL guidance and clarify that fiduciaries have the right - indeed, the obligation - to take ESG factors into account when they determine such factors to be material to investment performance and beneficial to retirement plan beneficiaries. Joe Keefe: Sustainable Investing and the Financial Crisis: How Long-Term Investing Can Replace Short-Term Bubbles
  • Great – maybe Obama will travel to Colorado and "unveil" his policy surrounded by Greek columns. Obama to unveil new Afghanistan strategy after Thanksgiving, source says
  • These people are just out to de-legitimatize Obama in any way they can ... even if it calls for outright lying which is what they are doing. DeMint: Obama 'distracted' from protecting the country
  • Zurawik asks “Is Obama the first ‘cybergenic’ candidate?” Daily Digest: OMG BRK OBMA TXTS 4 VP
  • Both Mexico and Canada are angry with the U.S. for the "buy American" provision in Obama's stimulus bill, which they label correctly as "protectionist. Cracks Emerging in NAFTA
  • No, Obama has thrown down the gauntlet, and is trying to reify the sloganeering of the 1960s. The Volokh Conspiracy » What’s next for the Obama Administration?
  • Even if it wasn't clear enough back when he assembled his "team of rivals" and welcomed Wall Street into his administration, it has been absolutely clear at least since he capitulated to "counterinsurgent" generals and their civilian enablers, and to health care profiteers, that, whatever he may think and feel "inside," Obama is not one of the "good guys. Andrew Levine: Obama Winter and How to Combat It
  • And Obama was taken back when there was an outcry over his lamebrain ideal and he criticized the vets for not being patriotic. 2012 can't come soon enough! Obama shifts focus to Iraq, Afghanistan wars
  • The Democratic political calculation with ObamaCare is the proverbial boiling frog: Gradually introduce a health-care entitlement by hiding the true costs, hook the middle class on new subsidies until they become unrepealable, but try to delay the adverse consequences and major new tax hikes so voters don't make the connection between their policy and the economic wreckage. The ObamaCare Writedowns
  • But well before the latest murderers struck — well before another "antigovernment" Obama hater went on a cop-killing rampage in Pittsburgh in April — there have been indications that this rage could spiral out of control. Frank rich on fox news, responsibility and domestic terrorism
  • But now that our president, on behalf of America, has repudiated that awful man, now that Obama's here to set right America's wrongs, al-Qaida will have no reason as it *has* had to attack... but it's gonna take a while for that message to get through to them. "Americans do not bow to royalty. In my view, when the royal is the ruling tyrant of a despotic regime, the wrong is compounded."
  • John Podesta, co-chair of the Obama-Biden Presidential Transition Team, wrote a letter asking Congress to delay the cutover until a number ... Past Tech Trends & Products: Technology Live Archive
  • Like other presidents, Obama will appoint thousands of officials to his administration, and many high-ranking officials, including most members of his Cabinet, will have to be confirmed by the Senate.
  • Then whyever would one expect them to vote for the Republican candidate over Obama, who will then be the clearly more populist, combative candidate with working class concerns at heart? Dianne Feinstein: I'm Sticking By Hillary
  • Reuters distributes this shot which, from the way everyone is caught in the moment, seems to capture Obama ogling, or at least gamely distracted by this junior G-8 delegate (set up by the notorious Sarkozy seeming to also look on lecherously). Michael Shaw: Reading the Pictures: Reuters Obama Booty Call
  • Senator Jim Webb, the Virginia Democrat, former Navy Secretary and once and forever Marine, said unequivocally today that he was not interested in serving as Senator Barack Obama's running mate.
  • A nice summary of the slipperiness of Barack Obama and not items that will be covered by the MSM, not when there are stories about Sarah Palin's sunbed to cover. Archive 2008-09-01
  • Mr. Obama urged Congress Tuesday to immediately eliminate what he called "unwarranted" tax breaks for oil companies. Gas Price Surge Triggers Political Brawl
  • Jay, I am willing to bet you a bagel-right here, right now, that Obama is a one-termer … let me know about the bet. These — THESE! — are my people « Dating Jesus
  • It isn't going to take a fighter, it's going to take someone that will get house and senators elected in Nov. Obama seems better equipt at that. 3 weeks ago both Obama and Hillary polled better than McCain, now McCain is in the lead, this is tearing down both candidates. Poll: Hillary Up By 18 Points In Pennsylvania Primary
  • The weather was warm and clear; the mood happy in this, the cradle of the American Revolution, which is overwhelmingly pro-Obama. At the Polls: Lines and Lawsuits - The Caucus Blog -
  • Barrack Obama was named after his Kenya immigrant father and the given name means " blessed.
  • It would be the sheerest hypocrisy for these same Democrats to give President Obama a pass on such criticism, merely on the grounds that he is of their party. Chris Weigant: Friday Talking Points -- Zombie Attack!
  • The Republicans have no intent on letting Obama fill any vacancy unless the nominee is a conservative. Think Progress » Cornyn Hypocritically Accuses Democrats Of ‘Hysterical’ Reaction To Right-Wing Judicial Activism
  • The reassessment is the latest signal that the Obama administration is willing to re-evaluate the health impacts of chemicals that have been in widespread use. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • And yes, Mr Obama refused to endorse Mrs Clinton's bad plan tax holiday.
  • As the Clintonscontinue theirself-serving political dance ~ Obamamay not be able to keep up with their Washington two step. The Clintons / Open For Business Again
  • The incoming House speaker presumptive has joined top GOP spokespeople in characterizing the election outcomes as a response to economic frustrations and a rebuke to Obama administration "monstrosities" like health care reform. Hans Johnson: Wave of Voter Anger Leaves Damage, Opportunities
  • Obama: ... we didn't "misread" the economy, we just had "incomplete information ... Iowa GOP to Palin: Come to Des Moines
  • i told my wife the other night, i'm hoping that obama can slip in a few "dishonors" and "dishonorables" under the radar on tuesday night. mccain will catch it and it will set him off. i honestly think that's the one button that you can push with mccain that he can't resist blowing up over -- hitting his honor (or lack thereof). Obama Campaign Launches Pre-emptive Ad Strike Against McCain's Planned Character Assault
  • What's instructive is to look at how the Obama campaign responded: challenge the facticity and factiousness of the ACORN story -- and get it explained about how ridiculous it is, and let the pictures of the McCain/Palin supporters diffuse themselves across the i-net. Colin Powell Endorses Obama
  • Look how they have treated President Obama and his wife with nasty racist jokes and nasty hatful comments for the right wing white nuts. Senate apologizes for slavery
  • Once again, what we get from Obama and his cronies is rhetoric, rather than a sensible plan of action. Obama camp out with new gas tax ad, Clinton camp fires back
  • Mr Biden once described Mr Obama as "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy".
  • President-elect Barack Obama said Friday he wanted legislation in Congress to permit federal funding on stem cell research and overturn a ban imposed by President George W. Bush.
  • On Wednesday the Clinton camp started pushing hard on the idea that a delegate is a delegate and if they need to pack on super delegates to overwhelm Obama's edge with elected delegates then so be it. More on John Lewis' defection to Obama
  • This presidential race was no contest: John McCain sped to the finish while Barack Obama was reluctant to leave the starting point. Two cockroaches race to u.s. presidency
  • Link when is Obama going to nominate a radical muslim to his cabinet … we need more diversity. — fj Richardson Is Back, Beardless and Ready - The Caucus Blog -
  • Obama supporters, electable is the one who win the big states, it does not take a lot to know that. Clinton camp presses electability
  • Any chance at all that you'll get around to reporting that Obama will televise directly into the classrooms next Tuesday and that the government is suggesting that teachers work with students to write out how they can "help the President". Obama to address joint session of Congress next week
  • Brooks managed to squeeze 'peripatetic', 'equanimity', 'homeostasis', 'sojourner', 'grandiloquent' and 'didactic' into the brief 850 word article on the inner workings of Obama's mind, exposing a fragile psyche of his own, and a desperate need to validate his position as a national talking head. Ben Cohen: David Brooks and Big Words
  • Clinton "courted" Edwards 'endorsement as aggressively as Obama did. Clinton win leads to Obama boost
  • Hilary Clinton's status as an erstwhile Obama rival might undermine the traditional trump card of a secretary of state.
  • He then went on to attack the rest of the press for "rhapsodic" coverage of Obama and described the New York Times as "as far left as you can get". The Guardian World News
  • The two problems with that choice: (1) even if 40-50\% of the population disagrees with President Obama on issues like taxes or gay rights, probably only maybe 10-20\% of the population (those whose Facebook pages include fanhood of Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity, for instance) really sees him as "tyrranical" enough for 1700s "tea party" and "constitutional convention" references to resonate; and (2) politics are cyclical enough that as bad as things look for Republicans now, it's entirely feasible to plan for a Republican rebirth in 2012 Concurring Opinions
  • Obama was hawkish about Afghanistan during the campaign, despite well-aired fears that Afghanistan is a quagmire-in-waiting. War: Politics and Power
  • A lot of Obama people say, when you say that is, they didn't have what they call shovel-ready projects. CNN Transcript Mar 1, 2009
  • So yes, Obama is FAR left of liberal, and he'll be a 1 term occupier (he's beneath being called President) of the Presidency! The Nation: Top Stories
  • Asman went back to Hardy and attempted to prod him into calling Obama the bigger evil-doer. FOX News "Asks" If The Obama Administration Is A Bigger Scammer Than Madoff
  • Obama is a stuffed-shirt, retrousse-nosed, po 'boy, the worst kind of elitist! On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Harkin, antifilibuster quotes from Joe Biden and Barack Obama and the enthusiasm of his colleagues in the classes of 2006 and 2008 in the Democratic caucus. NPR Topics: News
  • It's not, as Obama fatuously suggested, because of oil company lobbying but because it is very portable, energy-dense and easy to use. Obama and the vision thing
  • She had the nerve to mention Lincoln during this race asking Obama for a Lincoln/Jefferson debate, well if she wants to channel Lincoln then she would be reminded how he weeped and cried over the lost of lives during the Civil war, he sure was not out and about pushing his own agenda. Hillary Clinton chokes up in CNN interview
  • Mr. Emanuel will soon join Christina Romer, Peter Orszag and Larry Summers (who has become less visible than Dick Cheney) in the Obama alumni association. Emanuel's Elbows Revisited
  • Last July I likened Mr Obama to a chess master playing several games simultaneously.
  • The son of a white woman from Kansas and a black goat herder-turned-academic from Kenya, Obama delivered an unsentimental account of squandered opportunities in postcolonial Africa.
  • Central to the latest McCain drive is an attempt to use against Mr. Obama the huge crowds and excitement he has drawn, including on his foreign trip last week, by promoting a view of him as more interested in attention and adulation than in solving the problems facing American families. The Early Word: Whose Narrative Is It, Anyway? - The Caucus Blog -
  • ACOSTA: During the primaries, Obama got tagged with the label elitist after a series of gaffes that suggested a lack of empathy for blue-collar voters. CNN Transcript Aug 27, 2008
  • A good part of Obama's presidency may depend on their being right about Jones.
  • HuffPost's Sam Stein writes, Unwilling or perhaps uneager to let go of last week's scuffle over Mitt Romney's controversial distortion of an old Barack Obama quote, the Democratic National Committee announced on Monday a major ad campaign attacking the former Massachusetts governor's character. HUFFPOST FUNDRACE - Obama Takes A Page From Bush, GOP Targets Obama Through TV Ads, Palin Dead Enders Want Her To Reconsider
  • If you look at Obama's full quote -- which you can read right here -- it's very clear that Obama was not directly "regretting" the failure of the court to be "radical. McCain Campaign Falsely Claims Obama Described Court's Failure to Redistribute Wealth As "Tragedy"
  • So the fraud, I mean, fraulein (Frau-Palin) and ex-everything else is concerned about scientific fraud while maintaining that her supporters have a right to question Obama's birth certificate. Palin calls for Obama to boycott climate change conference
  • Bona fides: Longtime activist for Darfur who just returned from a week-long trip in the southern half of the country and briefed President Obama at a White House meeting and Sen. Richard Lugar on Capitol Hill earlier in the day. Celebvocate: George Clooney reps for Darfur
  • Everybody and their mama is doing a documentary on Obama," he said during an interview for his new Sundance film "The Passing Strange. While He Supports Obama, Don’t Look To Spike Lee For Presidential Biopic » MTV Movies Blog
  • The development is contained in a report by the Obama administration, International Strategy for Cyberspace, in which the US for the first time sets out a strategy for dealing with the expansion of the internet and what it describes as "arbitrary and malicious disruption". US calls on its Nato partners to help resist cyber-attacks
  • Republicans may begin focusing on cutting the budget and repealing President Obama's health-care law once the new Congress is seated in January, says Thomas Mann, a political scholar at the Brookings Institution in Washington. Big Republican Gains Predicted in US Election
  • Assertion: Michelle Obama's affectionate fist bump with her husband as they walked offstage was a "terrorist fist jab" (in the words of Fox anchorperson E.D. Hill). Robert Koehler: The Shadow Platform
  • And Allen West, a Republican running against Democratic Rep. Ron Klein in Florida's 22nd District, said Obama was "browbeating" Israel. Obama, Netanyahu meet again
  • He said that Mr. Obama came out of Iowa with momentum but Mrs. Clinton turned it around with her debate performance Saturday night and what he called a humanizing moment on the campaign trail on Monday. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Obama's dignified elevation of our national discourse through honesty, depth, and nuance was greeted by ratings-esurient tabloid news, race-baiting commentary, and rancorous replay of Wright -- ad nauseam. Shaun Jacob Halper: Beyond Jeremiah: A New Kind of Media for Obama's New Kind of Politics
  • As with the CIA pick, I think this demonstrates that Obama's primary criterion for NASA administrator is loyalty to the President. Major General Jonathan Scott Gration Emerges as Possible Obama Choice for NASA Administrator - NASA Watch
  • As Senator John McCain chills in his home state today, his local paper analyzes how a candidate’s facial structure impacts voters and assesses the visages of Mr. McCain and Mr. Obama. The Early Word: Pie in the Big Sky? - The Caucus Blog -
  • The Republicans, in the face of Obama's ascendancy and the indefensibility of their policy decisions in the last eight years, have just pulled a desperation maneuver and hijacked what is perhaps the most important election in America's history by demoting it to an emotional cat-fight between pro-choice and pro-life women, over the one issue where neither side can be reasonable. Cintra Wilson: It's the Freedom, Stupid
  • zone_info": "huffpost. green/blog; featured-posts = 1; green = 1; nickname = bill-shireman; entry_id = 333852; 350org = 1; barack-obama = 1; climate-bill = 1; climate-change = 1; jon-stewart = 1; rush-limbaugh = 1; sustainability = 1; tea-party = 1", Bill Shireman: Lessons from Jon Stewart and the Green Tea Parties: Recast the Coalition for Climate Protection
  • Rather than rewarding whistleblowers who had been punished for their good deeds, Obama has signing statemented away constraints on his power to retaliate against whistleblowers by firing them. Six Months of Immunity
  • In an Oct. 13 meeting with Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Obama said: ` ` Tell Raúl police Saturday detained 28 members of a far-right party who tried to disrupt an event held by a rival far-right tanker Monday farther out at sea than any previous assault, suggesting that pirate capabilities are growing as they increase intellectual Francisco Ayala, seen in this March 9, 2006 file photo during an interview with The Associated Press, in Spanish trawler Tuesday, and a self-proclaimed pirate said the hostage-takers were paid $3.3 million in ransom. - Articles related to Spanish PM vows sweeping reforms to boost economy
  • We are all aware that the Obamas have a wonderful marriage, and his uxoriousness is the talk of all the women's magazines; but is she really influential when it comes to surging in Afghanistan; bombing Iran; and the political haggling over taxes? Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • So far the Obama Administration, to our surprise and perhaps its own, has behaved with admirable sobriety despite the wailing from the political left. The Housing Bust Lobby
  • William Newman: The top Google hits for “obamacare” suggest that indeed it is a term dominantly used by critics, but that was news tome. The Volokh Conspiracy » Taking ObamaCare Challenges Seriously
  • The thing Matt hasn’t pondered is this: had prosecutions been pursued, then Obama’s policy of massive drone bombings in Afghanistan – that kill civilians right and left – would have led to prosecutions after his team leaves office as well. Matthew Yglesias » The Yoo and Bybee Rulings
  • In a story I wrote early this week I called the dissemination in the media of the audio of Obama's San Francisco fundraiser a “leak.” Leaks and Such - Swampland -
  • MyDD's Todd Beeton offers praise for Listening to America: Democratic Platform for Change, the Obama teams suite of tools for collaboratively crafting a party platform -- and heartily mocks Rush Limbaugh's plan to have the writing parties "infiltrated" by Dittoheads. Daily Digest: Netroots Grapples with Obama's Ideology
  • Anita Dung is Obama's Joseph Goebbels. How dare these Marxist traitors dismantle our Constitution, and our First Amendment! ! !
  • Despite growing up in Hawaii, Obama gives little indication that he has had any real experience with the sea or ships beyond bodysurfing at Waikiki. Deconstructing Obama
  • Those who supported the Bush invasion and military occupation of Iraq are back at it, warning that President Obama could "imperil" Iraq if he keeps his campaign promise to remove US combat forces with ... Tom Andrews: Out of Iraq in 16 Months: Yes We Can -- Yes We Must
  • And in case you missed it--and in the traditional media's habit of going monotonal when things like Obama's speech happen, you can certainly be forgiven if you did--this past monday Darcy Burner unveiled the Responsible Plan to end the war in Iraq PDF. Archive 2008-03-01
  • I find it interesting that both "Obama gaffes," from the first and the most recent debates, occured with questions where he was the first to answer, followed by Hillary Clinton who swept in and "whomped" him - proving his inexperience. John Edwards Doesn't Exist. Why? Because He Just Doesn't.
  • US Republican Senator Judd Gregg withdrew Thursday as the nominee for Secretary of Commerce, citing "irresolvable conflicts" with the Obama administration over its economic stimulus plan.
  • Obama's record, rather than outlining their own hare-brained plans for our country. Gerald McEntee: Mitt Romney and the 1%
  • Clinton did not mispeak, she was again misinterpreted by the rabid Obama fans that look for any excuse to criticize her campaign. Clinton apologizes for RFK assassination comment
  • Afghanistan has long pressed the U.S. to tackle what it calls the bases of terrorism in Pakistan, and Obama's reported pledge will likely please Karzai, who has accused Pakistan's intelligence service of supporting the Taliban in plotting bombings and other attacks in Afghanistan - claims that Pakistan, a key U.S. ally in its war on terror, flatly denies. Top Stories - Google News
  • Her only path at this point is to attack Obama, factionalize the party and have the Super Delegates overrule the will of the people. Hillary To Huddle With Her Top Donors In D.C. Today
  • But Instead obama gave a message to the Public Ceos , you can get away with criminal activity . Broken Government: Are small banks the solution?
  • The selection of Leon Panetta to serve as President-Elect Barack Obama's Director of the Central Intelligence Agency is a remarkably good choice. Dan Glickman: Leon Panetta Right Choice for CIA
  • Fine, then don't worry and have some comfort in the rebuilder Barack Obama. kim CNN Poll: Americans split on Obama's health care proposals
  • What we have in Barack Obama is the perfect blending of postmodern Marxism with therapeutic psychobabble into a royal narcissistic mishmosh. Archive 2009-03-01
  • We have seen a lot of desperate Democrats suddenly scrambling to "unify" with Clinton's supporters, now that they realize that their snowjob of an election has caused turmoil and will lead to an Obama boycott in November. Twisted little people
  • Senator McCain trotted out a truly weird attack against Senator Obama last night, accusing him of wanting to invade Pakistan and thereby undermine our good buddy President Musharraf. McCain: tough on Obama, soft on terrorists
  • Okay, we lost grandma to cancer because the Blue Cross was more of a double-cross when they told us she'd cost them enough and they weren't paying more, but at least Barack Husein Obama didn't make her shovel-ready. Brian Ross: The Do-It-Yourself Deprogrammers Guide to Fox News Zombies
  • Obama is going to need a powerful and influential pointman to shepherd healthcare legislation through the Senate. Senate Staffers Begin Mulling Health Care Reform As Part Of Stimulus Package [UPDATED WITH CORRECTION]
  • May 20th, 2008 6: 31 pm ET obamabots have to realize he doesnt have a shot to beat mccain, the whole country will turn on him. only hillary has the hutzpah to win this fist fight presidency. Schneider: Voters in both states say Obama will be the nominee
  • Not those - but a couple of days ago he was doing the sideslip in interviews about Obama. Bill Clinton: Economic Crisis Means Veep Choice Is More Important
  • MOOS: As Obama went from house to house like a trick or treater, there were a few squeals. CNN Transcript Oct 13, 2008
  • Whenever Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell might be tempted to act collegially, Tom Coburn (who asked America to pray that some senators — meaning ailing Sen. Robert Byrd — didn't make it to the chamber last month to vote), Jim DeMint (who hopes to "break" Obama), and David Vitter (whose adventures in New Orleans's brothels don't appear to have induced any humility) are there to set McConnell right. You Ain’t No Friend of Mine
  • That is why people like Oprah Winfrey and Barack Obama are known in neurological circles as "vagal superstars. Mark Matousek: Why We Don't Need God to Be Good (and What Religious Folk Don't Want You to Know)
  • A friend of mine said recently, what has Obama accomplished that McCain wouldnt have to? Drug companies spending $3 million a week on lobbying (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Mrs Obama and Mrs. Biden both said military families are apriority to them, maybe we should send letters to their offices telling them how that would affect our families. A Policy Under Review - SpouseBUZZ
  • Then of course there is the unreported story that Obama has spent trillions in bailouts and, and [...] Obama's Cabinet claims $243 million in federal savings
  • Obama even flashed the Vulcan hand sign -- not so easy to do the first few times you try -- at Nimoy at an Obama fundraiser in, for those of you who were johnnies-come-lately, January 2007. William Bradley: Star Trek's New Coming-of-Age Saga for Generation O
  • During the first two years of the Obama administration, businesses often complained of what they described as an anticorporate bent among federal regulators. U.S. Backs Down on Work Noise, Medical Devices
  • James Carville thought it was appropriate to liken Bill Richardson to Judas who sold out Jesus for 30 pieces of silver when he endorsed Barack Obama and reiterated his incongruous biblical analogy on CNN by saying that Richardson was being "disloyal" - not to the country, but to the Clintons. Sam Sedaei: The Price of Loyalty
  • Now, Obama's election promises revolved, exactly, around the hope of doing away with the objectivization of political life and its corollaries: disenchantment, voter apathy, and nihilism. TELOSscope: The Telos Press blog
  • Olbermann went as far as to describe Obama's parsing as "dichotomous", an adjective of the noun dichotomy of which I was previously unaware. The Osterley Times
  • U.S. Justice David Souter, shown above when he was nominated by President George H. Bush in 1990, is planning to retire from the United States Supreme Court at the age of 69, creating the first appointment opportunity for President Barack Obama. Archive 2009-05-01
  • I wrote a little ditty on the latest election absurdities: the Obama-Ayers brouhaha vs. the Palin-Alaskan "secessionist" party flap. Rad Geek People’s Daily – 2008 – October – 19
  • If the Dem's have 60 seats in the Senate then everything and anything that had happened to this beloved country because of that A$$ Bush and his cronies is no longer their fault and is now, apparently, the entire fault of the Obama Administration. Breaking: Coleman concedes
  • On the campaign trail, he had coined a zinger against rival Mitt Romney, saying President Barack Obama's health-care law was largely based on the policy Mr. Romney promoted as Massachusetts governor, and calling Mr. Romney's law "ObamneyCare. Withdrawal Follows a Failure to Ignite
  • I'm here to tell you our job is not finished and and we are not going anywhere until it is," Obama said after meeting with government and business leaders in Panama City, Florida. pc tha great album release party @ buck wilds farmerly know as stetsuns my up coming album release party at buck wilds aka stetsuns - Photown News
  • The Obama administration is leaning toward outsourcing major components of its space program, such as ferrying cargo and astronauts to the International Space Station. NASA Watch: Keith Cowing: August 2009 Archives
  • Speaking to reporters, Mr. Obama said he would devote new energy to diplomacy and other nonmilitary aspects of U. S. global power.
  • Barack Obama spoke outand continues to speak out against the war so we are left with a Democratic partywhich must have the courage to not only oppose Bush's illegal warand occupationof Iraq but end it soon ~ to fully restore its soul and its mandate with the American people. BATTLE FOR DEMOCRATIC PARTY'S SOUL HAS BEGUN
  • President Elect Obama tells us after over five years and thousands of mistakes and lies, the occupation of Iraq is going so "swimmingly" (the "surge" worked myth) that we can afford to send troops from there to the new righteous war, Afghanistan. Warfare Reform
  • Republican Party of Florida says Obama will "indoctrinate" schoolchildren with "socialist ideology PolitiFact Truth-O-Meter: Fact vs. fiction
  • Every foreign journalist, every adversary, and every ally will be reading the tea leaves to make their own assessment how badly Obama was damaged by his party's loss of political and popular support, and either take it in stride, or dangerously miscalculate. Amb. Marc Ginsberg: The Post Election Foreign Policy Hangover
  • Obama set in February this year by the 18-member Democratic and Republican Congressional Budget Control Committee to study the control of expenditure and taxation options.
  • On his second day in office, President Obama repudiated George W. Bush’s obsessive and destructive secrecy by ordering his government to obey the Freedom of Information Act. He said it should not withhold documents because they are embarrassing, or reveal failures and errors, or “because of speculative or abstract fears. OpEdNews - Quicklink: NYT OP ED: Did They Miss the Memo?
  • As the oil slick from the recent offshore oil rig disaster makes its way to Gulf Coast shores - expected to devastate the precious ecosystem and hurt struggling businesses - the seeds of political fallout for the Obama administration are beginning to sprout. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: Monday, May 3, 2010
  • I concur with George; this continues to show that President-Elect Obama will retain key advisors from the previous administration to facilitate future policy changes. War Czar for Bush to Keep His Job - The Caucus Blog -
  • What is really "insufferable" is the Obama Cult that sees Obama as some form of Savior, The Chosen One per Oprah and Farrakhan. Dean: I Want Supers To Announce Their Endorsements "Starting Now"
  • But ignoring it or treating it with condescendence, motivated by the achievements in Libya, would cost Obama dearly, especially if he fails to take decisive action in Syria or provides Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon -- as well as the regime in Damascus -- with a way out. Raghida Dergham: How Will Iran and Hezbollah Respond to the Syrian Regime's Predicament?
  • Now, we learn the reverend is joking about being Obama's VP. Clinton, Obama dead even, poll says
  • One man, with a semi-automatic rifle strapped to his back and a pistol in his holster, mingled with supporters of Obama's healthcare reforms.
  • McCain deserved to lose because he held his tongue on Obama's associations with Rev. Wright, ACORN, Bill Ayres, Palin: 'I will forever question' Rev. Wright strategy
  • Canada and others walked out on the odious Ahmadinejad’s battological drivel, thus sparing themselves from a similar breakdown, while Obama made the rather curious statement: 2009 September « Anglican Samizdat
  • The GOP Smear that Obama is eltist is frankly ridiculous Barack & Michelle both came from firmly blue collar backgrounds, Michelle's dad was a dustmen for goodness sake. Smoking Guns and the Morality of Parliamentary Privilege
  • Kailua, the bayside community where President Obama and his family vacation, has a population of 38,635, up 5.8% over the decade. More Hawaii residents identify as mixed race
  • I guess the question left unasked is whether the administration should be doing anything to prevent foreclosures, leaving aside the macroeconomic questions (also, the administration has been strongarming industry to renegotiate loan terms as part of the hope alliance, which i think is an awful idea, Barack Obama to his credit hasn't said a peep about preventing foreclosures). Archive 2008-03-01
  • WOLF BLITZER, CNN ANCHOR: Happening now, Barack Obama sharpening his criticism of Hillary Clinton, what he calls her flawed judgment. CNN Transcript Oct 11, 2007
  • Or, maybe he's thinking that if he schmoozes the big contractors with lobbying for the ITAR stuff, contractors who have lots-o-bucks for campaign contributions, then he'll be lined up for a cabinet appointment or something if Palin beats Obama next election? Let's Talk ITAR - NASA Watch
  • It may be true that, according to Freddoso, Obama dismissed the slogan “Yes we can” as “vapid and mindless” when it was first proposed to him, in 2004, but he liked it well enough in 2008, and then came the null emptiness of the phrase — the audacity of hope — that he annexed from a windy sermon by Jeremiah Wright. Cool Cat
  • The question I want answered is when does this situation become Obama's? Summers on jobs: 'We've got a long way to go'
  • Obama is not an "avowed" Marxist and I'll bet next month's rent that you cannot define Marxism. How a capital gains tax break could get cash to startups
  • And we discussed a Slate article that showed how often the word McCain elicited the word "senile" and Obama the word "Muslim" in voters 'minds in 2008, though neither was either. HuffPost Radio: Both Sides Now w/ Huffington & Matalin : On Obama's 'Enthusiasm', Brown-Whitman, Negative Ads & Jobless Over 50
  • May 15th, 2008 4: 49 pm ET no need to hit maccain you will never have the chance obama is the nominees you can fight with him, if he comes chasing after bill, thou we know what a randy he-goat bill is Clinton campaigns in SD, hits McCain on Farm Bill
  • No, I am a man of patience, and if I didn’t have these four-hour delays – I wouldn’t get the chance to eat salmon club sandwiches at the Mountain Lodge Bar & Grill (a little chewy, but it did taste salmony), browse the books at Coles (is it just me, or is there a lot of Obama books out these days? Dispatch From Purgatory » Dave Brosha Photography
  • At this stage of the game, genuine leftists should actually hope and pray that the 'Birthers' unearth (or fabricate) evidence that BarackObama was not born in the US, because every day that passes thisWall Street front-manis chipping away at what's left of the so-called progressive movement in America. Printing: Obama Taps Bush to Lead Haiti Relief Effort?!
  • ROBERTS: Turning now to the economy, President Obama sounding a familiar theme these days once again taking a somewhat mutedly optimistic tone in his speech yesterday at Georgetown University. CNN Transcript Apr 15, 2009
  • 'meddlesome' and threatens a 'crushing' response should Obama continue to meddle in Iranian affairs. Blue Star Chronicles
  • Either he's trying to force the debates commission to "postpone" the VP debate -- in which case it will never be rescheduled, sparing Palin another debacle -- or he's trying to throw Obama off his game with this distraction about whether or not he's going to show up. Election Central Morning Roundup
  • President Barack Obama "suntanned" even though he caused a political Premier Silvio Berlusconi had his first meeting Saturday with Pope Benedict XVI since the Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico ... scandal surrounding Silvio Berlusconi ... - Articles related to Global hunger worsening, warns UN
  • Obama was introduced in Fort Myers by Charlie Crist, the popular Governor of Florida, who is one of few nationally-known Republican politicians to endorse the president's economic recovery plan.
  • Everytime I read that another superdelegate is endorsing Obama, I think we are supposed to be moving forward, not backward. qbit Obama continues to narrow Clinton's superdelegate lead
  • Whereas our analogues on the right used to effuse over how W. was doing a helluva job even as the country went to hell, we mutter or post disparaging comments about how Obama has let us down. Mark Klempner: Hope 2.0: Standing With Obama Over the Long Haul
  • Implying terrorist ties to Obama, albeit very veiled, is still a bit of a smear tactic. McCain defends his 'bearings'
  • Then early in the Obama administration, regulators threw the real estate industry a bone, expanding a financial rescue program, the term asset-backed securities loan facility (TALF), to commercial-mortgage-backed securities, thereby muffling calls for a broader industry rescue. The Other Shoe
  • Unless the AP is leaving something out, the only enticement ObamaTour offers would-be visitors is the prospect of shelling out a sawbuck. Mirror, Mirror
  • Surely not as cool as the Obama-talkin 'parrot ..... Clinton rallies union in Puerto Rico
  • That combined with the Hillary & Bill Appalacian bus tour ... to udo the "kitchen sink strategy" ... would give Team Obama a landslide victory in November of 2008. Carter: Obama-Clinton ticket unlikely
  • If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress. Barack Obama 
  • Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey began by pointing to what he called a spirited worldwide online debate about the future, including America's financial security, in which Mr. Obama's name figured prominently. President Obama Hosts Twitter 'Town Hall' on Economy
  • Huckabee would consolidate the "solid South" for the Republicans, energizing the evangelical Christian base and fending off efforts by Obama to "redraw" the electoral map. Huckabee says he'd like to be McCain's running mate
  • Barack Obama is "arrogant," "dishonest," and "radical," Fox News 'Sean Hannity announced during a single 10-second chunk of prime-time TV last week -- a casually hateful appraisal that didn't even raise eyebrows, simply because that kind of blanketed disdain for the new president has already become so commonplace. Eric Boehlert: Unhinged in 30 Days: The Right-Wing Media's Obama Era Implosion
  • Here is a different way to think about Barack Obama's plight: President Hillary Clinton a phrase somehow in the air just now would not have had this much trouble doing a deal on the debt ceiling. Obama's Deal With the Debt Devil

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