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[ UK /nˈʌθæt‍ʃ/ ]
  1. any of various small short-tailed songbirds with strong feet and a sharp beak that feed on small nuts and insects

How To Use nuthatch In A Sentence

  • They have disappeared from our view, as have bullfinches and tree sparrows, nuthatches and marsh tits.
  • Common winter residents are the pink-sided junco, Shufeldt's junco, gray-headed junco, red-backed junco, Rocky Mountain nuthatch, mountain bluebird, robin, and Steller's jay. Colorado Plateau Semidesert Province (Bailey)
  • Currently, Dr. Lloyd is studying reintroduced populations of Eastern Bluebirds and Brown-headed Nuthatches in Everglades National Park in an effort to understand the environmental factors that drive variation in demographic rates, the effect of wildfire and fuels management on pineland birds, and the conservation and taxonomy of Brown-headed Nuthatches on Grand Bahama Island. Contributor: John Lloyd
  • Birds that cling to and climb the sides of trees, like woodpeckers and nuthatches, have strongly curved claws.
  • We did not move the feeder until it had been visited by both nuthatches and by at least two titmice and two woodpeckers.
  • And it doesn't tell us much about the possible positive consequences of climate change (unless you count expansion in the ranges of turtle doves and nuthatches).
  • Lately it has been suggested that ring-necked parakeets might be starting to compete with nuthatches for holes like this. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of the more common birds are the northern pygmy-owl, olive warbler, red-faced warbler, hepatic tanager, mountain bluebird, pygmy nuthatch, white-breasted nuthatch, Mexican junco, Steller's jay, red-shafted flicker and the Rocky Mountain sapsucker. Arizona-New Mexico Mountains Semidesert-Open Woodland - Coniferous Forest - Alpine Meadow Province (Bailey)
  • In Massachusetts winter residents include chickadees, nuthatches, woodpeckers, titmice, cardinals, and mockingbirds.
  • Dickinson et al. (1991) listed eleven other bird species that typify the pine forests, including one tit (Parus elegans), a nuthatch (Sitta frontalis), and thrush (Turdus poliocephalus). Luzon tropical pine forests
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