

  1. medium to large butterflies found worldwide typically having brightly colored wings and much-reduced nonfunctional forelegs carried folded on the breast

How To Use nymphalid In A Sentence

  • Furthermore, these gene duplications evolved after the split between the common ancestor of nymphalid and papilionid butterflies.
  • Hypolimnas bolina is a tropical and sub-tropical nymphalid species that is known for its aggressive territorial mate-locating behavior.
  • Like many nymphalid, papilionid, and hesperiid butterflies, male H. bolina occupy and defend perching sites in forest clearings and along flight paths as a means of maximizing their encounters with receptive females.
  • Mail umn edu sneak is talkily new, but tenderizer to nymphalid furring to your drawl and crenelle mexico is forte on the bloodlust. Rational Review
  • In the nymphalid butterflies, the pupa is often called a 'chrysalis' on account of the golden hue displayed by the cuticle, and the term The Life-Story of Insects
  • Most of them are white -, orange -, and lime-winged sulphurs, but there are also tens of thousands of the small brown nymphalids known as ruddy daggerwings. The Gasping Forest
  • The Malabar Tree Nymph (Idea malabarica) is a large butterfly found in peninsular India that belongs to the danaid group of the family Nymphalidae.
  • Our work includes representative taxa from all the main lineages of riodinids, lycaenids, and nymphalids.
  • Genomic DNA for nymphalid, pierid, and papilionid species was prepared as described in Brower.
  • About sixteen years ago, in Ontario's Lake Superior Provincial Park, Schappert chanced upon an unforgettable sight: hundreds of colorful nymphalid butterflies blanketing a black bear carcass.
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