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nut case

  1. a whimsically eccentric person

How To Use nut case In A Sentence

  • Hey Steel hoping you are enjoying all them noe-con conservitives, you know the religuse nut cases the dems purged from the party because they was to left for even for their own tastes. RNC purity test designed to 'stick it' to Steele, ally claims
  • If you want to create a model of a better way to live and make a living, you don't want to be written off as a nut case.
  • They put him in with the nut cases.
  • We've always known that apart from a healthy outdoor sport that can turn you into an obsessive fruit and nut case, golf is a great way of socialising and schmoozing.
  • One doesn't need to read all of that logorrhoea, aka verbal diarrhea, to recognize a nut case. From pharmacy to faucet (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Great. Now everybody thinks I'm a nut case.
  • Kahane was a gangsta-meshuga, a nut case who could talk the talk. The Threat Of Tribalism
  • Of course, there is also the pecan nut casebearer, which damages developing pecans. Undefined
  • the clock has a walnut case
  • The hatred that is abounding from the nut cases out there is totally racist and Mr. Carter has the where with all to finally address this sad issue it when the media and pretty much everyone else sticks their collective heads in the sand. Race and politics in the age of Obama
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