How To Use Nypa In A Sentence
Years ago, afforded the opportunity to read long runs of classic funnypage faves, I found some were readable and some were not.
Gina Trapani did a great write-up of SyncBack here on Lifehacker, so that might be a good article to look up. ohhenry1 jonnypage
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It's a pair of electret condensers hidden in a leather fannypackThat's a bum bag, English readers.
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All these islands are densely populated and produce abundance of rice and wine made from nypa.
History of the Philippine Islands
The nipah (Cocos nypa, Lour.) a low species of palm, is chiefly valuable for its leaves, which are much used as thatch for the roofs of houses.
The History of Sumatra Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And Manners Of The Native Inhabitants