How To Use Nutritive In A Sentence

  • Earlier they used to provide some nutritive food supplements to the poor patients.
  • Bilberry has been used as food for centuries due to its high nutritive value, and today represents a precious wild delicacy.
  • Food quality and nutritive value can be altered, and food allergies can also be a serious concern.
  • The nutritive arguments still stand and I would not make a habit of eating lots of white bread.
  • Beef extracts have condimental value imparting taste and flavor, which make them useful for soup stocks, but they furnish little in the way of nutritive substance. Human Foods and Their Nutritive Value
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  • Additionally, the foam does not outgas harmful chemicals and it offers no nutritive value to termites.
  • This will decrease the nutritive value and the taste and colour will also change.
  • Milk protein has a smooth mouthfeel and high nutritive and biological values.
  • Page 423 fumes or exhalations, from this bed of clay, may have a vivific nutritive quality, and be received by the fibres of the roots, or being condensed in the atmosphere by nocturnal chills, fall with dews upon the leaves and twigs of these plants, and there absorbed, become nutritive or exhilerating to them. Travels Through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws; Containing An Account of the Soil and Natural Producti
  • Nutritive value of terricolous lichens to reindeer in winter. Climate change and reindeer nomadism in Finnmark, Norway
  • Cowdung manuring, a traditional folk practice, is explained by both concepts, cowdung being said to be a cooling agent as well as a nutritive fertilizer.
  • —The yolk comprises (1) the cytoplasm of the ordinary animal cell with its spongioplasm and hyaloplasm; this is frequently termed the formative yolk; (2) the nutritive yolk or deutoplasm, which consists of numerous rounded granules of fatty and albuminoid substances imbedded in the cytoplasm. I. Embryology. 2. The Ovum
  • Its composition indicates a high nutritive power; but it is probable that its nitrogenous matters are partly in a low degree of elaboration, which greatly detracts from its alimental value. The Stock-Feeder's Manual the chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and feeding of live stock
  • Much of the really nutritive material actually was refined out of food.
  • Owing to the marked individuality which man exhibits in the selection of his food, and to the intimate relationship subsisting between food and the organism it nourishes, it is impossible to arrange the alimental substances in the strict order of their nutritive values. The Stock-Feeder's Manual the chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and feeding of live stock
  • —The yolk comprises (1) the cytoplasm of the ordinary animal cell with its spongioplasm and hyaloplasm; this is frequently termed the formative yolk; (2) the nutritive yolk or deutoplasm, which consists of numerous rounded granules of fatty and albuminoid substances imbedded in the cytoplasm. I. Embryology. 2. The Ovum
  • These species are relatively low yielding, but produce nonbloating forage of high nutritive value that furnish excellent quality pasturage in late summer.
  • food poor in nutritive value
  • The mucilages are a very useful group of substances, being in most cases both demulcent and nutritive.
  • The development of aquiculture (780 ha) creates reproductive and nutritive stresses to the detriment of local freshwater ichthyofauna. Cuban wetlands
  • Unlike vitamins and minerals, the thousands of phytochemicals in plants don't seem to have any nutritive value, but they apparently protect the body against cancer, heart disease and other illnesses.
  • Reptiles and birds gulp their food down and hence lose much nutritive value.
  • In the mammalian ova the nutritive yolk or deutoplasm is small in amount and uniformly distributed throughout the cytoplasm; such ova undergo complete division during the process of segmentation, and are therefore termed holoblastic. I. Embryology. 5. Segmentation of the Fertilized Ovum
  • The goal of this study was to determine the nutritive value of a FW product containing FW, corn, and wheat middlings.
  • But the combined influence of the alcohol in retarding the internal distribution of oxygen and the drain upon the nutritive elements of her blood, in furnishing milk for her baby, led to rapid impoverishment of the blood and tissues, and the early establishment of a sufficient grade of gastritis to cause indigestion, frequent vomiting, and, later, paroxysms of severe gastralgia, with general emaciation, and loss of strength. Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say
  • In the nutritive sphere, food is partially cooked by the stomach, and then moved in the form of chyle to the liver where it is heated further.
  • ‘Fatty foods would be judged on their nutritive value per calorie or gram of fat,’ he explained.
  • Melons possess condimental rather than nutritive value. Human Foods and Their Nutritive Value
  • Artificial sweeteners are nonnutritive (calorie-free) synthetic sugar substitutes, although they can be manufactured from natural substances like herbs or, in the case of how Splenda describes itself, from real sugar. Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: Artificial Sweeteners: Are They Better or Worse Than the Real Thing?
  • Processing of maize further reduces the nutritive value by removing the outer layers of the kernels, which contain a significant portion of the nutrients.
  • Here, nutritive material is absorbed through the gut wall into the bloodstream, while bacteria break down less-digestible substances such as cellulose.
  • Onions are aromatic bulbs, valuable for condimental rather than nutritive purposes. Human Foods and Their Nutritive Value
  • These terms, extensively used by systematists, only refer, however, to the grosser features of the seed, and indicate the more or less evident occurrence of a food-reserve; many so-called exalbuminous seeds show to microscopic examination a distinct endosperm which may have other than a nutritive function. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • You hear terms like sugar alcohols, sugar substitutes, "natural" sugar substitutes, artificial sweeteners, nutritive sweeteners and nonnutritive sweeteners. Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: Artificial Sweeteners: Are They Better or Worse Than the Real Thing?
  • Proper harvesting and post-harvest handling methods, as well as proper storage of fruits and vegetables not immediately eaten, will help maintain the flavor, texture and nutritive value of the produce.
  • Barley is an important energy supplement but there is a large amount of variability in nutritive value among barley varieties.
  • The facts which I have adduced clearly prove that the straws of the cereals possess a far higher nutritive power than is commonly ascribed to them; that when properly harvested they contain from 20 to 40 per cent. of undoubted nutriment; and lastly, that it is highly probable that their so-called indigestible woody fibre is to a great extent assimilable. The Stock-Feeder's Manual the chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and feeding of live stock
  • The team calculated that children who sucked on dummies or their thumbs - non-nutritive sucking - were twice as likely to have misaligned teeth as those who did not.
  • Four of these animals lived in excellent nutritive condition for periods varying between one and seven months, when each in turn developed symptoms of acute jaundice (bile pigment in urine, yellowing of sclera and skin) accompanied by rise in rectal temperature, anuria and progressive bodily weakness, ending fatally in from two to three days after the onset. John Macleod - Nobel Lecture
  • Much of the really nutritive material actually was refined out of food.
  • Thus the potential nutritive value of uncut silage swards is limited, and the emphasis must now be on conserving them as an edible feedstuff.
  • He is looking for new genetic, genomic, and proteomic methods to improve protein, oil, and nutritive value in soybeans.
  • In the yelk we must distinguish the active formative yelk (or protoplasm = first plasm) from the passive nutritive yelk (or deutoplasm = second plasm). The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • A nutritive sweetener has some calories (less than sugar, though); a nonnutritive sweetener offers no calories. Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: Artificial Sweeteners: Are They Better or Worse Than the Real Thing?
  • Note this advance in the nutritive organism: the _moneron_ takes its food at any point of its body; the _amoeba_ takes its food by means of its "false-feet," and drives it through its body by a rhythmic movement of its substance; the A Series of Lessons in Gnani Yoga
  • Where the parents are of different varieties or species, Mr. Walker says, "The second law, namely, that of CROSSING, operates where each parent is of a _different breed_, and where, supposing both to be of equal age and vigor the _male_ gives the _back head_ and _locomotive organs_, and the _female_ the _face_ and _nutritive organs_. The Principles of Breeding or, Glimpses at the Physiological Laws involved in the Reproduction and Improvement of Domestic Animals
  • A first cleavage of the stem-cell (cytula), B division of same into four segmentation-cells (only two visible), C the germinal disk divides into the blastoderm (b) and the periblast (p). d nutritive yelk, f fat-globule, c ovolemma, z space between the ovolemma and the ovum, filled with a clear fluid.) The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • Pâte de Guimauve" owes its healing nutritive character to this despised univalve, which is said to enter largely into its composition. Wild Nature Won By Kindness
  • The reason why the bones were boiled for a long time was that it was believed the bones were poor in nutritive value.
  • After esterifying reaction, high-vacuum rectification is used to extract the docosahexenoic acid as health-care nutritive product which is colourless and odourless.
  • In addition to preserving much of a plant's nutritive value, no flowering would also mean no pollen and no seeds, which would virtually eliminate the chance of transgene spread.
  • In other cases, doctors advise change of environment to a pollution-free atmosphere, good nutritive food with multivitamin supplements and plenty of fluids.
  • People are now conscious of healthy eating - but our taste buds do not want bland and nutritive food.
  • With the excellent nutritive value and palatability of lablab, this forage may be used as a direct browse crop or as hay for supplementation or as an attractant.
  • To this tonic impression on the nerves of the stomach the prompt and salutary effects of what are called nutritive medicaments may be attributed, such as chocolate, and every substance that gently stimulates and nourishes at the same time. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Coconut milk has little nutritive value.
  • No single food better defines the Texas character; it has, in fact, become a kind of nutritive metaphor for the romanticized, prairie-hardened personality of Texans. Independence and chicken-fried steak | Homesick Texan
  • It was known by the 1860's that various nutritive, respiratory, and excretory organs (yolk-sac, allantois) characteristic of embryos are lacking in all adults. RECAPITULATION
  • She said that it could be effectively overcome by the consumption of highly nutritive foods.
  • Psychological and spiritual well-being can not be measured by nutritive tables alone.
  • A regimen that is nutritive and at the same time laxative is essential and in some cases cathartics and enemata are necessary. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • Avoid foods that contain additives or lack nutritive value.
  • Reptiles and birds gulp their food down and hence lose much nutritive value.
  • Cambridge, England, tells us) is fully equal to beef or mutton in nutritive value to man. Canada's Fishery Resources
  • In studying the nutritive value of foods, particular attention should be given to the nature of the nitrogen-free-extract, as in some instances it is composed of sugar and in others of starch, pectin, or pentosan Human Foods and Their Nutritive Value
  • Therefore, various strategies have been developed to improve the nutritive value of crops by modifying their protein composition through genetic engineering.
  • The present studies were conducted to determine the effects of common corn smut on the ensiling characteristics, palatability, and nutritive value of corn silage.
  • During the first trimester the fetus is a "nutritive" soul, a life principle that we share with animals and plants. NewWest.Net All Headlines
  • Cutting more frequently at earlier stages of maturity results in forage with higher nutritive value but lower yield compared with cutting less frequently at more mature stages of growth.
  • There are further problems associated with selenite, however: "antinutritive" activities not encountered with selenate. Netvouz - new bookmarks
  • Haemoxanthine: a dissolved albuminoid in the insect blood, which has both a respiratory and nutritive function. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • The development of aquiculture (780 ha) creates reproductive and nutritive stresses to the detriment of local freshwater ichthyofauna. Cuban wetlands
  • It will also be advisable to reclassify coarse cereals as ‘nutritious grains’ in order to underline their desirable nutritive properties.
  • The nutritive value of timothy, however, was superior to other forages at the more mature stage.
  • The nutritive values of radishes and leaves consist of moderate levels of Vitamins A, B, C, Calcium, Iron, and traces of Phosphorus and Potassium.
  • Within the plant-cells is found a vital, vegetable substance termed bioplasm, or protoplasm; which furnishes the same nutritive power as the tissues of the polyp and jelly fish. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
  • He unaggressively, quietly, slowly and without pressure asked me questions for almost an hour, sorting out what I'd done, what I knew, how I felt about taking ultimate powers of decision over trainers who were older than myself, how I felt about dealing with the racing authorities, what I'd learnt about book-keeping, banking and money markets, whether I could evaluate veterinarian and nutritive advice. Twice shy
  • He speaks more favourably of the introduction of food into the stomach by a silver tube; and he strongly recommends the use of nutritive enemata. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
  • —The yolk comprises (1) the cytoplasm of the ordinary animal cell with its spongioplasm and hyaloplasm; this is frequently termed the formative yolk; (2) the nutritive yolk or deutoplasm, which consists of numerous rounded granules of fatty and albuminoid substances imbedded in the cytoplasm. I. Embryology. 2. The Ovum
  • It is evident that a great deal of variability in the nutritive value exists among barley sources and we are able to account for this variability with measures of chemical constituents.
  • The fruit of the nutmeg is undoubtedly swallowed whole by the bird, and to the powers of deglutition is left the separation of the nutritive portion which we know as mace, from the hard and indigestible nut which is voided in flight. The Confessions of a Beachcomber
  • Cooking, on the other hand, makes the milk and eggs lose their special conditions of assimilability and reduces the nutritive power in them to the simple power of any nitrogenous substance. The Montessori Method
  • Herman is looking for new genetic, genomic, and proteomic methods to improve protein, oil, and nutritive value in soybeans.
  • The science fair project, on the nutritive content of alfalfa, that never got to the science fair. BARN BLIND
  • Milk proteins have a smooth mouth feel and high nutritive and biological value.
  • If you want to cut back a little on carbohydrates, cut back on those that have little or no nutritive value: soft drinks, candy, chips and other high-sugar or high-calorie snack foods.
  • Food carried from the stomach to the blood can not become _nutritive_ till it is properly oxygenated in the lungs; so that a small quantity of food, even if less wholesome, may be made nutritive by pure air as it passes through the lungs. American Woman's Home
  • It was, notoriously, one of only three things I would eat at summer camp, the other two being salad (which was made of iceberg lettuce and therefore nonnutritive) and Cool Whip. Nut allergies are a Yuppie invention? | clusterflock
  • After the eggs hatch within the oviduct they ingest nutritive fluids. Dr. Reese Halter: Protecting Great White Sharks
  • The grasses and shrubs which thrive in these areas are generally highly palatable and of high nutritive value, hence the name sweetveld applied to the natural vegetation.
  • Coconut milk has little nutritive value.
  • A non-nutritive sweetener, aspartame is approximately 200 times sweeter than sucrose, the accepted standard for sweetness. Aspartame Deemed Safe by Expert Panel? | Impact Lab
  • Bananas, grapes and strawberries contain to each part of proteid from 10 to 12 parts of other solid nutritive constituents (any oil being calculated into starch equivalents); this is termed the nutritive ratio. The Chemistry of Food and Nutrition
  • Chicory produces leafy growth that is high in nutritive value and mineral content if managed properly.
  • In the mammalian ova the nutritive yolk or deutoplasm is small in amount and uniformly distributed throughout the cytoplasm; such ova undergo complete division during the process of segmentation, and are therefore termed holoblastic. I. Embryology. 5. Segmentation of the Fertilized Ovum
  • Here, nutritive material is absorbed through the gut wall into the bloodstream, while bacteria break down less-digestible substances such as cellulose.
  • Fixed to the same spot in the ocean as the tree to the land, the nutritive surface of the poriferous animal is always in contact with the water.
  • It was concluded, therefore, that alfalfa had greater nutritive value for horses than timothy or orchardgrass harvested at either the pre- or early-bloom stages.
  • Consequently, this fixation on the earliest, nurturing and nutritive superego-precursor seems increasingly to express itself in the form of drug-addiction.
  • Add to this, that when this carbonic acid air is swallowed, as it escapes from beer or cyder, or when water is charged with it as detruded from limestone by vitriolic acid, it affords an agreeable sensation both to the palate and stomach, and is therefore probably nutritive. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Artificial sweeteners are nonnutritive (calorie-free) synthetic sugar substitutes, although they can be manufactured from natural substances like herbs or, in the case of how Splenda describes itself, from real sugar. Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: Artificial Sweeteners: Are They Better or Worse Than the Real Thing?
  • At that point, the other cells begin to putrefy and become what's called the nutritive soup - out of which the imaginal cells create the absolute unpredictable miracle of the butterfly. Writing on Air

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