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[ US /ˈnɪmf/ ]
[ UK /nˈɪmf/ ]
  1. (classical mythology) a minor nature goddess usually depicted as a beautiful maiden
    the ancient Greeks believed that nymphs inhabited forests and bodies of water
  2. a voluptuously beautiful young woman
  3. a larva of an insect with incomplete metamorphosis (as the dragonfly or mayfly)

How To Use nymph In A Sentence

  • This latest fly is based on an earlier marabou tailed damsel nymph that was weighted down with lead wire.
  • Furthermore, these gene duplications evolved after the split between the common ancestor of nymphalid and papilionid butterflies.
  • Those few women who shocked public feeling with a display of sexual desire were branded either as prostitutes, nymphomaniacs or lunatics.
  • The hawkers, or dragon nymphs are longer and thinner and they patrol up and down looking out for prey on which to swoop.
  • Bruttia Sicanium circumspicit ora Pelorum? quid primum mediumue canam, quo fine quiescam? auratasne trabis an Mauros undique postis35 an picturata lucentia marmora uena mirer, an emissas per cuncta cubilia nymphas? huc oculis, huc mente trahor. uenerabile dicam lucorum senium? te, quae uada fluminis infra cernis, an ad siluas quae respicis, aula, tacentis, 40 qua tibi tuta quies offensaque turbine nullo nox silet et pigros inuitant murmura somnos? an quae graminea suscepta crepidine fumant balnea et impositum riuis algentibus ignem? quaque uaporiferis iunctus fornacibus amnis45 ridet anhelantis uicino flumine nymphas? uidi artis ueterumque manus uariisque metalla uiua modis. labor est auri memorare figuras aut ebur aut dignas digitis contingere gemmas; quicquid et argento primum uel in aere minori50 lusit et enormis manus est experta colossos. dum uagor aspectu uisusque per omnia duco, calcabam necopinus opes. nam splendor ab alto defluus et nitidum referentes aera testae monstrauere solum; uarias ubi picta per artis55 gaudet humus superatque nouis asarota figuris: expauere gradus. A Villa at Tibur
  • Tracing the growth of the border is a pleasant pastime, a game of history in which amorini, grotesques and nymphs are the personages, and garlands of flowers their perpetual accessories, but first comes the time when there were no borders, the Middle Ages. The Tapestry Book
  • Although the adult doesn't look much like a scale, the nymph and pupa do.
  • The demands which Humbert makes upon Lolita, with his appalling sentimentality, cannot possibly be met by her: and the result is a bitter comedy in which the nymphet answers his passion by demand for more iced lollies or fudge sundaes. From the archive, 23 January 1959: Lolita and its critics
  • Former Friends star Jennifer Aniston's new movie role as a 'nympho' dentist has her doing a sexy striptease. - Top HomePage-TopStories News Headlines
  • While the nymphs lie low, sucking roots in sheltering soil, you will steer a course from the eager springs of boyhood to the braided delta of manhood and majority.
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